Monday, December 17, 2018

Did Stephen Miller Just Go On TV with Spray-On Hair?

Did Stephen Miller Just Go On TV with Spray-On Hair? 
Stephen Miller appeared on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday to ramble on about government shutdowns, Donald Trump’s border wall, and the benefits of killing the Affordable Care Act with no viable replacement. But it was hard to pay attention to anything he said because I couldn’t stop staring at his head.

Instead of mocking Stephen Miller's spray-on hair, we should be working to stop his vile policies.  
Whoa. Just saw the hair. We can multitask.- surlyZ tweet

I couldn't help myself, so I have several hair style suggestions for Stephen Miller.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Walls Are Closing In
Associates of onetime national security adviser Michael Flynn are being charged with illegally lobbying for the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, a U.S.-based Turkish cleric who has been a frequent public target of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Stephen Miller came to work with regular hair today. - Katie Rogers, NYT

Republican Shenanigans

If you think Trump is losing it now, wait until Don Jr. gets indicted.
You ain’t seen nothing yet! - Ed Krassenstein

Even Fox Is Making Fun of Trump
Fox News's Brit Hume on Sunday said that President Trump's rejections by several White House chief of staff candidates was similar to a "guy who couldn't get a date for the prom."
Mick Mulvaney, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, on Friday took the chief of staff position on an acting basis after a number of high-profile candidates, including Vice President Pence's chief of staff and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), said they were not interested in the post.

Merriam-Webster's word of the year is justice, Oxford Dictionary’s is toxic, and Dictionary dot com’s is misinformation. The English language is trolling the president. - OhNoSheTwint


 Click here to meet C.W.


When Mueller proves Trump conspired with Russia to rob America of a free and fair election, the question before us will be stark: Should we ever reward a criminal with the fruits of any of his crimes? 
Those include his pick for VP and SCOTUS. Asking for 65.8 million Americans. - George Takei

Rock The Voter News

Obama On Obamacare
Former President Barack Obama took to Facebook to express his disdain with a federal judge’s decision to strike down core parts of ObamaCare, writing that “Republicans will never stop trying to undo” the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is widely viewed as his signature domestic legislation.

Ironically, white supremacists elected a white president who consistently proves himself inferior to a black one. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Gift cards: the best way to say "I remembered you while I was at CVS." - Conan O'Brien

Fox & Friends' Guest Wants You To Pay For The Wall?
Fox & Friends segment on Monday suggested that each Trump voter should give $80 to fund the president’s border wall even though he has promised Mexico would pay for it.
Just hours before President Donald Trump is set to shut down the government if he does not get border wall funding, New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin told Fox News that it was time for the president’s supporters to chip in.

My deepest hope is that one day there will be a world without war or hunger or injustice or human beings. - TheTweetOfGod


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Don't worry, hon. We will do better at the next National Geographic audition.


Friday, December 14, 2018

Prosecutors probing Trump inauguration spending: report

Prosecutors probing Trump inauguration spending: report
Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are looking into whether President Trump's inaugural committee misspent funds or accepted donations in exchange for access to the administration...

Trump’s lawyers claimed that the Constitution contains “no provision for removing a person from office when that person was installed there by a foreign power.” - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

There are no words to capture the horror of a seven-year-old girl dying of dehydration in U.S. custody. What’s happening at our borders is a humanitarian crisis. - Hillary Clinton

I can't believe these parents would be willing to risk their children's lives just to invade another country for selfish reasons. - Marie Connor 

GOP Senators Stand Up To Trump
The U.S. Senate delivered a rare double rebuke to President Donald Trump on Saudi Arabia on Thursday, voting to end U.S. military support for the war in Yemen and blame the Saudi crown prince for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.  

Anybody else think Kirstjen Nielsen should face an international criminal tribunal in The Hague? - Nick Knudsen

Delusions of Grandeur?
President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen said in an interview broadcast Friday that he hopes to be remembered in history for bringing the country together.

