Monday, September 10, 2018


Today, streaking through space at 67,000 mph,  I have completed sixty nine laps around the sun. I am exhausted and amazed that I am still alive.

And thankful.

Many of you helped keep me alive over these years. 💖

I will return tomorrow.

Thank you for visiting.

Peace and love to all.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Obama delivers full-throated rebuttal to Trump's presidency

Obama delivers full-throated rebuttal to Trump's presidency
In rare public speech, Obama says Trump poses such a threat to America that it forced him to speak out.

I'm so inspired by the President Obama speech I'm making this appeal to a group of important Americans - the mistresses of GOP Senators.
Ladies, I need you all to tell your Senator Sugar Daddies that you are pregnant. Before he votes on Kavenaugh. Take one for the team. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"What happened to the Republican Party? Its central organizing principle in foreign policy was the fight against Communism, and now they're cozying up to the former head of the KGB." - Barack Obama

Another Republican Mobbed Up With Russians
Celgene Corp. under Bob Hugin, the Republican running for U.S. Senate in New Jersey, raised U.S. prices by 20 percent for its Revlimid cancer drug while cutting them by 45 percent in Russia last year, documents show.

Ain't it funny that Trump has never asked the DOJ to go after Russian election interference but insists they arrest all his political enemies? - Tea Pain

So Lindsey Graham says abortion should be illegal bc it's not mentioned in the Constitution.   I checked and he's right.  But childbirth isn't mentioned either so I guess we need to ban that too. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

How long before Lindsey Graham shows up wearing a "f-ck your feelings" t-shirt and starts chanting "lock her up!" on national TV? - digby tweet

It appears Judge Kavanaugh may have committed some light perjury durin' his confirmation, but don't worry, he plans to pardon himself as soon as the Republicans confirm him. - Tea Pain

Odd, That Mueller Hasn't Offered Immunity To Trump. snark
President Trump told reporters Friday he would be open to sitting down with special counsel Robert Mueller under specific circumstances, but is wary of landing in a perjury trap.
“I’d do it, but under certain circumstances,” he said on Air Force One.
“It’s a big waste of time. There was no collusion,” Trump added.

I remember a time when I could go weeks without thinking about the president at all. - Andrea Junker

I’m no HR professional but it’s prob a bad sign when an employee writes an anonymous letter calling you a brain-dead asshole and you can’t even narrow it down to 100 people. - Jess Dweck


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"Here’s the good news, in two months, we have the chance to restore some semblance of sanity to our politics.” Amen, President  Obama

Rock The Voter News

Watching Obama speak & I feel like I could start crying over what we’ve lost as a nation. - Joyce Alene

Kavanaugh Spread The Vince Foster Conspiracy Theory. What A Horrible Person.
Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, has testified to the Senate that “a good judge must be an umpire — a neutral and impartial arbiter.” He and his supporters want us to believe that he would be such an umpire on the Supreme Court. But does his record support him?

“No one took the memo separating children from their parents away from Trump’s desk.”  . Chris Hayes


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Business/Tech News

Congrats to Elon Musk on inventing the most public way to have a mid-life crisis. - Jess Dweck

From CNN To Russian TV. Is The Pay Better?
Former CNN contributor Scottie Nell Hughes will join RT America, the American arm of the global news network headquartered in Moscow and funded by the Russian government.

Inspiring words from @BarackObama today.  A powerful reminder that it's on all of us to vote this fall if we want leaders who reflect the civility, character, dignity, and goodness of the American people. The stakes couldn't be higher, but Americans always rise to the occasion. - Joe Biden tweet

I nailed it!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

All kids are the same no matter the species. Best wishes for a great weekend.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Who wrote that anonymous op-ed?

Mike Pence's office denies he wrote 'lodestar' anti-Trump NYT op-ed
Vice President Mike Pence's office is denying that he is the senior administration official behind an extraordinary, anonymous opinion essay

Fun fact: Vice President Pence is the only person Trump can't fire.
Rudy Giuliani authoring that anonymous op-ed sure would explain his crazy behavior. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Sorry, but there is no resistance in the White House.  
There is no resistance in the GOP.
Republicans are not coming to save us. This is what they wanted. -Kaili Joy tweet

Trump Is Going To Cage Kids Again. Something Sinister Is Going On Aside From Blatant Cruelty.
The Trump administration said on Thursday that it plans to withdraw from a federal court agreement that strictly limits the conditions under which authorities can detain migrant children, and proposed new rules that it said would enable it to detain minors during their immigration proceedings.

Dubya was stupid but not hateful.  Nixon was hateful but not stupid.    Trump’s combination is unpresidented. -John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

They're saying the protesting is "raucous" at the Kavanaugh hearing, with John Cornyn saying it's "unlike anything I've ever seen before." What, you mean they were KNEELING???- Bette Midler

"But Her Emails!" Nope, It's "But Brett's Emails!"
Brett Kavanaugh disputed whether Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that widely legalized abortion across the US, was “settled law of the land” in 2003 when he was serving in the Bush White House, according to an email obtained by CNN

Today, confirmation hearings continued for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. At one point, a protester screamed, "Sham president, sham justice!" Then security escorted Ruth Bader Ginsburg out of the room. - Jimmy Fallon

Just when you think your opinion of liar-for-hire Sarah Sanders could not possibly sink lower, she tweets the phone number for the @nytimes, in hopes that millions her flying MAGA monkeys will harass the paper.- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Us: We just want the right to make decisions about our own bodies and for men not to rape us. 

GOP men: Calm down, ladies, you sound hysterical. - OhNoSheTwint


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I read that Joe Biden will decide whether he's running for president in 2020 by this January. He's gonna take a coin and say, "Heads, I run. Tails, I flip again until I get heads." - Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

President Trump claimed that special counsel Robert Mueller is former FBI Director James Comey's "best friend" adding, quote "I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other." Which is a lot more pictures than there are of Trump and Melania hugging and kissing.-Seth Meyers

Christopher Steele Again Eludes His Republican Pursuers
Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa had sought the former British spy’s deposition in a civil suit related to his Trump-Russia dossier, but a judge in Florida ruled Grassley would have to follow normal court procedures to get Steele’s testimony.  


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Sen. Rand Paul says Trump would be justified in using lie-detector tests to find author of anonymous critical New York Times op-ed.- Alex Bolton, TheHill

Business/Tech News

If you’re upset about Nike choosing Colin Kaepernick for their commercial, you should just ignore it like you do police brutality and racial discrimination in the justice system. - Mat Molina

CBS - CEO Moonves = #MeToo
The CBS board is deep in settlement talks with CEO Les Moonves that would result in his departure and the appointment of COO Joe Ianniello as his interim replacement, people close to the negotiations told CNBC.

Crying keeps you healthy by literally flushing away harmful bacteria and reducing stress. Remember this next time you step on a rake. - Jim McCue




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England, today in 1620. Painting by Bernard Gribble circa 1754.
