Friday, June 8, 2018

Just when you thought the GOP couldn't get any crueler...

House Republicans eliminate funding for Children’s Health Insurance Program
House Republicans voted overwhelmingly to eliminate funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, after approving a White House budget plan.

I will never consider a pardon for Donald Trump. - TweetOfGod

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

OCTOBER 19, 2016: Hillary Clinton predicts that Trump will be Putin’s puppet.
JUNE 8, 2018: Puppet Trump refuses to enforce sanctions against Russia, sows discord with America's allies, and lobbies for Russia to be reinstated into the G-7. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Trump Tries Sleight Of Hand
President Trump has called for Russia to be reinstated to the G7 group of leading industrial nations.
Russia was ousted from the then-G8 group in 2014, over Russian President Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea.

Only Trump would go to the G7 asking for a G8 and come back with a G6 - Sarah Cooper

Republican Shenanigans

Muhammad Ali's attorney responds to Trump saying he may pardon Ali, saying they appreciate the sentiment, but "The U.S Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Muhammad Ali in a unanimous decision in 1971. There is no conviction from which a pardon is needed.” - Ana Cabrera, CNN

Speaker Ryan is celebrating the fact he just cut $7 billion from children's health insurance. Just imagine how happy he will be if he manages to cut food stamps and starves them to death before they can use emergency rooms. - Wil Donnelly

Trump's Porn Appearances?
When Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that Stormy Daniels has no credibility because she is is a porn star, he neglected to mention that his client, President Donald Trump, has appeared in three Playboy videos that feature nudity and softcore pornographic content.

President Trump says First Lady Melania Trump is doing well, but can’t come on the trip because she can’t fly for a month. Why? “She had a four hour procedure.” - Kaitlin Collins, CNN

Please unlock her up, Mr. Trump.
Hey Kim, Please Quit While You're Ahead
Kim Kardashian West said Thursday that her husband, rapper Kanye West, gave President Trump “legitimacy.”
Kardashian West met with Trump this week about prison reform and to lobby for him to issue a pardon, just weeks after her husband expressed his support for the president on Twitter. Kanye West's comments drew criticism from fans and fellow rappers.


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Reese Witherspoon has announced they're making "Legally Blonde 3." Please make it be about Elle Woods joining Mueller's team. - Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

Anthony Bourdain Was One Of The Good Guys 💔
Anthony Bourdain, a gifted storyteller and writer who took CNN viewers around the world, has died. He was 61.
CNN confirmed Bourdain's death on Friday and said the cause of death was suicide.

Maybe we all wanted to hang out with him. He was that cool, fun, frank, insightful. He introduced us to distant lands and to people with different traditions. And without ever preaching, he reminded us that we humans are far more alike than different. Thank you Anthony Bourdain - Mia Farrow

Anthony Bourdain had one of the only shows on tv that tried with all its might to teach Americans not to be scared of other people. - Allison


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Business/Tech News

Stop attacking Scott Pruitt. He needs soft silky hands to point at which toxic chemicals he wants your children to drink. - Jess Dweck

"Preexisting Condition" Is Just Another Phrase For "Sick Person"
In its latest effort to undermine the Affordable Care Act — and in the process, raise premiums for many Americans — the Trump administration is urging a federal judge in Texas to throw out the law’s protections for people with preexisting conditions.

Payback Is A Beeotch
Rudy Giuliani‘s tasteless attacks on Stormy Daniels (Trump’s lawyer said he does not respect her because of her work as a porn star) have received a pretty widespread rebuke on cable news Thursday morning.
Megyn Kelly weighed in on her NBC show, and reminded Giuliani that his own client’s wife, Melania Trump — who Giuliani hailed as a model woman in his comments, unlike Daniels — is herself a model who has posed nude.

We will, I hope, be judged, eventually by seemingly small, random acts of kindness and sincerity. - Anthony Bourdain



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Discovering the MONA LISA after World War II.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ivanka's New Collection

Ivanka Trump Was In Contact With A Russian Who Offered A Trump-Putin Meeting
Her contact, a Russian Olympic weightlifter, said a meeting between Trump and Putin could expedite a Trump tower in Moscow.

I am so sick and tired of these goombahs lying to us.

When I was a US Attorney I stopped selling hand-dyed yarn (my hobby) on Etsy to avoid the risk of a perception people could buy something from me to curry favor. Obama Administration ethics seem so quaint today. - Joyce Alene

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

All I’m saying is, the minute Canada starts refining its maple syrup reserves into weapons-grade Aunt Jemimium, we’re all French toast. - Scott Linnen

Trump’s getting us all used to the idea that he can pardon himself for his part in Russian interference in the election.  The colossal balls on this guy!  How can he even walk without clanking? - Bette Midler

Meanwhile Back In Putin's Russia
A steady stream of garbage-laden trucks moves the waste of Russia’s capital to landfills in the surrounding region. The resulting mountains of refuse emit noxious fumes and leach pollutants into nearby waters, endangering the residents of the region around Moscow.
Citizens living near these landfills have had enough.

“Delete your emails, acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy-bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove SIM cards, then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller.." -Sean Hannity asking people to obstruct justice

Republican Shenanigans

DANG!  This mornin' Mika Brzezinski reported that Donald Trump's biggest complaint is he can't watch porn in the White House.Maybe we should let him.  Porn has much less of a detrimental effect on our society than Fox & Friends.- Tea Pain

Whaaat? Is Guiliani Trying To Sabotage The North Korea Summit?
Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani has boasted that Donald Trump had forced North Korea’s leader to beg to re-schedule a high-profile summit after the president abruptly called off the meeting.

