Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trump nominates Supreme Court Justice

Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Justice nominee: Trump announced 
President Trump announced his selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be his second Supreme Court justice Monday night

Jeffrey Toobin on CNN: "Brett Kavanaugh is on the D.C. Circuit. You know who is the chief judge on the D.C. Circuit? Merrick Garland. How do you think he feels today?"

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s hard to respect a president who is kinder to ruthless dictators than women in Congress and Senators dying of cancer. - Tony Posnanski

I Wonder How The Trumps Will Be Treated By NATO?
Ahead of Donald Trump's arrival at the NATO summit, EU's Tusk tells the U.S., 'Please respect your allies, you don't have that many'. 

Buzzfeed: Take our "Which Trump Child Are You quiz!!" Me: I don't waste time w/those awful people.Buzzfeed: Ooh that means you're a Tiffany! - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

$80 worth of sushi tells me Stephen Miller was ordering for two. Himself and someone he has shackled to a radiator in his apartment.- Andy Lassner

Judge Calls Trump's Request Cynical
The judge called the Trump administration's request to extend a 20-day maximum detention for children a "cynical attempt" to pass the buck on immigration policy.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager IS IN JAIL.

5 members of his campaign have PLEAD GUILTY to charges brought by the Mueller probe.

And the media is acting like it’s perfectly normal that this obviously guilty man is going to NAME HIS OWN JUDGE.

Mikel Jollett

I’m sick of his face, hand gestures, whiny voice and appalling vocabulary.- SpockResists tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Tit for tat. Amirite?

Isn't This Unethical? Why Of Course It Is!
Source familiar tells NBC that Justice Kennedy had been in negotiations with the Trump team for months over Kennedy’s replacement. Once Kennedy received assurances that it would be Kavanaugh (his former law clerk) Kennedy felt comfortable retiring.

"If Hillary Clinton becomes president, I am going to do everything I can do to make sure four years from now, we still got an opening on the Supreme Court." - Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)


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So five men are going to overturn Roe v. Wade, right? That's the takeaway, right? - Matt Fuller

Business/Tech News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders called China’s tariffs on its full range of tanning products an “act of war.”- Andy Borowitz

The Miracle Of 2018
Every parent should be so lucky to have a man like Ekapol Jantawong as their child’s coach.
He didn’t lead the Thai soccer team into the cave — He was searching for them after their parents reported them missing.

Can the Thai Navy Seals come rescue 3,000 kids in cages in America?- irishygirl



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An ice cave in Iceland. I hope he has a raft.


Monday, July 9, 2018

I know how you feel, sun.

Trump's Personal Driver for 25 Years Sues for Unpaid Overtime
Donald Trump’s personal driver for more than 25 years says the billionaire real estate developer didn’t pay him overtime and raised his salary twice in 15 years, clawing back the second raise by cutting off his health benefits.

Of the trillion reasons Trump should not be naming a Supreme Court justice today, not meeting the court's deadline return the toddlers and infants he stole from their parents is one.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

1-year-old baby in immigration court, alone. Judge is embarrassed to ask if he understands the proceedings. Baby cries hysterically. His father has now been deported. This is a human rights violation, an atrocity, a stain on America. How is anyone sleeping? - Randi Mayem Singer

GOP In Russia: Dog & Pony Show Went As Planned
Eight Republican lawmakers appeared to signal weakness toward Russia last week. Upon returning home, one of them made matters a little worse.

Saving those kids trapped in the cave is a great thing, but let's not forget the kids trapped on our southern border. Not trapped by rising water but by the cruel policies of this administration. - Stephen King

How The Hell Do You LOSE Kids?
Government lawyers said Friday that officials are unable to locate the parents of 38 migrant children separated under the administration's controversial "zero tolerance" border policy, as officials push to comply with a judge's order that the families be reunited.

Republican Shenanigans

— Steve Bannon is getting protested at book stores.
— Mitch McConnell is getting protested in his hometown.
— Stephen Miller, Kirstjen Nielsen and Sarah Sanders are getting protested at restaurants.
No matter how hard Trump and the GOP try, most Americans don’t like FASCISTS. - Ryan Knight

We Are Caught In The Middle Of A Sad Political Soap Opera
Michael Cohen's new lawyer Lanny Davis questioned the honesty of President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani in a caustic tweet after Giuliani said Cohen should cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating him and tell "the truth."

Trump: “goodbye scott, thanks for everything” *pruitt leaves, trump checks his wallet and finds it’s gone* - Trevor Noah


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Having worked for Obama for years, I was always amazed by how he absorbed his briefing books. He not only read all the memos, but he picked up on arguments that had been missed or minimized. Staff had to raise their games to keep up with him. - Chris Lu

Rock The Voter News

My experience at restaurants: I ordered take out at a Greek restaurant. When I arrived, the owner saw me & threw in a free baklava (one of my favorite desserts). He said he appreciated what I was doing. I guess that's what happens when one opposes ripping kids away from parents.- Rep. Ted Lieu

Tell Us How You Really Feel About Maxine Waters
A senior prosecutor in California is under investigation after calling Rep. Maxine Waters a “c--t” on social media and wondering why no one has ..

