Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump Ignites Fight With The NFL

Trump blasts NFL for anthem protests, says not about race
U.S. President Donald Trump kept up his verbal battle with the National Football League over players who drop to one knee during the national anthem, saying on Monday their acts of protest had nothing to do with racism.

I'd rather #TakeAKnee than #TakeANuke

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Used to piss me off seeing Xmas stuff in shops in Sept, now just admire their blind optimism that we'll still be around in three months time.  - Tom Jamieson

Do you know how to caddy?
White House & DOJ Stalling (?) Russian Investigation
Tension is rising between congressional investigators probing Russia meddling and the Trump administration, as the White House and Justice Department withhold a number of records sought by Capitol Hill at a critical time in the investigations.

White players: Take the f-cking knee. Don’t make them do this alone. Use your place of privilege for good.- goldengateblond

Republican Shenanigans

You know what's actually pretty disrespectful to the American flag? 
The confederate flag. - Matt Slotnick

Trump Calls Black Men Who Kneel In Silent Protests SOBs 
President Donald Trump probably didn’t realize he’d struck such a nerve with NFL players when he implored team owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field” for protesting during the national anthem.
The line drew loud applause at the president’s political rally in Huntsville, Alabama, but the words cut deep into America’s most popular sports league, where the majority of players are black and many of them grew up in tough neighborhoods, raised by strong women.
“I’m a son of a queen,” an emotional Falcons defensive lineman Grady Jarrett said.


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Ivanka And Jared Both Had Personal Email Accounts While In White House
Ivanka Trump, the first daughter and adviser to the president, used a personal email address to communicate with a government official after her father took office, according to documents that the nonprofit American Oversight obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Maybe if everyone in Puerto Rico knelt during the the national anthem they'd be getting the attention they deserve. - Josh Hara

Rock The Voter News

Our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are in peril. They need our help now.- Bill Clinton

Trump Defends Private Jet Abuser
President Donald Trump thinks Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price’s use of private jets for official business travel is “different” than what’s been done by other members of his cabinet.
Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Trump acknowledged the department’s inspector general’s probe into Price’s use of charter jets, which could have reportedly cost taxpayers at least $300,000 since May.

Trump stood in the middle of Alabama, called black NFL players "sons of bitches" and the room applauded. That is SYSTEMIC RACISM. -Proud Resistor Tweet


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U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going! So therefore ain't no invite. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up! - Lebron James

Business/Tech News

The nerds are complaining about women in tech and the jocks are the face of social change, what a world. - Barry Petchesky

Bob Costas Did A Fabulous Job Explaining This Intersection Of Sports And Politics
NBC Sports broadcaster Bob Costas speaks to CNN's John Berman and Alisyn Camerota after President Donald Trump criticized the NFL and players who took a knee during the national anthem.

I am taking a knee on Sunday.  I might need someone to help me up. - Ed Asner Tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I just love this photo.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Twitter Has Become A WMD

'Dotard' rockets from obscurity to light up Trump-Kim exchange, spark partisan war of words
President Trump fired off “rocket man.”
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the target of that verbal missile launch, shot back a flurry of taunts, calling America’s leader “a rogue,” “a frightened dog,” a “gangster fond of playing with fire.”...dotard

How many threats does it take for Trump to violate Twitter's terms of service? I guess nuclear threats don't count.

By substituting threat and insult for actual diplomacy, Trump has descended to Kim Jong Un's level. Childish, dangerous, unproductive. - Stephen King

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

IDEA: cut military by 1/3. Use savings for healthcare, education, infrastructure. Then, if we want a bigger military, just raise taxes. - Michael Ian Black

The Fired (?) Nazi Makes A Prediction
Sebastian Gorka, until recently a deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, has predicted that Trump will conduct an imminent cull of his White House team in order to bring back people more beholden to the president’s original agenda.

