Friday, October 5, 2018

Mother Nature is preventing me from posting a new edition

I am posting this limited edition in between the waves of pounding rain. Last year at this same time we experienced horrible flooding from Tropical Storm Nate. Everyone is terrified of a repeat. The conditions are similar, we got hit from the west for days before Nate hit. Then once Nate formed more damage from flooding and wind. It has been raining here for days. The ground is over saturated and there is a tropical depression located near the same area Nate formed.

I took a screenshot below. I am above the C in Costa Rica.

Not to leave you empty handed, here is a video of  Trump's entourage ignoring the piece of toilet paper on his shoe.  Or is that the U.S. Constitution?

Peace and keep safe.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

It looks as though it'll be KavaYeah

How Senators are viewing the single copy of the FBI's report of Brett Kavanaugh
 All 100 senators will be able to review the supplemental background investigation throughout the day. Here's how they can read the document.

This week has changed me forever. I thought I was a woman who didn't take sh*t before. Just watch the level of sh*t I won't take now. - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It's like the FBI is locking the door, turning up the music, and putting a hand over the mouths of people who would speak out about boozy, angry Brett Kavanaugh. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Dutch Catch Russians Hackers Outside The Hague. Yep, Midterms Are Gonna Be Hacked.
Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU, used a trunkful of electronics to attack the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons earlier this year, Dutch officials said on Thursday.
Dutch authorities escorted four Russian intelligence officers out of the country hours after the car they had rented was found parked near the OPCW's building in The Hague, its trunk full of gear for hacking WiFi networks. A large antenna was sitting on top of the equipment, which was on and running, using a battery that had been placed in the trunk.

Pence Is Pointing His Finger At Chinese Hacking The Midterms, Not Russia
Vice President Pence on Thursday accused China of meddling in U.S. elections with the aim of hurting President Trump and the Republican Party, the latest sign of the administration taking a tough line against Beijing ahead of the November midterms.

I am a former prosecutor. I've never seen a law enforcement investigation where agents don't interview the accuser or request to interview the accused. The #FBIReport is incomplete and designed to reach a preordained result. - Rep. Ted Lieu

Republican Shenanigans

Blackout Brett would have helped Nixon erase the tapes -Jeff Tiedrich

When you use a farce of an FBI investigation to delay voting a rich white male sexual predator into the Supreme Court, that’s called brocrastination. - OhNoSheTwint


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Brett Kavanaugh is about to finish what he started against Dr. Ford 36 years ago.  He just needed a more ruthless wingman: Donald Trump. - Tea Pain


I wonder if Clarence Thomas is prepping a welcome basket for Kavanaugh. - Schooley tweet

A full 10 weeks since the administration's deadline to reunite families they separated at the border, over 100 families are still waiting.  - Hillary Clinton tweet


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Business/Tech News

THIS IS A TEST of the American constitutional system. Immediate action is needed. - The TweetOfGod

Trump's Failing Golf Club
Donald Trump’s flagship Scottish golf resort has incurred multimillion pound losses for the fourth consecutive year under his ownership.
The US president’s Turnberry resort ran up losses of £3.38m last year. It means that since he took over the South Ayrshire enclave in 2014, its losses total nearly £33m.
The latest annual loss is notable, given it covers the first full year of operations since the reopening of the resort after an extensive redevelopment of both its hotel and Ailsa golf course.

The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones - giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people! - John McAfee



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Namib Desert from space, courtesy of Mother Nature.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Oh, Look, the New York Times stopped writing about Hillary's emails

New York state tax department reviewing fraud allegations involving Trump in NYT article
New York state tax officials are investigating allegations detailed in an exhaustive New York Times investigation into Donald Trump and his family's business dealings.

I would like to state for the record that I am a self-made billionaire. 
My dad only gave me $999,999,999. 
And then I found a dollar on the ground. - Kumail Nanjiani

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

At this point the question isn’t whether Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. We all know that he is. The question is whether there are two Republican senators who care. - Andrew Weinstein

Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Who's Running These Detention Facilities? The Marquis de Sade?
A Nicaraguan man who was detained at the Adelanto ICE Processing Center died in March 2017 after he was found hanging in his cell from his bedsheets. Not long after, two other detainees also used sheets in an attempt to hang themselves.
When federal officials arrived in May of this year for a surprise inspection of the privately run immigration detention facility, they found nooses made from bedsheets in 15 of 20 cells.
“When we asked two contract guards who oversaw the housing units why they did not remove the bedsheets, they echoed it was not a high priority,” officials with the Department of Homeland Security inspector general’s office wrote in a scathing report made public Tuesday detailing dangerous conditions found at the facility during their unannounced visit.

“You can do or say something that women don’t like, and suddenly millions of women will come out of the woodwork and vote against you," Trump said. "I think it’s a disgrace.” - Andy Borowitz

Trump Gleefully Mocks Dr. Ford To A Roaring Crowd
President Donald Trump for the first time directly mocked Christine Blasey Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by casting doubt on her testimony during a campaign rally.

Republican Shenanigans

Why are politicians acting like it’s hard to NOT sexually assault someone? - David Hogg

Beach Week Was Longer
The FBI is expected to conclude its Kavanaugh probe as soon as late Tuesday or early Wednesday, well ahead of the end-of-week deadline.
GOP aides on the Hill and another person familiar with the process said they were expecting the bureau to conclude its report as soon as late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

The only position Kavanaugh should hold in a courtroom is defendant.- Suave Hellion tweet

I'm just reading through today's [AHNC] edition and it struck me: it's one thing to be as sober as a judge; it's quite another thing to be as sober as Mark Judge. - Rick


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Trump is an infection, a festering wound. But there’s an antidote. It costs nothing but a little time and energy. And it’s guaranteed to be very effective. It’s available everywhere on November 6th. Make America Well Again. Vote. - Ken Olin

Remember When Trump Said He Couldn't Release His Taxes Because He Was Being Audited? What Happened To That?
President Donald Trump’s sister, retired Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, was heavily implicated in the latest New York Times expose on the family’s history of tax evasion.

Please leave Judge Kavanaugh’s daughters alone. They do not belong in your cartoons, “jokes”, or skits. If you can’t make your point about Judge Kavanaugh, whatever it may be, without bullying his kids, it’s not worth making. - Chelsea Clinton


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Business/Tech News

Literally 100% of the Americans currently roaring with laughter about traumatic sexual assault are seven weeks away from having a meltdown if it doesn’t say CHRISTMAS on the coffee cup. - Dave Holmes

Today Would Be A Good Day For Mueller To File Charges
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is shrinking by two in the wake of its successful prosecution of Paul Manafort and amid signs the Russia investigation may be nearing its final stages.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Ernest Hemingway on his yacht around 1950. The Old Man and the Sea.