Ten Years Ago Today

Republican Shenanigans

I have a sick feeling this is all a very calculated audition for a “He’s a Lib! And She’s Totally Not!” TV talk show, where George and Kellyanne pretend to disagree all the way to the bank. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The Kavanaugh Effect
The Chief Justice of California’s Supreme Court announced on Thursday that she had left the Republican Party following the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

2 things a smart criminal doesn't do: Piss off the media and the law. - Kona Lowell


 Click here to meet C.W.


Not to make light of the situation but snorting Adderall might be the least terrible thing Trump has ever done. - OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

Irony is when the real "Fake News" spills the truth on you.

And We Thought George W. Bush Said Stupid Stuff
Donald Trump has made so many inane, dishonest comments that it would take days to lay them all out. But it’s not impossible that one of the most memorable will be something he said on Thursday.

Association With Trump Destroys National Enquirer’s Reputation For Integrity. - Andy Borowitz


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Friendly reminder that when Obama cried about the Sandy Hook massacre, Republicans said he was faking it. - OhNoSheTwint

Business/Tech News

Congress leaves DC today. These useless Republicans won’t be back:

-Paul Ryan: Worst. Speaker. Ever.
-Orrin Hatch: Demented.
-Jeff Flake: Spineless.
-Bob Corker: Gutless.
-Dana Rohrabacher: Putin’s Rep.
-Trey Gowdy: Obsessed with Hillary.

Good riddance to all of these traitors. - Scott Dworkin

One Toke Closer To The Line?
Hemp is about to get the nod from the federal government that marijuana, its cannabis plant cousin, craves. A provision of the farm bill that received final approval in Congress on Wednesday removes hemp from the list of federally controlled substances and treats the low 


Happy 18th Birthday AllHatNoCattle!

Still Crazy After 18 Years

Eighteen years. Wow.

Eighteen years ago, I bought the domain name the day after Al Gore conceded to George Bush. I was sickened that Jeb Bush broke his oath as my governor to uphold the laws of Florida, and instead went to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop counting the votes. Papa Bush sent James Baker to help Jeb. Jeb also threw about 60,000 voters off the rolls before the election. I dared to call it nepotism.

Florida has since gone to hell in a handbasket due to Jeb Bush and the Republican takeover of the state. Jeb gave Florida the stand-your-ground law and open carry while the GOP ransanked any sane laws. Flori-duh, it deserves that moniker.

George Bush was in Florida when 9-11 happened. Then he hijacked our grief and flew it into Iraq.

Soon, the years passed with Dubya as president and we got an outed CIA agent,  "legalized" torture, 2 raging wars and a crashed economy before Dubya last darkened the White House door.

Through all that time, I received so much support from you. I am eternally grateful for that as you helped me keep my sanity amidst all that Bush chaos and eventually my personal chaos.

Then, America regained its sanity and elected Barack Obama. What a great time that was, we were full of hope as Obama put America back together again.

Full Stop. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2009. I had no health insurance. I had a husband who wouldn't help me, so I turned to my viewers. One of my viewers in Peru, Joe, wanted me to come to Peru, all expenses paid for cancer treatment. My son, who was in China recovering from a 15 story fall days before my diagnosis, wanted me to go there for treatment.

At that time I was so ill. I had stage 2 Hodgkin Lymphoma. I was too weak to make those long flights alone. I really thought I was going to die.

The only other country I knew that could help me was Costa Rica. I made the 3 hour flight with donations from you all and  got on their health insurance plan. After 12 chemo sessions over 6 months and 20 days of radiation, my cancer was gone. You, my viewers, helped me so much through that awful time, not only with donations but your emails, jokes, and optimism. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

When Obamacare care passed when I was at the end of my chemo treatments. I was so thrilled. I remember sitting on my hotel room bed alone, watching CNNI when it was announced. I broke down crying hoping no one would ever have to go through what I went through knowing my own country would not help me.

