Thursday, March 22, 2018

John Dowd quits as Trump's lead lawyer in special counsel Mueller's Russia probe

John Dowd quits as Trump's lead lawyer in special counsel Mueller's Russia probe
John Dowd resigned Thursday as President Donald Trump's lead attorney in the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
"I love the president and wish him well," Dowd told NBC News.

Establishing relationships with friendly foreign leaders is important for Trump right now, because he needs to build a network of countries he can flee to when the time comes.- Jimmy Kimmel

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

When asked today if the Russian election was free and fair, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, quote, "We're focused on our elections. We don't get to dictate how other countries operate." "Ha, ha! Good one," said Iraq.- Seth Myers

Trolling, trolling, trolling down the river...
Democrat Calls For Hearing On Russian Twitter Trolls
U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin called for a hearing Wednesday as new cases emerged of Russian Twitter trolls using racially charged incidents to foment tension in Wisconsin and around the country.
The news events spread by fake Russian accounts on social media ranged from the 2015 police shooting of a Madison teenager to a case days before the 2016 presidential election in which a fan at a University of Wisconsin Badgers game came dressed as then President Barack Obama with a noose around his neck.

Speaking of Trump's lawyers, Trump has hired a new attorney for his defense team. Trump's newest legal counsel is a man named Joseph diGenova, who has frequently and vocally pushed the conspiracy theory that the FBI is plotting to frame the president. Now, I personally don't think any of that is true. But let's hope so!- James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

First daughter Ivanka visited Iowa yesterday, where she visited a science facility to promote the president's infrastructure proposal. Ivanka has been getting some heat for tweeting a picture of herself dressed like Science Barbie. Just like a real Barbie, she has no scientific credentials, and the space where her heart should be is a hollow plastic shell.- Stephen Colbert

"HEY KID, WANT TO BE MY LAWYER?" - Jeff Tiedrich

Longtime Fox contributor Ralph Peters has quit the network, calling it a "propaganda machine," according to a report in What the F*ck Took You So Long Magazine. - Andy Borowitz

No Government Shutdown! But A $1.3 Trillion Spending Spree!
The House easily passed a $1.3 trillion spending package on Thursday, sending legislation to the Senate that would prevent a shutdown and deliver the largest federal spending increase in years.
Lawmakers approved the bill in a 256-167 vote on Thursday, with majorities in each caucus backing the measure. Ninety Republicans and 77 Democrats voted against the bill.

A former Playboy Playmate named Karen McDougal says she had an affair with Trump and now she's suing him. You know things are crazy when you hear the president is being sued by a porn star and people go, "Which one?" - Jimmy Fallon


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Wow, when I read about Trump's plan to execute drug dealers today, I said to myself "Today he became the president." Of the Philippines. - Bill Maher

In less than 16 months we went from a President who embraced Joe Biden and threatened Russia to a man who embraces Russia and threatens Joe Biden...
Lord. - Tony Posnanski

Rock The Voter News

“When I announced yesterday that I’m running for gov, one of Cuomo’s top surrogates dismissed me as an “unqualified lesbian.” It’s true that I never received my certificate from the Department of Lesbian Affairs, though in my defense there’s a lot of paperwork required.”  - Cynthia Nixon, fabulous actress turned candidate for governor of New York

The Obamas Send Letter Of Support To Parkland Students
Ahead of the March For Our Lives demonstration in Washington, D.C. on March 24, former president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama wrote a letter to the students who survived February's mass shooting in Parkland, Fla.


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China is pressuring Washington not to impose big tariffs on its steel. You can tell China’s playing hardball because today they said, “Remember – we have your new iPhones.”- Conan O'Brien

While I am in favor of Stormy Daniels appearing on 60 Minutes, I am deeply concerned about the human cost of millions of people hearing descriptions of Donald Trump having sex.- Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Just tried deactivating my Facebook account and Putin sent me a DM with a sad face emoji. What the f*ck?! - Michael Blackman

Why Does Jared Still Work At The White House?
A New York City regulator is investigating 13 buildings controlled by a company formerly run by Jared Kushner, a top aide to U.S. President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, over possible "illegal activity" related to work permits, according to public filings.

Heterosexuals are the leading manufacturer of gay people, marriage is the leading cause of divorce & religion is the top creator of atheists. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Yoga is not just for humans.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Finally, some good news

Austin bomb suspect Mark Anthony Conditt blows himself up as SWAT team approaches
The suspect in a spate of bombings that terrorized Austin, Texas, died early Wednesday after detonating an explosive inside his vehicle as a SWAT team tried to apprehend him on the side of a highway, officials said.

Mark Anthony Conditt was homeschooled and grew up in an Amway family. I'm not sure if anyone's ever been duped into going to an Amway presentation, but they're cultish and extremely conservative. It should be no surprise that Amway is how the DeVos family made their cash.- Kara Calavera

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump actually congratulated Putin on his re-election. Either he's in Putin's pocket, he's incredibly stupid, or both. I vote for both. - Stephen King

Even Inspector Clouseau Would Say No To This Russian Request
A senior Russian diplomat says Moscow wants to take part in an investigation into the poisoning of an ex-spy in Britain, saying Russia's involvement is essential to finding the truth.
Britain has blamed Russia for poisoning Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter with a military-grade nerve agent, accusations Moscow has denied.

