Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Prince & The Puppet

Turkish president vows to reveal the 'naked truth' behind the 'savage murder' of Jamal Khashoggi
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that the “savage murder” of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Turkey...

I don't usually go in for conspiracy theories, but the fact that the Saudis' cover-up plan was so moronic does kind of point to Jared. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I have been beaten, my skull fractured, and arrested more than forty times so that each and every person has the right to register and vote. Friends of my gave their lives. Do your part. Get out there and vote like you’ve never voted before. - Rep. John Lewis

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Let's Get Physical, Physical 𝆕
More than a year into his role as chief of staff in the Trump White House, John Kelly’s patience with other men in Trump’s orbit is reportedly wearing thin.
According to a Monday report in the New York Times, in February, Kelly got into a physical altercation with former campaign manager-turned Trump hype man Corey Lewandowski just after the two were dismissed from the Oval Office. The incident involved Kelly grabbing Lewandowski by the collar.

Republican Shenanigans

So Trump makes up some bullsh-t story about how George Soros is paying brown people to invade America and in response, one of his unhinged dimwit worshipers put a bomb in Soros' mailbox. we Jews have seen this movie before and we didn't much care for it the first time. - Jeff Tiedrich

BREAKING: Caravan of hardened criminals spotted making their way into the United States.

Hate Vaccinations? Here's Your Guy!
Bob Stefanowski, the GOP nominee for governor in Connecticut, questioned the effectiveness of vaccinations for children, saying in a newly surfaced video that he doesn't believe parents should be “dumping a lot of drugs into kids for no reason."

McConnell, if you think you're going to get away with taking from seniors after you have given to the rich, you have another thing coming. We will not allow you to touch #SocialSecurity, #Medicare, or #Medicaid to make up for your wild tax cuts for corporations & the rich. - Rep. Maxine Waters tweet


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Christine Blasey Ford right now is probably wondering why her testimony wasn’t as credible to Trump as the Saudis’ watertight fistfight scenario. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Georgia Needs A Woman Governor To Clean Up The GOP Mess
Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State and the Republican nominee for Georgia governor, expressed at a ticketed campaign event that his Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams’ voter turnout operation “continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote,” according to audio obtained by Rolling Stone.

Guys, we don't know for sure it was a maga who tried to blow up George Soros. It could've been a leftie who was tired of marching without getting paid. - Randi Mayem Singer


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To stem the tide of immigration, move Trump to the Mexican border and have him talk nonstop, just to give would-be immigrants a nightmarish glimpse of what life in the US is like. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

There Goes The Census...
The Supreme Court has temporarily shielded Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from having to sit for questioning under oath in the lawsuits over a controversial citizenship question the Trump administration added to the 2020 census.

Thousands of Swedes are getting microchips implanted under their skinthat they can use to ride trains and open doors. The only chips I want in me have ruffles. - Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Here's a photo of how insignificant we are in the universe. Those little dots are the earth and moon as seen through Saturn's rings.


Monday, October 22, 2018

I am so proud to be a Democrat

Bolton says Russian meddling in U.S. elections hardly had any real effect
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton said on Monday Russian meddling in U.S. elections had hardly had any real effect.

Why do I get the feeling that Trump supporters are the kind of people who peaked in high school? - Ida Skibenes

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Conditions really must be horrific for people in Central America for them to consider life in Trump’s America to be an improvement. - TDP tweet

Trump Turns Caravan Into Terrorists
As thousands of Central American children, parents, elderly and other adults intent on migrating to the United States awoke from a night sleeping on concrete in far-southern Mexico, President Donald Trump resumed tweeting about the migrant caravan as the fault of Democrats and a danger to the U.S....Trump, meanwhile, in a series of tweets asserted that "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners" are amid the crowd, for which he offered no evidence.

If you think fertilized eggs are people but kids fleeing certain death aren't, stop pretending your concerns are religious. - LOLGOP

As far as I'm concerned, there should still be Union troops in every single Southern state to insure everyone's voting right are protected. - wraithglass tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Seeing coverage of long lines for voting is Texas is inspiring...because it’s hard to believe anyone would wait in line to vote for Ted Cruz. - Roland Scahill

Tax Cut Ignored In Republican Campaigns
Republicans thought their massive tax overhaul would be the centerpiece of their midterm strategy. But it turns out they were so wrong they’ve been barely mentioning the $1.5 trillion tax cut on the campaign trail.

