Thursday, May 4, 2017

They Did It. The Bastards Are Overturning Obamacare.

GOP Health Bill Jeopardizes Out-of-Pocket Caps in Employer Plans
Last-minute amendment would allow states to obtain waivers from certain Affordable Care Act requirements

Cutting health care, handing out guns like candy, threatening nuclear war - it's like the whole Republican Party is a Death Panel. - Elliot Lutzig

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

First presidential foreign trips 
Obama  - Canada
Bush - Mexico
Clinton - Canada
Bush snr - Canada
Reagan - Mexico
Trump - Saudi Arabia

Trump questioned why America had a Civil War and suggested President Andrew Jackson could have prevented it, even though Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War started. Coincidentally, 50 years from now, the name “Donald Trump” is going to be the answer to the question, “Why was there a second Civil War?” - James Corden

Republican Handmaid's Tale ?
President Donald Trump has invited conservative leaders to the White House on Thursday for what they expect will be the ceremonial signing of a long-awaited—and highly controversial—executive order on religious liberty, according to multiple people familiar with the situation.

There may be no more wall between Church & State but there's an epic f*cking giant wall between Jesus and his right-wing fan clubs. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Been thinking about it all day, and I'm not sure I can concoct a crueler policy than letting insurers charge a woman extra for being raped. - Teddy Goff

Comey Questioned In Secret Today
Members of the House intelligence committee will get a second round of questioning in with FBI Director James Comey on Thursday -- this time behind closed doors -- after weeks of wrangling that almost knocked the House Russia ..

While campaigning, Trump promised--repeatedly--not to touch Medicaid. The bill he's backing today savages Medicaid. $880 billion in cuts. - Brian Klaas

I Just Threw Up In My Mouth A Little
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Are Engaged. Scarborough proposed while the pair were on holiday in France and Monaco to celebrate Brzezinski’s 50th birthday.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer gave a new interview where he said that he loves his job and is humbled to have it. Then Spicer blinked his eyes in Morse code to spell out “HELP ME.” - Jimmy Fallon


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Rock The Voter News

Republican Blames Obama For Capping Presidential Pension
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) suggested on Wednesday that former President Barack Obama's planned $400,000 speech to a Wall Street firm is the driving force behind a coming measure to cap presidential pensions. 

This is all our fault.  If we hadn't accepted pre-existin' condition coverage from a black President, Trump wouldn't have to take it away. - Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

Republicans are uninsuring Trump voters to pay off Trump donors. - LOLGOP

Republicans "Unreform" And Unprotect Consumers From Wall Street
The House Financial Services Committee approved a bill Thursday to repeal and roll back significant pieces of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

The GOP celebration of the ACHA passing is a bit premature, but don't worry, they still have coverage for preexisting conditions like that. - OhNoSheTwitnt


I'm so old I remember when Republican President Richard Nixon wanted businesses to pay 75% of health insurance.


Odd News

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There's no partridge in the bear tree.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

FBI Director's Testimony. Sad.

Comey hearing: FBI chief defends 'right choice' on handling Clinton email probe
FBI Director James Comey strongly defended Wednesday his decision to alert Congress just days before the 2016 election about his agency's investigation into emails potentially related to Hillary Clinton's personal server, telling senators while the idea of impacting the election made him "mildly nauseous," he would not change what he did.

Russia hacked for him
Wikileaks leaked for him
Media nonstop promoted him
Comey shilled for him
And all along he told us it would be rigged. - John Fugelsang

Comey's "speak or conceal" explanation falls completely apart when you recall he chose "speak" for the Clinton probe & "conceal" for Trump. - Matthew Miller

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

President Trump also said he would be honored to meet North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Trump said, “He’s my kind of guy — he’s crazy, he’s overweight, and he has a ridiculous haircut. We should get together!” - Conan O'Brien

The Trump Effect
A wealthy Manhattanite was arrested for beating an Asian man while shouting about immigrants and “white power,” police said.
Steven Zatorski, 48, was arrested and charged with assault after witnesses told an NYPD transit cop about the beating, according to police.

Trump is a politician for people who found Michele Bachmann too cerebral. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Obama denies wiretapping Trump: "Like I’d want to hear more from that fool." - Andy Borowitz

Trump's Tweets Bash Comey And Clinton
President Donald Trump on Tuesday night bashed his FBI director, James Comey, and Hillary Clinton, after Clinton placed some blame on the FBI for her loss in the 2016 election.

Comey says he's "mildly nauseous" about his effect on President election.
The guy destroyed America & all he needs is a little Pepto Bismol? - Erik Bransteen

New Yorkers Should Throw Rotten Apples At Trump
...Thursday, Trump will return to his home city for the first time since becoming president.
He might not like what he finds. Despite having spent almost 70 years of his life in the Big Apple, stepping out on the town, cultivating and manipulating tabloid newspapers, and slapping his name on anything that didn’t move, he is widely unpopular in New York City.

