Thursday, May 25, 2017

Comey Investigation Update

Bad intel from Russia influenced Comey's Clinton announcement: report
Former FBI Director James Comey’s controversial decision to detail the FBI’s findings in the Hillary Clinton email case without Justice Department input was influenced by a dubious Russian document that the FBI now considers to be bad intelligence

Wow. Mueller is going to have his hands full. So Comey acted on fake Russian intel. He sure made a lot of bad decisions that all involved Hillary. There is more to this story.

This Russian investigation into Trump is like one of those Russian nesting dolls, except every time you open one, the doll inside is somehow bigger. And instead of it being a doll, it’s a horrible conspiracy concocted by Russian hackers to systematically erode America’s democratic freedoms. - James Corden

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

President Trump is still on his big trip overseas. And I saw that he actually took over an entire hotel in Jerusalem. Mary and Joseph were like, “Seriously? You make room for THAT guy?” - Jimmy Fallon

Jeff Sessions Blames FBI Agent For Omissions
Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not disclose on security clearance forms that he met twice last year with Russia's ambassador, CNN reported Wednesday.
The form, the SF-86, asks applicants to disclose any contacts with a foreign government or its representatives over the past seven years.
Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores told CNN that an FBI employee who was helping Sessions complete the form advised him that he did not have to disclose meetings with foreign ambassadors that took place during his time in the Senate. 

daily reminder: your president is an ignorant, demented racist who walks around looking like his head got stuck in a cotton candy machine. - Jeff Tiedrich

After Trump pushes his way through, he snaps his coat and lifts his chin. Gawd what a thug.

You see Trump shove Montenegro’s PM to get to the front of NATO group? He's just longing for human contact since his wife won’t touch him. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

It’s come out that President Trump asked two intelligence chiefs to push back against the Russia probe. Trump also asked them to make Melania hold his freakin’ hand. - Conan O'Brien

Loose Lips Sink Ships Seems To Be The Intent
A growing and critical narrative of the Trump administration — depending on one’s political leanings — is the alleged leaking of critical intelligence in a manner that undermines strategic allies and covert investigations and operations.
After the name of bomber Salman Abedi was leaked to US media just hours after the attack, which left 22 dead — and photos printed by NY Times that revealed the type of bomb used in the Manchester suicide attack — it now appears that Prime Minister Theresa May is jumping on board with those critical of some loose lips.

Pope Francis is pretty composed for someone who is finally coming face to face with the Antichrist. - Warren Holstein

Breaking: Man who refuses to provide proof that he pays taxes lectures other countries about paying for stuff. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏


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Rock The Voter News

Yes, that's Donald Trump Jr. with the bodyslammer.
Killing Bodyslamming The Messenger
Greg Gianforte, the Republican candidate in Thursday's special congressional election in Montana, allegedly "body slammed" a reporter for The Guardian last night at a meet-and-greet event. The reporter, Ben Jacobs, took to twitter to describe the incident and claimed the altercation broke his glasses.

Modern Journalism 101
1) What?
2) Who?
3) Where?
4) When?
5) Why?
6) How?
7) Duck!

- Warren Holstein

The former head of the CIA told investigators that the Russians “brazenly interfered” with our election and actively contacted members of the Trump administration. And according to The Washington Post, the president asked two top intelligence officials to publicly deny evidence of collusion, and also asked them to find ways to get FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation. Just like an innocent person would do. - Jimmy Kimmel


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Biz/Tech News

The whole thing is particularly cruel to one minority group: Trump’s voters. Because the president’s budget hits his own voters the hardest, taking aim at the social safety net on which many of them rely. It’s all there on Trump’s new hat, “Make the Poor Live on Squirrel Meat Again.” - Stephen Colbert

The GOP Did The Right Thing? Why. Yes. They. Did.
Restaurants, grocers and other businesses celebrated on Thursday as House Republicans backed off efforts to eliminate the cap on fees that banks can charge retailers when customers use a debit card.

I had this horrible nightmare that they came out with honey almond butter M&Ms and the paramedics couldn't fit me into the ambulance. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
NASA before Powerpoint, 1961.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I would like to tickle your senses with a video before you proceed to today's edition

Republicans have ruined this country by promoting hate of our own government, people, science and the press. Grownups need to take this country back.

I support a Constitutional Amendment to haze all Congressmen by making them work 40hrs per week for 30k per year while raising 2 kids. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Credits Western Wall for Israel's Lack of Mexicans. - Andy Borowitz

Trump's Admiration For Dangerous Leaders Continues
US President Donald Trump told his Philippines' counterpart that he was doing a good job fighting an illegal drug epidemic in his country, an effort that has led to thousands of deaths and drawn international condemnation from human rights groups.

Before his visit to Israel, Trump was in Saudi Arabia. This is where the wheels came off. First of all, his commerce secretary was on TV raving about how there were no protesters in Saudi Arabia. Because protesters are beheaded in Saudi Arabia. That's why. People without heads tend not to speak out. - Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

Brennan: "Russia interfered"
Comey: "Russia interfered"
Coats: "Trump obstructed"
Rogers: "Trump obstructed"
FoxNews: "Hillary killed a guy"
- Jeff Tiedrich

Republicans Are The Party Of Personal Destruction
The parents of murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich penned an op-ed Tuesday asking media figures who have promoted their son's death as a conspiracy theory to stop causing them "unbearable" pain by spreading such "baseless" theories.

