Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Mar-a-Lago entertainment

Ross: Trump Syria strike ‘after-dinner entertainment’
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says President Trump’s missile strike in Syria served as “after-dinner entertainment” at Mar-a-Lago... “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment. The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”

In my 6+ decades on this planet I've never seen such disregard for truth, justice and the American way. Superman, where are you?

Satan's got a special party room for guys like Wilbur Ross in lieu of after-dinner entertainment. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s no surprise that Donald J. Trump thinks that the Civil War could have been avoided. From personal experience, he learned that the Vietnam War could be avoided. #bonespurs - Andy Borowitz

The Great Dismantler Wants A Government Shutdown
President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the country needs a "good 'shutdown,'" as well advocated for changing Senate rules, in a pair of tweets ...

Q. What's dumber than a POTUS who doesn't understand the Civil War or how a bill becomes law?
A. His loyal voting base that doesn't care.
- John Fugelsang

I Imagine South Koreans Are Very Nervous Now
South Korea is on the brink of electing a liberal president with distinctly different ideas from the Trump administration on how to deal with North Korea - potentially complicating efforts to punish Kim Jong Un's regime.

Republican Shenanigans

Racism, stupidity and inherited wealth were the causes of the Civil War. Oh wait - my bad. Those were the causes of Donald Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Trumpcare Losing GOP Support
The loss of Mr. Upton, an influential Republican voice on health care, was a huge blow, and it came as Republican leaders faced an onslaught of advocacy groups, political attack ads and even a late-night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, saying the bill ..

The Oval Office is the one place Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte can go and not be the worst person in the room. - Andy Borowitz


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Glad to see Mika & Joe admit that Trump's behavior is pathological. I'd also like to see them admit that they normalized him. #morningjoe - @RVAwonk tweet

Rock The Voter News

Scientists To Challenge Republican Candidates
Jason Westin works in Texas at one of the country’s top cancer hospitals, but on Wednesday he’ll ditch his lab for the campaign trail and an upstart congressional bid.
Westin, who designs clinical trials for cancer treatments, isn’t the only candidate this cycle looking to make the switch from science to politics in the era of President Trump

"History books will refer to this period as a time of mass delusion. We weren’t prepared for the internet. We thought the internet would bring all these wonderful things, such as research, medicine, science, an accelerated society of good. But all we did was hold up a mirror to society and we saw how angry, sick and hateful humans can be.” - Leonard Pozner whose son died in the Sandy Hook Massacre


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Biz/Tech News

New Law Requires Welfare Recipients To Submit Sweat To Prove How Hard They’re Looking For Job. - The Onion

Is Jared going to Trump's hairdresser?

Trump's Capo Caught Lying
Jared Kushner didn't disclose his business ties with George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans....

Shout out to everyone who hated Hillary more than they hated racism, sexism, lying, mocking the handicapped & being suckered by a conman. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is what children did before the Internet.


Monday, May 1, 2017

The Whitey Tighties

Priebus: Trump Considering Amending or Abolishing 1st Amendment
A number of press reports have picked up this exchange this morning between ABC’s Jonathan Karl and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. But people have missed the real significance. Priebus doesn’t discuss changing ‘press laws’ or ‘libel laws’. He specifically says that the White House has considered and continues to consider amending or even abolishing the 1st Amendment because of critical press coverage of President Trump

According to a new CNN poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of the job President Trump is doing as he approaches his 100th day in office. While the other 56 percent said, “It’s only been 100 days?!” - Seth Myers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If you are one of the people confused about why the civil war happened...slavery. Start there. - Christopher C. Cuomo

Smoke & Mirrors?
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said he could not commit to visiting the White House after President Trump invited him this weekend, saying “I am tied up.”
“I cannot make any definite promise. I am supposed to go to Russia; I am supposed to go to Israel,” he said...

Sebastian Gorka is the first--but probably not the last--Nazi to be forced out of the White House. Think about that. - George Takei

trump's civil war comments will seem pretty quaint when the nukes start falling. - @echedgar  tweet

Republican Shenanigans

The White House invited reporters to bring their kids with them this morning for Take Your Kids to Work Day. Or as Trump calls it, every day. - Jimmy Fallon

GOP Renew Attacks On Pelosi
Move over Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Republicans have a new campaign boogeyman. Well, sort of new. It's more of an encore for Nancy Pelosi, the 77-year-old House Democratic leader who spent four years as the nation's first ...

Ivanka keeps doing business out of the WH. She should peddle a skincare line. Her dad’s presidency is aging the sh*t out of us all. - Bette Midler


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Yale Republicans = cru·el·ty
callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering.
Yale University's local College Republicans chapter held a barbecue on Friday near the fasting site of campus union organizers participating in a hunger strike directed against the university. Bragging about the wafting, delicious smells on Facebook, it appears to have been a move to torment the fasting grad students, who have thus far gone days without food in a protest for their worker's rights struggle.

