Monday, April 24, 2017

Wait for it

Senate Russia probe flounders amid partisan bickering
More than three months after the Senate Intelligence Committee launched its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election — including allegations of collusion by associates of President Trump — the panel has made little progress and is increasingly stymied by partisan divisions that are jeopardizing the future of the inquiry, according to multiple sources involved in the probe.
The committee has yet to issue a single subpoena for documents or interview any key witnesses who are central to the probe...

Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans who are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life, a sobering new study reports.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The one part of Trump's presidency I'm looking forward to is the sentencing phase. - Andy Borowitz

The Far Right Wing Is Not Far And Not Right
Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent). 

That Trump hasn't accidentally started World War Three (yet) is a MAJOR accomplishment for his first hundred days. He should be bragging. - Jeff Tiedrich

In Case You Were Wondering, Most Americans Are Still Sane. Phew.
Nearly three-quarters of Americans say they want an independent, non-partisan commission instead of Congress to investigate Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll

Republican Shenanigans

Part of the government shutdown should be cutting off Trump's cable. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Is Drinking Too Much Whine
President Trump continues to rant about a pair of new polls that show he is approaching his 100th day in office with the lowest approval rating of any president in more than 70 years.
“The two fake news polls released yesterday, ABC & NBC, while containing some very positive info, were totally wrong in General E. Watch!” Trump tweeted early Monday morning.

Historians studying archival photographs from four decades ago have come to the conclusion that the U.S. must have believed in science at some point.  - Andy Borowitz


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Republicans shut down the government and cost taxpayers $24B. And the voters STILL re-elected those clowns. - Matt Murphy

Rock The Voter News

Just curious: How many days you figure Hillary would have taken off by now to play golf? 
My bet is zero. - Jack Miller

Republicans Won't Investigate Russian Ties To Trump
On the campaign trail last fall, Republican Sen. Richard Burr told North Carolina voters there was no "separation” between himself and Donald Trump. The Senate Intelligence Committee chairman also bragged about his role in getting the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Now, the third-term senator is under fire for running interference for the White House last week on a news report asserting repeated contacts between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.

It's totally unfair to compare Trump's first 100 days to Obama's. It would be fairer to compare his accomplishments with those of other former game-show hosts with glaring personality disorders.- Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

Bill O'Reilly got more money to resign from his job for sexually harassing women than you'll make in an entire lifetime. - OhNoSheTwitnt

If President Trump really wants to save our country some money, he can live in the house we gave him. - Jeff Tiedrich

The Attorney General Of The United States Just Told A Big Lie Without Any Proof About Mexicans
The proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border could be paid for by reducing erroneously issued tax credits that go to “mostly Mexicans,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Sunday...Presumably the report that Sessions was citing was a July 2011 report by the Treasury inspector general for tax administration that said individuals who are not authorized to work in the U.S. have been paid $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits. But it did not mention Mexicans or any other nationalities.

Trump’s biggest accomplishment in his first 100 days has been making it seem like much longer. - Conan O'Brien


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Odd News

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The master of camouflage

Friday, April 21, 2017

Russia Russia Russia

House intel panel invites former acting AG Sally Yates to testify
The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday asked several senior Obama administration officials, including former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, to testify publicly in the panel’s probe into Russian interference in the U.S. election.

Folks, with all the new attention on #WikiLeaks, DO NOT go to their site!  2 of their servers are now inside Russian Federation. #Spyware - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Russian bombers invade our defense zones 4 days straight and Trump can do nothing.  Putin owns him. - Tea Pain

My My My. A German-Russian Terrorist (Not Islamic) Tried To Profit From His Bombing
A 28-year-old German-Russian citizen was arrested on Friday in Germany on suspicion of bombing the bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund football team in an attack last week that officials alleged was motivated by financial greed.

Sarah Palin visited the White House along with Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. All three expressed their regrets that Honey Boo Boo couldn't make it. - Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Amazing fact in Playbook: "there isn't a single person in the senior leadership of the White House who has passed a bill in Congress" - Alex Burns NYT

Unbeknownst to Jeff Sessions almost every farm in
Alabama uses illegal immigrants.
The Mealy Mouthed Jeff Sessions Wants To Scorch Sanctuary Cities
The U.S. Justice Department has escalated its approach to so-called "sanctuary cities," writing at least eight jurisdictions Friday to put them on notice they could be failing to cooperate with immigration authorities.

