Friday, December 29, 2017

This Is How Republicans Think

With brutal cold here to stay, Trump extols the virtues of global warming
Frigid temperatures are expected to grip much of the upper Great Plains and Northeast through the New Year — a forecast that President Donald Trump used to cast doubt on global warming.

It's official: the average penguin has a better understanding of climate change than Donald Trump does. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump told NYT, “There is no collusion, and even if there was, it’s
not a crime.” Oops, he made a lie sandwich w/a light confession
filling! - Bette Midler

The Greatest Country In The World Can't Restore All The Power To A 100 Mile By 30 Mile Island In 100 Days
On the 100-day mark since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, San Juan’s Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz called federal response to the storm inadequate while slamming President Donald Trump as the “disaster-in-chief.”

Republican Shenanigans

Trump claims “no collusion” 16 times in a 30 minute interview.  Who’s he tryin’ to convince, us or himself?- Tea Pain

New York Times Interviews Trump: Sarah Palin Was Asked Harder Questions By Katie Couric
TRUMP: We’re going to win another four years for a lot of reasons, most importantly because our country is starting to do well again and we’re being respected again. But another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes. Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times. So they basically have to let me win. And eventually, probably six months before the election, they’ll be loving me because they’re saying, “Please, please, don’t lose Donald Trump.” O.K.

Wrong/dangerous. Trump doesn’t have absolute rights with DOJ. But women and men there have ABSOLUTE duty to follow Constitution and rule of law - not a man. Career DOJ people have ABSOLUTE right to defy illegal orders. And they will. I know them.- Eric Holder

“So full of artless jealousy is guilt,
It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.” - William Shakespeare, Hamlet


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If Obama had 5 children with 3 wives, white Evangelical voters would have passed out from the scandal of it.- Ed Krassenstein

Rock The Voter News

Trump Tweets Word Salad
President Trump seized the opportunity Thursday to attack two of his favorite targets: The media and Hillary Clinton.
In a morning tweet, Trump mocked Vanity Fair magazine for apologizing to Clinton over a satiric video suggesting ways the defeated 2016 Democratic presidential candidate could spend her now-free time

Vanity Fair told Hillary Clinton, a
Business Executive
First Lady of Arkansas
First Lady of USA
Bestseller Author
Secretary of State
Presidential Nominee
$3B raised
2nd Most Votes in History
Beat Trump by 3M
Beat Bernie by 4M

to go knit. - Mr. Weeks


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The first time President Obama met with his US Attorneys, he told us, “I appointed you but you don’t serve me. You serve the American people. And I expect you to act with independence & integrity.” None of us ever forgot that.- Joyce Alene

Business/Tech News

The Rich Gets Richer
Executives at Netflix will received substantially higher salaries in 2018 as result of the passage of the GOP tax plan, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.
Among those receiving raises include chief content officer Ted Sarandos, who will earn a $12 million salary next year, a significant jump from the $1 million he earned during the past three years.

As we count down to the new year, we get to reflect and prepare for what’s ahead. For all the bad news that seemed to dominate our collective consciousness, there are countless stories from this year that remind us what's best about America. - Barack Obama


Thanks for another great year!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Attitude. That's what will change in 2018. Happy New Year everybody!


Thursday, December 28, 2017

MMM = Misogynistic Mainstream Media

Study: Mainstream Media Acted as Trump’s Mouthpiece, Clinton’s Foe
A study from Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center provides overwhelming evidence that the mainstream media were instrumental in electing Donald Trump. The key takeaway:“Donald Trump succeeded in shaping the election agenda. Coverage of Trump overwhelmingly outperformed coverage of Clinton. Clinton’s coverage was focused on scandals, while Trump’s coverage focused on his core issues.”

“Why are Trump supporters more offended by 
“Happy Holidays” than by “Grab 'em by the Pussy”?
~ Jeff Richards

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Israel is going to rename a train after Trump, we should rename his administration after a boat.
#Titanic -Erik Bransteen

Why Would A Russian Hacker Plant Evidence He Hacked The DNC?
A Russian hacker who defied Vladimir Putin by claiming he hacked the Democratic National Committee on orders from a high-level Russian security official now says he planted personal details in DNC servers that can prove he was behind the break-in—a detail that, if true, strengthens his claim about the Russians' meddling in the 2016 election.

A Muslim, a Jew, a Christian & an Atheist all walk into a coffee shop...and they talk, laugh, drink coffee and become good friends.  It's what happens when you're not an asshole. -Robert Long

Republican Shenanigans

The people who believe Obama is Muslim are the same people who believe Donald Trump is Christian. -John Fugelsang

Church Of England Calls Out Fake Christians 
A senior Church of England bishop has lambasted conservative evangelical Christians in the US for their “uncritical support” of Donald Trump, urging them to reflect on how their endorsement of the president relates to their faith... and added there was no justification for Christians contradicting God’s teaching to protect the poor and the weak.

