Tuesday, August 7, 2018

One third of America is not right in the head

Nearly a third of Americans agree news media is the enemy of the people
Almost one-third of Americans, 29 percent, said in a new poll that they agree that “the news media is the enemy of the ... people.”
Twelve percent of Democrats and 26 percent of independents shared that opinion in the Ipsos poll released Tuesday, as did 48 percent of Republicans, which constituted a plurality for that party.

The biggest mystery in U.S. history is how a country can go from electing a brilliant, caring, sincere African American as President, and then 4 years later replace him with a stupid, sexist, white supremacist pig.
It's almost as if another country sabotaged us.- Ed Krassenstein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Wilbur Ross: lied about Russia
Sessions, Don Jr. lied about Russia
Manafort, Flynn: lied about Russia
Trump can't stop lying about Russia
America is being Vodka-boarded

- John Fugelsang

This Sounds Like A Stephen Miller Idea
The Trump administration is expected to issue a proposal in coming weeks that would make it harder for legal immigrants to become citizens or get green cards if they have ever used a range of popular public welfare programs, including Obamacare, four sources with knowledge of the plan told NBC News

A fungus beneath Ann Coulter's bed chamber erupts. A cloud of spores drift away, towards DC
Finding an alley, they seek form. A picture of Pauly Shore rests nearby. A cop sees a man lying on the ground. He asks his name.
"Stephen Miller," it replies before consuming his essence. - Richard Jeter

Happy Birthday, Robert Mueller! I wish you'd give yourself a birthday present. Here, I'll help.

Republican Shenanigans

So Rick Gates stole from Paul Manafort *while* Gates was helping Manafort steal from the US government? Truly, there is no honor among thieves! - Mrs. Betty Bowers

What are the chances the candidate is less criminal than his campaign manager, his deputy campaign manager, his National Security Advisor, his lawyer and his son? - LOLGOP

Oh Joy, Trump Is Bringing Asbestos Back!
The EPA is allowing asbestos, a substance banned in most countries since the '70s, back into the manufacturing process for some building materials.

I'm sorry but there is no more 2018 sentence than "....AND ASBESTOS IS BACK!" - Alexandra Petri

Lying to the Judiciary Committee is a crime—which Donald Trump Jr. seemingly committed. He must be called back to testify in public, as I’ve urged, so the American people know.- Sen. Richard Blumenthal 


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Rock The Voter News

Congrats, Donald Trump! For the first time EVER, a star will be REMOVED from Hollywood’s Walk of Fame!!!
Next up: Removing YOU from the Oval Office!! - Jon Cooper

Hey Guys, Wanna Trade Your Social Security For Family Leave? Step Right Up!
A new bill from a key Republican senator would provide paid family leave — in return for giving up Social Security benefits.
The legislation, from Sen. Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who unsuccessfully sought his party’s presidential nomination, is notable both for demonstrating broader interest in the concept of paid family leave as well as the idea of drawing from Social Security.


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Climate Researchers Warn Only Hope For Humanity Now Lies In Possibility They Are Making All Of This Up - The Onion

Business/Tech News

For the record, I don’t want Rudy Giuliani doing my eulogy. - Conan O'Brien

Trump's Tariffs Closing South Carolina Plant
A manufacturing plant in South Carolina recently announced that it’s closing down completely in large part thanks to President Donald Trump’s tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum.


I hope you had a good time today.
Thank you for visiting.


Beer Bellied people who like to grill?

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Where's the spider?


Monday, August 6, 2018

Trump tweets himself into legal jeopardy

President urged to stop tweeting on Trump Tower meeting
President Donald Trump has been urged to stop tweeting about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Trump's top advisers and several Russians, a source familiar with discussions tells CNN.

Russian Orphans Devastated After Realizing Trump Tower Meeting Not About Getting Them Adopted- The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The one who really reached out and grabbed a pussy is Putin. - Linwood Barclay

Trump Tweets Insults At LeBron James
Donald Trump attacked the basketball superstar LeBron James in a late-night Twitter rant on Friday about an interview the Los Angeles Lakers player did with Don Lemon on CNN.
Trump tweeted that Lemon “made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do”, in response to a conversation the two men had about Trump’s previous attacks on black athletes, including the football player Colin Kaepernick, who protested against racial injustice in the US by kneeling for the national anthem at NFL games.

LeBron James Challenges Trump to Spelling Contest - Andy Borowitz

Manafort had a 10k karaoke machine, spent a million dollars on suits, & had a huge, M-shaped flowerbed in his yard -- all while owing tens of millions to Russians and Ukrainians and lying to the IRS. With business skills and taste like that, HE coulda  been president. - Bette Midler

High-End Persian Rugs Attend Trial In Show Of Support For Paul Manafort - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

My advice to media re: out of control Trump driven crowd hostility at his rallies; boycott them. Send in an AP pool reporter and AP pool photog.  Nothing more. Take away his oxygen for a while.- Mike Murphy, GOP strategist

I'm not wired.