Now, its 2018 and Republicans are still trying to kill Obamacare. They literally don't care about your health AND your right to vote.

AllHatNoCattle has been alive for 3 presidents. Only one was a good president. America needs humor now more than ever.

AllHatNoCattle will be at your service until I die because I probably wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deep curtsy.


By the way, Lisa means smooth in Spanish. 
Happy 18th Birthday AllHatNoCattle, from me!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Baby transport, New Zealand, circa 1950. I'm glad the babies weren't left in the carriages.


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Everybody's colluding but Trump!

Maria Butina admits to engaging in conspiracy against US
Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina admitted in federal court Thursday morning to engaging in a conspiracy against the ...

Is it possible the Grinch who Stole the Election may not make it to Christmas? - Ken Olin

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Advice for Michael Cohen: On first day of prison, go up to the biggest guy in the yard and offer to pay him $130,000. - Stephen Colbert

Chief of Staff Applicants Are Coming Out of the Dugout
Jose Canseco is ready to take a swing at politics.
The former major league slugger has made his pitch for a big job at the White House, tweeting Wednesday to President Donald Trump: “u need a bash brother for Chief if (sic) Staff.”
Canseco told his “little buddy” he has “a secret reorg plan already.” He suggested Trump send him a direct message and signed off (hashtag)yeswecanseco.

I'm beginning to suspect that the guy who cheated on his first wife with his second and cheated on her with his third and cheated on her with a porn actress and lied about paying hush money and then said the hush money payments were legal might not actually be a good christian. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans Are Unsure About The Wall
House Republicans are struggling to come up with a strategy to fulfill President Trump’s demand that the lower chamber pass a funding bill that includes $5 billion for his promised border wall.

Let’s stop calling it a witch hunt and call it what it is. A felon purge. - Ken Olin


 Click here to meet C.W.


I Wonder If Mueller Will Release This Report Before Or After Pelosi Takes Over The House
Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly planning to begin releasing information concerning foreign countries' efforts to interfere in U.S. politics and the 2016 election.
The Daily Beast reports that three sources familiar with Mueller's efforts in the Russia investigation say that prosecutors will begin outlining in court filings next year how foreign countries, in particular ones in the Middle East, attempted to exert influence over the Trump administration.

Pelosi Rejects Trump’s $130,000 Offer To Be Quiet. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Don’t bring a Pence to a Pelosi fight.- Max Weiss

LOL. Newt Gingrich Doesn't Want The Chief of Staff Job? Really?
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich on Thursday dismissed speculation he is in the mix for White House chief of staff, adding that President Trump should select someone who is willing to stand up to him.

Having already been thrown out of a senior government position for corruption, Newt Gingrich would have the most relevant experience of any White House staffer. - The Hoarse Whisperer


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TRUMP SURROGATES: “No, silly! Payments to women weren’t election fraud. They were to protect delicate Melania from being totally SHOCKED to find her husband, Donald “I Grab ‘Em By The Pussy” Trump, was actually unfaithful to her!”
NATIONAL ENQUIRER: “No, it was election fraud.” - Mrs. Betty Bowers

What the hell happened to Melania? Her hair and makeup looks like it's right out of Walmart.

Business/Tech News

At this point, wouldn’t it be more efficient if the White House just hired a warden? - Conan O'Brien

In Like Flynn
Michael Flynn has told associates his talks with Kislyak began during the ‘16 campaign. It wasn’t just the transition. Flynn says they discussed Syria and Iran.

As Bobby Kennedy taught us, the thing about hope is that it travels through space *and* time, first splashing against the rocks, but eventually breaking down the walls of cruelty and injustice. And if we do our best with the time we’re given, others will take hope in our example. - Barack Obama

Holidays in the Hospital


Good begins mid-January!

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Virgin Galactic’s tourism spaceship climbed more than 50 miles high above California’s Mojave Desert today, reaching for the first time what the company considers the boundary of space. Congratulations, Richard Branson, we will soon need an escape from this rock.
