Friday, July 20, 2018

I for one welcome our new Turnip Overlords

Study: NY Times, Wash. Post quote more than twice as many Republicans as Democrats in political coverage
Throughout May and June, two of the nation’s leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, quoted Republicans at more than twice the rate of Democrats in their political news coverage.
In an analysis of the papers’ news and political coverage during May and June, Media Matters found that the Times quoted 1,466 Republicans and 611 Democrats, a ratio of approximately 2.4 Republicans for every Democrat. The Post quoted 1,403 Republicans and 615 Democrats, for a ratio of approximately 2.3 Republicans for every Democrat.

It was the same with the coverage of Bill Clinton during his presidency. Tim Russert led the way during those days.

Bill Clinton almost lost his job as POTUS for lying about an affair. 
Trump has lied about several affairs, and Michael Cohen had a tape that proves it. 
Dear GOP: Practice what you impeach. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I think the Russians have infected our government to a far greater degree than anyone suspected.  Come to think of it, they're kinda like syphilis: by the time the first symptoms appear, the disease is already well established. - Rick Wise

White House Staffers Are Depressed
White House staffers who initially planned to leave their jobs after the midterm elections are considering getting out sooner because of President Donald Trump’s performance during a press conference with Vladimir Putin Monday, and his fumbled attempts to clean up his remarks ever since.

What if we're looking at it wrong? What if it isn't a case of Republicans refusing to stand up to Putin? What if we've already been invaded and conquered and Putin has installed Trump and GOP as the ruling power, meaning from here on out, democracy is an illusion.- Sally Albright

Republican Shenanigans

If goofy Michael Cohen has incriminatory recordings of Donald Trump, just imagine what cagey Russians have. -Mrs. Betty Bowers

I don't get it.  Are Republicans in Congress so scared to lose an election that they will go along with a traitor? - Bette Midler

Don Jr.'s New Gal Quits Fox To Stump A Trump
It appears that Kimberly Guilfoyle is on her way out at Fox News…
Vanity Fair‘s Gabriel Sherman first reported the news, based on three sources, that the longtime host is departing the network after more than a decade. She joined in 2006, and served as a host on a series of shows, from Outnumbered to, most recently, The Five.
According to ABC News, Guilfoyle is expected to join America First, a pro-Trump Super PAC.

Senator Strongarm
The Senate GOP leader is vowing to squeeze Democrats with a vote on Brett Kavanaugh right before the midterms if they don’t back down on their demand for documents.

When I got started as a reporter covering the police beat in Houston, a grizzled homicide detective once told me - "I don't believe in coincidences". Seems like apt words of caution for what we're witnessing today. - Dan Rather


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Rock The Voter News

What does it say that watching "The Handmaid's Tale" is escapism for me these days? - David Corn

NFL Temporarily Grows A Spine 
The National Football League has announced that they’re putting a hold on their previously announced new policy that would penalize players for taking a knee during the national anthem. The league released a joint statement Thursday with the NFL Players Association (NFLPA), saying “no new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

I guess Trump didn’t realize when you keep attacking the FBI they will attack back. - irishygirl


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America is the Titanic and has already hit the iceberg. Everyone on its lower decks are rightly panicking while the first class passengers are still aloof, drinking champagne.- Ally Maynard

Business/Tech News

I'd like to remind all of America's remaining allies that the GOP officially refuses to increase voting security, thereby giving a green light for any of you to attack our election systems should you desire an America not run by lying treasonous illiterates. - John Fugelsang

A City To Avoid In 2020
Charlotte won its second national convention in a decade Friday, kicking off two years of planning, fundraising and anticipation.
The city joined a small group of cities that will have held both major party gatherings after the Republican National Committee on Friday formally awarded the 2020 event.

Of course Putin is coming to America. You never invest in real estate without visiting it. - TweetOfGod



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Mrs. Owl and I wish you a happy weekend, heaven knows we all deserve it.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Trump Changes His Mind Again

White House says Trump disagrees with Putin proposal to hand over Americans
Trump earlier called the proposal to have Russians interrogate the Americans ‘an incredible offer.’