For two years, the GOP has driven our great country like a rental car. We’re about to get it back with beer cans in the back seat, ash trays full and the oil two quarts low, but it will be ours again and we will fix it! - Tea Pain


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FOUNDING FATHER: we must always have an electoral college and 2 senators per state
ME: ok but what if 40 million people live in california
FOUNDING FATHER (spits out tea prepared by a slave): there’s HOW many people in WHAT.
- Ben Rosen

Rock The Voter News

Trump Wants 10% Tax Cut For Middle Class. They'll Need It After Their Healthcare Skyrockets
U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking to reporters at the White House as he left on a campaign trip to Texas, said on Monday his administration planned to produce a resolution within two weeks calling for a 10 percent tax cut for middle-income people.

Trump: ‘The Only Way To Find Out What Happened At The Saudi Consulate Is To Send In More Journalists One At A Time’ - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

Personally, I’d trade 5,000 refugees from Central America for 5,000 alt-right white nationalists in a heartbeat.- George Takei

Hurricane Michael Uncovered Shipwrecks
Hurricane Michael hit Florida's northwestern coast with a strength unparalleled in the history of the region. This has meant devastation for many in the region. Hurricanes can often bring unexpected things with them, and Michael has dredged up a part of Floridian history: ships wrecked in 1899 have been unearthed by the storm.

If I could do it again, bacon would be a plant. - TheTweetOfGod



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

These WW1 airplane listening devices became obsolete when the radar was invented.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Slow Motion Mission Accomplished

Putin hails the fall of United States as a moral leader around the globe in annual speech
Russian President Vladimir Putin used his annual address to hail the end of the United States’ influence on the world.

Trump looks at Putin in the same adoring way Hannity looks at Trump. It's also the way this Pomeranian looks at me when I'm about to feed it. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Jamal Khashoggi really was tortured, murdered and dismembered, why didn't he come forward about it sooner? - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Is Withholding Info On Khashoggi From The Senate
Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker warned the Trump administration on Thursday that its information “clampdown” on the alleged killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi can’t go on.

Bearded, Keffiyeh-Clad Jared Kushner Avoids Conflict Of Interest By Joining Saudi Royal Family - The Onion

Trump's reaction to the story about Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate reminds me of when we agreed to let Dahmer investigate whether or not Dahmer did it.- Conan O'Brien

The Honduran Caravan
Thousands of migrants are trekking in a caravan toward Mexico's southern border and are waiting to cross. CNN's Bill Weir reports on the situation in Tapachula, Mexico.

“I think we need to setup an American Ninja Warrior obstacle course at the border and whoever can make it, you can’t fake it, they get through. It’s fair and balanced.” - Fox Business host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery

Republican Shenanigans

The disturbing part of Trump’s jokes about Gianforte was the effect on the crowd. I saw one young man in the crowd making body slam gestures. He looked at me and ran his thumb across his throat. I talked to him after the rally was over. He couldn’t stop laughing. - Jim Acosta, CNN

The Bolton/Kelly Shouting Contest
The White House chief of staff and national security adviser shouted at each other over southern border crossings have a tense history.

OMG you guys John Bolton just like totally unfriended John Kelly and it’s totally awkward bc I’m like bff’s w/both of them. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

President Trump - with his tough guy rhetoric - reminds me of the guy in the bar who starts a fight and tells his friends to "hold me back" while he waits for them to clean up the mess he started. - Dan Rather


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Media treats the word “lie” like they think the FCC will shut them down if they use it. - Brian Schatz

Business/Tech News

'You Are All Inside Amazon’s Second Headquarters,’ Jeff Bezos Announces To Horrified Americans As Massive Dome Envelops Nation - The Onion

Charlie The Tuna Fined $100 Million
Authorities say StarKist has agreed to plead guilty to price fixing as part of a broad collusion investigation of the canned tuna industry.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
If it's there, man will climb it.
659 steps, Guatape, Colombia.
