Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Let the games begin...

Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi showdown starts over the shutdown
Donald Trump vs. Nancy Pelosi, the standoff that will define Washington for the next two years, starts today.

"We're happy to consider the Wall the moment you fulfill your campaign promise of getting Mexico to pay for it." - Nancy Pelosi

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Where to begin. The corruption & criminality is overwhelming. But starting tomorrow finally there will be accountability. And when the dust settles, we will be rid of this lying malignant narcissistic cancer. Happy New Year. - Rob Reiner

Some People Just Shouldn't Be Allowed To Tweet
New Year’s Eve is a night of extreme revelry and sometimes questionable decisions. US Strategic Command made one of these decisions with a tweet associating the Times Square Ball with an explosive bomb. Stratcom is the agency responsible for preparing the US for the threat of nuclear war.

Why is anyone surprised that Trump's willing to shut down our government when it's clearly not the one he works for? - Stephen Colbert

If You Thought Kavanaugh's Confirmation Was Bad...
The Trump administration more than doubled the number of judges it confirmed to federal appeals courts in 2018, exceeding the pace of the last five presidents and stocking the courts with lifetime appointees who could have profound consequences for civil rights, the environment and government regulations.

Frankly, I never understood why Trump’s bizarre public request to Putin for emails didn’t result in his immediate removal from the campaign. - Grant Stern

Remember, Saudi Arabia can behead 47 people in one day but it's ok b/c they're our ally against ISIS, which beheads people. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Mitt Romney still believes in tax cuts for the rich, overturning Roe v. Wade and putting corporations before people, but at least he's real nice about it. - Nick Jack Pappas

Meanwhile At The Border: More Tear Gas!
US agents have fired tear gas over the border into Mexico at migrants trying to enter the country illegally.
Around 150 Central Americans tried to make the crossing near the town of Tijuana to the south of California on New Year's Day.

Oh Please let’s stop making Mitch Romney the 2nd coming of Christ, he’s just a Jeff Flake with darker hair ! - Mayday Mindy


 Click here to meet C.W.


It's 2019 but Michael Cohen is still writing "For Hush Money" on all his checks. - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

In 2018 people stepped up and showed up like never before. Keep it up in 2019. We’ve got a lot of work to do, and I’ll be right there with you. Happy New Year, everybody! - Barack Obama

Russia Wants To Play Prisoner Exchange?
The brother of a U.S. citizen arrested in Russia on espionage charges said Tuesday that he's innocent and was in Moscow to attend a wedding.


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Business/Tech News

The Trump Foundation is no more. And they were SO close to finding somebody to be charitable to! - Stephen Colbert

This Doctor Still Has A License?
A hospital in Cleveland reportedly fired a resident doctor after it was discovered she had been sharing anti-Semitic comments on social media. reported on Sunday that the Cleveland Clinic confirmed that Lara Kollab is no longer working with the organization after having only worked as a supervised resident with the clinic from July to September last year...Kollab could also be seen saying she would “purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds,”...

If New York legalizes recreational marijuana, the Big Apple is gonna get hollowed out and turned in to a bong. - Stephen Colbert


Subject: Sanity

Hi Lisa,

How in the world do you do it? It would take me a week to find what you post daily.

Keep up the great work. I need it more than ever for my sanity.

Do you believe there is a pee tape? Haven't seen much on your site about it.

Rudi (not Giuliani)

Thank you Rudi (not Giuliani)!

Twitter is where I find most of the material. It is a great tool for breaking news from the newsmakers to the movers and the shakers. It all depends on who you follow. The rest is done by Googling a lot PLUS I am sick and tired of Republicans ruining this country.

The pee tape? Well, the Steele dossier has been right so far...but, deep in my heart, I hope it isn't true because the world has suffered enough.

Take care,


So Close!

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lake Blausee in Switzerland. What an idyllic spot. Is that lake frozen?


Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Auld Lang Syne: because why not start 2019 with a sad dirge written by a Scotsman in 1788? - Conan O'Brien

Are You

Best wishes to all for a peaceful 2019.

Friday, December 28, 2018

That was the week that was

Majority in poll want Trump impeached or censured
Nearly 60 percent of U.S. voters surveyed say President Trump should be either impeached and removed from office or formally censured, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill.

The only "wall" the Founding Fathers wanted was between Church and State. 
And that one definitely needs some repairs. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

BREAKING: Troops ask to live with Mattis after divorce is finalized - Duffel Blog

How would you have felt seeing that?

At first I thought this was Putin testing his new supersonic weaponry
New Yorkers were shocked and amazed by an eerie blue light that took over the night sky in the Astoria neighborhood of Queens on Thursday night. Officials say an electrical fire at a Con Edison substation was to blame — not an alien ship or any of the other wild ideas the sight inspired.

Dear Media: 
People who weren't bothered by: 
-racist birtherism 
-mocking the disabled-sexual assault 
-education fraud 
-emoluments violations 
-defending Nazis/KKK 
-5k lies since inauguration 
-stealing children at border...will not be outraged that he lied to troops about a pay raise 
- John Fugelsang

I'm Not Crying. You're Crying.
Some of the children among the hundreds migrants that were left in downtown El Paso, Texas, earlier this week by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials were treated with a gift-filled Christmas thanks to two employees at a local hotel, CBS News reports.

Trump's party has the White House, the Senate and the House and when he can't accomplish anything, it's the Democrats fault?
Trump's the guy that strikes out at a bar, then claims it's because all the women there were lesbians. - Tea Pain

Donald, vhy am I vearing sunglasses at night and do my thighs look fat?

Republican Shenanigans

Today would be a good day for Mueller to make the new year happy for everybody but the Trump Crime Family - Jeff Tiedrich

Gawd, Gag Me With A Spoon
Report: Robert Mueller obtained a ‘nude selfie’ in course of investigating Russian election interference.The disclosure was made in a legal filing by a Russian company charged by the special counsel.

Anybody think for one second that “Obama used his father's connections to dodge the draft” would’ve been a one-day story? Yeah, me neither. - Adam Parkhomenko 


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

The new DNC rules state that anyone running for the party's nomination must "affirm, in writing,...that they: A. are a member of the Democratic Party; B. will accept the Democratic nomination; and C. will run and serve as a member of the Democratic Party.” - Jonathan Capehart

Make Mitch Accountable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.
Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The guy who promised that Mexico would pay for the wall and ran an entire campaign on building the wall is now saying he'll close the southern border if America doesn’t pay for the wall. - OhNoSheTwint


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The entire Trump family spent charity money on themselves. 
Happy Friday. - Andy Lassner

Business/Tech News

If republicans had forced Trump to show his tax returns, he never would have become president.
If republicans had forced Trump to divest from his businesses, he would not be trading favors with foreign adversaries.
This is all on Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. They own it all! - Treason Stickers tweet

30 years ago if you told me New York was going to legalize marijuana, I would have said, “that’s funky fresh!” because that’s what people said back then. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
We all need to see a baby panda waving at us.

Best wishes to all for a peaceful weekend.