Roy Moore is refusing to concede. Trump repeatedly said that, if he lost, he’d refuse to concede. 2 sexual predators proving they can’t accept no for an answer, regardless of the circumstances. Meanwhile, people are telling Hillary to go away. -OhNoSheTwint


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Oh look, perennial loudmouth blowhard Newt Gingrich is opening his fat yap again. Weird how no male journos are demanding that he shut up and learn to knit or something. Wonder why that is. -Jeff Tiedrich

Blue State Forced To Pay For Red States
New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo charged Republicans Thursday with intentionally crafting their tax bill to target Democratic-leaning states to pay for tax cuts that benefit Republicans.
"This tax provision hits the blue states by eliminating the state and local tax deductibility and uses that money to finance the tax cut in the red states," Cuomo said 

A hilarious thing to do when you're waiting too long for something is roll your eyes and say "What IS this, the Mueller probe?" - Conan O'Brien


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Business/Tech News

Gotta love a presidency where "uranium," "pussy," "aliens" and "pee" are just normal words you hear on the news every day. - Randi Mayhem Singer

The Lawyer Who Was As Bad As His Client
A New York corporate lawyer who once advised Martin Shkreli was convicted on Wednesday of charges he helped the former pharmaceutical executive steal millions of dollars from a drug company to pay back investors in two failed hedge funds.

"My mother never gave up one me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back." – Denzel Washington, who turns 63 today


Thank you letting me entertain you for 17 years!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Those eyelashes! I want!
Secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius)


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The FBI Needs A Better Cyber Team

FBI Software For Analyzing Fingerprints Contains Russian-Made Code, Whistleblowers Say
In a secret deal, a French company purchased code from a Kremlin-connected firm, incorporated it into its own software, and hid its existence from the FBI, according to documents and two whistleblowers. The allegations raise concerns that Russian hackers could compromise law enforcement computer systems.

And to think, Rex Tillerson dismantled the State Department's cyber team.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Jon Huntsman is Trump’s Ambassador to Russia. When Governor of Utah he signed off on Uranium One doing business there. Republicans are asking for an investigation into Uranium One—which means they’re asking Feds to investigate the Trump Admin & one of it’s Ambassadors. Game over.- Scott Dworkin

Top NPR Russia stories of 2017
1. Comey testimony: Former FBI director accuses White House of "lies, plain and simple" about his firing
2. Moscow compounds seized: Cover lifted, a CIA spy offers his take on Trump and Russia

Cities Sue Dept. Of Defense
The cities of New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco are suing the Department of Defense for failing to consistently report convictions to a federal database that is checked before firearms purchases.

Republican Shenanigans

I haven't worked out the details but I'm pretty sure we can fix this mess with closed-circuit TV and a replica of the Fox & Friends set. - goldengateblond

New York Knows Trump Is A Con
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has taken legal action against the Trump administration or congressional Republicans 100 times during President Trump's first year in office..

A Viewer's comment on the 12-26 edition

Republicans don't care what he does. If he killed someone on 5th Avenue, Republicans would say the person had it coming. They all belong in jail.  - Chelsea Handler


Hillary Clinton could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and do nothing, and they would say she shot somebody. - Brian Krassenstein


If these get put together (with a John Mulaney), we get a statement closer to reality:

Trump stands on 5th Avenue, and someone randomly gets shot 3 blocks away while he's standing there. In reality, he did nothing, but he tweets he shot the victim because they were a Homeless Liberal Gay Haitian Muslim Immigrant with Aids (who was new in town). Hillary Clinton, who was in Wisconsin at the time, gets blamed by the GOP and 5 senators call for an investigation of her because the emails will prove she did it. - Gretchen

When do the Make America Great Again ankle bracelets come out? - Randi Mayem Singer


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Rock The Voter News

So Vanity Fair decided that the best way to end 2017 was to take a repulsive cheap shot at Hillary Clinton, one of the most accomplished women in the history of the United States. - Peter Daou

Obama And Hillary Remain #1
Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.

If I were Hillary my next book would be titled Y'all Can Go F-ck Yourselves.- Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

They didn’t save health care for 9 million kids. They didn’t save 800,000 DREAMers from being deported. They didn’t protect us from guns. They didn’t make us safer. They didn’t create any jobs. They didn’t help seniors, students or disabled.
Republicans only helped themselves.- Scott Dworkin

Mueller Questioning RNC Digital Staff
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has started the process of questioning various Republican National Committee (RNC) staffers about the party's digital apparatus that worked with the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election...

Things are not all black and white. There have to be compromises. The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. -Dwight Eisenhower


Thank you for 17 years online!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Silk Road in Pakistan. Is it just me but does that mountain look like it is eating the bus?
