Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I am so sick and tired of conspiracy theories

Anti-vaxxers pack hearing as senators investigate viral epidemic — of fear
Anti-vaccination activists, some with their (presumably unvaccinated) children, packed the Dirksen Senate Office Building Tuesday morning for a hearing that they hoped would vindicate, or at least recognize as legitimate, their fear that protecting their families from measles runs the risk of something worse, including autism and other disorders.

I just received a 4-day suspension from the Turner Classic Movies Facebook page bc someone asked "Who's the greatest horror movie actor of all time" and I merely typed "Melania Trump." - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Lying Trump came away from fake summit with terrorist & killer Kim Jong-un w/ nothing because Kim never intended to offer anything. Don the con man got conned! Hey number 45, are you still in love w/ Kim? - Rep. Maxine Waters

Trump Needs To Read: How to Win Friends and Influence People
President Trump on Tuesday attacked Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), accusing the House Judiciary Committee chairman of attempting to “harass” his associates in a wide-ranging probe into Trump’s administration, campaign and businesses.

Hey GOP: If Russia (199 charges) is a "hoax," what was Benghazi (0 charges)? - Seth Abramson

Republican Shenanigans

Remember when Republicans used to say things like, “If you’re not guilty then you won’t mind being investigated?” - Schooley tweet

Mr. Mueller, Please Stop Him Soon!
According to emails obtained by the Los Angeles Times, officials at the Environmental Protection Agency prevented researchers from NASA from looking into pollution levels that could lead to cancer in areas of Houston that were devastated by Hurricane Harvey.

True presidential harassment is when the woman who won the popular vote was forced to testify for hours about Benghazi, found nothing, and still the man who lost the popular vote has crowds chant for her to go to jail. - Tony Posnanski


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Rock The Voter News

Criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic the same way criticizing Donald Trump is anti-Christian:
It’s not. - Middle Age Riot tweet

She can do whatever she wants. She's earned it.

Hillary Clinton: ‘I’m not running’
She states her intentions in an interview with a local New York TV station.

Trump misspelled McCarthyism as "McCathyism" and now I just imagine him running around the residence shouting "ack" and "chocolate" while carrying bags full of crimes. - Brock Wilbur


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Business/Tech News

I'm sorry that Victoria's Secret is closing many of its stores, but excited that I can go to a mall again with my kids. - Conan O'Brien

CNN Needs Sanity, Not "Hannity." 
Responding to a tweet from CNN media analyst Brian Stelter saying he was “gobsmacked” by a CNN discussion over a comment made by Trump 2020 spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, former CNN and MSNBC contributor Soledad O’Brien called him out.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu. The Art of War


I love you all

Now It's A Windows Fundraiser

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A perfect moment courtesy of Mother Nature.


Monday, March 4, 2019


US House panel issues 81 document requests in Trump obstruction probe
A U.S. congressional panel said on Monday that it has served document requests on 81 government agencies, entities and individuals as part of an investigation into alleged obstruction of justice and other abuses by President Donald Trump and others. Among those targeted by the Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee are the president's sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric...

I was so honored to be invited to participate in the #SelmaJubilee this weekend.
We're living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy. But history teaches us that when the struggle feels the hardest is when marching forward is most important. - Hillary Clinton

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Please Mr. Mueller. please end this national nightmare. We can't take much more.

I certainly hope CNN's new series on The Bush Years will mention how W invaded Iraq for no reason, killing thousands of innocent civilians, yet still found time to leave the US economy in smoldering ruins. - Andy Borowitz

Evangelicals Believe That If Something Bad Happens To You It is Your Fault. I Wonder How They'll Reconcile This Tragedy.
A series of tornadoes moved across Alabama and Georgia Sunday but one massive wedge tornado destroyed Beauregard, Alabama. Upon seeing the snapped trees and destroyed homes, a WRBL reporter broke down while speaking to the local sheriff about what people can do to help.

Trump Orders Justice Department To Obstruct Obstruction Probe - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

It's not Stupid Watergate, it's Stupid Goodfellas. it's Stupidfellas - Jeff Tiedrich

Hopefully This Speech Will Be Used As Evidence In Executing the 25th Amendment
Trump delivers scorched-earth speech as he tries to regain footing,
In an epic two-hour speech, the president claims the Russia probes are 'bullshit' as he regaled a conservative crowd after his North Korea summit failure.

Alan Dershowitz is complaining that prosecutors are using the ' Al Capone approach' with Trump.
God, I hope so. - Renee Libby


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At this very moment, a white man in America, born into obscene wealth and handed every opportunity, a man whose every whim is catered to and who fell ass-backwards into the United States presidency, is sitting in a White House bedroom and complaining about how unfair his life is. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

It appears we have enough votes in the Senate to block the president’s national emergency declaration. The American people shouldn’t have to pay for the president’s vanity project of a border wall.  We do not need it. - Kamala Harris

What Is Bernie Doing? Is He A Democrat Or Not?
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is officially running for two different federal offices under two different party labels. On Monday, Sanders filed for re-election to the Senate in 2024, listing his party as “independent.” Team Sanders said the filing was an automatic renewal of Sanders’ candidacy, a standard move for victorious congressional candidates ahead of anticipated reelection contests. That came a couple weeks after he threw his hat in the ring for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination...

