Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Day 33 of the government shutdown

‘What on earth is he up to?’: Global leaders at Davos conference ‘fear a Trump slump’
Global leaders are worried about President Donald Trump after he abruptly canceled a trip to the World Economic Forum in the Davos, Switzerland. The president ended his trip in part because of the government shut down and moments after he canceled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas trip.

Trump is following the common beliefs of Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller. They want to destroy this country and pick up the spoils.

There are plenty of reports of struggling families, food bank lines and alarming safety compromises, yet somehow I feel like the media is struggling to convey the sheer scope of this insanity. - Schooley tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

To all the headline writers, pundits and politicians referring to President Trump’s offerings on immigration as a “compromise” please read the fine print. - Dan Rather

"Unknown Foreign Company" vs. Robert Mueller
The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will maintain much of the secrecy surrounding a mysterious legal dispute that appears to have pitted an unknown foreign company against special counsel Robert Mueller.

AMERICA: "I'm a Christian nation!!!!"
JESUS: "Bitch, please." - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

Me: Remember that kid the other day who was smiling at the Native American drumming?
My 11-year old: He wasn't smiling. That was smug. That wasn't a smile.
Apparently 11-year olds are more discerning than much of the media. - The Hoarse Whisperer tweet


Down And Down He Goes....
President Donald Trump's disapproval rating is at an all-time high amid a historically long partial government shutdown and concerns about the president's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

BREAKING NEWS In a surprise move, Democrats issue a statement agreeing to fund Trump’s wall. It was delivered to the White House just moments ago, along with all the materials needed to assemble the structure. Also, they recommended adult supervision during “construction.” - Suave Hellion tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Trump can't just show up somewhere he's not invited. This isn't the dressing room at Miss Teen USA - The Daily Show

Has SNL Replaced NBC News?
NBC “Today” co-host Savannah Guthrie was criticized by the left and the right on Wednesday following her interview with Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School student at the center of a weekend controversy at the Lincoln Memorial.

Trump is determined to keep giving Pelosi opportunities to demonstrate how extensive her power is now. - Schooley tweet


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One time Obama wore a tan suit and the media ate its own face. - goldengateblond tweet

Business/Tech News

Chemo or rent. Someone had to make that decision today. #Shutdown

So let me get this straight, white supremacist.   You voted for a guy who spray tans himself to appear less white but I’M the race traitor? - John Fugelsang

Threatening Mass Shooting Victims. How Republican.
A California man is accused of using Instagram to “harass and intimidate” the families of students killed in a mass shooting at a Florida high school in Parkland, Florida.

Kavanaugh Offers To Pay For Wall Recycling his Empties - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A sweet second captured.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Look at all the Democrats running for president

Poll: Trump trails several possible 2020 Dem opponents
President Trump lags behind several prominent Democrats, including many of the declared contenders for the 2020 nomination, in a new poll from a left-leaning outlet.

So glad our constitution was built in a system of checks, balances, and epic clapbacks. - Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Imagine having a 5x draft dodger ban you from the military because you’re transgender. - irishygirl tweet

FBI Releases Report About Shutdown And It's Grim
FBI Agents Association just released a 72-page report about the shutdown. "The shutdown has eliminated any ability to operate," says 1 agent. "The US Attorney's Office is unable to issue grand jury subpoenas for financial institutions," says another.

Disgusting that the Supreme Court will allow Trump’s transgender military ban. This is why the GOP and evangelicals stood by Trump — so he could pack #SCOTUS with right-wing Justices and turn it into a discrimination machine. - Adam Best

Republican Shenanigans

Can we trade those Catholic school boys for the caravan, because if anyone is going to grow up and commit violent crimes it’s those racist little JV Klansmen. - OhNoSheTwint

Right Here Is The Deep State
PR firm RunSwitch, co-run by adviser to Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Scott Jennings, has played a significant role in quelling the outrage over a video that at first appeared to show a MAGA hat-wearing teen disrespectfully crowding the space of and smirking at a Native American man.

Since the Covington Catholic school boys are intent on entering the very adult world of telling me what I can and can't do with my own body, I'm going to ask that we treat them like the big boys they want to be and hold them accountable for THEIR actions. - Amee Vanderpool


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 Asked if she considers herself  Trump’s equal, she (Pelosi) replied, “The Constitution does.”

Rock The Voter News

Kamala Harris has already won something greater than the presidency, she gave little black girls hope that one day they can run for President. Everything is not always about "winning" look at what Hillary Clinton stolen election caused, a wave of women congressional leaders. - Mr. Weeks tweet

DACA Survives Trump, For Now
The Supreme Court on Tuesday once again did not act on the Trump administration's effort to end the DACA program... .

 - - - Imagine, If You Will - - -
Donald Trump's hairdo after his first night in prison.
- The Trucker Vote tweet


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Business/Tech News

"If there's global warming why is it still cold in winter??" is the rhetorical equivalent of "if there was evolution why are there still monkeys??" - Philip Bump

The Latest Trump Tell-All Book Says...
Former White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly once said that getting fired would be the "best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”
“This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had," Kelly said to former West Wing communications aide Cliff Sims

Do you think, in a pinch, Jim Henson ever used Kermit as an oven mitt? - Justin Staggs



Odd News

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Ryfylke, Norway. I could live there, in the summer.


Monday, January 21, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr. would've have been 90 years old

Pence slammed for quoting King to defend wall proposal 
Vice President Mike Pence was harshly criticized on Sunday for quoting the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in his most famous speech in defending

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the greatest tribute we can pay him is to heed his wisdom, honor his example, and emulate his actions. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy--for everyone. - Bill Clinton

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Kim Jong Un wants the penthouse of the future Trump Tower in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Putin reportedly Close To Firing Giuliani - Andy Borowitz

Methinks Giuliani Will Need A Lawyer Before All Is Said And Done
President Donald Trump told his lawyer Rudy Giuliani that he “may” have spoken to Michael Cohen before his Congressional testimony but doesn’t recall what was said.

I'm old enough to remember back when we had a government. - Rex Huppke

Republican Shenanigans

I shudder to think what Jesus would go through if he went to a Catholic high school. - TheTweetOfGod

Better To Apologize Than End Up In The Gulag
A Belarusian model and self-styled sex instructor who last year claimed to have evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election said Saturday that she apologizes to a Russian tycoon for the claim and won't say more about the matter.

The Pelosi/Trump standoff reminds me of two spoiled children and Nancy Pelosi. - Conan O'Brien


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10 years ago today. The largest inaugural crowd in history.  
Photo by Pete Souza

Rock The Voter News

Fox Accuses Buzzfeed of Inaccuracy With Straight Face - Andy Borowitz

The Democratic Presidential Primaries Will Kick Ass
Kamala Harris announced Monday that she is running for president in 2020, arguing that the time has come to fight against what she views as ...

Pelosi Says She'll Skip Trump And Deal Directly With Putin. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

As cool as it is to learn your Uber driver is also a Coast Guard Rear Admiral, we REALLY need to end this government shutdown. - Conan O'Brien

The value of these bricks will shoot through the roof after #Trump is institutionalized 
President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign sent out a fundraising email Friday asking for donations of $20.20 and pledging to send fake bricks to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) or Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) over their refusal to provide Trump's demanded wall funding.

So the Rams and the Patriots are playing for hamberders at the White House. - Tony Posnanski


Thank you all!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
We all need to see a mouse in a flower during these tumultuous times.
