Friday, October 19, 2018

Slow Motion Mission Accomplished

Putin hails the fall of United States as a moral leader around the globe in annual speech
Russian President Vladimir Putin used his annual address to hail the end of the United States’ influence on the world.

Trump looks at Putin in the same adoring way Hannity looks at Trump. It's also the way this Pomeranian looks at me when I'm about to feed it. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Jamal Khashoggi really was tortured, murdered and dismembered, why didn't he come forward about it sooner? - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Is Withholding Info On Khashoggi From The Senate
Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker warned the Trump administration on Thursday that its information “clampdown” on the alleged killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi can’t go on.

Bearded, Keffiyeh-Clad Jared Kushner Avoids Conflict Of Interest By Joining Saudi Royal Family - The Onion

Trump's reaction to the story about Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate reminds me of when we agreed to let Dahmer investigate whether or not Dahmer did it.- Conan O'Brien

The Honduran Caravan
Thousands of migrants are trekking in a caravan toward Mexico's southern border and are waiting to cross. CNN's Bill Weir reports on the situation in Tapachula, Mexico.

“I think we need to setup an American Ninja Warrior obstacle course at the border and whoever can make it, you can’t fake it, they get through. It’s fair and balanced.” - Fox Business host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery

Republican Shenanigans

The disturbing part of Trump’s jokes about Gianforte was the effect on the crowd. I saw one young man in the crowd making body slam gestures. He looked at me and ran his thumb across his throat. I talked to him after the rally was over. He couldn’t stop laughing. - Jim Acosta, CNN

The Bolton/Kelly Shouting Contest
The White House chief of staff and national security adviser shouted at each other over southern border crossings have a tense history.

OMG you guys John Bolton just like totally unfriended John Kelly and it’s totally awkward bc I’m like bff’s w/both of them. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

President Trump - with his tough guy rhetoric - reminds me of the guy in the bar who starts a fight and tells his friends to "hold me back" while he waits for them to clean up the mess he started. - Dan Rather


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Media treats the word “lie” like they think the FCC will shut them down if they use it. - Brian Schatz

Business/Tech News

'You Are All Inside Amazon’s Second Headquarters,’ Jeff Bezos Announces To Horrified Americans As Massive Dome Envelops Nation - The Onion

Charlie The Tuna Fined $100 Million
Authorities say StarKist has agreed to plead guilty to price fixing as part of a broad collusion investigation of the canned tuna industry.



Odd News

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If it's there, man will climb it.
659 steps, Guatape, Colombia.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Khashoggi Assassination: Putin Throws In His 2 Cents

Putin says Washington bears a 'certain responsibility' for Khashoggi
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday appeared to hold the United States partially accountable for the case of Washington Post journalist and Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi, who vanished after entering the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul and is believed to have been killed.

Putin furious at Saudis for using his puppet without permission.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump dispatches Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Saudi Arabia to provide lying advice. - Andy Borowitz

*Adjusts Tin Foil Hat*
A new internet hoax claims that the Mayo Clinic is intentionally misdiagnosing pregnant Trump supporters so it can force them to get abortions — and some of the president’s fans are actually falling for it.

Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman reminds you that "Murder and Dismember the Journalist" is actually just a drinking game. -John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

So if tRump wants to call Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" can we call him "Pokeapornstar"?- JoeinWV tweet

Poor Heidi Cruz Can't Afford A Second Home
Heidi Cruz, the wife of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), is upset that she still has to be her household’s primary breadwinner because her husband “only” makes $174,000 a year as a member of the United States Sen

I asked Pompeo if Jamal Khashoggi is dead? He heard me, made eye contact, but walked away. - Peter Alexander, NBC


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I’m so tired of code red drills. I’m tired of hiding in corners of my classrooms. I’m tired of hearing my friends cry while hiding because we know what it’s like for it not to be a drill. I’m tired of being scared to go to school in America. - Lauren Hogg

Rock The Voter News

We can't let the murder of one person stop us from selling $110 billion of weapons that will murder many persons. - John Fugelsang

Lara Trump Thinks The Kavanaugh Effect Inspires Women To Vote GOP
Lara Trump thinks more women are “inspired” to vote for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections because of the “Kavanaugh effect.”
“After what I like to call the Kavanaugh effect ... the number of women that I think are more inspired on the Republican end now to get out and vote is really astonishing,”...

