Thursday, February 28, 2019

Earth Wind & Fire

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Expertly Laid a Trap to Get Donald Trump’s Tax Returns
While Republicans on Wednesday repeatedly hammered Michael Cohen over his efforts to secure a lucrative media deal, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used her time to focus on one of the most consequential topics concerning investigations into President Donald Trump: his ever-elusive tax returns.

The only difference between Donald Trump and other organized crime bosses is that Al Capone and John Gotti were never stupid enough to run for president. - Middle Age Riot tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

TONIGHT ON FOX: "Will the new gay Antifa MS-13 Caravan kill your children to cover up Hillary's emails?" - Rick Wilson

KIM: No Sanctions Or No Deal.
Trump Didn't Know This?
"It was about sanctions," said the president in explaining what went wrong at the high-profile meeting in Vietnam.

I guess Trump is now going to call himself a war hero because he was shot down in Hanoi. - Kathy Hays tweet

Trump finally went to Vietnam and is getting killed back home. - Seth Meyers

I inch ever the more closely to prenup invalidate. - Rogue Melania tweet

Republican Shenanigans

You have to wonder why the Republicans kept yielding their Michael Cohen questioning time today to Jim Jordan.  It's weird the Republicans are using a wrestling coach accused of sex abuse of minors to try to incriminate a witness for lying.  Actually it's gross. - John Oberlin

Roger Stone Loses To CNN
The federal judge presiding over Roger Stone's criminal case in Washington, D.C., rejected the longtime Trump associate's claim that someone in the special counsel's office tipped off CNN before his arrest last month.

The SDNY is gonna beat Trump like a piƱata. - Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

Virginia Democrats Have Too Much South In Their Mouths
Pam Northam, the wife of embattled Virginia governor Ralph Northam, is facing criticism for her handling of a governor's mansion tour in which she handed cotton to multiple African-American students and asked them to ponder slavery, according to reports.

By the way, the porn affairs and hush money payments by themselves are enough for me to never, ever vote for Trump.
And that’s just one thing, of many. 
I remember the days, like way back in, say, May 2015, when that would have been a consensus Evangelical position.- David French


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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicted on bribe and fraud charges
The indictment marks the first time in Israeli history that a sitting prime minister has been charged with a crime
Well damn!
Everyone that's dissed Hillary Clinton is getting locked up.- Mr. Weeks tweet

Business/Tech News

Beijing is now the city with the most billionaires in the world and I hate it when communists do capitalism better than us. - John Fugelsang

I Never Thought I'd See Marijuana and Martha Stewart In A Sentence
Marijuana producer Canopy Growth has roped in lifestyle guru Martha Stewart as an adviser to help develop and launch a line of pot-based ...

From his college transcripts to his tax returns, President Trump seems to want everything to remain hidden. Apparently he doesn't believe the American people can handle the truth. - Dan Rather


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Odd News

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A Golden Eagle Hunter of Mongolia. What an amazing vista!


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

He's a racist. He's a conman. He's a cheat - Michael Cohen

Cohen unloads on Trump in explosive testimony
In long-awaited and explosive testimony before a congressional panel, President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen said that as a candidate, Trump was aware that Roger Stone was working with WikiLeaks to disseminate hacked emails, and that after he took office, the president reimbursed Cohen with a personal check for hush money payments to the actress Stormy Daniels.

Republicans are shocked — SHOCKED! — to learn that the president's skeevy mob fixer lawyer is a skeevy mob fixer lawyer. - Michael Cohen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It is sickening to watch a president of the United States suck up to murderous tyrant. Republicans, you own this. - David Corn

My heart goes out to the family of Otto Warmbier. It must be so painful for them to watch Trump kiss up to Kim Jong Un.

Please Don't Use Nukes. Please.
Pakistan’s air force shot down two Indian warplanes after they crossed the boundary between the two nuclear-armed rivals in the disputed territory of Kashmir on Wednesday and captured one Indian pilot, a military spokesman said.

These two tweets are interesting
A lot of catering to Kim Jong Un going on in Vietnam. First press is kicked out of hotel where Kim is staying. Now some reporters are blocked from pool spray because the dictator doesn’t like shouted questions. - Jim Acosta, CNN
To be clear, the reporters are being excluded by an official from the US government, not foreign officials, in one of the more outrageous moves by this White House. - Maggie Haberman, NYT

I can see it now."In an unexpected turn, Trump signed a pact with Kim & returns to the USA with the N. Korean Army..." - Christopher H. Holte

Republican Shenanigans

Let me put it this way:  if one of my clients made a statement to a witness like @mattgaetz did, I'd be telling them to board their dogs so they don't get shot when the arrest team shows up. - PopeHat tweet

CYA In Action
Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker will testify again before the House Judiciary Committee to “clarify” his earlier testimony, the committee’s chair revealed on Tuesday.

The Republicans strategy to derail Michael Cohen's testimony relies on the feller that condoned sexual assault against underage boys. Jim Jordan. - Tea Pain.


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Republicans:  Just a friendly reminder that you promoted "liar and cheat" Michael Cohen to the RNC finance chair. - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Jim Jordan has mentioned Hillary more times today than Trump has spoken to Barron in his entire life. - OhNoSheTwint

Cohen Verifies That Trump Is A Big Time Racist. Duh.
President Donald Trump’s racism is far worse than the public is aware, according to his former “fixer” Michael Cohen. In a written testimony submitted to the House, Cohen said that in private, Trump is far worse.

Reminder: during Clinton late 1990s, a **constant** media angle was, Why Doesn't She Leave Him?  
funny how that's been flushed for current First Lady. - Eric Boehlert


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Business/Tech News

Cohen is dropping receipts longer than CVS. - Andy Lassner

Trump: Democrats Murder Newborns
President Donald Trump lashed out at Democrats Monday night after the Senate blocked a Republican anti-abortion bill.
“Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children,” Trump tweeted on Monday night. “The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth.” 

Kim Jong Un Interrupts Summit To Watch Michael Cohen - Andy Borowitz


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Odd News

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I could easily ride that bike through Alsace, France, after I unlock it from the fence.