Imagine being the president and the most "star-studded" guests you have at the White House are Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. - Shahram Vahdany


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Rock The Voter News

Trump thanked Sarah Palin, who lowered the bar so far in 2008 that she singlehandedly made his presidency possible. - Andy Borowitz

The DNC Chairman Dissing Obama Is The Worst Way To Unite Democrats. STOP IT!
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) said former President Obama is partially to blame for the Democrats’ poor showing at the polls in 2016.
Ellison, now the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, blamed Obama for ignoring party politics while he was in office, which he said had put the president’s legacy at risk.

Conservatives: I'll vote for a rodeo clown if it solidifies the GOP hold on power
Liberals: my candidate isn't pure enough so I'll stay home - Jeff Tiedrich


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Biz/Tech News

Stealing Steel?
President Trump announced Thursday that he was directing the commerce secretary to investigate whether imports of steel were a threat to U.S.

What if the man in Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” is actually just singing “Day-O” from “The Banana Boat Song?” - Conan O'Brien



Odd New

Time To Deflate Photo

The PIETA by Michelangelo. I was fortunate enough to view it at the 1964 World's Fair where it was illuminated by blue lights while I stood on a moving sidewalk passing by it. It is beautiful beyond belief.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Trump World

Newtown school board asks Trump to denounce Alex Jones
The Newtown Board of Education has written a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to speak out against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Jones, the host of the radio program “Infowars," has alleged multiple times that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 children was a hoax.

Geez Louise, nice company Trump keeps. No wonder he wants to keep the White House visitor logs secret.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The sword stands ready. - Vice President Mike Pence to North Korea

CIA And FBI Looking For Leaker Inside The CIA
CBS News has learned that a manhunt is underway for a traitor inside the Central Intelligence Agency.
The CIA and FBI are conducting a joint investigation into one of the worst security breaches in CIA history, which exposed thousands of top-secret documents that described CIA tools used to penetrate smartphones, smart televisions and computer systems.

Several days ago, President Trump said an American aircraft carrier was heading towards North Korea, but it turns out it was sailing in the opposite direction. It’s the aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Metaphor. - Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

In firing Bill O'Reilly, Fox News sends a strong signal that sexual harassment will not be tolerated once it affects ad revenue. - Jeff Tiedrich

Inquiring minds want to know if Trump grabbed any Fox pussies. 
Dirty Old Men
In just nine months, Fox News has lost its founder and its biggest star to sexual harassment scandals.
It began on July 6, 2016, when Gretchen Carlson dropped a bombshell that CEO Roger Ailes had harassed her. Other accusations followed and Ailes was gone two weeks later. On Wednesday, Bill O'Reilly followed Ailes out the door.

Trump's been in office 3 months & hasnt even NAMED (let alone confirmed) a Dep Sec for Defense or State. That is crazy. 886 tweets though. - Michael McFaul‏

Putin Poisons Enemies. Trump Is Going To Poison Plants, Animals and People.
 Dow Chemical is pushing the Trump administration to scrap the findings of federal scientists who point to a family of widely used pesticides as harmful to about 1,800 critically threatened or endangered species.

The Trump administration has decided that, unlike the Obama administration, they will not release the White House visitor logs. It will no longer be a matter of public record. Which I’m sure is fine. It’s like when your teenage son borrows your laptop, when you get it back he cleared the browser history. Not suspicious at all. - Jimmy Kimmeñ


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Rock The Voter News

First Bill O'Reilly is out at Fox, and now Jason Chaffetz is leaving Congress. This was a bad day for assholes. - Andy Borowitz

Hillary Is The Most Popular U.S. Politician
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the most popular U.S. politician, surpassing fellow Democrats President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as well as leading Republicans, a national poll found.
Sixty-one percent of American voters approve of Clinton, a possible U.S. presidential candidate for 2016, while 34 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion, according to the survey by Quinnipiac University released on Friday.


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OMG. The Republicans Need Their Own Home Shopping network.
If you’re willing to pony up $5,000 a year, you’ll be given monthly briefings with Republican House leadership staff, as well as receptions with legislators’ own chiefs of staff.

Biz/Tech News

I worry that the media's fixation with the New England Patriots' visit to the White House is distracting us from the fact that Trump is a mentally unbalanced game show host with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. - Andy Borowitz

This Should Be Interesting
A federal lawsuit brought by a so-called "Dreamer" deported to Mexico has been assigned to District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel — the jurist famously attacked by then-candidate Donald Trump over his "Mexican heritage" in a separate case involving Trump University.

Happy 420th Birthday to Mary Wanna, the inventor of weed. - Anonymous


I hope you had a 
good time today because...


Odd News

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Rocket Men entertain the crowds during the first Super Bowl halftime show in 1967.