Rock The Voter News

FYI: I'll bet my bank account that Hillary, given 30 minutes, could write an accurate longform essay on the causes of the Civil War. - Charles Clymer

Abracadabra:China Could've Hacked The Election
In conversation with John Dickerson, the president suggested that maybe it wasn’t Russia behind the email hacking that took place during the election season that led up to his presidency. In fact, it “could’ve been China,” he said.....

When will PocoPenis Trump stop calling Senator Warren "Pocahontas?" - Madeline Begun Kane


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Biz/Tech News

Report: American Dream Now An Out-Of-Court Settlement. - The Onion

If Anyone Believes This I Have A Bridge In Brooklyn To Sell
President Trump said Monday he’s considering breaking up major Wall Street banks, and could support bringing back a Depression-era law separating consumer and investment banking.

The year is 2052, President Cooterpie has declared war on That Island of Plastic Garbage in the Pacific, and the Stones are still touring. - Conan O'Brien


It's the 1st of the month
Please Kick A Few Bucks Over To Help Pay AHNC's Bills!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Car Polo ...never really caught on after some early mishaps.


Friday, April 28, 2017

The Dismantler's Little Helper

Tillerson eyes cutting 2,300 jobs at State Department
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is proposing to eliminate 2,300 jobs as part of a plan to cut more than a quarter of the State Department's budget for the next fiscal year, officials said Friday. The plan will almost certainly meet resistance from lawmakers opposing President Donald Trump's proposal to shrink the size of the federal government.

Trump Boasts He Has Made More Money in First 100 Days Than Any Other President. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Millionaire-at-birth who just played golf 19 times in 99 days thought new job would be easier. - John Fugelsang

Trump Reins In U.S. Ambassador
The State Department is reportedly urging U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley to get her remarks cleared with Washington before making official public statements.

When you ask yourself how the GOP chooses to protect obvious treason, remind yourself the RNC was hacked, too. #Kompromat - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Spicer reminds you to blame the white guy who hired Flynn on the black guy who fired Flynn. - John Fugelsang

Fox News Being Investigated For Fraud
The U.S. Justice Department's investigation of Fox News has widened to include a second law enforcement agency.
Financial crimes experts from the United States Postal Inspection Service are now involved, according to four sources connected to the investigation.
Mail fraud and wire fraud cases are part of the USPIS purview.

We don't need a tax cut, we need a President cut.- Andy Borowitz


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Appearing at his first public event since leaving office, the former President fired off a punishing fusillade of grammatically correct statements. - Andy Borowitz

Obama Delivers Zinger In Style
Former President Barack Obama hailed the political resilience of his signature health care law at a private event Thursday, pointing out that Obamacare is now more popular than his successor trying to repeal it: President Donald Trump.

Rock The Voter News

If Trump's greatest 100 day achievement is getting Gorsuch on SCOTUS I once gave someone stolen merchandise too and it didn't take 100 days. - John Fugelsang

The Justice Dept Was Investigating Bernie Sander's Wife
The Justice Department was investigating the activities of the now-defunct Burlington College as recently as February, according to emails obtained through a public records request...In January 2016, after reporting by VTDigger showing former Burlington College President Jane Sanders overstated pledged donations in applying for a loan so the school could purchase its former North Avenue campus, Republican lawyer Brady Toensing made a formal request to the U.S. attorney for a fraud investigation.

"I want to say happy birthday to first lady Melania Trump, who turned 47 years old today! She plans to celebrate with her loved ones. And Donald." –Jimmy Fallon


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"A new study says that the first humans to arrive in what is now North America may have been Neanderthals. Apparently they came here to vote in the 2016 election." –Conan O'Brien

Biz/Tech News

"President Trump spoke on the phone with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday amidst increased tensions on trade. I'm guessing Trump wanted to trade ... faces?" –Seth Meyers

Google And Facebook Got Swindled By Fake Emails But Not By Nigeria
Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced criminal charges against EVALDAS RIMASAUSKAS for orchestrating a fraudulent business email compromise scheme that induced two U.S.-based internet companies (the “Victim Companies”) to wire a total of over $100 million to bank accounts controlled by RIMASAUSKAS. RIMASAUSKAS was arrested late last week by authorities in Lithuania on the basis of a provisional arrest warrant.  The case has been assigned to U.S. District George B. Daniels.

"President Trump is considering opening federal park land to developers. In fact, builders have already broken ground on a Bed, Bath & Grand Canyon." –Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Buzz Aldrin takes the first 'space selfie' in 1966. How cool is that flat earth believers?
