Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Whole World Is Laughing At Us

The Kremlin says the Trump scandal is better than most American TV shows
While Donald Trump Jr. is inadvertently raising public concern about his father’s 2016 presidential campaign, Russia is insisting the scandal feels like a top TV show but wants no part in it.

It's gonna hit a hundred in D.C. today, five degrees hotter than expected due to the massive dumpster fire at the White House. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

@realDonaldTrump encourages foul play through his sons, releasing emails now isn't transparency nor bravery. Your bragging will doom you! - Vicente Fox Quesada‏, former president of Mexico

Trump needs to do something about that haircut.
Conservative Turns On Trump
Donald Trump Jr.’s shifting explanation of an undisclosed preelection meeting with a Russian lawyer who he was told had incriminating information on Hillary Clinton is rankling lawmakers already struggling to pass any part of President Trump’s agenda.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said on Fox News Tuesday night that he is troubled by “the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit.”

Apparently, if you bellow 'her emails!" often enough, Karma taps you on the shoulder and says, "No. YOUR emails."- Mrs. Betty Bowers‏

From Your Pocket To Trump's Wallet
The Department of State paid more than $15,000 for rooms at the Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver upon its opening in February, according to The Washington Post.

[Trump shoots man on 5th Ave.]
NYTimes: Trump Shoots Man, Sources Say
CNN: GOP, Dems Split On Shooting 
Fox: Hillary's Killed Lots Of People - Jeff Tiedrich

Raise Your Hand If You're A Kremlin Friendly Dept Of Justice
Seventeen Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter on Wednesday to the Justice Department demanding answers as to why the agency abruptly dismissed a money-laundering case earlier this year involving the Kremlin-linked attorney who met with Donald Trump Jr. during last year's campaign.

Republican Shenanigans

FUN FACT: This is the first time in history that the President of France will speak better English than the President of America. - Mrs. Betty Bowers‏

Morning Joe Drops Republican Party. I Bet Mika Made Him Do It.
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough is leaving the Republican Party, the "Morning Joe" host and former GOP congressman announced Tuesday night.
"I am a Republican, but I'm not going to be a Republican anymore," Scarborough said during an appearance on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."

[Bannon reading about the giant iceberg breaking off from Antarctica]
Iceberg huh? Sounds Jewish. Good riddance. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The bad news: 22 million people will lose health coverage under the Senate’s plan. The good news: Karen Pence’s 20,000 bees are covered. - Conan O'Brien


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Reality: Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes than Donald Trump after he colluded with a hostile foreign power to sink her chances. - Molly

Rock The Voter News

Remember how Hillary sat through an 11-hour Benghazi hearing? I'd love to see Trump and his idiot sons try to stand up to the same scrutiny. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

I don't get it.  If there is an opioid crisis, why won't the gov't outlaw the manufacture and sale of these drugs?  They used to! #Quaaludes - Bette Midler

17% Drop In Tourists To The USA. Except For Russians! Spies Everywhere!
According to the airfare analytics firm Hopper, there has been a 17 percent drop in commercial airline flight searches from foreign countries to the U.S.

I just completed 100 push-ups. (I started last November.) - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A concept design for a solar tent by Kaleidoscope. I'm not a camper (other than in a RV) but this is quite cool.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The smoking gun has fingerprints on it

Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign
Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.

Odd how these emails surfaced so soon after Trump's meeting with Putin.

Henceforth, when talking about the Trump children, please refer to Tiffany as "the smart one." - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

For those people who say I never report good news: the punishment for treason is death. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Talk Enables The Deplorables
Federal investigators believe an explosion at an Air Force Recruiting office in Bixby late Monday appears to be an act of domestic terrorism.

Dear God,
I'm sorry, my prayer should have been more specific. When I asked for Donald Trump to spend the rest of his life in prison I meant Donald Trump SENIOR. #mybad. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Here's The Reason For The Existence Of Climate Deniers 
In dramatic shift, more than half of Republicans now say colleges have a negative impact on the U.S., with wealthier, older and more educated Republicans being least positive

Some tech experts in Silicon Valley now believe that a robot would make a better president than a human. I don’t know about you, but at this point, I would vote for President Roomba. - Conan O'Brien

 During the chat, Trump and Putin talked about teaming up to form a cybersecurity unit to stop future hacking of elections. It’s great idea; think of the time it’ll save! They already know our passwords, so why not? It’s like hiring the guy who stole your car stereo to put it back in. - Jimmy Kimmel


 Click here to meet C.W.


