Saturday, September 30, 2017

Stupid is as stupid does

Poll: Voters say world is ‘going to hell in a handbasket’
A majority of Americans now believe the country is "going to hell in a handbasket", according to a new Fox News poll.
Fifty-six percent of voters said in the Thursday poll that things are "going to hell in a handbasket." A majority of voters across party lines also said they view people as behaving more rudely than in the past.

Trump Attacks Greedy Puerto Ricans for Wanting Food, Water. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Imagine the geniuses who can't get diesel to a nearby island masterminding a war with Iran. - Matthew Yglesias‏

This Is So Scary
The United States on Friday ordered 60 percent of its staff at the U.S. Embassy in Havana to leave amid mysterious health attacks on American diplomats.

Trump Adds To His Russian Tie Collection
Trump’s nominee to chair the Justice Department’s criminal division previously served as the attorney for a Russian bank that was named in the infamous dossier known as the infamous “golden showers” dossier. Brian Benczkowski previously worked for Trump’s campaign as well as the liaison between the transition team and the Justice Department before taking the job for Alpha Bank to sue BuzzFeed for publishing the dossier.

Trump : "We can wipe North Korea off the map."

"Can you get supplies to Puerto Rico?"

Trump : "It's not that easy because of a big ocean."- Gord Macey

Republican Shenanigans

Trump had a chance to fight for the flag in Vietnam — he got 5 deferments instead. - Joy Reid

After Trump Tweets Insults, The Mayor Of San Juan Declines Meeting Trump
The White House on Saturday said a Puerto Rican mayor dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria “might be too busy doing TV” to meet with President Trump during his visit to the island on Tuesday.
The response follows sharp criticism by Trump of the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz. Cruz has maintained in media appearances that her city, the capital and largest city in Puerto Rico, desperately needs more assistance than the Trump administration has provided in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

Melania to host a discussion on opioid abuse. She says unless you have to have sex with Donald Trump, you have no excuse to be on drugs.- Chelsea Handler


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And the inverse... can you imagine HRC talking about "grabbing guys by the dick" on a hot mic and not being crucified for it. - Jeremy Bobbit

Rock The Voter News

6 Trump advisers use private email: Less than a day's worth of coverage.
Hillary uses private email: PEOPLE ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT IT. - OhNoSheTwitnt


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Gen. Honoré: "He doesn't give a damn about poor people, doesn't give a damn about people of color."

Business/Tech News

When Ronald Reagan cut corporate tax rates in 1986 wages fell for four years straight. - Robert Reich

ANOTHER Data Breach. This Time Whole Foods.
Whole Foods Market says it’s investigating a potential hack or theft of customer payment card information at in-store taprooms and restaurants.

Hugh Hefner is being buried next to Marilyn Monroe so he can continue exploiting her for eternity. - Warren Holstein


You don't want to know what I went through yesterday. But I will briefly tell you anyway.
I was knocked offline. My cable company told me I had a virus. After 36+ hours, I am back online.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sharpshooter Annie Oakley shooting over her shoulder using a hand mirror, circa 1899. I wonder if those hips are hers.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trump Is Ignoring Puerto Rico

General credited with turning around Katrina slams Trump’s ‘decision making’ on Puerto Rico
ussel HonorĂ©, the lieutenant general largely credited with turning around the chaotic situation in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, criticized Donald Trump’s administration for its handling of the unfolding disaster in Puerto Rico, Bloomberg reports.
“It’s kind of like Katrina: We got it. We got it. Oh, sh*t, send in the cavalry,” the retired general said Wednesday. “This is a hit on White House decision making.”

There are a gazillion planes, ships, amphibious vehicles at Florida military bases alone and the US Navy's Fourth Fleet Command in the Caribbean and Central America is closeby, too. Trump is deplorable.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Restricts Congress From Visiting Puerto Rico and USVI. 
The Trump administration is restricting members of Congress from making official visits as part of official delegations to the hurricane-battered U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, congressional sources from both parties said Wednesday.

Trump announced he will visit Puerto Rico next Tuesday and survey the storm damage. However, Trump may have to cancel depending on what happens on Monday Night Football. - Conan O'Brien

The Animals - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place. The National Anthem of the Vietnam Veteran. - Jimmie von Tungeln

Republican Shenanigans

Trump shouldn’t be praised for waiving Jones Act to help Puerto Rico — he should be loudly criticized for taking this long to do it. - Mike Levin

At First I Thought This Was Fake News. Nope.
The Trump administration is reportedly forcing evacuees from Puerto Rico to sign promissory notes ensuring full repayment for transportation costs and is keeping evacuees' passports as collateral.

