Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Emails of top NRCC officials stolen in major 2018 hack

Emails of top NRCC officials stolen in major 2018 hack
The House GOP campaign arm suffered a major hack during the 2018 election, exposing thousands of sensitive emails to an outside intruder, according to three senior party officials.

Hillary was wrong to call Trump's supporters a basket of deplorables. she should have called them a f*cktangle of sh*tweasels. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

President George H.W. Bush was a statesman, patriot and true friend to Canada. On Wednesday, as Americans mourn his passing, flags on federal buildings in Canada and at Canadian offices in the United States will be flown at half-mast. May he rest in peace. - Justin Trudeau

Please Don't Use Velvet Handcuffs, Mr. Mueller
America may get its most intimate look yet inside Robert Mueller's secretive Russia investigation in the next four days, with a series of disclosures that have the potential to be greatly damaging for President Donald Trump.
Court filings focusing on Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday and his ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Friday could offer tantalizing new details of Mueller's deep dive into the 2016 campaign.

2008: Twitter is a fun microblogging service you can use to keep track of Ashton Kutcher
2018: Twitter is the president's preferred tool for witness tampering in a federal criminal investigation. - Matt Ford tweet

Republican Shenanigans

G-20 leaders vote unanimously not to give Trump asylum. - Andy Borowitz

I Love To Wake Up In The Morning When Republicans Are Infighting
George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, fired back at Eric Trump on Tuesday after the president's son accused him of "utter disrespect" toward his wife.

“No one has worked more tirelessly for the glory of Russia than Donald Trump,” Vladimir Putin said in an official statement. - Andy Borowitz


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If Donald Trump gets arrested on Christmas I will accept Christ. - Bess Kalb

Rock The Voter News

Iraq offers to help establish democracy in North Carolina.- Andy Borowitz

A Cat Wrote This Article
An article by Slate magazine has been savaged by Twitter users after urging people not to waste their “emotional energy” on Sully, George H.W. Bush’s service dog.
A photograph of the 2-year-old Labrador retriever resting beside the casket of his “best friend” and former president went viral Sunday, pulling at heartstrings across the political divide. 


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Business/Tech News

Whatever you think of Tariff Man, he is still the guy who got us through the War on Christmas. - Marie Connor

Keeping Kids Stupid For Corporate Subsidies!
Corporate tax subsidies, in the spotlight again after Amazon.com Inc's secretive quest to find a site for its second headquarters, are costing American public schools big money, a new report said on Tuesday.

Just as Hitler ruined the snazzy square mustache for everyone else, Donald Trump is going to ruin hot-gluing a desiccated badger pelt to your forehead for future generations. - Jeff Tiedrich


Thank you! Over halfway to the goal!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Yikes. An eagle claw.


Monday, December 3, 2018

The U.S. Navy's touching tweet to George H. W. Bush

Trump Refuses To Say Whether He Regrets Attacking The Bush Family
President Donald Trump refused to say whether he regretted any of his previous comments about the Bush family after the death of former President George H.W. Bush.
Bush died Friday at the age of 94.

When trump passes the only people that will be at his funeral will be Ivanka if she’s not in jail Melania to make sure he’s actually gone. Eulogy by Rudy Giuliani, music by Kid Rock, 6 remaining toothless guys with MAGA hats & Brett Kavanaugh. - Mayday Mindy tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

What are the chances that Trump is going to wish the Jewish community a happy Chaka Khan? - Howard tweet

Trump Sends Love To Kim Jong Un. Bleech.
Donald Trump wants North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to know that he likes him and will fulfill his wishes, South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in said on Sunday, a day after meeting the U.S. president at an economic summit in Argentina.

People in the "never say anything mean about the recently dead!" crowd have clearly never seen a single news story about a Black person killed by police. - Steven W. Thrasher tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Every Republicans biggest fear is that the Democrats will treat Trump like Republicans treated Obama.- Tea Pain

Kellyanne Conway Must Have A Very Strong Marriage
George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, suggested on Monday that President Trump obstructed justice and tampered with a witness when he praised Roger Stone for vowing never to testify against the president.
"File under '18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1512,'" George Conway tweeted, a reference to the statutes for obstruction of justice and tampering with witnesses, informants or victims, respectively.

Do you think trump’s funeral will be bigger than his Inauguration? - Mayday Mindy


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Joe Biden: "[President George HW Bush] said, 'I just came to welcome you to Houston and to tell you how badly I feel about Beau. He was an incredible young man and I think he may have been president.' Now how many people would do that?"

Rock The Voter News

Ocasio-Cortez takes down Mike Huckabee: Leave lying to your daughter,  "she’s much better at it"

I wonder if Trump regrets not hiring Michael Cohen for a White House position.
President Trump on Monday said Michael Cohen does not deserve leniency for cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, arguing that his former personal lawyer should serve a “full and complete” prison sentence.

