Thursday, June 1, 2017

Harassing Hillary Continues

Hillary Clinton Must Not Be Silent
We can't forget the extraordinary events that put Donald Trump in the White House.

Hillary has done more to benefit American citizens than all the Republicans in Congress combined. Think about that.

It's like this guy is hell-bent on proving our point. -@bitchyologist

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

One reassuring thing about Trump's Twitter feed: he may not be able to correctly type the launch codes. #covfefe - Andy Borowitz

Trump Is Going To Give Putin The Spy Compounds Obama Shut Down. Hit Me Over The Head With A Hammer And Sickle.
The Trump administration is considering allowing Russian officials to return to two diplomatic compounds in New York and Maryland after the Obama administration ejected the Russians from the compounds as part of U.S. sanctions after Russia meddled in the 2016 election, according to a Washington Post report published Wednesday evening.
The Obama administration directed Russians to leave the compounds in December 2016 and said that Russia had used the compounds for spying.

Why, Lookee Here At My Screenshot! Trump Cowed To The Russian Embassy!

Donald J. Trump tweeted early Wednesday morning that his practice of sleeping only four hours a day was having no impact whatsoever on his ability to cljjrff. - Andy Borowitz

Hit Me Over The Head AGAIN With A Hammer And Sickle
Nigel Farage is a “person of interest” in the US counter-intelligence investigation that is looking into possible collusion between the Kremlin and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the Guardian has been told.
Sources with knowledge of the investigation said the former Ukip leader had raised the interest of FBI investigators because of his relationships with individuals connected to both the Trump campaign and Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder whom Farage visited in March. 

The reason Trump is so torn about pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is because 3 weeks ago he thought the Paris Accord was a car. - Chelsea Handler

'World's Scientists Are Wrong,' Claims Man Who Cannot Type. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump still hasn't lost his base or, as I like to think of them, the people he's trying to uninsure. - LOLGOP

Trump Delays Decision To Stir Hornet's Nest
President Donald Trump has temporarily waived a law requiring the U.S. to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Trump's move to renew the waiver for six months keeps the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv for now. Trump has said he's reviewing whether to fulfill his campaign promise to move it to Jerusalem.

This year:
-13 states passed anti-protester laws
-12 restricted reproductive rights
-6 restricted voting
-4 banned sanctuary cities/campuses - Samuel Sinyangwe

Barron Trump is studyin' to be a caddie so he can spend more time with his father. - Tea Pain


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Republicans love a less intrusive government unless they're telling you who to love & what to do with your body. - Vinay A. Ramesh‏

Rock The Voter News

I tweet for my base.

I Wonder If Someone Will Tape Trump's Phone Calls And Play Them Worldwide

President Donald Trump, who blasted Hillary Clinton for using a personal email server, might be a walking magnet for eavesdropping and malware if he is using an unsecured cellphone
to chat with foreign leaders.

A Memorial Day video made it's rounds where you can see mysterious red lights flashing in or on the second floor window at the White House. This went on for about 20 minutes. And White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the red light was the reflection of an ambulance in Lafayette Park. So the one thing we know for sure is the red light was definitely not the reflection of an ambulance in Lafayette Park. - Jimmy Kimmel


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Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump is the choice for Christians who think billionaires need a deeper tax cut & the poor need deeper poverty. - John Fugelsang

How The Opioid Craze Got Kick Started
Nearly 40 years ago, a respected doctor wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine with some very good news: Out of nearly 40,000 patients given powerful pain drugs in a Boston hospital, only four addictions were documented.


It's Bill Paying Time Again.
Please kick in a couple of dollars to help keep me online.
Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

1939 Lincoln Zephyr. Today's speed bumps would make this vehicle inoperable.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dear World

White House will no longer answer questions on Trump-Russia probe
President Trump's administration will cease answering questions from reporters about the investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Wednesday.

Somebody's takin' this #FakeNews #Witchhunt mighty seriously.  Der Fuhrer has slammed the lid on his #TrumpBunker. - TeaPain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Dear frightened foreign allies.
Please understand.
In many ways, America is like an old couch.
Trump is the blacklight. - John Fugelsang

The Don Will Be Next
The Luchese family's ruling hierarchy and 16 mob associates were charged Wednesday with murder, drug-dealing, extortion and gambling in a massive federal indictment.

Trump is very relieved to be back in America, where he understands what the protesters are saying.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

I watch pro wrestling not for entertainment, but to evaluate our next crop of presidential candidates.- Conan O'Brien

Trump's Buddy the Philippine President Gets Vulgar About Chelsea Clinton.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte denounced Chelsea Clinton in a vulgar speech Wednesday for her criticism of remarks he made last week about rape.

