Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Gene Pool Needs Water

Trump retweets far-right activist after condemning hate groups
President Trump retweeted a far-right activist hours after calling out for the first time specific hate groups for their role in last weekend's violence in Charlottesville, Va.

Before 7am, Trump had already re-tweeted an image of a journalist being killed by a train and someone calling Trump a fascist. What's next? - Brian Klaas

The U.S. produced this anti fascism film in the 1940s 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Tensions with North Korea continue to rise. And you can tell Trump’s nervous because he’s been wearing a “Make America Great Again” helmet. - Jimmy Fallon

North Korea Backs Down From Missile Threats
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reviewed his military's plans to rain "an enveloping fire" around the U.S. territory of Guam — but opted not to fire missiles at this time, according to state media.

Dept. Of Justice Wants IP Addresses Of 1.3 Million People
The Department of Justice has requested information on visitors to a website used to organize protests against President Trump, the Los Angeles-based Dreamhost said in a blog post published on Monday.

Republican Shenanigans

Taking down Confederate monuments is not erasing history - it's declaring that some parts of history belong in a museum, not on a pedestal. -  RVAwonk tweet

South Carolina Sues OxyContin Maker
South Carolina sued Purdue Pharma LP on Tuesday, becoming the latest state or local government to accuse the OxyContin maker of deceptive marketing practices that have contributed to a national opioid addiction epidemic.

As the president was walking out, I responded that he has spread plenty of fake news himself. - Jim Aosta, CNN


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Under 8 years of Obama, I never worried about nuclear war, Russia collusion or Nazis. Under 8 months of Trump, I am worried about all three. - Col. Morris Davis

Rock The Voter News

Trump Set To Repeal Obama Building Requirements
President Trump is set to repeal an Obama-era order requiring tougher new building standards for government-funded infrastructure projects in flood-prone areas, including those at risk of rising sea levels brought on by climate change.

When Robert E. Lee invaded Maryland and Pennsylvania, on the way to Gettysburg, his army would capture entire families of free African-Americans and send them South to be sold into slavery. Value his monument if you will. I choose honor and that forbids me from joining you. - Jimmie Von Tungeln

FYI, if you're wondering how Germany commemorates Hitler,
 this is the spot where he died.


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Donald Trump started another Twitter war. This time he tweeted at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, telling him to “get back to work on a healthcare bill.” I’m impressed. It is extremely difficult to type the words “get back to work” on a phone while simultaneously teeing off with a 3-wood. - James Corden

Business/Tech News

Wal-Mart is testing out an app that would allow shoppers to skip the checkout line. Currently that service is known as shoplifting. - Conan O'Brien

The Plague Is Found In Arizona
Health officials are urging people to take precautions after a second Arizona county in two weeks confirmed that fleas in the area have tested positive for plague.
The announcement by Navajo County Public Health officials on Friday comes one week after Coconino County officials found prairie dogs in the area to be carrying fleas with the plague -- the infectious disease infamous for killing millions of Europeans in the Middle Ages

In Virginia someone broke into a man’s apartment, cleaned it, and took nothing. Completely cleaned the place. Police are describing the suspect as his mother.- Conan O'Brien


Until the Dept. of Justice Takes It Down


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lower Mesa Falls, in Idaho, USA, where a yellow raft is hopefully a magic carpet.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Trump Calls Deplorables, Repugnant.

Trump declares 'racism is evil' amid pressure over Charlottesville
The president was widely criticized for waiting until Monday to specifically condemn the hate groups that marched over the weekend.

Trump: "We must love each other…and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry, and violence." So says the No. 1 birther. A con job. - David Corn

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

All Kim Jong Un has to do if he wants Donald Trump to leave him alone is declare himself a white supremacist. - goldengateblond tweet

China Slaps North Korea Hard
China will halt iron, iron ore and seafood imports from North Korea starting Tuesday, following through on new UN sanctions after US pressure for Beijing to strongarm Pyongyang over its ally's nuclear programme.

Imagine being Chief of Staff John Kelly trying to sleep tonight while worrying about a 3:00 am tweet storm from a golf course in New Jersey. - Walter Shaub, Former Director, US Office of Gov't Ethics

Pence Does Not Impress Colombia's President
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence encountered resistance from Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Sunday over President Donald Trump's threat to use military action in Venezuela.
Speaking at a joint news conference with Santos in Cartagena, Pence did not rule out using military force, but he did not directly talk about it either...