Graham-Cassidy is the ACA repeal equiv of the Iraq war. Sold on lies in response to a manufactured crisis, destined to cause chaos & death. - Ben Wikler

Republican Shenanigans

Please @JimmyKimmel - stay out of politics. Leave the important stuff to reality TV stars with a knack for bankrupting casinos. - Stephen Colbert

White House Staffers Preparing To Leave?
White House staffers are sending out resumes and preparing to flee the chaos of the Trump administration.
Morale has plummeted amid the widening Russia investigation and the personnel changes at the top, which has left staffers without allies in an administration characterized by mistrust...“There will be an exodus from this administration in January,” 

Know the difference between a mass murderer and the GOP?
One kills you with a gun, the other kills you by letting you die without healthcare

Another Fired (?) Nazi Rears His Head
Donald Trump’s ousted chief strategist traveled to Beijing last week for a “secret meeting” with a top Communist Party of China leader. No one is sure why Bannon is suddenly handling relationships Jared Kushner once did.


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I read that farmers in Europe are close to growing a 3,000-pound pumpkin. Then Americans said, “Eh – let us know when you ELECT one.” - Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Flying On A Jet Plane
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has taken at least 24 flights on private charter planes at taxpayers’ expense since early May, according to people with knowledge of his travel plans and a review of HHS documents.

Can't wait til we end illegal immigration and Americans can finally start paying 40 bucks for a salad. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Apple CEO Tim Cook is claiming that the $1000 iPhone X is a good value. Cook said, “It’s the last phone you’ll ever need for the next eight months." - Conan O'Brien

Students Give James Comey A Piece Of Their Minds
Students at Howard University loudly protested former FBI Director James Comey Friday as he delivered a convocation address.

Never let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything. - Banksy



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Hydrospeeding on the Aletsch Glacier in Valais, Switzerland. I'd come flying around that corner and I'd go right over that edge.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

1980: I bet there will be flying cars in the future!



SEC reveals 2016 hack that may have been used for illegal trades
The Securities and Exchange Commission said Wednesday that a cyber breach of a filing system it uses may have provided the basis for some illegal trading in 2016.

Note to TV networks: I do not want to see Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, or Steve Bannon on TV again unless they are on trial. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Maybe it's just me, but taking away people's health care right after 3 hurricanes and right before a nuclear war just seems wrong. - Shahram Vahdany

WTH? Weren't Republicans All About Sovereignty?
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a slew of other advocacy groups are warning U.S. lawmakers not to get behind a proposal from the Justice Department that would allow some foreign governments to obtain electronic data directly from U.S. communications providers.

Republican Shenanigans

Sean Spicer Will Call The Cops If You Text Him
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer blew up at Axios reporter Mike Allen this week when asked about his note-taking practices, threatening to call the police over Allen’s “harassment.”

A pair of Chinese finger cuffs would immediately end this presidency.- Jake Vig Tweet


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The Shoot First Mentality Of Too Many Police
A deaf man carrying a metal pipe was fatally shot by Oklahoma City police on Tuesday night as neighbors frantically tried to tell officers that he couldn't hear their commands.

Deaf & developmentally challenged man becomes 712th person shot and killed by law enforcement in 2017 in America.- Col. Morris Davis

Rock The Voter News

Frustrating to have to mobilize every couple months to keep our leaders from inflicting real human suffering on our constituents. - Barack Obama

The Never Ending Search To Disgrace Hillary
A federal appeals court will hear a case brought by Judicial Watch on Friday to make public draft indictments of Hillary Clinton from the Whitewater scandal in the 1990s.

Paper Ballots Please!!!!
...According to the FBI, as many as 39 states had their election systems scanned or targeted by Russia. There's no evidence of votes changed. But given the stakes, some state agencies that run elections are trying to curb any further interference prior to mid-term elections in November.

I'd rather listen to the screech of the emergency broadcast system on continuous loop than hear 10 seconds of Melania's UN speech. - Jake Vig Tweet


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Business/Tech News

Dear John McCain,
You gave us Sarah Palin who legitimized idiocy & gave us the Tea Party who gave us Trump who perfected it.
You owe us. - Randi Mayem Singer‏

Jeff Sessions Wants To Bogart Your Joint Without Inhaling
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday criticized the legalization of marijuana in multiple states and warned that the federal law banning use and sale of the drug "remains in effect," remarks that could stoke fears of a federal crackdown.

It’s sad to realize that those dancing gangs in “West Side Story” could have just settled their differences through fighting. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The watermelon slice raft is a good choice, the banana raft would have been too much. Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada.