An Australian family managed to save the life of a lizard they found at the bottom of their pool by performing CPR on it. Can you imagine putting your lips on a lizard? And then Melania Trump was like, “Yeah, I can.” - James Corden

Donald and Melania have very similar signatures.


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Media: "When is Hillary going to take full responsibility?"
Hillary: "I take full responsibility"
- Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Only the KGB knows for sure.
Hillary Places Blame Where It Belongs
Hillary Clinton delivered her most forceful critique of President Donald Trump's 2016 victory on Tuesday, taking personal responsibility for her failed campaign but also pointed to the timing of a letter from FBI Director James Comey and Russian interference as factors.
"If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president," she told CNN's Christiane Amanpour at a Women for Women International event in New York.

President Trump said yesterday that being president has been a big burden on his family. “Yes, but somehow we manage,” said Melania from her penthouse in New York. - Seth Myers


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Biz/Tech News

House Republicans are again trying to repeal and replace Obamacare, even though they don’t have the votes. House Republicans defended themselves and said, “Please, it’s a soothing ritual that comforts us.” - Conan O'Brien

The Trump Effect Continues 
President Donald Trump's travel ban and the "drastic changes" his administration has introduced in his first four months as president has hurt business at United Arab Emirates-based luxury hotel and lifestyle group H'Mark Hospitality, says the company

"Muslim headscarves? What a cruel & primitive superstition!" screamed the circumcised Western man. - John Fugelsang‏


Thank you!
Only a few dollars more and all bills will be paid!


Odd News

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The Flying Duck Orchid. Wow, nature mimics nature.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Mar-a-Lago entertainment

Ross: Trump Syria strike ‘after-dinner entertainment’
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says President Trump’s missile strike in Syria served as “after-dinner entertainment” at Mar-a-Lago... “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment. The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”

In my 6+ decades on this planet I've never seen such disregard for truth, justice and the American way. Superman, where are you?

Satan's got a special party room for guys like Wilbur Ross in lieu of after-dinner entertainment. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s no surprise that Donald J. Trump thinks that the Civil War could have been avoided. From personal experience, he learned that the Vietnam War could be avoided. #bonespurs - Andy Borowitz

The Great Dismantler Wants A Government Shutdown
President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the country needs a "good 'shutdown,'" as well advocated for changing Senate rules, in a pair of tweets ...

Q. What's dumber than a POTUS who doesn't understand the Civil War or how a bill becomes law?
A. His loyal voting base that doesn't care.
- John Fugelsang

I Imagine South Koreans Are Very Nervous Now
South Korea is on the brink of electing a liberal president with distinctly different ideas from the Trump administration on how to deal with North Korea - potentially complicating efforts to punish Kim Jong Un's regime.

Republican Shenanigans

Racism, stupidity and inherited wealth were the causes of the Civil War. Oh wait - my bad. Those were the causes of Donald Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Trumpcare Losing GOP Support
The loss of Mr. Upton, an influential Republican voice on health care, was a huge blow, and it came as Republican leaders faced an onslaught of advocacy groups, political attack ads and even a late-night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, saying the bill ..

The Oval Office is the one place Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte can go and not be the worst person in the room. - Andy Borowitz


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Glad to see Mika & Joe admit that Trump's behavior is pathological. I'd also like to see them admit that they normalized him. #morningjoe - @RVAwonk tweet

Rock The Voter News

Scientists To Challenge Republican Candidates
Jason Westin works in Texas at one of the country’s top cancer hospitals, but on Wednesday he’ll ditch his lab for the campaign trail and an upstart congressional bid.
Westin, who designs clinical trials for cancer treatments, isn’t the only candidate this cycle looking to make the switch from science to politics in the era of President Trump

"History books will refer to this period as a time of mass delusion. We weren’t prepared for the internet. We thought the internet would bring all these wonderful things, such as research, medicine, science, an accelerated society of good. But all we did was hold up a mirror to society and we saw how angry, sick and hateful humans can be.” - Leonard Pozner whose son died in the Sandy Hook Massacre


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Biz/Tech News

New Law Requires Welfare Recipients To Submit Sweat To Prove How Hard They’re Looking For Job. - The Onion

Is Jared going to Trump's hairdresser?

Trump's Capo Caught Lying
Jared Kushner didn't disclose his business ties with George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans....

Shout out to everyone who hated Hillary more than they hated racism, sexism, lying, mocking the handicapped & being suckered by a conman. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

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This is what children did before the Internet.