The administration's deadline to reunite families it separated at the border passed 12 weeks ago today. What is their plan to rectify this great wrong, and to do it immediately? -Hillary Clinton tweet


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Business/Tech News

Trump is so determined to find out what happened to Jamal Khashoggi that he's going to send the FBI to do a thorough, 3-day investigation where they can't talk to anybody from Saudi Arabia or Turkey. -John Fugelsang

Imagine if you will.. You put money in a piggy bank for the majority of your life and one day the government broke into your house and stole it and left a note saying “ we are taking this to pay for our mistakes”. That’s what republicans want to do with Medicare and SS. -irishygirl

Will Mark Zuckerberg Be Pushed Out As Facebook CEO?
Four major U.S. public funds that hold shares in Facebook Inc on Wednesday proposed removing Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg as chairman following several high-profile scandals and said they hoped to gain backing from larger asset managers.


I hope you had a good time today!


Odd News

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Waiter, please leave my Chardonnay on the deck.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hi y'all. The president is engaging in a murder cover up to protect cash flows from the House of Saud.

Trump says he doesn't want to abandon Riyadh in crisis over journalist
U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he does not want to walk away from Saudi Arabia despite concerns about a missing Saudi journalist, as pressure mounted on the kingdom to answer Turkish allegations he was killed in Istanbul.

Whomever planned the execution of Jamal Khashoggi did a lousy job by leaving so many obvious clues. Everything from the 15 man hit team arriving at the airport to the murder site and dismembering and disappearing his body. Putin is much more efficient, he uses a sniper or poison or a shove from a balcony. 

Thank you, Donald J. Trump, for comparing the Saudi murderers to Brett Kavanaugh. I couldn't think of a more apt analogy. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Saudi Arabia dangled dollars & G W Bush helped cover up their involvement in 9/11 deaths. 
Saudi Arabia is dangling dollars again & Trump is helping cover up their involvement in Jamal Khashoggi’s death.
Want to get away with murder? Prices available @WhiteHouse upon request. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Mueller Doesn't Want To Pull A Comey, Apparently.
Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly expected to present findings related to key aspects of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election after this November's midterm elections.

I think it’s interesting that the Turkish government is so (rightly) concerned about the alleged death of a journalist, all while packing their own jails with journalists.- Julia Ioffe

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump making fun of ANYONE’S appearance is the most fragile of glass houses. - Ike Barinholtz

Uh Oh. Is Jarvanka In Trouble For Fraud?
The Manhattan district attorney’s office is being investigated for closing cases against the wealthy and powerful after getting big campaign donations...According to the report, the FBI is looking at whether Cy Vance Jr. and his staff dropped high-profile cases after “lawyers for the well-connected subjects made donations.”
Vance, a Democrat, once refused to bring criminal charges against Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. in an alleged real estate scam. The Trump children were facing charges of fraud for allegedly lying about the number of condos that had been sold in one of their properties.

On this day in 1933, Albert Einstein arrived in America as a refugee from Nazi Germany. Imagine if Trump was president back then.... -irishygirl


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I am asking you to believe.  Not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. - Barack Obama

Rock The Voter News

Imagine that President Email Lady helped cover up a gruesome murder committed by a foreign dictatorship because she had personal financial ties to its ruling family. Hannity would burst into flames on live TV. Republicans with pitchforks and torches would circle the White House. - Jeff Tiedrich

Uh Oh. People Who Read and Write Are Suing Trump
In the three years that Donald Trump rocketed from candidate to president, the PEN American Center has criticized him as a bully, an autocrat, a user of hate speech and an enemy of free expression. It has published studies, organized petitions and established a Press Freedom Incentive Fund.
Now the literary and human rights organization, which includes thousands of authors and journalists, is taking a more direct step: PEN is suing the president.

*Hillary deletes an email* 
GOP: She must be covering up a murder! 
*Trump literally helps cover up a murder*
GOP: Love our big strong president! - Jess Dweck


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Business/Tech News

Weird. Canada now has single payer health care, no abortion restrictions, same-sex marriage and legal weed. And their Christians aren't fleeing to America. Must not be all that bad. - LOLGOP

Can The Tax Cut Be Uncut?
The numbers are in, and Trump’s tax cut didn’t reduce the deficit – despite his many promises.
On the campaign trail, Trump first proposed a $10 trillion tax cut, far larger than any Republican rival’s, but insisted it wouldn’t boost the federal budget deficit because the economy would “take off like a rocket ship.”

Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" was published 61 years ago today, and since then has served as an excellent way to weed out potential romantic partners. - Literary Hub tweet


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Odd News

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I wouldn't mind hanging out there.
