Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sick Day

I have the Flu or Gripe (Grip-pay) as they call it here in Costa Rica. At least that is what it feels like...sorta like a truck ran over me and sprinkled me with fever and chills.

I'm going back to sleep.

I will be back online asap. Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience. 


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Foul Mouth Has A Foul Private Club

Trump’s Mar-a Lago cited by state inspectors for poor maintenance
A year after the discovery of foods that could sicken people at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, his Winter White House was just cited by inspectors for poor maintenance.
Never mind that it costs $200,000 in initiation fees to join the exclusive club, which has two restaurants and a bed-and-breakfast.
Fresh state records show the B&B needed emergency repairs in order to pass the latest inspection in November.

Trump to world leader: "Come to dinner at #MarALago"
World leader to Trump: "I wouldn't eat at that shithole" - Richard Hine

From Mexico

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I’ve traveled and worked in Haiti, and across Africa and Central America. The countries the president described with his epithet do not exist. -Bill Clinton

More Closed Door Testimony
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Tuesday morning went behind closed doors with the House Intelligence Committee to testify in the panel’s ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the election.

UPDATE: Bannon Subpoenaed By Mueller
Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon was subpoenaed last week by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of the federal probe into Russian interference in the presidential election

HUCKABEE-SANDERS 2019: The reports the president called the Pope “motherf*cker” are completely false. He said “Go f*ck your mother”. - Jesse McLaren

Trump and Pence Vanish as Giant Shithole Opens Under Oval Office. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

First lady Melania Trump has added three new people to her personal White House staff. She just needs one more to make it over the fence. - Seth Myers

My Gawd The Trump Family Is Up To Their Necks In Non-Racist Dirt Too!
There hasn’t been an update in the Trump-Russia saga in the last few days, but those hankering for more Javanka-related intrigue can tide themselves over with a new report that the couple was warned about one of their friends potentially using their relationship to promote foreign interests.
The twist: The country in question is China, not Russia. And the friend is Wendi Deng Murdoch, ex-wife of News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch. And this report comes to us via The Wall Street Journal, which is owned by News Corp. Also, somehow this involves former British prime minister Tony Blair and a 70-foot-tall Chinese spy tower in D.C.

To defend the president, the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security just said under oath that she does not know if Norway is predominantly white. - Daniel Dale, Toronto Star

Republican Leaders Urge Trump to Use Subtler Racist Euphemisms - Andy Borowitz


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Norwegians Shocked That Trump Has Heard of Norway - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Trump: *Overtly racist statement*
CNN: Trump’s a racist.
MSNBC: Trump’s always been a racist. 
Daily Stormer: We love our racist!
WSJ: Dude. You’re not making this easy for us.
NYT: Is the President a racist? Coal miners don’t think so. 
Fox: Hillary is the real racist.
- Miles Kahn

Four In Ten Americans Think The Media Doesn't Support Democracy
More than four in ten Americans say the mainstream news media in the U.S. doesn't support democracy well, according to a new survey released Tuesday that shows Americans' souring attitude towards the media.

Trump's DHS Chief: Trump wants a "merit-based" immigration system

Senator Pat Leahy: Being from Norway isn't a skill


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Business/Tech News

As I attempted to ask questions in Roosevelt Room of Trump, WH press aides shouted in my face to drown out my questions. I have never encountered that before. - Jim Acosta, CNN

Trump Said He Divested Himself Of His Businesses. Ha Ha.
Sixty-four trade groups, foreign governments, Republican candidates and others stayed at or held events at properties linked to President Donald Trump during Trump's first year in office, a political watchdog group said in a report released on Tuesday.

The care of human life & happiness, & not their destruction, is the first & only object of good government. -Thomas Jefferson



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A  Saharan watering hole in Algeria.


Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King

South Africa to formally protest Trump's 'shithole countries' remarks
South Africa will issue a diplomatic protest to the United States Monday over US President Donald Trump's "shithole countries" comments, according to its foreign ministry.

Dear Millennials , 
When Baby Boomers were your age, their civil rights leaders were gunned down in a 5 year span from 1963-1968. 
  • JFK 
  • Malcolm X 
  • MLK 
  • RFK.
We Persisted. Continue the fight.

I have a dream that Trump will shut the f*ck up today. #MLKDay - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In the seven days since Oprah’s speech, Bannon was axed by Breitbart, Trump made his shithole comments, a porn star was revealed to have been paid $130K to deny having sex with Trump, and there was a fake missile attack on Hawaii, just in case you were wondering why you aged thirty years this week.- Andy Borowitz

I 💓 Conan O'Brien
Conan O’Brien was one of many Americans who were unhappy to read the reports that President Donald Trump called some foreign nations, including Haiti, “s—hole” countries — an insult that has been met with outrage and charges of racism. (Trump and Republican officials have disputed the exact comment, and today, Trump declared, “I am not a racist.”) But the host of Conan is not just doing a monologue about it, he’s hopping on a plane and letting cameras roll for an hour long special.

Still reeling from @realDonaldTrump’s very negative Yelp review of Haiti, which means I’ll love it. Headed to Haiti later this week to explore and make some new friends. Stay tuned for my report. #ConanWithoutBorders - Conan O'Brien

It would take 32-37 minutes for Korean missile to hit HI. Alert retraction took 38. 
#USAmissilealertssuck - Alan G. Billingsley

Republican Shenanigans


Trading Nuclear Disaster Preparedness For Flu Preparedness
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has postponed a planned session on preparing for a nuclear disaster...Instead, the CDC website for the series now lists a January 16 session entitled "Public Health Response to a Sharp Increase in Severe Seasonal Influenza." 

Give us your Norwegians, your Swedes, your Danes, your well-dressed skiers, yearning to give up free health care and mandatory paid leave... - Ben White


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Dr. King was 26 when the Montgomery bus boycott began. He started small, rallying others who believed their efforts mattered, pressing on through challenges and doubts to change our world for the better. A permanent inspiration for the rest of us to keep pushing towards justice. - Barack Obama

Rock The Voter News

I used to love to wake up in the morning when Barack Obama was president. Now I am afraid to wake up. - AHNC

As you may know, Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's Hardball, recently pinched Hillary Clinton's cheek and then claimed that he is not obsessed with her. But, as this story on Daily Kos shows, Matthews is not only obsessed with Ms. Clinton, he has a burning desire to belittle, denigrate, smear, malign, badmouth and vilify her. Blogger David Brock has compiled a thorough list of Matthews' offenses against Ms. Clinton (and a few other female political figures) and it's abhorrent. 

This Man Gave His Life For Us. - Rep. John Lewis

Today, Dr. King’s legacy is a guiding light. As we push and pull for a more just and more equal society, Dr King’s campaigns against war, against poverty, against racism show us that love is the universal value of a society at peace with itself. - Rep. John Lewis


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Business/Tech News

"There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher"
Victor Hugo
'Les Miserables' 1862

Artificial Intelligence Versus Humans
Alibaba has developed an artificial intelligence model that scored better than humans in a Stanford University reading and comprehension test.

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mastering the art of nature's balance beam. A 10.