As Scott Pruitt resigns as head of the EPA, he leaves...a former coal lobbyist in charge. It's like a set of toxic nesting dolls, a reference I know our Russian bosses will appreciate. - Bette Midler


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Breaking: Racist Farmers Should Have Cared More About Farming Than Racism When They Voted - Jess Dweck

Business/Tech News

Part of Me wants Britain to win the World Cup but another part of Me would prefer a European country. - The TweetOf God

Every Little Bit Helps
Starbucks announced on Monday it plans to eliminate plastic straws from its 28,000 stores worldwide by 2020.
The company will broaden the manufacture and use of what some in social media have dubbed the "adult sippy cup." It's a plastic strawless lid that will come to replace single-use plastic straws that now inundate its coffee shops.

The Arctic 103 years ago and today

One of these Sundays, I’d like Pope Francis to say “God” the way the FIFA announcer says, “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!” - Conan O'Brien


Pretty, Pretty Please!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A rare adult orchid mantis from Malaysia. It's pretty but I wouldn't touch anything with eyes like that.


Friday, July 6, 2018

This is child abuse

Report: Records Linking Detained Immigrant Kids, Parents ‘Destroyed’
The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security have been in a “scramble” to get the information to reunite almost 3,000 children with their parents in the family separations fallout, The New York Times reports. Two sources told the newspaper that records linking parents to their children “have disappeared” or have been “destroyed,” making positive identifications between children and family an uphill battle. HHS also sent out an email looking for volunteers to help scan through about 12,000 children’s records to determine which children were separated from their parents by the U.S. government and who arrived unaccompanied.

14 month old boy separated from immigrant parents at the border, was returned after 85 days, covered with lice, had apparently not been bathed - part of lawsuits filed by states against Trump administration. - Judy Woodruff, PBS News

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Last night, Trump went after 2 Veterans at his rabid racist rally last night. John McCain & George H.W. Bush. Laughing at two heroes that are living out their final days. Cruel & absolutely pathetic. Mind-boggling how anyone affiliated with the US Military supports this bastard. - Andrew Goss

Army Is Discharging Immigrants
The U.S. Army has moved in recent weeks to discharge dozens of immigrant recruits and reservists who enlisted through a program that promised them a path to citizenship.

They aren't even bothering to stick a couple black people behind Trump at his rallies anymore.- Randi Mayem Singer

Republican Shenanigans

Scott Pruitt, you will not be missed. Sincerely, all forms of animal and plant life. - Seth McFarlane

Subject: Second Civil War Report from the Front

My dearest Lisa,

July 4th was a horrible day.  Some MAGAs learned of my past as a biology teacher and derided me as a “goddamned evolutionist.” They caught me at the Natural History Museum and demanded I renounce Darwin. 

I told them that if man was descended from monkeys, Donald Trump is proof we have not descended far.  They all came to attention and saluted when I mentioned their Dear Leader’s name.  That’s when I escaped to my safe space.

Sherman was right: war is hell.  Or maybe Mr. Peabody said that.  Whoever it was, a veggie burger and a hug would do me no harm right about now.  With luck I shall return from the front soon.

Yours in solidarity,


Fear not, dear Rick, the redcaps are using the strategy the redcoats did on the front in our days of yore -- we can see them coming a mile away. 

Stay armed with facts. It's our only hope.



Here It Is. DOJ Needs More Time To Find Lost Children!
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is reportedly asking a federal judge for more time to reunite the thousands of families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.

A protester was arrested for trying to climb the Statue of Liberty. If we arrested everyone who is guilty of climbing all over a woman there’d be less to protest! - Bette Midler


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Rock The Voter News

Elon Musk Sending SpaceX Engineers To Help Trapped Thai Boys
Tech billionaire Elon Musk is sending specialist engineers to Thailand to help aid the rescue of the 12 boys and their football coach trapped in a cave...One of Musk's considerations was inserting a nylon tube into the cave network to create an air tunnel underwater

Of course, Trump doesn’t get, “1,000 Points of Light”. @GeorgeHWBush called on Americans to bring light to those in need & make things better by volunteering to help others. Trump knows nothing about this.Under Trump, ##1000PointsofLight means tiki-torches held-up by neo-Nazis. - Ana Navarro


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Business/Tech News

Friend: Hey! Donald Trump just set your house on fire! 
Trumper: Awesome! I’m so proud he selected my house!
Friend: Ain’t you gonna put it out?
Trumper: Heck no, he’s usin’ it to set my liberal neighbor’s house on fire! - Tea Pain

Trump Requests Foreign Workers For Mar-a-Lago
President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida has asked the federal government for permission to hire 40 foreign workers, according to data released Thursday by the U.S. Labor Department.
The Palm Beach resort wants to hire waiters and waitresses who would be employed using H-2B visas, which businesses typically obtain if they can establish that there are not enough American workers able or willing to fill the temporary positions.

Mom Spends Beach Vacation Assuming All Household Duties In Closer Proximity To Ocean - The Onion


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I wonder if these are the African lions that had poacher hors d'oeuvres the other day.