We read 30K Hillary emails, none were as bad as the 4 Donald Jr released. - Eric Boehlert

Rock The Voter News

Twitter Users File Lawsuit Against Trump
...the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of seven Twitter users who say their 1st Amendment rights were violated after they were blocked from reading Trump’s personal account (@realDonaldTrump, not the official @POTUS account) after criticizing him or his policies.

Hillary uses a private server & yall wanna lock her up, but Don Jr works with Russia to undermine America & suddenly everyone has amnesia. - Vinay A. Ramesh‏


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Business/Tech News

Keeping track of Russian scandal's hard. Let's make it easier. If you're a Russian operative, and did NOT meet w/Trump-world, raise your hand. - Ana Navarro

Trump Knew. Here's The Proof.
Philip Bump at the Post just flagged this Trump speech from June 7th, four days after Don Goldstone’s first contact with Don Jr and two days before the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9th.
Trump promises big news about Hillary Clinton’s crimes in a speech on “probably” June 13th.”

It's like the OJ Bronco Chase of Presidencies except we all got dragged into the Bronco too and Al Cowlings is speaking Russian. - John Fugelsang




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is Erika leashing her Ctenosaura similis or garrobo as it is commonly called here in Costa Rica.
They grow to over 3 feet long.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Russians Run In The Trump Family

Donald Trump Jr.’s Two Different Explanations for Russian Meeting
In less than 24 hours, President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has given two different explanations for a meeting he held during the 2016 campaign with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer who promised to provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

BREAKING: In Major Demotion, Donald Trump Jr. Will Now Report to Tiffany Trump. - Andy Borowitz


Someone Hacked Into My Browser

Long story short. around 4am this morning, my Google Chrome web browser warned me that the website I was visiting, Yahoo News was not secure. I immediately changed my password and cleared my cookies and such AND Yahoo News returned secure. Yikes. I blame Putin or Trump, maybe Comey! Ha!

I also had to take my sweet dog Luna to the vet, she hasn't been eating much. She checked out OK, the vet gave her a shot of something and told me to bring her back in 24 hours if she doesn't improve.  

So today is a very condensed issue due to extenuating circumstances. Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.


         But I want my AHNC.


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Putin: We didn't meddle, ask Trump.
Reporter: But WH hasn't released any info.
Putin laughs: We'll talk to the WH and tell them to fix that. - Putin actually said this

Where the f--k is Putin?

Republican Shenanigans

Flaunting More Nepotism
Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, took his seat at a Group of 20 meeting table in Hamburg, sitting in for the president when he stepped away for one-on-one discussions with other world leaders.

G20 Leaders Baffled by Unexplained Inclusion of Failed Shoe Salesperson. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Says He Has Never Met This Donald Trump Jr. Person. - Andy Borowitz

The very idea that republicans are paying for attack ads on republicans who are opposed to healthcare is exactly how it looks. Dirty. - Chelsea Handler


 Click here to meet C.W.


I shoulda, coulda, woulda and didn't.
Both Democrats and Republicans have good reasons to distrust Comey.
This doesn't look good for Comey.
More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

Jared Kushner: "I'm the most compromised member of the Trump family"
Donald Trump Jr.: "Hold my borscht" - Jeff Tiedrich

I'm terrified that we have entered the crazy relative phase of Trump where we're pretending to tolerate him at family gatherings when we should be getting a restraining order. - Andy Borowitz

Worth noting that so far today Kellyanne Conway has defended Donald Trump Jr 100% more than Trump Sr, who spent the am defending Ivanka. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

It's F**king Raining Nepotism. But This One Failed
NOT LONG BEFORE a major crisis ripped through the Middle East, pitting the United States and a bloc of Gulf countries against Qatar, Jared Kushner’s real estate company had unsuccessfully sought a critical half-billion-dollar investment from one of the richest and most influential men in the tiny nation, according to three well-placed sources with knowledge of the near transaction.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Apostle Islands, Wisconsin. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.