Hope Hicks Spotted Boarding AF1. Is Trump Witness Tampering?
Former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks was spotted boarding Air Force One on Saturday ahead of President Donald Trump’s rally in Ohio, according to reporters in the White House press pool.

me: bye bye, Alex Jones
me: well now the first amendment only applies to the governm—
me: you're not listeni—
me: [headdesk]

- Jeff Tiedrich


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The fact that #Trump is crazy & Russia CHOSE HIM, and helped him become President is all one thing. The fact that so many Americans are okay, even happy about it, is terrifying.  We’ve got to right the ship. VOTE! - Bette Midler

Rock The Voter News

Trump Aides Legal Fees Covered!
Longtime associates and political allies of President Donald Trump forked over tens of thousands of dollars this year for his aides' legal defense in the ongoing Russia probe, according to quarterly filings obtained by POLITICO Monday.

"You pray for the hungry.  Then you feed them.  That's how prayer works."  Pope Francis


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Business/Tech News

At this very moment in the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Jerry Brown are plotting to let the entire west coast burn to the ground. - Jeff Tiedrich

Chopped chicken liver lover.
George Costanza Likes KFC?
There's yet another new face for KFC -- and this time, it's the face of George Costanza.
The fried-chicken chain announced in a press release Monday that its newest Colonel Sanders is Jason Alexander, the actor and comedian best known for his work in the television show “Seinfeld.

Seedless Watermelon Coming To Grips With Fact It’ll Never Be Able To Have Kids - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Moms make the best beds.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Trump 2020

Trump To Decide Whether To Meet With Mueller Within 10 Days, Giuliani Says
President Donald Trump will decide once and for all whether to sit down with special counsel Robert Mueller within a week to 10 days, his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said Thursday.
“I think our decisions will get made in the next week to 10 days,” Giuliani, who leads Trump’s legal team, told Politico. Trump may yet reject the interview, he added.

"Right now there’s a Republican in the White House who is lying to all of us at an unprecedented rate, so it’s time for those in his fold to speak truth to power. America needs you right now." - Matt Laslo, NBC News

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Hey guys call me crazy but I'm pretty sure that the guy who sides with Putin and Xi and Kim against America's own interests has no business calling anyone an "enemy of the people" - Jeff Tiedrich

Meanwhile, Putin Is Trying To Acquire More Land
As the barbed-wire fence edges closer, so does the prospect that Vasya might one day wake up on Russian-controlled soil.
The craggy-faced cattle farmer finds himself on the front line of a geopolitical struggle between Russia and the West.
Ignoring Washington's warnings, Moscow-backed troops have been moving a disputed border deeper into Georgia, a former Soviet republic that is now a staunch U.S. ally.

On this day in 1967, 45,000 soldiers were sent to Vietnam. That’s the same year Trump developed bone spurs. - irishygirl

Trump Thumps Mexicans Again
President Trump appeared to double down on comments he made calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” during a rally on Thursday night...“Guess what,” he continued, “what I said is peanuts compared to what turns out to be the truth. It’s peanuts.”

President Trump held a giant rally in Tampa last night with thousands of people in attendance. The crowd was very diverse. It was half white, half Caucasian.- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

The Ivanka Trump image rehabilitation tour is already a mess. - Roland Scahill

The Trump Sump Pumping Continues
President Donald Trump is renewing his campaign against the media, claiming at a Pennsylvania rally that the media is the “fake, fake disgusting news” and casting journalists as his true political opponent.

Sarah Sanders is always filmed from behind a podium because she doesn’t want anyone to see that her pants are on fire. - OhNoSheTwint


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Barack Obama, president of the United States: I was born in America.
Kim Jong-un, North Korean dictator: These are the remains of American soldiers who died in the Korean War.
Trump: Good enough for me.

- OhNoSheTwint

Rock The Voter News

President Trump said this morning that the Russia investigation is a hoax tweeting, "The Democrats paid for the phony and discredited dossier which was, along with Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and his lover, the lovely Lisa Page, used to begin the witch hunt. Disgraceful." And I love that even in the middle of a meltdown over the investigation, he still has time to hit on a woman. "This is a hoax, and a witch hunt, and oh, hello there."- Seth Meyers

Mueller Interviews the "Manhattan Madam." Yeah, You Read That Right.
CNN reported Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller interviewed Kristin Davis, the woman who found fame as the “Manhattan Madam” in the sex scandal that ended the political career of former Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D-NY).
The voluntary interview reportedly occurred on Wednesday.

In times like this, I feel it is entirely appropriate for reporters at the next White House press briefing to throw rotten tomatoes instead of questions.


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The USDA has issued a health alert over premade salads and wraps sold at Walgreens due to concerns they may be contaminated with an intestinal parasite. So, if you're buying your meals at Walgreens, I have even more bad news.- Seth Meyers

Business/Tech News

#MAGA: They're stealing our jobs!!!
Yes Gary, with your high school diploma, Muhammad the neurologist is stealing your job. - Ali

China Is Fighting Back
China’s Unipec, the trading arm of state oil major Sinopec, has suspended crude oil imports from the United States due to a growing trade spat between Washington and Beijing, three sources familiar with the situation said on Friday.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Let's leave the planet earth for a moment. This is the Mystic Mountain, which is a region in the Carina Nebula imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope.
