Friday, April 21, 2017

Russia Russia Russia

House intel panel invites former acting AG Sally Yates to testify
The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday asked several senior Obama administration officials, including former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, to testify publicly in the panel’s probe into Russian interference in the U.S. election.

Folks, with all the new attention on #WikiLeaks, DO NOT go to their site!  2 of their servers are now inside Russian Federation. #Spyware - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Russian bombers invade our defense zones 4 days straight and Trump can do nothing.  Putin owns him. - Tea Pain

My My My. A German-Russian Terrorist (Not Islamic) Tried To Profit From His Bombing
A 28-year-old German-Russian citizen was arrested on Friday in Germany on suspicion of bombing the bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund football team in an attack last week that officials alleged was motivated by financial greed.

Sarah Palin visited the White House along with Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. All three expressed their regrets that Honey Boo Boo couldn't make it. - Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Amazing fact in Playbook: "there isn't a single person in the senior leadership of the White House who has passed a bill in Congress" - Alex Burns NYT

Unbeknownst to Jeff Sessions almost every farm in
Alabama uses illegal immigrants.
The Mealy Mouthed Jeff Sessions Wants To Scorch Sanctuary Cities
The U.S. Justice Department has escalated its approach to so-called "sanctuary cities," writing at least eight jurisdictions Friday to put them on notice they could be failing to cooperate with immigration authorities.

Imagine being the president and the most "star-studded" guests you have at the White House are Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. - Shahram Vahdany


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Rock The Voter News

Trump thanked Sarah Palin, who lowered the bar so far in 2008 that she singlehandedly made his presidency possible. - Andy Borowitz

The DNC Chairman Dissing Obama Is The Worst Way To Unite Democrats. STOP IT!
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) said former President Obama is partially to blame for the Democrats’ poor showing at the polls in 2016.
Ellison, now the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, blamed Obama for ignoring party politics while he was in office, which he said had put the president’s legacy at risk.

Conservatives: I'll vote for a rodeo clown if it solidifies the GOP hold on power
Liberals: my candidate isn't pure enough so I'll stay home - Jeff Tiedrich


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Biz/Tech News

Stealing Steel?
President Trump announced Thursday that he was directing the commerce secretary to investigate whether imports of steel were a threat to U.S.

What if the man in Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” is actually just singing “Day-O” from “The Banana Boat Song?” - Conan O'Brien



Odd New

Time To Deflate Photo

The PIETA by Michelangelo. I was fortunate enough to view it at the 1964 World's Fair where it was illuminated by blue lights while I stood on a moving sidewalk passing by it. It is beautiful beyond belief.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Trump World

Newtown school board asks Trump to denounce Alex Jones
The Newtown Board of Education has written a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to speak out against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Jones, the host of the radio program “Infowars," has alleged multiple times that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 children was a hoax.

Geez Louise, nice company Trump keeps. No wonder he wants to keep the White House visitor logs secret.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The sword stands ready. - Vice President Mike Pence to North Korea

CIA And FBI Looking For Leaker Inside The CIA
CBS News has learned that a manhunt is underway for a traitor inside the Central Intelligence Agency.
The CIA and FBI are conducting a joint investigation into one of the worst security breaches in CIA history, which exposed thousands of top-secret documents that described CIA tools used to penetrate smartphones, smart televisions and computer systems.

Several days ago, President Trump said an American aircraft carrier was heading towards North Korea, but it turns out it was sailing in the opposite direction. It’s the aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Metaphor. - Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

In firing Bill O'Reilly, Fox News sends a strong signal that sexual harassment will not be tolerated once it affects ad revenue. - Jeff Tiedrich

Inquiring minds want to know if Trump grabbed any Fox pussies. 
Dirty Old Men
In just nine months, Fox News has lost its founder and its biggest star to sexual harassment scandals.
It began on July 6, 2016, when Gretchen Carlson dropped a bombshell that CEO Roger Ailes had harassed her. Other accusations followed and Ailes was gone two weeks later. On Wednesday, Bill O'Reilly followed Ailes out the door.

Trump's been in office 3 months & hasnt even NAMED (let alone confirmed) a Dep Sec for Defense or State. That is crazy. 886 tweets though. - Michael McFaul‏

Putin Poisons Enemies. Trump Is Going To Poison Plants, Animals and People.
 Dow Chemical is pushing the Trump administration to scrap the findings of federal scientists who point to a family of widely used pesticides as harmful to about 1,800 critically threatened or endangered species.