FUN FACT: Trump calls it his "Twitter feed."  Bob Mueller calls it a "crime scene." - Tea Pain


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Business/Tech News

Maybe we should stop making Nazi Germany comparisons with people who think that's a compliment.- Liana Maeby tweet

What The Heck Is In This "New" Trade Agreement?
President Donald Trump's assertions about the U.S.-China agreement to pause tariff escalations that emerged over the weekend do not appear to match the White House version...

Hanukkah begins today. Like all Jewish festivals it can be summarised as:
"They tried to kill us. We survived. Let's eat."- Sam Freedman

Michelangelo’s handwritten 16th-century grocery list


Here's where your donations are going to...

I'm building a little house.

Here's a little background first: When I first came to Costa Rica in 2002 I met many American builders, all of whom built beautiful homes. One thing they were in consensus about was DO NOT BUY A CONCRETE PREFAB HOUSE HERE BECAUSE IT WILL COLLAPSE ON YOU DURING AN EARTHQUAKE.

Well, the 7.6 quake here in 2012 proved them wrong. Very wrong. None of these homes collapsed. They were designed not to collapse much to the surprise of those American builders.

SO, I am building a concrete prefab home.
Similar to the house I want.

If I bought a turn key prefab 3 bedroom 2 bath it would be about $18,000. Yeah, that's right, $18,000. But I'm 69 years old and only want a one bedroom which would cost, turn key, about $11,000.

Well, I don't want to pay that much so I decided to take advantage of the offers from the pre-fab builders. They offer to sell you just the materials so you can build it yourself. Well, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to build it as I can afford it.

I bought the concrete shell for around $1200. A local can construct it (electric, plumbing, floor, wall finishing) for around $2200. A friend is going to do the roof/ceiling gratis.. I just need to provide the supplies ($800-1000)

Tiling, doors, and windows will cost another $2000.

This is so much fun. I feel young again with a project. This is the last home I hope to build. The location of the house is in a cool setting, under a Guanacaste tree. I have a view of the sun setting behind the Tamarindo mountains. A perfect setting for AllHatNoCattle headquarters and a perfect gift for her 18th birthday.

So, your  donations are being well spent. And, of course, pictures will be provided as it progresses.

Thank you for your support.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
In Thailand you can go swimming in a tree trunk.


Friday, November 30, 2018

Don't cry for Trump, Argentina

Putin and Saudi crown prince high-five at G20 summit 
The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman shared a joke at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, laughing heartily as they took seats next to each other in the main meeting room.

Trump, Putin Meet Briefly At G20 to Discuss Paint Colors for Putin’s Penthouse - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is such an aggressively inept bozo of a criminal that if he hadn't been born into obscene wealth, right now he'd be on an episode of Cops, drunk and with his shirt half off. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Boasts That Mueller Refers to Him as Number One. - Andy Borowitz

Another Sex Club Uncovered
Even from jail, a sex abuser manipulated the system. His victims were kept in the dark.
A decade before #MeToo, a multimillionaire sex offender from Florida....In her 2015 affidavit, she discussed in detail some of her alleged sex encounters with Prince Andrew and Epstein’s other friends, including lawyer Alan Dershowitz. .

Republican Shenanigans

The one part of Trump’s Presidency I’m looking forward to is the sentencing phase. - Andy Borowitz

The Dept. of Vocabulary Adjustment In Action
Two million federal workers receive memo warning they can’t use the word ‘resist’ or discuss Trump impeachment at work

Who else thinks that Melania is also going to be legally implicated in this whole mess... - Roland Scahill


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Today would be a really excellent day for Mueller to make yesterday seem like a slow news day. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

You want to get Trump out of office?  Buy him off. - driftglass tweet

Manafort Is Hoping He Isn't Manaf*cked
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort may face additional charges after lawyers in the special counsel's Russia investigation said he lied to them and broke his plea agreement, prosecutors said Friday.


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Business/Tech News

If you're a member of the Trump administration, get a lawyer.
If you're a lawyer for the Trump administration, get a lawyer.
If you’re a lawyer for a Trump administration lawyer, get a lawyer. - Middle Age Riot

Just In Case You Don't Have Enough To Worry About...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning about a new tick species in the U.S. that it says is capable of spreading diseases dangerous to humans and other animals.

On a walk with my grandson a group of ladybugs lighted upon us. It was delightful and I realized I haven't given the mysterious world of insects enough heed. I vow to change that. Did you know a group of ladybugs is called a "loveliness?" How poetic. How true. How perfect. - Dan Rather


18th Birthday Fundraiser

Yee Haw! Over a third of the way there! Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Aww, cinnamon rolls.