Republican Shenanigans

It took Trump 3 days to denounce Nazis but he can fire back at Morning Joe before the show is even over. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Harvard Rewards Failed Congressman
Former Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz will join the Harvard Institute of Politics as a fellow this coming fall...In announcing his selection, Harvard’s Institute of Politics highlighted Chaffetz’s work as chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and work on Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

I had a cookout this weekend and I couldn't use my tiki torches because I didn't want my neighbors to think I was a Nazi. thanks, assholes. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Spars With CNN, Again
President Donald Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta briefly sparred Monday in the White House.
After the president signed a memo regarding China’s alleged theft of American intellectual property, Acosta asked Trump why he didn’t condemn hate groups over the weekend...“You’re fake news.”

Poll: Millions Willing to Work for Mueller for Free if That Would Speed Things Up. - Andy Boroitz


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This photo hurts.

Nostalgic for the days when Nazis were on the History Channel and not in the White House. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

It felt like Donald Trump read the TelePrompTer message condemning hate groups like a hostage forced to read a statement by his captors.- Bryan Cranston

The State Of Lincoln Steps Up Bigtime
The Illinois Senate on Sunday approved a resolution calling for police to categorize neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations, according to the Chicago Tribune.
The measure came as a response to Saturday's violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., during which one person died and scores more were injured.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

What a beautiful village in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. Suddenly I crave snow skiing and a Swiss hot chocolate.


Friday, August 11, 2017


President Trump Thanks Putin For Ordering Expulsion Of U.S. Diplomats From Russia
President Trump said Thursday that he was "very thankful" that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered the expulsion of hundreds of U.S. diplomats from the country in response to sanctions — because the administration needs to cut the State Department's budget anyway.

By praising Putin for throwing 755 of our embassy staff out of Russia, Trump has proven beyond doubt that he is the dumbest POTUS in history. - Kurt Eichenwald

We can't be engaging in school boy rhetoric with North Korea. This is absurd. - General Wesley Clark

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I guess negotiating like crazy didn't work out, huh? Straight to the guns! Don, don't be so hot headed, take a moment to chill and think. - Vicente Fox Quesada‏, former president of Mexico

Canadians Got Zapped Too, By Sound Waves
The Canadian government said Thursday that at least one Canadian diplomat in Cuba also has been treated for hearing loss following disclosures that a group of American diplomats in Havana suffered severe hearing loss that U.S. officials believe was caused by an advanced sonic device.

North Korea on latest Trump comments: "Trump is driving the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war" - Will Ripley, CNN

Remember when all we had to worry about was Ebola?  Good times. - Conan O'Brien

Meanwhile, China Is Threatening India To Get Out
The relationship between India and China seemed to worsen Wednesday when the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that 53 people and an Indian bulldozer was in China's territory and advised India to pull them back. This followed a warning Tuesday when an editorial in the state-run China Daily said that the "countdown to a clash between the two forces has begun."

Republican Shenanigans

Twitter diplomacy with nuclear weapons involved is complete insanity. General Kelly, you need to take away his phone. This is madness. - Brian Klaas

Women In Texas Face More Penalties
Texas is moving toward a plan that could see women buy insurance coverage for abortions after a House vote derided by critics as "ridiculous and cruel." The GOP-controlled House voted 95-51 Tuesday in favor of restricting abortion coverage in health insurance, under a rule that would ban coverage in private health insurance and force women to pay an additional supplement if they want coverage for the procedure.
If House Bill 214 is enacted, it will come into force at the beginning of December this year. It makes no allowances for women who have abortions after being victims of rape or incest...

Trump now realIzes no matter how many outlandish distractions he throws, Mueller is still moving forward. So now he's testing out WW3. - Amy Siskind


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Rock The Voter News

"Locked and Loaded" means that either Robert Mueller or the penis-enlargement research community better hurry up quick. - John Fugelsang

This is what the Oval Office looks like under the current renovation.

18 White House Staffers Fined For Late Disclosure 
Jared Kushner has been fined by the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) for his late reporting of a financial transaction in his efforts to transfer management of his large number of businesses so he could serve in the White House.
A newly released document indicates that Kushner, a top White House adviser and husband to first daughter Ivanka Trump, along with 17 other White House staffers did not file their personal financial disclosure statements on time...


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Business/Tech News

Threatening nuclear war on Twitter feels like a terms of service violation. - Pablo Torre

NRA Would Be Happy If North Korea Bombed California. smh
Grant Stinchfield, a host for the National Rifle Association’s online TV network, would be happy if North Korea dropped a bomb on the capital of California.

I understand democracy as something that gives the weak the same chance as the strong. - Mahatma Gandhi

Just woke to an incoming email from Amazon recommending a very specific product that was in the dream I was having. 
Dystopia rocks. - Jesse McLaren



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Crooked Forest, is a grove of oddly-shaped pine trees located outside Nowe Czarnowo, West Pomerania, Poland. This grove of approximately 100 pines was planted around 1930. Those trees would make a nice bench.
