Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mueller didn't answer my Christmas wish

Trump claims FBI used ‘bogus’ dossier to go after his campaign
President Donald Trump on Tuesday asserted that the FBI is “tainted” and it is using a “bogus” dossier alleging ties between his campaign and Russia to go after him.

I remember thinking GW Bush was the most embarrassing representation of America.
Boy was that a much simpler time... - Brian Krassenstein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It's Christmas Eve & I've now heard 3 covers of Lennon's 'Happy Xmas' that cut the 'War is Over' line; I guess to avoid offending ppl who like both Christmas & War. - John Fugelsang

Russia Wants Mueller Out Too
Russian meddling in the 2016 election was apparently just the prequel.
Now America's former Cold War rival is using social media to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe, a former CIA official and a former Republican congressman said Monday night.

Republican Shenanigans

Of course @realDonaldTrump said Haitians have AIDS. That’s exactly something he would say. Why even bother refuting it? Republicans don’t care what he does. If he killed someone on 5th Avenue, Republicans would say the person had it coming. They all belong in jail. - Chelsea Handler

Trump Thrills His Rich Friends
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those comments to friends dining nearby at the exclusive club

For those don't think Trump is worse than Scrooge, remember this- even Scrooge wouldn't have mocked Tiny Tim's handicap.- Erik Bransteen


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Rock The Voter News

Hillary Clinton could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and do nothing, and they would say she shot somebody.- Brian Krassenstein

Scots Raise Trump's Taxes
FINANCE Secretary Derek Mackay has stripped Donald Trump’s Scottish business of a lucrative tax break.
The US president's luxury golf resort, Trump Turnberry, this year got more than £100,000 in business rates relief from the Scottish taxpayer. However, the SNP government has now changed the rules and called a halt to such rebates.


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Business/Tech News

Rich people are really going to take a bath with this new tax plan. In money. They will bathe in money.- Conan O'Brien

Coming Again To The Gulf Of Mexico: Oil Spills
The Trump administration is reportedly moving to roll back a series of safety regulations related to offshore drilling....The proposal would largely affect safety regulations that were put in place by the Obama administration after the 2010 Deep Horizon disaster, the largest oil spill in U.S. history.

I love my family's Christmas Eve tradition of gathering around the piano and telling Uncle Sean to put his pants back on. - Conan O'Brien


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Police hand out speeding tickets in New York’s Holland Tunnel, 1954. I'd love to see the cop chase a noncompliant speeder.


Friday, December 22, 2017

See you on December 26! Merry Christmas * *if applicable

Don't worry about aliens landing here on earth!

The high winds here blew over my tree, so I have to deal with that today.

Peace, love and hugs to all.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Fake News War

‘We’re at war here’: Tom Brokaw slams Fox News ‘jihad’ against democracy and the rule of law
Tom Brokaw called out Fox News for aiding and abetting President Donald Trump’s attack on democratic institutions and the rule of law.
The longtime NBC News anchor appeared Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” where he reacted to the president’s tweet praising “Fox & Friends” as a model for other news programs to emulate.

BREAKING: Republican Congressmen Accused of Molesting 241-year-old Country. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Orders All Government Branches to Stop Using Words “For,” “The” and “People” - Andy Borowitz

Mike Pence Genuflects Before Trump
A CNN panel was none too impressed with Vice President Mike Pence’s shameless flattery of President Donald Trump this week, as panelists roundly mocked him for going out of his way to stroke the president’s ego.

President Trump today congratulated Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for passing the Republican tax plan tweeting quote, “I could have not asked for a better or more talented partner.” McConnell was so touched, his neck pouch blushed. - Seth Myers

Republican Shenanigans

President Trump had a very good day. He’s very proud – Republicans finally passed his tax bill which means Trump’s about to sign his first major piece of legislation. Yep, his chest was puffed out so far his tie was actually at a normal length. “Wow! It’s actually at my waist!” -Jimmy Fallon

The US Is Going To Be Friendless Soon
Donald Trump has threatened to withhold “billions” of dollars of US aid from countries which vote in favour of a United Nations resolution rejecting the US president’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

If Trump is going to cut off aid to countries who disagree with him, he should probably start with the United States. - Andy Borowitz

We could eliminate the national debt if we charged Sarah Huckabee Sanders $10 per lie. - Andy Borowitz


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Merry Christmas! Another Looming Government Shutdown!
As House Republicans spilled out of a closed-door meeting Wednesday night, it was clear that things hadn't gone well. Members gave wildly varying accounts of the proposal that's being cobbled together to keep the government open ahead of Friday's shutdown deadline.


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 I read that only 24 percent of Americans think the GOP tax plan is “good.” To put that in perspective, The Spice Girls movie got a 29 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes. - Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Real Patriotic millionaires would brag about paying slightly higher taxes like it was their dick size. - John Fugelsang

Covering Up Real News?
The exodus of staffers from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial pages was likely caused by the paper’s embrace of Donald Trump during the 2016 election, in particular the spiking of an editorial on the then-candidate’s ties to the mob

A couple in Tennessee recently gave birth to a baby from an embryo that was frozen 24 years ago. Which explains why its first word was “Wazzzzzupppppp!” - Seth Myers


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Typist of the Future, c. 1970s. Well, that worked out well.
