Wednesday, April 19, 2017

It was just a matter of time

Exxon Mobil applied to Treasury for exemption to resume venture with Rosneft forged in 2012 by Rex Tillerson
 Exxon Mobil Corp. has applied to the Treasury Department for a waiver from U.S. sanctions on Russia in a bid to resume its joint venture with state oil giant PAO Rosneft, according to people familiar with the matter.

Serena Williams won the Australian Open while pregnant and Donald Trump didn't serve in the military because of "temporary minor bone spurs" - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

At this point forget releasing his taxes, I wanna see a list of his meds. - John Fugelsang‏

North Korea and South Korea Agree: Trump Is Nuts
Unpredictable. Unhinged. Dangerous. Many South Koreans are using those words to describe the president of their most important ally, rather than the leader of their archrival to the North.

Things ain't fair for Trump.  He loses one Naval Armada and suddenly folks start callin' him incompetent.- Tea Pain

Daily reminder that it's been 46 days since Trump accused Obama of a felony and still hasn't provided proof or apologized.

Republican Shenanigans

When you treat women folks like Bill O'Reilly does, there's only 2 career paths: gig at Fox or the next GOP presidential candidate. - Tea Pain

Bill O'Reilly Canned?
Fox News has decided to oust top-rated host Bill O'Reilly, New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman reported Wednesday. Top network execs are in talks about how to end their relationship with O'Reilly “without causing collateral damage to the network...

Cackling Trump Reveals To Dinner Guests They’ve All Just Eaten Single Piece Of His Tax Returns - The Onion


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Don't you think it's time Russian dossier author Christopher Steele has his name legally changed to "Nostradamus?" - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Bernie wants a litmus test for Dems while Republicans would vote for Satan as long as the letter (R) came after his name. - Matt Murphy

Turning A Red State Blue?
Democrat, Republican Move to Runoff in State Senate Race. Two candidates seeking to replace former state senator Judson Hill are headed to a runoff election.

Things the US Does Not Actually Have:
1) A wall with Mexico
2) A replacement for Obamacare
3) An "armada" sailing to North Korea
4) A President


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Biz/Tech News

I really hope the rumor that Bill O'Reilly is going to be Press Sec is just a bad joke. One sexual predator working for another is too much. - Brasilmagic tweet

#BuildTheWall to protect America from desperate hardworking humans willing to do the absolute worst jobs for less than minimum wage. - John Fugelsang

Another Executive Order Debacle
U.S. President Donald Trump's "Buy American, Hire American" executive order on Tuesday left questions about how the government would enforce the order and whether it would make a real difference in output and employment, according to steel executives ...

Tax Day. It’s the day that all Americans but one release their tax records. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Astronomers are using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study auroras — stunning light shows in a planet’s atmosphere — on the poles of the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter.
This photo is from the NASA  Image and Video Library online. You could get lost in there for hours.
Click here to visit the library.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A message from Lady Liberty

It’s France’s Turn to Worry About Election Meddling by Russia
The flagging, scandal-plagued presidential campaign of François Fillon — a former prime minister of France much liked by the Kremlin but not so much, it seems, by French voters — received a surprise lift late last month with a report that he had staged a remarkable recovery in opinion polls and was now leading the pack ahead of voting this Sunday.

REMINDER: what is happening in this country now is not normal. -  Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is so  close to getting us into World War 3. I will be SO PISSED if I live this long only to wind up NOT dying of natural causes! - Bette Midler

Trump Gives Kudos To The Death Of Turkish Democracy
President Trump phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to congratulate him on winning a referendum that will grant the foreign leader broader powers, Erdoğan's office and the White House said Monday.

Pence went to South Korea to see firsthand how someone takes over for an impeached president. - Tea Pain

Trump's Naval Strategy?
If the USS Carl Vinson strike group is heading to the Korean peninsula, it is taking its time.
More than a week after reports first emerged that the aircraft carrier and its accompanying ships were headed toward the peninsula amid fears North Korea may conduct another nuclear test, Navy photos from Saturday show Vinson operating nearly 3,500 miles away, off Indonesia.

"We must prevent a madman like Kim Jong-un from using nuclear weapons," Trump said in an interview with Pot-Kettle Magazine. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Fox News: Muslims force women to cover their faces and that's bad.
Also Fox News: Our female reporters must all wear heels and mini skirts.

This is the most ethically-challenged White House in history: 
-No visitor logs
-No tax returns
-No blind trust
-No respect for ethics laws 
~ Robert Reich

Follow The Yuan
On April 6, Ivanka Trump's company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks, giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world's second-largest economy. That night, the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, sat next to the president of China and his wife for a steak and Dover sole dinner at Mar-a-Lago.