Trump admin flunkies all using private email accounts was a one-day story and then gone. Imagine if Hillary had used private email. Oh wait. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Yesterday officials confirmed that at least six of President Trump's closest advisers used a private email to discuss official White House business. In a related story, Hillary Clinton was hospitalized today after rolling her eyes so hard she threw her back out. - James Corden

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Clinton's ability to bounce back & keep fighting the good fight never ceases to inspire me.- Sarah Lerner

This little girl dressed up as Hillary. Yes, Hillary matters.


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Business/Tech News

If the only reason Trump wanted to be President was to save a fortune on taxes, let's cut him a check for a billion dollars and make him go the fuck away. - Andy Borowitz

This Will Turn Into A Congressional Fight
The National Flood Insurance Program has depleted its borrowing authority after a series of devastating hurricanes over the past several weeks, a turning point that will put pressure on Congress to allow it to tap Treasury further to pay claims.

Saudi Arabia just announced they will let women drive. Women say that they're excited, and can't wait to drive straight out of Saudi Arabia. - Jimmy Fallon


I hope you had a good time today
in these turbulent times.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is the mythical world of Nambia .


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Russia Russia Russia

Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Sanders and Trump
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was the beneficiary of at least one of the Russian-bought political ads on Facebook that federal government officials suspect were intended to influence the 2016 election.
Other advertisements paid for by shadowy Russian buyers criticized Hillary Clinton and promoted Donald Trump. Some backed Bernie Sanders and his platform even after his presidential campaign had ended, according to a person with knowledge of the ads.

I enjoy hearing about how actors shouldn't express political opinions from people who voted for a TV reality show host. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mark Cuban and Dallas Mavericks delivering supplies to Puerto Rico. Those damn athletes disrespecting America again. - Ryan Stiles

How Trump Treats Puerto Rico
The Trump administration on Tuesday denied a request to waive shipping restrictions to help get fuel and supplies to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico, saying it would do nothing to address the island's main impediment to shipping, damaged ports.

Trump is denyin' assistance to Puerto Rico simply because their skin is brown. Trump will soon have Puerto Rico's blood on his tiny hands. - Tea pain

What? Trump Is Now Just Being An Out And Out Racist
President Trump’s Homeland Security Department will begin collecting social media information on all immigrants, including legal permanent residents and naturalized citizens

Republican Shenanigans

Hey Donald J. Trump you deleted your tweets about Luther Strange because you didn't want to be associated with a loser. Now you know how the United States of America feels. - Andy Borowitz

I woulda played football...but bone spurs.
The NFL Was On Trump's Bucket Hit List
President Donald Trump's war with the NFL is big news these days, but he's been waging battles with the league for decades—when he hasn't been trying to woo it...It was Trump's undying need to get into the NFL that drove the billionaire to buy his way into the upstart league in the '80s. But the big league wasn't a fan.
"They just saw him as this scumbag huckster," Pearlman told Newsweek. "He was this New York, fast-talking, kind of con-man."

Kneeling isn’t about “I hate this country.” It’s about “I love this country enough to know it can be and do better.” #TakeTheKnee - RuPaul Ryan


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Liberals In 1982 Are The Same As Today
A 1982 television special “I Love Liberty,” Robin Williams channeled the voice of the American flag. Created by writer Norman Lear and sponsored by the organization he founded, People for the American Way, the performance was aired to commemorate the 250th anniversary of George Washington's birthday.

Rock The Voter News

Paul Ryan urged Republicans to move on from health care to other Republican agenda items, like tax reform: “We may not be able to keep the poor from living longer, but we can still make them poorer." - Andy Borowitz

The New York Times Created Its Own Distorted News
This week Jill Abramson, the estimable former executive editor of The New York Times, whom I’ve always admired and never criticized, contended that I had been “stoking” the idea that the NYT had a vendetta against Hillary Clinton.
That is false.
What I have argued, repeatedly during the campaign and most recently nine days ago in an item about Hillary Clinton’s new book, is that the Times very badly erred in its wild over-coverage of the Clinton email “issue,” and that this distorted coverage was, in turn, one of many factors leading to Donald Trump’s elevation to the presidency.


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A new poll finds that a substantial number of Americans would leave their jobs, their homes, and even their families to assist the special counsel. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

And then the Pharisee said unto Jesus "Get a job, libtard - the poor are lazy & the Romans are the Job Creators." - John Fugelsang

Every Week There's Another Data Breach. This Week It's Sonic.
Sonic says there's been some “unusual activity” on credit cards used at some of its restaurants.
The fast food chain said in a statement that its credit card processor told them about the incident last week and that it's now “working to understand the nature and scope of this issue.” It did not disclose how many credit cards were potentially involved in the incident or when the incident took place.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love the Fall and Prince.