Pope Francis meets a guy who's rejected every line in the Sermon on the Mount. Aka His Holiness and His Assholiness. - John Fugelsang

Donald Trump doesn't care about the Pope, he has plenty of guys in white robes who support him. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

Wow, Another Bush Moron
Billy Bush claims he didn't take Donald Trump's “grab them by the p—y” comments seriously during the infamous hot mic moment from a 2005 Access Hollywood interview - and insists that if he had, he would have called the authorities.


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A company has released a GPS with President Trump's voice as a navigator. It doesn't guide you anywhere. It just keeps reminding you that he won the Electoral College. - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Keeps Fighting 
This administration and Republicans in Congress are mounting an onslaught against the needs of children and people with disabilities, women and seniors," Clinton said Tuesday in an address at the annual gala for the Children's Health Fund, according ...

Would this be a bad time to mention that Hillary traveled 956,733 miles over a total of 401 days during her 4 years as Secretary of State? - Jeff Tiedrich

Emails Concerning UUP Poster

This is a representative drawing of Delicate Arch in Arches NP, UT, one of Utah's iconic symbols.


Thank you for the explanation but it looks like the bottom half of a cowboy wearing chaps!
That is just the graphic designer in me moaning.

If the United Utah Party poster had not been compresses sideways, even many NON-Utahns might easily recognize Delicate Arch, located in Arches National  Park and featured on license plates all over Utah.  


The logo design does not do justice to anything.

The video of Melania swatting away Trump's hand has gone viral, but come on, a woman not wanting to be touched by that f*cker is pretty much the opposite of news. - Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

Saying that Trump's budget made a $2 trillion "mistake" is like suggesting identity thieves are guilty of "bad impressions." - LOLGOP

Trump Breaks Promise
Just before taking office, President Donald Trump promised to donate all profits earned from foreign governments back to the U.S. Treasury.
But MSNBC has learned the Trump Organization is not tracking all payments it receives from foreign governments, according to new admissions by Trump representatives. By failing to track foreign payments it receives, the company will be hard-pressed to meet Trump's pledge to donate foreign profits and could even increase its legal exposure.

Mike Flynn invokes the Fifth Amendment. A moment of silence for every conservative who's ever said "pleading the Fifth means you're guilty." - Jeff Tiedrich



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is a caterpillar of a fruit piercing moth OR a tiny alien with a nebula painted on his body.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Drip drip SPLASH

CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates
The CIA alerted the FBI to a troubling pattern of contacts between Russian officials and associates of the Trump campaign last year, former agency director John Brennan testified on Tuesday, shedding new light on the origin of a criminal probe that now ...

The "smoking gun" in Watergate was the revelation that Nixon wanted to get the CIA director to intervene & shut down the FBI investigation. - Kevin M. Kruse, Historian

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Before you ask why Muslims didn't do more to stop  #Manchester, ask a random white male why he didn't stop Aurora, Sandy Hook or Charleston. - Steve Marmel

Bibi Netanyahu says if Manchester attacker had been Palestinian and victims had been Israeli, would have received a stipend from the Palestinian Authority. - Rosie Gray tweet, White House correspondent for The Atlantic

Every Which Way But Up For Trump
A Democratic Federal Election Commission member is urging the FEC to investigate whether Russian agents used Facebook to spread damaging stories about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton before the 2016 presidential election

Trump May Want To Defect To Russia
Former CIA Director John Brennan told House Russia investigators Tuesday that Russia "brazenly interfered" in the US elections, including actively contacting members of President Donald Trump's campaign -- but he stopped shy of dubbing it "collusion."

Republican Shenanigans

Remaining Countries on Trump's Itinerary Say They'd Rather Wait a Month and Meet with Next President. - Andy Borowitz

Jeez, The Man Has Not One Drop Of Dignity And Bad Staff Preparation
The guest book entry provides an opportunity to contrast Trump's style with that of his predecessor, Barack Obama, who spent an hour at Yad Vashem and gave an emotional speech in 2013.

Always love it when Members of Congress say they disagree w/ intel community's analysis. Like having your plumber review your root canal. - Ned Price tweet


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Now, I don't know about you, but I've got a little extra pep in my step tonight because Donald Trump has left the country. Breathing a little easier. Federal judges, now would be a good time to reinstate that travel ban. - Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

You know who didn't plead the 5th Amendment?
Hillary Clinton, cause she wasn't guilty of jack sh*t. - Vinay A. Ramesh

What the hell kind of
logo is that?

UUP: Utah United Party (It's Mostly GOP)
They May Want To Rename Their Party As It Immediately Reminded Me Of Peeing 
The Salt Lake Tribune) Jim Bennett, center, is helping to organize a new centrist party of disaffected Republicans and Democrats called the Utah United Party. Organizers as well as several former GOP and Democratic leaders announced ...

President Trump was given an official welcome ceremony in Saudi Arabia this weekend where he was greeted with an honorary collar. As opposed to Michael Flynn who could soon be presented with an honorary anklet. - Seth Myers


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Biz/Tech News

Trump: "Collusion with Russia is pure fiction and everyone I've asked to help me cover it up agrees with me." - Tea Pain

Who Crunched These Shifty Numbers? Bernie Madoff?
President Trump's budget includes simple accounting error that adds up to a $2 trillion oversight.
Under the proposed budget released Tuesday, the Trump Administration's proposed tax cuts would boost economic growth enough to pay for $1.3 trillion in spending by 2027. But the tax cuts are also supposed to be revenue-neutral, meaning that trillion dollars is already supposed to pay for the money lost from the tax cuts.

"Today, you have 100% of your life left." -  Tom Landry


I hope you had a good time today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Let him in honey, he's bear footed!
