Friday, June 30, 2017

Could GOP Operatives Be Prosecuted For Trying to Obtain Clinton Emails?

Could GOP Operatives Be Prosecuted For Trying to Obtain Clinton Emails?
A Republican operative tried last year to obtain emails he thought were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s private server by Russian hackers, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. According to the Journal, the operative claimed he was working on the effort with retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, then a top adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign
The operative, Peter W. Smith—who spoke to the Journal days before his death this past May—also played a role in the 1990s scandal involving Arkansas state troopers’ claims that they helped arrange Bill Clinton’s trysts.

Every time someone says the president is a child or a toddler all I can think of is I've never met a child who's this much of a dick. - Rachel Dratch

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mika insult distracts from the fake Time cover which diverts us from AHCA which cloaks a huge tax cut for the rich. It's like a Russian doll. - Pete Buttigieg

A federal judge on Thursday blocked a California law set to take effect July 1 that bans residents under many circumstances from owning a firearm magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, court documents showed.

This NRA Ad Is Chilling
A National Rifle Association of America ad, narrated by conservative television host Dana Loesch, stirred controversy online.

Republican Shenanigans

Women are outraged and fed up with this President. Impeachment isn't enough. Should we explore exile? - Rep. Maxine Waters

Trump Found Another Way To Terrify Immigrants
The Trump administration plans to arrest parents and other relatives who authorities believe smuggled their children into the United States, a move immigrant advocates said would send a wave of fear through vulnerable communities.

Trump has insulted the looks of...

-Megyn Kelly
-Heidi Cruz
-Mika Brzezinski
-Elizabeth Warren

Never Insulted...

-Vladimir Putin

- Tony Posnanski‏

Comedy Central emailed me. Why, yes they did, And nicely asked if I would write about their new video on healthcare. Why, of course I will. The world would be a sadder place without Comedy Central. 

Please watch their video so they'll email me again. :)


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Obama Willing to Serve as Temp President While Trump Receives Psychiatric Evaluation - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Good thing we avoided having an overemotional, drama-prone president by not electing a lady. - Laura Olin

Trump Wants To Be BIG BROTHER
Four things happened yesterday that prove we are witnessing the beginning of a nationwide voter-suppression campaign.

So far CA, KY, VA, MA, NC, MN, UT, OK, NY, TN & NM say they won't hand over sensitive voter data to Kris Kobach. - Ari Berman


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Why does it seem Trump has insulted every person on the planet not named Putin or Flynn? - Joe DiSano

Business/Tech News

Pretty sure I saw Sarah Huckabee Sanders beating her kid with a Bible outside the Little Rock Dress Barn. - Joe DiSano

Costa Rica's New Ambassador
Sharon Day of Fort Lauderdale, a business executive turned Republican Party activist, is President Donald Trump’s nominee as the American envoy to Costa Rica..



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

First hair dryer – 1920. Jeezus, they look alive.

Best Wishes For A Safe And Peaceful Holiday Weekend.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

This isn't funny anymore. Melania is aiding and abetting him.

Republicans condemn Trump for crude tweets about ‘Morning Joe’ hosts
'Your tweet was beneath the office,’ Lindsey Graham said about Trump’s message about a bleeding face-lift....The first lady, too, came to her husband's defense.
“As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder," Stephanie Grisham, communications director for Melania Trump, said in a statement.

Been checking Twitter every five minutes, but thank God, so far Donald Trump hasn't mentioned my facelift. - Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

No US president before has called the press the enemy of the people. Dictators have said that, but no US president. - Richard W. Painter

Trump Lawyers Back Off Comey
President Trump’s lawyers, after rethinking their legal strategy, have shelved plans for now to file complaints accusing former FBI Director James Comey of leaking confidential information about his conversations with the president, according to two sources familiar with the lawyers’ plans.

Travel ban tip: a reservation at a Trump Hotel on your first night here should establish a bona fide connection to the USA. Book now! - Richard W. Painter

I don't know which is worse, the President doing these things or the people around him thinking it is OK.