The Trump administration has decided that, unlike the Obama administration, they will not release the White House visitor logs. It will no longer be a matter of public record. Which I’m sure is fine. It’s like when your teenage son borrows your laptop, when you get it back he cleared the browser history. Not suspicious at all. - Jimmy KimmeƱ


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Rock The Voter News

First Bill O'Reilly is out at Fox, and now Jason Chaffetz is leaving Congress. This was a bad day for assholes. - Andy Borowitz

Hillary Is The Most Popular U.S. Politician
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the most popular U.S. politician, surpassing fellow Democrats President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as well as leading Republicans, a national poll found.
Sixty-one percent of American voters approve of Clinton, a possible U.S. presidential candidate for 2016, while 34 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion, according to the survey by Quinnipiac University released on Friday.


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OMG. The Republicans Need Their Own Home Shopping network.
If you’re willing to pony up $5,000 a year, you’ll be given monthly briefings with Republican House leadership staff, as well as receptions with legislators’ own chiefs of staff.

Biz/Tech News

I worry that the media's fixation with the New England Patriots' visit to the White House is distracting us from the fact that Trump is a mentally unbalanced game show host with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. - Andy Borowitz

This Should Be Interesting
A federal lawsuit brought by a so-called "Dreamer" deported to Mexico has been assigned to District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel — the jurist famously attacked by then-candidate Donald Trump over his "Mexican heritage" in a separate case involving Trump University.

Happy 420th Birthday to Mary Wanna, the inventor of weed. - Anonymous


I hope you had a 
good time today because...


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Rocket Men entertain the crowds during the first Super Bowl halftime show in 1967.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

It was just a matter of time

Exxon Mobil applied to Treasury for exemption to resume venture with Rosneft forged in 2012 by Rex Tillerson
 Exxon Mobil Corp. has applied to the Treasury Department for a waiver from U.S. sanctions on Russia in a bid to resume its joint venture with state oil giant PAO Rosneft, according to people familiar with the matter.

Serena Williams won the Australian Open while pregnant and Donald Trump didn't serve in the military because of "temporary minor bone spurs" - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

At this point forget releasing his taxes, I wanna see a list of his meds. - John Fugelsang‏

North Korea and South Korea Agree: Trump Is Nuts
Unpredictable. Unhinged. Dangerous. Many South Koreans are using those words to describe the president of their most important ally, rather than the leader of their archrival to the North.

Things ain't fair for Trump.  He loses one Naval Armada and suddenly folks start callin' him incompetent.- Tea Pain

Daily reminder that it's been 46 days since Trump accused Obama of a felony and still hasn't provided proof or apologized.

Republican Shenanigans

When you treat women folks like Bill O'Reilly does, there's only 2 career paths: gig at Fox or the next GOP presidential candidate. - Tea Pain

Bill O'Reilly Canned?
Fox News has decided to oust top-rated host Bill O'Reilly, New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman reported Wednesday. Top network execs are in talks about how to end their relationship with O'Reilly “without causing collateral damage to the network...

Cackling Trump Reveals To Dinner Guests They’ve All Just Eaten Single Piece Of His Tax Returns - The Onion


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Don't you think it's time Russian dossier author Christopher Steele has his name legally changed to "Nostradamus?" - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Bernie wants a litmus test for Dems while Republicans would vote for Satan as long as the letter (R) came after his name. - Matt Murphy

Turning A Red State Blue?
Democrat, Republican Move to Runoff in State Senate Race. Two candidates seeking to replace former state senator Judson Hill are headed to a runoff election.

Things the US Does Not Actually Have:
1) A wall with Mexico
2) A replacement for Obamacare
3) An "armada" sailing to North Korea
4) A President


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Biz/Tech News

I really hope the rumor that Bill O'Reilly is going to be Press Sec is just a bad joke. One sexual predator working for another is too much. - Brasilmagic tweet

#BuildTheWall to protect America from desperate hardworking humans willing to do the absolute worst jobs for less than minimum wage. - John Fugelsang

Another Executive Order Debacle
U.S. President Donald Trump's "Buy American, Hire American" executive order on Tuesday left questions about how the government would enforce the order and whether it would make a real difference in output and employment, according to steel executives ...

Tax Day. It’s the day that all Americans but one release their tax records. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Astronomers are using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study auroras — stunning light shows in a planet’s atmosphere — on the poles of the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter.
This photo is from the NASA  Image and Video Library online. You could get lost in there for hours.
Click here to visit the library.
