Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Nikki Haley quits as UN Ambassador and takes the air of the Trump/Kavanaugh ballon.

Trump says Ivanka would be 'dynamite' as U.N. ambassador but says it would be called nepotism
 Outgoing U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley lavished praise on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

Nikki Haley said Jared Kushner is Trump’s “hidden genius.” So I guess that means Mike Pence isn’t the only person in the White House keeping something hidden. - Chelsea Handler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Given everything we know about the Trump campaign, *if* someone had contacted them with a concrete plan to illegally cheat during the election, do we think they would have said no? - Chris Hayes

Meanwhile Democrats Are Trying To Save People From Trump's Junk Insurance
Senate Democrats are planning to force a vote this week on a resolution that would overturn the Trump administration’s expansion of short-term health insurance plans.
Critics call them “junk” plans, since they’re not required to comply with all the regulations of the 2010 health care law.

Remember Nikki Haley has enabled a man who mocked a sexual assault victim, who referred to white supremacists as "very fine people," who praised a murderous dictator, and who colluded with Putin's coverup of the Russian attack on the United States. She owns all that. - David Corn

Republican Shenanigans

Sure sex is great but have you tried voting out Republicans? - OhNoSheTwint

Keggers Kavanaugh Kicks Off The Season
Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s first vote as a member of the Supreme Court could come as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday on a Trump administration request testing how much power courts should wield over top executive branch officials.

Brett Kavanaugh celebrated his confirmation last night at a party at the home of Facebook’s top lobbyist. 
Google is one of the Federalist Society’s largest donors.
Next time conservatives claim tech companies are biased against them, please laugh in their faces. - Ari Rabin-Havt tweet

Good Karma Visits Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Christine Blasey Ford, the college professor who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault while they were in high school, has been nominated for a Distinguished Alumna award at her alma mater.

How hammered did Blackout Brett get last night? Asking for 65 million friends. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Brings Cruelty To Another Level
The Trump administration is planning hours-long downtimes for maintenance on healthcare.gov during the coming ObamaCare sign-up period.

I’m in Atlanta and I gotta get used to the kindness. A lady was talking to me for a minute before I caught on. I went, I’m sorry I thought you were talking to yourself. She goes, why’d you think that? I go, cause in NYC you see more people talking to themselves instead of each other - Cyrus McQueen tweet


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Business/Tech News

Look, man, people on welfare are "abusing the system" but Mr. Trump merely "took advantage of all available loopholes." - John Fugelsang

My My My. Nikki Haley Is In Deep Deep Deep Debt. First Kavanaugh, Now Nikki.
Outgoing United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley had hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt by the time she announced her surprise resignation Tuesday.

It’s weird that both the Earth and I have about 30 years left. - Conan O'Brien


Thank you all for being a part of AllHatNoCattle. 
You've kept me sane.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Adjusting for the crosswind.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Susan Collins believed what he said, not what she said.

Collins: 'I do not believe that Brett Kavanaugh was' Ford's assailant
Sen. Susan Collins said Saturday that while she believes that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was sexually assaulted, she does not believe that now-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh did it.

Susan Collins: Dr. Ford is not confused. “Confused” should be used to describe someone who is under the impression Kavanaugh won’t overturn Roe v Wade. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The guys who ran around with guns and lynched Obama in effigy are extremely concerned the liberal "mob" is going too far. - Oliver Willis tweet

How Many More Russian Dots Have To Be Connected?
Cybersecurity experts found evidence of suspicious communications between a Trump Organization computer and a Russian bank in the summer of 2016 — and they also noticed a link to Betsy DeVos and her family.

Ending abortion in the United States is the only way we can get Jesus to bring back coal mining jobs. - Marie Connor

Pro-Lifers Threatening Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her, cannot move back to her home due to the volume of death threats she is still receiving, her lawyers told NBC on Sunday. 
One of Ford's attorneys, Debra Katz, told NBC's Kasie Hunt that it's going to be "quite some time" before Ford and her family can return home.

Republican Shenanigans

When Al Franken was accused of sexual impropriety, Susan Collins demanded he resign. Without a hearing. - Stephen King

Melania Trump said, “I wish people would focus on what I do, not what I wear”
Melania Trump wore controversial clothing again. On Friday, the First Lady received a ton of backlash on Twitter during her first solo trip to Africa.

If I was going to lie about having sex with someone famous ... I would pick somebody way less embarrassing than Donald Trump. - Stormy Daniels


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“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”  - Plato

Rock The Voter News

I wish the Presidential alerts would have helpful information, like warning us that a drunk sexual assailant was in the vicinity of the Supreme Court. - Andy Borowitz

Do They Spin A Wheel To See What Laws To Break Each Day?
Legal experts say the president's lawyers may be pushing ethical boundaries by communicating with people involved in the Mueller probe.

When Franken was accused—he resigned
When Schneiderman was accused—he resigned
When Conyers was accused—he resigned
When Trump was accused—he was elected
When Moore was accused—he was endorsed
When Kavanaugh was accused—he was confirmed
Never say the parties are the same
. - Rantt Media tweet


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Business/Tech News

Trump's expertise with bankruptcies will come in very handy, experts say. - Andy Borowitz

Susan Collins Wishes People Would Start Blaming The Fifty Other Assholes -Andy Borowitz

Who's Creepier Than Mike Pence? His Wifey.
Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Mike Pence, is planning to rally support for a controversial Republican candidate who has said that women who work are violating “God’s design.”

FUN FACT: no facts are actually fun! - Conan O'Brien


I am still experiencing rain from the feeder bands of, now, Hurricane Michael. Thank Gawd it wasn't as bad as last year. I do dread next year as this seems to be the norm due to global warming.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love this.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Mother Nature is preventing me from posting a new edition

I am posting this limited edition in between the waves of pounding rain. Last year at this same time we experienced horrible flooding from Tropical Storm Nate. Everyone is terrified of a repeat. The conditions are similar, we got hit from the west for days before Nate hit. Then once Nate formed more damage from flooding and wind. It has been raining here for days. The ground is over saturated and there is a tropical depression located near the same area Nate formed.

I took a screenshot below. I am above the C in Costa Rica.

Not to leave you empty handed, here is a video of  Trump's entourage ignoring the piece of toilet paper on his shoe.  Or is that the U.S. Constitution?

Peace and keep safe.