Hi, we're the NRA. We spend millions to make it easier for criminals and deranged people to get guns. Which is why you should arm yourself.- John Fugelsang

Communication Breakdown
The absence of communications director Michael Dubke might already be impacting the White House because the statements coming out of the press office seem a little off. In fact, some online critics are mocking a newly released statement as a “parody” that looks like something President Donald Trump would write himself.
“President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him,” the statement from White House spokeswoman Hope Hicks reads.

Mike Pence is dreamily writing "President Mike Pence" on his spiral notebook. - Conan O'Brien


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Rock The Voter News

Comey To Testify Next Week
Former FBI Director James Comey is planning to testify publicly before the Senate Intelligence Committee as soon as next week about his conversations with President Donald Trump about the Russia investigation...

Kathy Griffin is out of a job at CNN. 
The cable network on Wednesday terminated its agreement with the comic, who for years has co-hosted its New Year's Eve program with Anderson Cooper, after a photo of Griffin holding a bloody, severed head in the likeness of President Trump went viral on social media.

Liberalism vs Conservatism:  @kathygriffin assaults fake head and loses job.  Greg Gianforte assaults real reporter and goes to Congress. - Tea Pain


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I'd like to hear a report of what Barron Trump thought when he heard his father brag about forcefully grabbing pussies. - Kara Calavera

Biz/Tech News

"Daddy, why is the world a dystopian hellhole of constant flooding & intense heat?"
"Well son, this woman had a private email server..." - Michael Cohen

With clever chemical tweaks, an old antibiotic can dole out any of three lethal blows to some of the deadliest bacteria—and give evolution one nasty concussion.

When the aliens land I refuse to be the one who explains why Kerry Washington can't legally go topless but Rush Limbaugh can. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Smog alert in Los Angeles, June 1979.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Russians discussed potentially 'derogatory' information about Trump and associates during campaign
Russian government officials discussed having potentially "derogatory" information about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and some of his top aides ...

A new poll reveals that only 1 in 4 Americans believes President Trump has actually “drained the swamp.” However, 3 out of 4 Americans believe Trump has “peed in the pool.” - Conan O'Brien

She warned us

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I thought Angela Merkel's speech was fantastic but I was really hoping she'd end it with a #youf*cker. - Andy Borowitz

This White House Is Up To Its Neck With Russians
One of President Donald Trump’s closest confidants, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, has now become a focus of the expanding congressional investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 campaign

Trump won't criticize despots that behead dissidents, jail journalists or conduct cyberattacks against the US. Instead, he's bashing Germany - Brian Klaas

Manchester Needs This
Singer Ariana Grande could return to Manchester, England, as early as this weekend to perform a benefit concert for the victims of a terrorist attack at her concert there last week that killed 22 and wounded more than 100.

A Republican congressional candidate named Greg Gianforte apparently body-slammed a reporter. Some Republicans are defending him, saying the body slam wasn't a big deal — which they might regret in three years when The Rock runs for president. - Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

I celebrated Memorial Day by throwing 5 shoes at Trump; 1 for each deferment to avoid Nam while he supported a draft of not-born-rich kids. - John Fugelsang

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate
Mike Dubke has resigned as White House communications director in the first of what could be a series of changes to President Trump's senior staff amid the growing Russia scandal.

White House communications director Mike Dubke resigns after only 3 months.
World all like "wait, someone was in charge of communications?" - John Fugelsang


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Mike Dubke is out. Which reduces the White House Communications team to Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and a Magic 8 Ball. - @rideatdawn tweet

Rock The Voter News

Roger Waters of PInk Floyd fame began his American Tour in Kansas City with this display.

Trump's first trip overseas as president in 11 words: 
Trump danced with brown skinned Saudis and dissed white skinned Europeans.

While Trump visited NATO headquarters in Brussels, he was caught on camera rudely shoving another world leader out of the way. I mean, is he a president or a bridesmaid positioning to catch the bouquet? Trump tossed that guy aside like one of his ex-wives. - James Corden

Artist's Ego Wounded By Sculpture Of Little Girl
A sculpture meant to protest the "Fearless Girl" statue in Lower Manhattan has been removed.
The New York Post says Upper West Side sculptor Alex Gardega placed his statue of a urinating dog next to the Fearless Girl over the weekend.


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Biz/Tech News

It's come out that the new Republican healthcare bill will hike premiums by 700 percent for the old and sick. It’s not a good sign that the title of the bill is “Walk It Off, Grandpa.” - Conan O'Brien

I Wonder How Trump Will Treat Vietnam
Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has a tough task when he visits the White House this week: Convince President Donald Trump to advance trade ties that blossomed under the Obama administration. To do so, Phuc plans to highlight all the U.S. ...

"I went to a place to eat. It said 'breakfast at any time.' So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance." - Steven Wright




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Havasu Falls is a waterfall of Havasu Creek, located in the Grand Canyon, Arizona, United States. It is within Havasupai tribal lands.