Do you think Diamond & Silk realize that if they were on the side of the road with a flat tire that 100% of The CPAC audience would drive right by them lead by Matt Schlapp. - Mayday Mindy tweet


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Business/Tech News

Raise your hand if there is ZERO doubt in your mind that Jared would, and HAS, traded classified information & national secrets to advance his own financial interests. -Pam Keith

Fox Spiked Stormy Daniels' Story Before The Election
An explosive new report from The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer claims that Fox News spiked a story about Donald Trump paying off former adult film star Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election because it didn’t want to hurt his candidacy.

Why is it that there are laws preventing parents from buying Kinder Eggs yet if they want to expose their children to deadly horrific diseases we allow it? - Alt Fed Employee tweet


Good News & Bad News
The Good News Is The Doors Have Landed!
Thank you.

The Bad News
I'm praying my laptop last through the week. Adding more duct tape is not helping it obey my commands! I had to tape the plug in and the plastic beneath the screen is separating. :(

Windows & Laptop


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Giant Sequoias in Yosemite National Park, California. I found them humbling.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Profit over Patriotism

As questions loom about Jared Kushner's security clearance, House committee says White House not cooperating in probe
The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says the White House has not been cooperative in a growing probe of security clearances given to members of the Trump administration.
The accusation comes on the heels of a stunning report in the New York Times Thursday, citing four sources who claim former chief of staff John Kelly said President Donald Trump ordered him to get a top-level security clearance for his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, approved. ABC News has not independently confirmed the report, which cites a memo written by Kelly.

Hey @IvankaTrump, I think most people like to earn the security clearances they get.- Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Literally Got More Done in his Summit with Kim Kardashian Than Kim Jong Un. - Jimmy Kimmel 

Trump Is The One Committing "Infanticide," Not Democrats
Immigration groups file complaint over ‘alarming increase’ in detained infants at Texas center.
"We have grave concerns about the lack of specialized medical care available in Dilley for this vulnerable population."

What’s most dangerous is the fact that an entire political party doesn’t care. - Ed Krassenstein

Republican Shenanigans

"it's like Bonnie and Clyde except Bonnie is his girlfriend but also his daughter"
— me, explaining the Trump Crime Family - Jeff Tiedrich

Really Sen. Graham? Checks Brought Down Madoff, Manafort and Watergate
Sen. Lindsey Graham on copy of Trump check and Stormy Daniels payments: "I've found most people don't write checks if they think they're involved in a crime."

Jared Kushner has a lot of debt, close relationships with the world’s dictators and despots and access to all of our national security secrets. The United States has been compromised. - Adam Parkhomenko

I Wonder If Melania Will Be Wearing Her I DON'T CARE Jacket
First lady Melania Trump is set to go on a three-state tour to promote her "Be Best" initiative.
Trump will travel to Oklahoma, Washington and Nevada on March 4 and 5 for the program that seeks to address the well-being of children, social media use and opioid abuse.

Anyone else want Michael Cohen to compile and release a list of the 500 times he says Trump asked him to threaten someone? - Preet Bharara

Why doesn’t anyone ever ask Melania about Stormy or Karen? I seem to recall Hillary being treated a bit differently by the press. - Treason stickers tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


Obama Demands To See Trump’s Elementary School Diploma. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Good thing Obama took care of Osama Bin Laden. 
Trump might have “taken him at his word.” - Jake tweet

I Love It When Trump Panics
President Donald Trump whined about the widening scope of investigations into his family’s alleged wrongdoing exposed by former attorney Michael Cohen.

Today would be a super-duper splendid day for Mueller to make the worst f*cking week in Trump's life the best f*cking week in ours. - Jeff Tiedrich

After the SAT results were retrieved, a forensics lab examined the microscopic scores and positively identified them as Trump’s, the special counsel explained. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Putting an ex-coal lobbyist in charge of the EPA... I wish it was the opening line to a joke...Dan Rather

45 years ago today--President Richard Nixon was secretly named an unindicted co-conspirator by same federal grand jury that indicted 7 of his aides for Watergate conspiracy.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving
President Donald Trump’s so-called “fixer” is being asked to return to Congress for more questioning on March 6.
Outside of the closed-door committee hearing Thursday, Cohen said that the House Intelligence Committee is seeking further information

A journalist is the lookout on the bridge of the ship of state.  He is there to watch over the safety and welfare of the people who trust him. - Joseph Pulitzer, 1847-1911


This weekend I am going to sand, prime and paint 
the outside lights.

Windows, Doors & Laptop

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

On this day in 1872, Yellowstone became the world’s first national park. This painting by Thomas Moran helped bring back glimpses of the treasures that Yellowstone held after the Hayden Expedition in 1871 prompting protection by Congress.