Ambassador @McFaul is a patriot who has spent his career standing up for America. To see the White House even hesitate to defend a diplomat is deeply troubling.- Hillary Clinton

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

As each day passes the pee tape seems more and more real. - Tony Posnanski

Trump Trashes EU, Again
President Trump on Thursday lashed out at the EU for imposing a record $5 billion antitrust fine on Google.
Trump wrote in a tweet that the move shows the EU is targeting U.S. companies.

Connect the dots:
2016: Putin tries to assassinate President of Montenegro
2017: Trump shoves the Prime Minister of Montenegro at NATO meeting
2018: Trumps meets with Putin
2018: Trump tells people he doesn’t want to have to defend Montenegro - The Hoarse Whisperer

FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States -The Onion

A Redheaded Spy & The NRA
Federal prosecutors unsealed charges this week against 29-year-old Russian national Maria Butina, a self-styled gun activist with long-running ties to the NRA who worked for Alexander Torshin, a high-level Russian government and banking official from President Vladimir Putin’s party. Butina, who was a graduate student at American University until this spring, began traveling to the United States in 2014 and operated as a “covert Russian agent,” according to an FBI affidavit.

Being sent to the U.S. to have sex with Republicans and #NRA sounds worse than being sent to the Gulag. - Victoria Brownsworth

Republican Shenanigans

"Hi, I'm Sean Spicer and I was led to understand there would be 20 pieces of silver at the end of all this?" - John Fugelsang

Trump Foundation Under Investigation?
The Trump Foundation is reportedly under investigation in New York for possibly violating state tax laws.
Two unidentified officials in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) office said the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance inquiry could uncover criminal activity...

Trump is saying Russia is our friend and the American news media is the enemy. This evil dolt is gonna get more news people killed.- The Rude Pundit

Paul Ryan Worried History May Judge Him Harshly For Failure To Confront Tyrannical Food Stamp Abusers  - The Onion


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Rock The Voter News

BREAKING:Moscow makes bid to host 2020 GOP National Convention. - JoeinWV

I Can Barely See Putin's Puppet Strings On Rand Paul
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Thursday introduced a resolution that would protect American elections from Russian interference — and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) objected to it because he said it exhibits “crazy partisan” hatred for President Donald Trump.


Robert Mueller just submitted his list of evidence for the Paul Manafort trial and look whose name is all over the first 30 items.
Tad Devine. 
Bernie Sanders' Chief Strategist.


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I have to say, when you said "I don't see any reason why it WOULD be Russia," for a minute it almost seemed like you were hiding something from us. Like there was something Putin knew about you that you wanted him to keep quiet. Now it all makes sense. Boy, I tell ya, Papa John must be at home right now going, “Wait, you can do that?”- Jimmy Kimmel

Business/Tech News

“I meant to say I would build a mall, not a wall.” - Edel Rodriguez

Devin Nunes Uses Campaign Money For Perks. 
Rep. Devin Nunes used political donations to pay for nearly $15,000 in tickets to Boston Celtics basketball games as well as winery tours and lavish trips to Las Vegas, according to reports from the Federal Election Commission and two nonpartisan watchdog groups.

The makers of Crocs have announced they're coming out with a high-heeled shoe. While the wearers of Crocs have announced they're going to give plaid shorts a try.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Earth photographed from Apollo 11, today in 1969, one day before Neil Armstrong walked on moon.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Russians are laughing at Trump on TV

Russian state TV host pegs Trump as a Putin asset: ‘He really smells like an agent of the Kremlin’
A host on Russian state TV commented this week that President Donald Trump “smells like an agent of the Kremlin.”
The remarks were made on the Russian program 60 Minutes following Trump’s summit and press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Somewhere in this world, Rex Tillerson is watching single ice cube floating around a glass of bourbon and saying, "I told you he was a f--king moron." - Jennifer Hayden

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I Wonder How Pissed The South Koreans Are
President Donald Trump said Tuesday there is no hurry to denuclearize North Korea under his accord with Kim Jong Un -- a shift in tone from when the US leader said the process would start very soon.

Wait, so you're saying the National Rifle Association might have illegally cut a deal with an oppressive foreign government? That seems totally out of character for an organization run by [checks notes] Oliver North. - David Klion

‘Trump is no longer our leader’: Texas GOP lawmaker 
"Our president has mocked and belittled our immigration laws, our intelligence agencies, our foreign policy strategy and even the American people."