To recap yesterday: a child obtained a gun, just as our founding fathers intended, and brought that gun to school, just as our founding fathers intended, at which point he shot two students before being shot to death by a resource officer, just as our founding fathers intended. - Jeff Tiedrich

Vladimir Putin has been re-elected to a fourth term as president of Russia. The final vote tally was: 76% Putin, 24% shot this morning.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

"We're playing three dimensional chess and these guys are playing Tic Tac Toe." - Stormy Daniels' Lawyer, Michael Avenatti, on Trump's lawyers

Fox Analyst Comes To Senses
Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a longtime analyst for Fox News, told colleagues he is done with the network he says has become "a propaganda machine" for President Trump.
Peters said in an email first reported Tuesday by BuzzFeed that he chose not to renew his contract as a paid contributor with Fox News on March 1 because he was "ashamed" of the network.

If us Jews actually controlled the weather, New York would be Hawaii. - Alex Edelman


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Donald Trump, Jr. has brought shame to his family name by only having one divorce. - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

What, Bernie? Income Inequality Is More Important Than Russia & Stormy? If We Don't Stop Trump There Will Be Nothing That's Equal.
Enough about Russia and Stormy Daniels. The leaders of the progressive movement want to talk about growing income inequality in the US.
At a live-streamed town hall event on Monday night, Senator Bernie Sanders once again circumvented cable news to host a 90-minute panel discussion on poverty, the decline of the middle class and the consolidation of corporate power.

Trump has become such a divisive figure, I’m afraid he’s ruined that hairstyle for other men. - Conan O'Brien


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Trump made people in the White House sign non-disclosures? The only thing close to transparent with this guy is his very thin skin. - Bette Midler

Business/Tech News

Former FBI director James Comey’s memoir has already topped Amazon’s list of best-sellers, almost a month ahead of its release, due to preorders. Or you can find it in your local bookstore blocking Hillary Clinton’s book. - Seth Myers

Trump, Venezuela & Putin
President Donald Trump may not have realized on Monday that his executive order would step on Russia’s toes. Its official target was Venezuela, specifically the country’s plan to create the world’s first state-backed cryptocurrency, the petro, which went on sale Tuesday.
But behind the scenes, the petro was in fact a collaboration—a half-hidden joint venture between Venezuelan and Russian officials and businessmen, whose aim was to erode the power of U.S. sanctions, sources familiar with the effort told TIME.

“Graffiti is beautiful; like a brick in the face of a cop.” - Hunter S. Thompson



I somewhat disagree. I'd be very lonely without my computer and phone.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A USGS scientist in Hawaii collects lava samples for chemical analysis, which can give insight into changes in the magmatic system also known as hot feet. Photo by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Apparently, nepotism is contagious

A family affair: Susan Pompeo's active role raising debate within the CIA
Susan Pompeo, wife of Central Intelligence Agency chief Mike Pompeo, has taken on an unusually active role for a CIA spouse in agency affairs since he started the job in January 2017, regularly spending her days at the agency, traveling with her husband, and attending agency social

Seth Meyers: ‘Trump is Freaking Out Like a Final ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Who Knows the Music Is About to Stop’

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Today's press briefing: 
Were Russian elections free and fair? 
Sarah Sanders: "Look, we don't get to dictate how other countries operate."

UK Expels Russian Diplomats. Trump Congrats Putin On Election. I Bet Theresa May Didn't Congratulate Putin.
Russian diplomats, ordered expelled by Britain over a nerve agent attack on British soil, left the country Tuesday.
They were transported from the Russian embassy in London to Stansted Airport for a flight home.
Britain ordered the 23 diplomats expelled last week, after blaming Moscow for the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury earlier this month. 

One thing you can say about Hillary when she was Secretary of State she wasn't scared of Putin, she called his ass out for cheating. - Pam Forrest

Please tell me Donald Trump calling Vladimir Putin on his “victory” is fake news. They are one step away from getting a place together.- Rob Reiner

Republican Shenanigans

John McCain: “An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election...”

Man. Crazy sh*t happens so fast in this presidency, sometimes it feels like I’m binge-watching it.” - Seth Meyers

You'd Never Know Abortion Is Legal In The USA. Another Attempted Barrier.
Supreme Court justices on both sides of the ideological spectrum expressed skepticism Tuesday about California's "truth-in-advertising" law requiring anti-abortion clinics to more fully disclose what they are.
The anti-abortion "crisis pregnancy centers" objected to the law on free-speech grounds.


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If Hillary bought an AR-15 we'd have full gun control tomorrow. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

After DiGenova and his wife and law partner Victoria Toensing did all they could to aid the impeachment of Bill Clinton in the 1990s, Toensing kept up her crusade against the Clintons by being one of the primary perpetrators of the fake (and now-debunked) "Uranium One" canard. - Seth Abramson


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Business/Tech News

Mark Zuckerberg donated $5,000 to Trumps campaign and his board member Peter Thiel donated $1.25 million to Trump's campaign. I wonder if that was done in rubles. - irishygirl

Always remember that people on welfare are just "gaming the system" but Mr. Trump merely "took advantage of all available loopholes." - John Fugelsang

Google Trying To Filter Out Fake News By Pumping Up Media Publishers
Google is making its grandest overture to the news business yet. Alphabet Inc.’s search giant is providing a new suite of tools to help media publishers grow subscriptions, advertising sales and readership -- an attempt to resuscitate an industry the search giant helped decimate. And it includes another shot at stamping out fake news.
Under the Google News Initiative, the company pledges to dole out $300 million to support digital journalism globally over the next three years.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Namib Desert from Space. It looks so angry but beautiful at the same time.
Photo: European Space Agency