Republican Shenanigans

Everybody, please stop talking about Trump's misogyny. it's distracting the GOP from the hard work of denying healthcare to kids with cancer. - Jeff Tiedrich

Will The GOP Cap Damages From Medical Malpractice Lawsuits? Why Of Course.
The House passed legislation on Wednesday to limit damages from medical malpractice lawsuits as part of the GOP effort to reform the healthcare system.
Republicans passed the bill with few votes to spare in a 218-210 roll call vote. A total of 19 GOP lawmakers from both the centrist and most conservative wings of the party voted against the bill, as did all House Democrats.

The problem isn't Trump's Twitter. The problem is Trump's character. - Bill Kristol


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It's tempting to believe that there would be outrage over Trump's misogynistic attack on Mika but then one remembers that his base voted for him after he boasted about physically assaulting multiple women. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

I know.

I Wonder How Many Ethics Laws Trump Has Broken To Date?
The former top White House ethics lawyer from President Obama's White House accused President Trump on Wednesday of holding an "illegal" fundraiser at the Trump International Hotel in Washington.

BREAKING: Trump believes Obama is still hiding somewhere in White House. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Trump has now spent more time talking about Mika Brzezinski's "low IQ and bleeding facelift" than defending us against Russian cyberwarfare. - Seth Abramson

I Love Colonial Williamsburg 
Colonial Williamsburg announced Thursday it will outsource management of its commercial operations — including its real estate holdings, 19 retail stores and three golf courses.
A total of 333 employees, roughly 16 percent of the Foundation’s workforce, will be affected by the change — with 71 being laid off and the rest transitioned to other employers.



Thank you


Odd News

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These are Alpacas, not a 1980s rock band.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Thanks Dee!
Watchdog group reports Nikki Haley to special counsel for ‘breaking federal law’
“Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington respectfully requests that the Office of Special Counsel investigate whether United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley violated the Hatch Act by retweeting a tweet that President Donald J. Trump posted…” Crew wrote to acting Special Counsel Adam Miles.

Republicans Deeply Divided Over How to Best Harm Country - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter." - Hitler, 1922

The FBI Is Quite Busy With Russia These Days
The FBI interviewed several U.S. employees of Moscow-based cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab this week as part of an ongoing agency probe of the company's operations, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Republican Shenanigans

I’m trying to convince my Seattle in-laws the new travel ban means we can’t visit them this summer.- Conan O-Brien

Jumping From The Frying Pan Into The Fire
Outgoing Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has signed on with Fox News as a contributor, effective one day after he resigns from Congress this week.

Senate Investigation Continues
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, revealed on Wednesday that his committee will receive memos written by former FBI Director James Comey detailing conversations with President Donald Trump.

WH still not allowing video cameras to record Sean Spicer’s press briefings. Cause when you’re that ridiculous, the camera adds ten clowns. - Bette Midler

Billionaire Warren Buffett revealed that he would save nearly $700,000 in taxes if the GOP healthcare bill passes, and said Republicans should just rename it the "Relief for the Rich Act."


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President Trump and his wife Melania this weekend attended the wedding of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. When asked if she cries at weddings, Melania said, "Just the one." - Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

If men could get pregnant not only would abortion be legal, locker room schmucks would be bragging over who's had more. - John Fugelsang

Democrats Try To Get Trump's Travel Costs
Two Democratic lawmakers are calling for the release of President Trump’s expense reports detailing trips he's taken to his own properties.
Arizona Reps. Tom O’Halleran and Ruben Gallego will introduce an amendment Wednesday to a defense funding bill that would compel the Air Force to send presidential expense reports to Congress, including the costs of Trump's travel to one of his properties


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I saw that Canada is restoring a historic brothel that was owned by Trump's grandfather in 1897. They're even putting a plaque out front that says: "The Trumps: Screwing People Since 1897." - Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

It came out yesterday that under the Republican healthcare plan, 22 million people will lose their health insurance over the next decade. 22 million! Or as Trump put it, "Wow — that's like, half my Inauguration crowd!"- Jimmy Fallon

I Believe Trump Is Suffering From Twitteritis
President Donald Trump unleashed arguably his most difficult-to-decipher tweet since “covfefe,” alleging Wednesday morning that Amazon is not paying “internet taxes.”

Today, a giant cyberattack hit computer systems in Russia. In a related story, Hillary Clinton just had a GREAT week at computer camp. - Jimmy Fallon




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Nature meets technology. The Wi-Fi antennas on the water buffalo must have incredible range.