That awkward moment when Trump administration spends Easter weekend finalizing plans to deport guys named Jesus from our Christian nation. - Tea Party Cat

Erik Prince is the brother of the Christian Crusader
Betsy DeVos who heads the Dept of Education.
Trump Gets Advice From A Mercenary In Secret
In the very public, post-election parade of dignitaries, confidantes and job-seekers filing in and out of Donald Trump’s marquee Manhattan tower, Blackwater founder Erik Prince was largely out of sight. And yet Prince was very much a presence, providing advice to Trump’s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, according to people familiar with his activities.

Thanks to Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos, after years of struggle white people finally are finally getting a chance! - Andy Borowitz


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 Hard to know who's more dangerous, Kim Jong-un, who kills his relatives, or Trump, who employs them. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Could Accomplish More Bashing Democrats If He Was A Democrat. Just sayin'.
Independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders gained roars of approval from a friendly crowd on Monday as he called for a radical transformation of the Democratic Party into a grassroots movement founded on the tenets of his unsuccessful Democratic presidential campaign: fighting against the billionaire class and rigged economic and political systems.

The trains in NYC are a mess.  Is Trump starving the city of Transportation money? Could we have back that money we have to pay for Melania? - Bette Midler

Both Trump and his son Baron didn't escort Melania down the stairs.


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Biz/Tech News

United Airlines removes one person from a plane and there is viral outrage; meanwhile, the US President wants to remove 10 million people from the country and millions of Republicans are down with that. - Andy Borowitz

Pence Tells South Korea They Hurt American Workers
Vice President Pence on Monday said the U.S. is not reaping the full benefits of trading with South Korea.
“We have to be honest about where our trade relationship is falling short,” he said in Seoul, according to pool reports. "Our businesses continue to face too many barriers to entry, which tilts the playing field against American workers.”

Here's a bit of musical humanity that brings a tear of joy.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I can relate to this tiger's expression, it feels good.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Just like that Putin Punts Trump

Russian state TV calls Trump 'more dangerous' than North Korean dictator: report
The head of a Kremlin-run news agency said President Trump is “more dangerous” than the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, according to a Monday Bloomberg Politics report.
“Trump is more impulsive and unpredictable than Kim Jong-Un,” Dmitry Kiselyov said Sunday on his show “Vesti Nedelyi.”

So we're less than 100 days into Trump and we're closer to a nuclear war than we've been all century. So this is going exactly as predicted. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

North Korea Offers Unconditional Surrender After Mike Pence Angrily Squints At It. - Andy Borowitz

Russia's New Army: Robots
Russia's Fedor robot has learned to shoot guns with impressive precision. How do companies like Google, groups and individuals try to stop killer robots from taking over the world?

If Flynn's lies hadn't been uncovered, it's likely Trump's National Security Adviser would still be a paid foreign agent of Turkey's despot. - Brian Klaas

Republican Shenanigans

The Obama's spent every Easter attending church service. Trump hasn't attended church once since his inauguration. Where's the GOP outrage? - Matt McDermott

Democrats Cleared Of Fake News Attack
A review of the surveillance material flagged by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes shows no inappropriate action by Susan Rice or any other Obama administration official, Republican and Democratic Congressional aides who have been briefed on the matter told NBC News.

Come on, chickensh*t, if you're man enough to drop a mega-bomb on Afghanistan, you should be man enough to release your tax returns. - Stephen King

Congratulations to the first lady, Melania Trump, who just got a nice payout from a British tabloid newspaper, The Daily Mail. According to CNN, Melania received $2.9 million in damages, which she's using to build an escape tunnel back to Slovenia. - Jimmy Kimmel


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If Pence is complicit with Trump, we gotta bring'em down together lest Trump resigns & Pence pardons the whole herd. This is the hold up. - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Tweeting During The Easter Egg Roll 
As thousands began to gather on the White House lawn Monday for the annual Easter Egg Roll, President Trump again took on the media, the Democrats, and the Obama administration via one of his favorite activities: Tweeting. "'The first 90 days of my ...

It's now ok again for an American President to play golf and bomb foreign countries. It was just a matter of waitin' for the white time.- Tea Pain

I'm pitching a game show about Twitter called "Illiterate Troll or Russian Bot?" - John Fugelsang


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Biz/Tech News

A new article says that Donald Trump has changed the definition of the word "conservative." It used to mean "traditional" and "right leaning" - now it means "batsh*t crazy." - Conan O'Brien

Boeing Laying Off Engineers
Boeing Co. plans to lay off hundreds of engineers amid slowing aircraft sales, the company announced Monday. The workforce reduction scheduled for June 23 comes after the Chicago-based manufacturer laid off 1,800 mechanics and engineers earlier this ...

My two favorite things about Easter morning are (1) hiding the eggs and (2) the looks on my kids' faces when the snakes start to hatch. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

April the giraffe finally had her baby amidst much media coverage. April got her revenge though, she kicked one of the vets and chased him out of her pen.