Republican Shenanigans

"Your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying."— Ralph Waldo Emerson

One Of Putin's Goombahs
Orange County GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met in Russia in 2015 with a woman later charged by federal officials for allegedly acting as an unregistered agent of the Kremlin in a covert endeavor to shape American politics.
News of the 2015 meeting — confirmed Tuesday by Rohrabacher’s office — came the same day he told Politico that Monday’s indictment of 29-year-old Maria Butina was “bogus” and “stupid,” saying he believes the allegations are part of a larger plot to undermine President Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia.

Something is rotten in the state of Kentucky.
All three of these politicians in Kentucky are on record for downplaying Russia hacking our election..
Thomas MassieMitch McConnellRand Paul- RespectMyGame tweet

Something Is Rotten In Tennessee Too
The number of Tennesseans now displaying Confederate battle flag license plates is higher than at any other point in the last decade, according to state data on the controversial specialty tags.

I'm so old I can remember when, in the late fifties, the right-wing John Birch Society claimed that a US President, Dwight Eisenhower was a Soviet agent
We thought it was hilarious
Then. - John Cleese


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This wasn't a good day for Donald Trump. We haven't seen an American so owned by a Russian since “Rocky IV.”- Jimmy Kimmel

Rock The Voter News

Subject: Surrender Summit

Hi Lisa,

As I watched the Trump–Putin presser on Monday, it became clear to me that Trump was not a statesman, nor even an astute politician, dealing with a wily adversary. 

No, Trump acted like a timid, obsequious shopkeeper trying to mollify a powerful, overbearing customer.

“Blame, sir?  Oh no, sir, nobody could ever blame you.  These things happen, sir, and it is entirely our fault.  But we will put things right, sir; that I can tell you.  From now on, sir, we will see to it that you are completely satisfied.”

That makes sense because, to Trump, Putin is more than just the Russian president.  He is the key to Trump’s best customers: Putin controls the flow of money out of Russia and into the Trump Organization.

People wonder if Putin has kompromat on Trump and maybe he does.  Is there a pee pee tape?  Maybe there is.  Is he being blackmailed?  Maybe so.

But in the absence of evidence of any of that, a simpler explanation may be that Putin is driving Trump with a carrot and stick.  The carrot: “Play ball with me and you may someday get to build your hotel in Moscow.”  The stick: “Cross me and your companies will see no more money from Russia.”

If Putin turns off the Russian money spigot, the Trump Organization is screwed. And Trump and Putin both know it.

Trump did not go to Helsinki to represent America’s interests; he went there to protect his own interests.  The sooner the American electorate recognizes that fact and forces its Congress critters to act on it, the better off we will be.


Thanks for writing, Rick. Trump looked terrified after meeting with Putin. He actually looked physically ill at one point. One thing that scares Trump is loss of control and money.

Ya first I wanted a female President.  Then I thought another black President would be good, but now I just want an American President. - Wanda Sykes

Take Note Mr. Mueller: Republicans Obstructing Justice In Congress
Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) revealed Tuesday that Republicans shut down any demands by Democrats to question Maria Butina, who was just indicted by the special counsel’s investigation. But Butina was one of about 30 witnesses that Democrats sought out that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and others on the Intelligence Committee denied.

Nixon ordered White House guards  to dress in royal-looking uniforms, reversed his decision after they were laughed at, 1970.

Wait, hold on, this is getting lost in the fire:
The NRA was LITERALLY colluding with a Russian spy and within 24 HOURS, there’s a law that saves them from having to disclose their dark money donors to the IRS. 
That’s a thing that happened. - Cameron Kasky

I hope someone swept that soccer ball for bugs.


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Business/Tech News

Article II Section 4: If the president is impeached for treason, the vice president and all civil officers shall be removed.- Angry Naval Officer tweet

Why Would Trump Lie About This? Why?
President Trump wrongly claimed that Queen Elizabeth II reviewed her honor guard for the first time in 70 years during his UK visit. The Queen regularly reviews a guard of honor from the Household Division.

Former first lady Michelle Obama attended a Beyoncé and Jay-Z concert yesterday where she danced in the front row with Beyoncé’s mother. This, according to a white woman on the phone with police.- Seth Myers


Take me to your puppet.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I think I had a dream like this.
