Friday, March 15, 2019

Shopping Day

I am at the behest of those who have pickup trucks. My amigos unexpectedly arrived early this morning with a pickup truck saying I needed to go pick out my refrigerator and stove in Filadelphia. I love that charming village . It's about a 45 minute drive through winding mountain roads.

I also needed to pick out floor tile, polyurethane, etc.

The loading process

And this is the park behind the pickup truck. We ate lunch there. How many iguanas do you see?

Minor Romancing the Stone crossing in dry season but during wet season, you'd be washed right into the Pacific.

I arrived alive but too late to post a new edition of AllHatNoCattle.

See you on Monday. Have a great weekend!


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Court rules gun maker Remington can be sued over Newtown shooting

Court rules gun maker Remington can be sued over Newtown shooting
A divided Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled gun maker Remington can be sued over how it marketed the Bushmaster rifle used to kill 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Justices issued a 4-3 ruling that reinstated a wrongful death lawsuit...

All of the children murdered at Sandy Hook would have now been teenagers.
And we have done nothing. 
One measure of the morality of a nation is how it acts to protect its children. 
And we have done nothing. - Kurt Eichenwald

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Going after the medicaid to fix a deficit is like going after Iraq when you were attacked by 15 Saudis. - John Fugelsang

My God.
A software fix to the Boeing 737 MAX was delayed for months as discussions between regulators and Boeing dragged on—and U.S. officials said the government shutdown halted work on the fix for five weeks.

“If Donald Trump’s parents paid to have his SATs taken for him, they were robbed,” Mueller said. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

I think Trump just realized how big Beto's hands are and he's freaking out. - Seth Abramson

Judge Jackson says the "No Collusion refrain" of the Manafort defense provides her with "just one more thing that's inconsistent with any genuine acceptance of responsibility." - Steven Portnoy, CBS

Looks Like Trump Lost His Base In The House
In overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, House calls for Mueller report to be made public The final vote count was 420 in favor, with no one voting no. Four lawmakers voted “present.” 

While Trump obsesses over cable news coverage, Pelosi is wielding her power as speaker, deftly out-maneuvering her opposition, and playing the long game.
The vote wasn't just overwhelming. It was 420-0. - Chris Lu


 Click here to meet C.W.


All week, I keep hearing people saying, "The Mueller Report is coming Friday." But he's not really going to drop it on the Ides of March, right?! That seems a little on the nose. - Garrett M. Graff

Rock The Voter News

Nancy Pelosi Does Some More Housecleaning 
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has reportedly had Vice President Mike Pence kicked out of a little-used office that was given to him when Republicans were in control of the chamber. 

Wilbur Ross: lied about Russia 
Sessions, Don Jr. lied about Russia 
Manafort, Flynn: lied about Russia 
Trump can't stop lying about Russia 
America is being Vodka-boarded- John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Pretty crazy that William H Macy has a good shot of getting arrested for something every single William H Macy character would get arrested for. - Kaleb Horton

When Artificial Intelligence Outwits Its Creators
It could take a month and a half or longer before Boeing 737 Max jets are back up in the air, according to a timeline for a software fix and pilot retraining on which the Federal Aviation Administration briefed members of the House Transportation Committee on Thursday morning.

59-41, Senate votes to block emergency declaration over border wall, setting up Trump’s first veto. - Manu Raju CNN

The Senate just built a wall around Trump’s plans for a wall.  



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Golden Gauntlet Henri III of France around.1550.  In 1589, Jacques ClĂ©ment, a Catholic fanatic, murdered Henry III. He wasn't wearing his armor.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Paul Manafort Sentenced To 43 Months

Paul Manafort Sentenced To 43 Months
Paul Manafort was not watching during the first part of the hearing, while prosecutor Andrew Weismann described Paul Manafort’s extensive criminal conspiracy and why it deserved a strong sentence...Judge Amy Berman Jackson: "Court is one of those places where facts still matter."

LOCK HIM UP SOME MORE. - Middle Age Riot tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I set my clock forward for Daylight Savings Time and my Doomsday Clock forward for everything else. - Stephen Colbert

Navy warship USS Fort McHenry has outbreak of viral infection paratitis since December. Most recent case March 9, All 703 Sailors/Marines getting vaccines. Preventive medical team being deployed. Not certain when/if next port call according to Fifth Fleet. - Barbara Starr, CNN

Did Tillerson and Cohn Drop The Dime On Kushner?
Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was confronted by two of the most senior US government officials for mixing his personal interests with US foreign policy, according to a new book.
Kushner, an envoy to the Middle East for his father-in-law, is said to have been robustly challenged by both Rex Tillerson, then secretary of state, and Gary Cohn, formerly Trump’s top economic adviser.

Being a Trump supporter is pretty much all about finding the president's hand in your pocket and going "let me help you with that, sir" - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

I do get why Mitt Romney likes Twinkies. They’re exactly like him: white on the outside, but somehow even whiter on the inside. - Trevor Noah

#BeBest Melania or #BeBreast, You're Better At That!
A spokeswoman for first lady Melania Trump tore into the all-women hosts of "The View" on Tuesday, accusing them of having a “petty, mean-girl spirit” after they mocked an ongoing conspiracy theory about the president’s wife using a body double.

Grand Old Pedophile Party
Fox News host Tucker Carlson made sexually explicit jokes about a Miss Teen USA contestant during a 2007 radio interview that resurfaced ...

Stephen Colbert on Tucker Carlson: 'I think R Kelly just got a character witness'


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Rock The Voter News

I watched the news & saw poor people busted for illegal mood-altering drugs. Then came the commercials for the legal ones. - John Fugelsang

Stormy Daniels And Her Lawyer Part Ways
Michael Avenatti, who became famous as the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, said Tuesday that he no longer represents the porn actress who alleged she had an affair with President Donald Trump...Daniels said in her own post that she's hired another attorney, Clark Brewster, who will "review all legal matters" that she's been involved in.

Manafort (shorter): "I'm very sorry for what I've done, especially the part where I got caught." - Tea Pain


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“You know how the conspiracy theorists say, ‘Everything is rigged for the wealthy and famous’? Well, as a wealthy and famous person, let me just respond by saying: You’re absolutely right.” — Stephen Colbert

Business/Tech News

Now that the Hollywood Bribery Ring has been busted, the only thing helping rich kids get into college are legacy admissions, private tutors, board member connections, unpaid summer internships, interview coaches, and a lifetime of Ivy-bound grooming!!! - Bess Kalb

I Wonder If Boeing Has Anticipated The Domino Effect
Ethiopian Airlines said on Wednesday it would send the black boxes from its crashed Boeing 737 MAX abroad.
Separately, a Norwegian airline sought compensation from the U.S. planemaker after two thirds of that model were grounded globally.

I covered airline safety and the FAA for four years, and I cannot remember a time when the FAA was so alone among world regulators on a serious safety issue. When a major accident like this happened, global aviation authorities conferred with the FAA -- which took the lead. - Glenn Kessler, Washington Post

Religious Conservatives Argue Adam And Eve Would Never Have Been Banished From Eden If They’d Had Guns. - The Onion


The Windows Will Be Installed Friday.
Thank you all!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Pillars of Creation, my favorite Hubble photograph.
