Thursday, July 27, 2017

This is what happens when you hire a rank amateur

Scaramucci says he will contact FBI, Justice Dept. over leaked financial disclosure
White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said Wednesday night that he plans to contact the FBI and Justice Department regarding a leak of his financial disclosure.
"In light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting [FBI] and the [Justice Department]," Scaramucci wrote on Twitter.

On Tuesday I asked a question: Is Reince Priebus The Next One Forced To Resign?
Answer: Watch Twitter

Now everyone who said Scaramucci was smoother or some kind of upgrade over Spicer understands how horribly wrong they were. - Lawrence O'Donnell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“We’re going to kill all of you, we’re going to kill every one of you f--king Muslims.” - Amber Hensley - a CPA in Fargo, ND.

No Modifications To Military Transgender Policy Until Orders Are Received
There will be “no modifications” to the military’s transgender policy as a result of President Donald Trump’s tweets, the chairman of the joint chiefs said in a message to top military officers on Thursday..."There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance."

Sullen Jeff Sessions Scrolls Through Minority Incarceration Statistics To Cheer Self Up. - The Onion

Jeff Sessions Accelerates The War On Gay People  
On Wednesday, the Department of Justice filed an amicus brief in the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit discrimination against gay and bisexual employees. The DOJ’s brief was not solicited by the court or any party to the case. Rather, in an unusual move, the Trump administration elected to weigh in with an aggressively anti-gay stance, arguing that gay Americans have no protection against workplace discrimination under federal law. Its decision is unsurprising in light of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vigorous opposition to LGBTQ rights.

Real Men aren't afraid of Transgender Americans. - John Fugelsang

Eleven personal trips this year by Trump to Mar-A-Lago: $29 million
Medical services for transgender people in the military: $8.4 million - Michael Skolnik‏

Trump's Revenge On Alaska
President Donald Trump isn't going to just let Sen. Lisa Murkowski's no vote on Tuesday's health care motion go.
Early Wednesday, Trump took to Twitter to express displeasure with Murkowski's vote. By that afternoon, each of Alaska's two Republican senators had received a phone call from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke letting them know the vote had put Alaska's future with the administration in jeopardy.

Republican Shenanigans

Where the hell are all those checks and balances on the president we learned about in school? - Andy Lassner

Birds Liars Of A Feather Flock Together
A federal judge has found that Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the vice chairman of President Donald Trump’s election integrity commission, has a “pattern” of providing misleading statements in court. The admonition came in an opinion on Tuesday evening upholding a lower court’s decision to sanction Kobach for misleading the court in an ongoing voting rights case.

Members of the band Journey were just spotted in the White House briefing room. That is all. - Margaret Brennan, CBS News tweet this morning


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Rock The Voter News

If Hillary doesn't start the book "What Happened" with "First of all, if you don't like me, you can f--k off" I'll be upset. - delonté tweet

This Has To Be A Typo, Democratic Party. Please Change It To 100 Years Which Would Be More Accurate.
For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights, and women's rights. We are the party of Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, FDR, and the countless everyday Americans who work each day to build a more perfect union. Take a look at some of our accomplishments, and you'll see why we're proud to be Democrats.

GOP is writing a new bill to reform one sixth of economy over lunch. Then, they vote on this health bill tonight. Govt by student council. - Kurt Eichenwald


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Business/Tech News

Trump's Transgender Ban Distracts People from Russia Sh*t for Approximately Ninety Seconds. - Andy Borowitz

Why Corrupt Bankers Avoid Jail
Federal prosecutions of white-collar crime are now at a twenty-year low.
In the summer of 2012, a subcommittee of the U.S. Senate released a report so brimming with international intrigue that it read like an airport paperback.

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."
--African proverb



Thank you.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A wooden houseboat in Bajina Basta, Serbia. Now that's what I call peaceful. I can see myself fishing, filleting and grilling on that deck.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Obamacare Survives Senate Vote

Health Care Vote: Senate Rejects Repeal Without Replace
The Senate on Wednesday rejected a measure that would have repealed major parts of the Affordable Care Act but would not have provided a replacement, signaling that the “clean repeal” bill that conservatives have embraced cannot get through Congress.

I have compassion for John McCain and admire his courage in the face of his dire diagnosis. But I'm struggling to see how his vote, which could result in millions losing access to the kind of care upon which he currently depends, is somehow admirable. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Obese draft-dodging dishonest compromised con-man who paid $25mil for education fraud reminds us Transgender Americans are not fit to serve. - John Fugelsang

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Threatens Press
President Donald Trump's announcement that he would ban transgender Americans from serving in the military dominated the White House press briefing on Wednesday, with spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders at one point threatening to end the on-camera session if reporters didn't ask about other topics.

Today in history, July 26, 1948, President Harry Truman signed exec order 9981 desegregating the military.  Do you believe in coincidences? - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

John McCain is a hero to millions of Americans who want their premiums doubled & their kids' bone cancer to be a pre-existing condition. - John Fugelsang

Half Of Republicans Don't Believe In The 1st Amendment
Almost half of Republicans say they are in favor of courts shutting down media outlets that publish inaccurate or biased information, according to a new survey.
Forty-five percent of Republicans in the Economist–YouGov poll said courts should be able to shut down media outlets, while 20 percent of Republicans are opposed the idea.

7,000 nuns wrote a letter denouncing “immoral” GOP health care bill. How many will the GOP listen to? NUN! - Bette Midler


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It's Wednesday July 26th, 2017 and I hate my president. - Michael Ian Black


Rock The Voter News

Jeezus. Just Institute The Serf System, Why Don't You?
The Labor Department has started to dial back an Obama administration rule that would have made more workers eligible for overtime pay.

Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci because he thought his tan qualified him as a "person of color." - Conan O'Brien


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The Girl Scouts have announced that they will offer 23 new badges focused on science, technology, engineering and math. While the Boy Scouts have announced they’re just gonna lay low for a while. - Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

Senate Republicans voted to move forward in the process to repeal and replace Obamacare, even though they don't know what they're going to be voting on. That’s like going into a hospital and telling the surgeon, "Surprise me! Just go for it!”- Jimmy Fallon

This Is What Happens When You Lie In Order To Get A Loan
An aide for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., has been arrested for attempting to flee the country and charged with bank fraud, officials said...Officials said Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, defrauded the Congressional Federal Credit Union for $165,000 by lying on a home equity loan application, according to federal court documents.

"Anyone who doesn't follow politics is a fool, anyone who doesn't vote is a parasite." - Socrates


...I would not have to hold fundraisers!

Thank you!


I'm the one who has a hard time gaining weight. 

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Happy Birthday Mick. You wore the shag haircut better than anyone back in 1974.


One of my favorite videos 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

It's Twitter Tuesday

Trump Twitter Tuesday: Attacks Sessions, ramps up on health care
Infuriated by the ongoing Russia investigations, President Trump continued to attack his own attorney general on Tuesday, accusing Jeff Sessions of failing to investigate former election opponent Hillary Clinton and officials who have leaked information to news reporters.

Busy news day recap:
The Senate trying to repeal healthcare for 23 million.
The President trying to repeal the Constitution for 326 million. - Erik Bransteen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Well i for one have admired Mr. Scaramucci ever since the 80s, when he sold me that Isuzu.- John Fugelsang

This Is Bizarre
One week after an unarmed Minneapolis woman was killed in an officer-involved shooting, street signs criticizing "easily startled" police have popped up in the Twin Cities.
The orange traffic sign lookalikes depict a police officer jumping in the air, discharging a gun with each hand. "Warning," the signs read, "Twin Cities Police easily startled."

Russia Totally Innocent of Collusion, Says New Kremlin Spokesman Sean Spicer. - Andy Borowitz

Jeezus, How Many More Russian Connections Can Be Tolerated?
President Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Justice’s criminal division used to represent a major Russian bank whose owners have ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Brian Benczkowski, whom Trump nominated for the position in June and will have his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday, disclosed to lawmakers that he used to represent Alfa Bank, one of Russia’s largest financial institutions

Republican Shenanigans

My friend's drinking game word for the president's Boy Scouts speech was 'momentum' and now the paramedics can't wake him up. - John Fugelsang

Wow. Republicans are going to fly McCain in from his sickbed so he can vote to take away your healthcare. MY IRONY METER JUST EXPLODED. - Jeff Tiedrich

Ethics Lawyer Says Kellyanne Conway Should Be Fired
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway wouldn’t have lasted a week in the Bush administration, according to President George W. Bush’s chief ethics lawyer.
“At this point I think Kellyanne Conway ought to be fired,” said Richard Painter, who served in the Bush administration from 2005 to 2007, during an interview on Boston radio station WBUR Monday.

At this point I'm just grateful that Trump didn't address the Girl Scouts.- Andy Borowitz

Is Reince Priebus The Next One Forced To Resign?
White House press aide abruptly resigned Tuesday after President Donald Trump’s new communications director revealed he planned to fire him over leaks.
Michael Short announced his resignation hours after White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci told Politico that he planned to fire the press aide, an ally of chief of staff Reince Priebus

John McCain's decorated military record makes him a hero.
Getting on a plane to take away health care from millions doesn't. - Tony Posnanski‏


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FUN FACT:  All the Boy Scouts that attended Trump's jamboree speech just earned a merit badge for workin' with the mentally disabled. - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

For those keeping score: yes, Trump says he fired Comey for being too MEAN to Clinton, and will now fire Sessions for being too NICE to her. - Seth Abramson

This Is First Time I Hope John Boehner Is Right
John Boehner didn't mince words about the chances his former Republican colleagues will pass some sort of repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act.
"Here we are, seven months into this year, and yet they've not passed this bill," Boehner told a private audience in Las Vegas last week...

Chuck Schumer's "new" economic plan in the Times is great. I also liked it when it was Hillary Clinton's campaign platform. - The Rude Pundit

Paul Manafort Will Testify In Public
Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has been subpoenaed to publicly testify before a Senate committee on Wednesday about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
The Senate Judiciary Committee announced Tuesday that it demanded Manafort’s presence for a public hearing after he refused to cooperate with their terms for a private testimony.

REALITY CHECK: There's no "circular firing squad" on the left. There's Bernie and his diehards still trying to hijack a party he won't join. - Peter Daou


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I asked two ppl close to Trump why he is tormenting Sessions instead of  firing him. The answer from both, paraphrased: Because he can. - Maggie Haberman, NYT

Business/Tech News

This happened in the last 24 hours

Jared Kushner to meet with House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday to see if any of them are interested in investing in NYC real estate. - Tea Party Cat

This Is Why We Can't Have Universal Health Care

Geek Fight!
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Sunday blasted Elon Musk-style warnings against artificial intelligence (AI) as “pretty irresponsible.”
Zuckerberg took various questions via a Facebook Live broadcast over the weekend that showed him in his Palo Alto backyard. While slow cooking a brisket, the CEO fielded a user’s question about the future of AI.

"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough."-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt



Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Glass Bridge China. I wonder what the load capacity on that glass bridge is?