Schools Cancel White House Tours Fearing That Trump Might Teach Kids History - Andy Borowitz

Is this some secret signal to Pence?

Let's Call It What It Is: ETHNIC CLEANSING
A swarm of immigration agents arrested more than 100 workers at an Ohio gardening and landscaping company Tuesday morning, one of the largest of several recent workplace raids carried out as part of the Trump administration’s crackdown on immigration enforcement.

We're All Gonna Die
President Trump on his preparation for upcoming summit with Kim Jong Un: "I think I'm very well prepared. I don’t think I have to prepare very much. It’s about attitude.”


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Congratulations to Alice Johnson and I'm guessing this means more pardons and commutations for African-Americans incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses who DON'T have celebrities with access to the president, right?

Hello? - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Gawd these people are stupid.

Another Stupid Lie
President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested that many Texans had to be rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard during Hurricane Harvey last year because they were in boats watching the storm....Asked later to confirm if people were out on boats to ogle the storm, Gov. Greg Abbott told reporters he had “no information one way or another about that.”

Is worse to sell body for money or sell soul? Asking for friend. -Rogue Melania tweet


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Business/Tech News

Scott Pruitt Claims Misappropriated EPA Funds Would Have Only Been Wasted On Dumb Sh-t Like Clean Water - The Onion

So, ZTE Paid A Billion Dollars To Continue Making Phones That Our Intel Services Want Banned?
The U.S. has struck a deal with Chinese telecom giant ZTE to end crippling American sanctions, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC on Thursday.
The department said the deal includes a $1 billion penalty against ZTE and a U.S.-chosen compliance team.


I Need A Little Help From My Friends


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Insano in Brazil. No thank you very much.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

DOJ watchdog finds James Comey defied authority as FBI director, sources say

DOJ watchdog finds James Comey defied authority as FBI director, sources say
The Justice Department's internal watchdog has concluded that James Comey defied authority at times during his tenure as FBI director, according to sources familiar with a draft report on the matter.

I wonder what Hillary thinks about this report on James Comey.

Evangelicals have been warning about the Antichrist for 2000 years. 
So when he finally shows up, they vote for him. - Melanie

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Kim Jong Un said he wants to open a McDonald’s in North Korea. Which may explain why the summit with President Trump is suddenly back on. - Conan O'Brien

President Eisenhower while speaking to veterans in 1952 about those who died under his command on D-Day

Is This Fake Or Funny News?
When President Donald Trump meets with North Korean dictator Kim Jon-Un next week in Singapore, former NBA star Dennis Rodman will be on hand, according to a report from the New York Post. 

Our president who, on a daily basis, disrespects our country, our constitution, our flag, our anthem, and our citizens in service at home and abroad, is attacking sports figures, whether they take a knee or not, ignores the issue of people of color being killed by police at an alarming rate, doesn't know the words to our anthem or to "God Bless America".
To quote John Fugelsang, "Irony just hanged itself in a cheap motel." -

FUN FACT: Trump has been married to two Communist bred women and one Confederate bred woman.

Aaaaaand Paul Manafort Is Walking  Free
A Georgia teen with no record was just sentenced to 5 years in prison and 10 years probation for stealing a pair of Nike sneakers.

LeBron James on President Trump canceling Philadelphia Eagles' visit to the White House: "I know no matter who wins this series, no one wants the invite anyway, so it won't be Golden State or Cleveland going."

The latest rumor in Washington is that President Trump could decide to pardon himself. This would be completely constitutional, according to Trump’s new Supreme Court Justice, Donald Trump.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

If selling someone a wedding cake is participating in their marriage, isn't selling a gun to a shooter participation in  murder? - Allen Marshall

If God doesn’t like gay people, then why do we look like perfect angels & homophobes look like God didn’t even try? - Solomon Georgio

Maybe Trump Didn't Want To Sing GOD BLESS AMERICA Because It Was Written By A Jew
US president Donald Trump joins in singing Irving Berlin's God Bless America during his 'celebration of America' at the White House, but his , but his lips appear to be sealed for the trickier lines. The event was hastily changed after the president disinvited Super Bowl winners the Philadelphia Eagles as part of the ongoing row over kneeling during the national anthem.

CNN: Trump forgets lyrics to God Bless America NBC: Trump forgets lyrics to God Bless America Fox News: Hillary was given the lyrics to God Bless America beforehand - OhNoSheTwint

Here's my response to Trump flubbing the words of 

God, I miss Obama.

Obama's barrage of complete sentences seen as brutal attack on Trump. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Obama Did What? Oh, Wait, Then He Didn't?
The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so.

Hey Kim Kardashian, any chance you can help the babies and children in cages after being ripped from their mothers' arms? Because I guess that's where we are now. Nobody else is getting through. - Randi Mayem Singer


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Business/Tech News

Now that Miss America has ditched the swimsuits, I think it’s time the Pulitzer Prize dropped their wet t-shirt contest. - Stephen Colbert

Cambridge Analytica: The Plot Thickens 
A Cambridge Analytica director apparently visited Julian Assange in February last year and told friends it was to discuss what happened during the US election, the Guardian has learned.

Try to avoid Black Holes. They suck at everything. - Neil deGrasse Tyson


I need to put food on my family!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Wow. I have few words to say except this is the Space Shuttle over Florida.
