Friday, February 8, 2019


Today my services are required by the project manager of my casita. We need to go shopping for additional materials, one of which is the electrical breaker box as none are available locally. Liberia Do It Center, here we come!

Actually, I am looking forward to getting out and about. It has been awhile.

When I awoke this morn and saw that David Pecker of the National Enquirer tried to blackmail the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos with a below the belt selfie, I thought that Tony Soprano wouldn't be so stupid. Of course, Bezos owns the Washington Post, who last employed Jamal Khashoggi, is coincidentally doing an investigation of ties between the Saudis and Pecker.

There has to be a joke somewhere in there concerning billionaires, boners and bone saws but I can't find it.

I wonder who will win. Fake News or Real News?  Saudi Collusion or Russian Collusion?

I've posted below a few memes and photos of my casita. Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.

Waiting for the concrete to be poured

This is between my casita and the main road.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

New Trump rules make it easier for U.S. gun makers to sell overseas

New Trump rules make it easier for U.S. gun makers to sell overseas
Semi-automatic weapons, flamethrowers and even some grenades will become easier for U.S. weapons manufacturers to export overseas under new rules being put in place by the Trump administration and obtained by NBC News.

Under Donald Trump's leadership, Republicans are working diligently to unite all Americans.
Except for Democrats, Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, Jews, intellectuals, climate scientists, all scientists, veterans, women, gays, trans people, poor people, the press, and you. - Middle Age Riot twee

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Study shows 10% of US college grads think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Ct.Putin, you're trying too hard. - John Fugelsang

Pelosi Says No Shutdown Will Happen
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) predicted in a new interview that Republican leaders in Congress would not support another partial government shutdown over funding for President Trump's plans to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republican Shenanigans

Matt Gaetz is what happens when you let drunk Jesus take the wheel and he crashes into a tanker truck full of Axe body spray. - Marie Connor

I can understand why the idea of meaningful oversight terrifies the President. Several of his close associates are going to jail, others await trial, and criminal investigations continue. 
We’re going to do our job and won’t be distracted or intimidated by threats or attacks. - Rep. Adam Schiff

What Is Wrong With Cindy McCain?
Phoenix police on Wednesday disputed Cindy McCain's account of human trafficking at an Arizona airport. McCain had told local news station KTAR on Monday that she intervened at Sky Harbor International Airport last week when she spotted a woman with a child of a “different ethnicity. ” “I went over to the police and told them what I saw and they went over and questioned her and, by God, she was trafficking that kid,”

I commend Cindy McCain on remaining vigilant about human trafficking.
I mean, if we aren't careful, some large agency could start taking immigrant children from their parents at the border. - Nick Jack Pappas

At this morning's National Prayer Breakfast, Trump expressed his thanks for their willingness to believe anything. - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Black history month is one month a year and white people still found a way to make it more about them. - Chelsea Handler

Rock The Voter News

We should probably celebrate black history month in March also. We’re screwing this one up pretty proper. - Dusty Giebel

At Least Pope Francis Is Trying To Clean Up The Church. Good Luck.
“When a sister becomes pregnant, the priest insists that she have an abortion,’’ a report noted. ‘‘The sister is usually dismissed from her congregation while the priest is often only moved to another parish — or sent for studies.”

Just a reminder that no woman is or has ever been moments from giving birth and decides “You know what? I want an abortion. I forgot that was an option until now." - Paul Tompkins


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted #Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely. - Donald Tusk, EU President

Business/Tech News

Who OK'd This Sweater In The First Place?
Gucci pulled a sweater that resembled blackface and released an apology after many people wrote to the company in outrage over the racist....

Unfortunately, my threat to "never wear Gucci" is tempered by that fact that I've never worn Gucci. - Laurie Kilmartin 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Chinese satellite currently in lunar orbit snapped this grainy image of the far side of the Moon, with a tiny Earth hanging out in the background. There we are.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Like A Boss

The world reacts to Trump's State of the Union
President Donald Trump's 2019 State of the Union address got the world talking with social media reacting to key takeaways and memorable moments during the speech.

Fact-checker Collapses From Exhaustion Thirty Seconds Into State of the Union - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

A professional bully exploiting a child to highlight the plight of those named Trump just so that he can inhale some second-hand sympathy is the Mona f*cking Lisa of malignant narcissism. - Jon Zal tweet

Meanwhile, Mueller Is Busy Connecting More Russian Dots
Recent court filings suggest special counsel Robert Mueller is planning to indict additional Russians for crimes related to 2016 election interference.

The next President should know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, between climate and weather, and between right and wrong. - Brian Schatz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Unable To Stop Caravan Of Democratic Women Invading Washington - Andy Borowitz

Schiff Postpones Michael Cohen Testimony To Further Torture Trump
Testimony from President Donald Trump’s former attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, before the House Intelligence Committee this week has been delayed, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) announced Wednesday.
“In the interests of the investigation, Michael Cohen’s testimony has been postponed until February 28th,” Schiff, the chairman of the committee, said in a brief statement.

The most diverse part of the Republican side is their ties 
- Full Frontal tweet

The loudest applause of the night from Republican men was about controlling women’s bodies. - Adam Best


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

1980's Virginians Partied Like It Was 1880
Virginia's Democratic attorney general says he wore blackface at a college party in 1980, deepening state scandal

As a white person, I feel like I lived a very different life in the 1980s than these people. - Rex Huppke

How ‘bout this? We let everybody who is running for president be president for a day. - Conan O'Brien


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Business/Tech News

Trump just actually talked about "squandering a great inheritance." Which is technically what got him into money laundering in the first place.  #SOTU - John Fugelsang

This Is The Part Where Don Jr. Is Too Cocky To Realize That He Lied To Congress
The House Intelligence Committee has voted to send more than 50 interview transcripts from its now-closed Russia investigation to special counsel Robert Mueller

I love that feeling where you’re not totally sure if your anxiety isn’t actually a heart attack. - Andy Lassner


Thank you for dropping by.
I hope you had a good time.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Excuse me, do you have any fish?
