Thursday, October 26, 2017

Happy Birthday

John Lewis to Clinton: 'Happy Birthday, Madame President'
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) wished former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton a happy birthday on Thursday in a tweet calling her "Madame President."
Lewis's tweet Thursday afternoon had been retweeted more than 1,500 times less than a half-hour after it was posted.

Hard to believe 50 years ago today my plane was shot down in Vietnam. The honor of my life was to serve in the company of heroes in Vietnam. - Sen. John McCain


YIKES. Mea culpa.

I lost today's edition. It is pixel dust. Just shoot me.

I will try again tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

And the beat goes on...

Senate GOP moves to repeal consumer rule
The Republican-led Senate narrowly voted Tuesday to repeal a banking rule that would let consumers band together to sue their bank or credit card company to resolve financial disputes.
Vice President Mike Pence cast the final vote to break a 50-50 tie.

I just think it should be easier for people to join forces to sue predatory lenders than it is for them to band together and buy guns & ammo. - Richard Hine

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The latest rumor in Washington is President Trump is looking for a replacement for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. After hearing the job entails constant trips out of the country, Melania volunteered. - Conan O'Brien

$330 An Hour? WTF?
..."Under the contract, the hourly rate was set at $330 for a site supervisor, and at $227.88 for a 'journeyman lineman,'" The Washington Post reports. "The cost for subcontractors, which make up the bulk of Whitefish's workforce, is $462 per hour for a supervisor and $319.04 for a lineman. Whitefish also charges nightly accommodation fees of $332 per worker and almost $80 per day for food."

Sr. North Korean official tells me US must take “literally” threat from Foreign Min of “strongest hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific Ocean” - Will Ripley, CNN

Republican Shenanigans

Trump announced that he will release over 3,000 classified files relating to the Kennedy assassination. Spoiler alert: Apparently Hillary did it. - Conan O'Brien

Oh For Crying Out Loud, Give Hillary Credit For Doing A Good Investigation!
The Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign partly funded research that resulted in the controversial dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, the Washington Post reported late Tuesday.
The Washington Post reported, citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, that Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias retained research firm Fusion GPS in April 2016 to conduct research into Trump.
Prior to that date, the firm’s research was funded during the Republican primary by an unknown Republican client, according to the report.

If Hillary Clinton is responsible for discovering that Donald Trump colluded with Russia, she deserves the Nobel prize. - John Aravosis

Dirty Old Man President In A F**King Wheelchair! Ew Ew And Ew.
Former President George H.W. Bush has apologized for an “attempt at humor” after being accused of sexual assault by actress Heather Lind.
Lind, in a now-deleted Instagram post Tuesday, accused Bush, 93, of touching her from behind during a photo-op while in his wheelchair.

If Bill O'Reilly can blame God for his problems, can the rest of us blame God for Bill O’Reilly? - Stephen Colbert


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The more I hear about this ridiculous Uranium One story, the more I think someone in the Trump Administration is about to be indicted.- Erik Bransteen

Rock The Voter News

Hmmm. Trump Doesn't Want To Release These Hillary's Emails?
A federal judge has upheld the Trump administration's right to not release two emails from Hillary Clinton's private account on the grounds that they contain classified information related to the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

China has its strongest leader in decades at the same time that the United States has one of its weakest. - Michael McFaul


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Elon Musk Is Helping Puerto Rico
Entrepreneur Elon Musk has followed through on his plan to boost power resources in Puerto Rico after it was devastated by Hurricane Maria.
Mr Musk's firm, Tesla, has set up solar panels and energy storage batteries at Hospital del Nino, a children's hospital in San Juan.

Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump

Business/Tech News

Explain to me how a middle-of-the-night Congressional vote to strip consumers of the right to sue their banks helps anyone but banks.- Ali Velshi

This Trump Decision Should Create Thousands Of Jobs Or A Backlog Nightmare
Under a new U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services policy issued Monday, foreigners applying for a visa extension will no longer be given “deference” if their job descriptions haven’t significantly changed. This means that regardless of how long a foreigner has been in the country, immigration officers must review the application as if it were new.

Playboy is featuring its first ever transgender Playmate in its November issue. And if you think that’s not natural, neither are any of the other Playmates. - Seth Myers



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A rare photo of a deer getting high.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How most of the USA feels

Flake drops out of Senate race, torches Trump in speech
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), an outspoken critic of President Trump, shocked his colleagues on Tuesday by announcing that he will not run for reelection.
Flake went on to blast Trump and Republicans in a Senate speech, accusing his party of abandoning "core principles" in favor of "anger and resentment."

Weird how the more the President lies & insults, the more makeup & cleavage Sarah Huckabee Sanders wears. - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Why Did Trump Give $25,000 To This Gold Star Family? It Is So Odd.
The grieving family of a fallen American soldier received a $25,000 check from President Donald Trump on Monday, fulfilling a promise made months ago by the Commander in Chief during a condolence call.

Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and the House GOP would open another investigation into Hillary's emails. - Jeff Tiedrich

GOP Senator States Scary Facts About Trump
President Donald Trump and Sen. Bob Corker dramatically escalated their feud on Tuesday, with both lobbing insults ahead of a Capitol Hill lunch between Trump and GOP senators to project unity on their ambitious agenda.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Cancels Entire Schedule to Focus on Choosing Insulting Nickname for Bob Corker. - Andy Borowitz

At least Bob Corker managed to get Trump to stop attacking the NFL and a soldier's pregnant widow on Twitter for a little while.- OhNoSheTwitnt

I Wish Pope Francis Would Tweet About This
Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly blamed reports of sexual misconduct on a politically motivated media. On Monday, he admitted that he also blames a higher power.
"You know, am I mad at God? Yeah, I'm mad at him," O'Reilly said on the latest episode of his web series, "No Spin News." "I wish I had more protection. I wish this stuff didn't happen. I can't explain it to you. Yeah, I'm mad at him."

I can't believe our country got so divided by a guy that probably can't divide. - Blake Hammond

2 Republicans Hearts Are In The Right Place But Puerto Rico Needs Dinero! Rapido!
At least two Senate Republicans are delaying swift passage of a disaster aid package — demanding that Puerto Rico be made permanently exempt from a 1920 law that has complicated efforts to send supplies to the hurricane-ravaged territory.

I believe with my heart and soul, and my father does and this administration does, that no one can best the American worker. - Ivanka Trump right after she ordered her new line of shoes that are made in China. These people have no shame.


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

When women said they wanted daycare options at work, they didn't mean to take care of the 71yr old man-baby in the WH. - Alt Fed Employee‏

UK Conservative Censorship? Probably.
British universities rounded on a lawmaker on Tuesday for asking them how they teach Brexit to students, a move many academics felt might be a prelude to censorship.


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Business/Tech News

The GOP tax plan is basically Mr. Monopoly guy holding the poor upside down by the legs and shaking nickels out of their pants. - Erik Bransteen‏

Brilliant, Michigan State University!
A new generation of see-through solar cell technology could soon be used to harvest the massive energy potential of building and car windows, cell phones as well as other objects with a transparent surface.
Scientists at Michigan State University detailed in a paper in the journal Nature Energy how highly transparent solar applications could “nearly meet U.S. electricity demand” and drastically reduce reliance upon fossil fuels.

I love autumn in L.A., when the leaves change on my screensaver photos. - Conan O'Brien


Fall Fundraiser

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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Mt. Fuji in Japan.
