Friday, March 31, 2017

Life comes at you fast

The Trump White House is in deep legal trouble, according to Trump's own standards
President Trump on Friday urged his former top adviser, Michael Flynn, to seek an immunity deal from Congress, after news broke late Thursday that Flynn was seeking such a deal.

Trump's campaign is under an FBI counterintelligence investigation. His former NS advisor is asking for immunity. Your move, Republicans.- Maxine Waters

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mike Flynn probably shouldn't stand near any high-floor hotel windows, and maybe try not to eat any polonium. - Jeff Tiedrich

Tillerson Threatens NATO Members
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned NATO allies Friday to boost defense spending or come up with plans to reach the alliance's budget guidelines within two months.
Tillerson, in his first talks with NATO counterparts in Brussels, said that Washington is spending a "disproportionate share" on defense compared with its 27 partners, and that he expects action by the time President Donald Trump meets with other alliance leaders on May 25.

It is "strange" that Russia concentrated anti-Hillary news in WI, PA and MI - and Trump knew to campaign there.- Amy Siskind

Republican Shenanigans

If your religion tells you God wants someone dead - but can't bother to smite them Himself - then your religion sucks at religion. - John Fugelsang

New approval polls:
McConnell 19%
Ryan 21%
Pence 40%
Trump 35%

You know what has a higher favorable rating than these Republicans?


- Maggie Jordan

The Crucifixion Of Planned Parenthood
The Senate voted Thursday to let states block federal family planning money from going to Planned Parenthood affiliates and other abortion providers.
Senators approved the Republican legislation 51-50. Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote after two GOP senators, Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, voted with Democrats against the measure.

People being like, "don't judge Mike Pence's marriage"
Um... judging other people's marriages is Pence's favorite extracurricular activity. - Jessica Lahr

Iowa Republican Wants To Kick Women When They're Down
An Iowa state representative has caused a furor online by asserting that women who miscarry after 20 weeks of pregnancy should have to carry their fetuses to term.


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Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI, testified for 11 hours before Congress, and made countless public statements without immunity.

Rock The Voter News

If Hillary Clinton were president now, Putin would be paying a price for his attack on US democracy. - David Frum

Hillary Is Back In The Saddle Again, Wearing Leather
Hillary Clinton has been gradually dipping her toe back into politics since announcing that she was “ready to come out of the woods” a couple weeks ago. At an event at Georgetown University on Friday, she criticized the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to foreign aid and diplomacy and urged the U.S. government to continue to make women’s rights a priority in foreign policy.

As much as you may want Donald J. Trump to go to prison, Melania wants it more. - Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

Today is the 70th day of Trump's presidency. It only seems like 70 years. - Jeff Tiedrich

Pipeline Update
Environmental groups are seeking to undo President Donald Trump's approval of TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL pipeline after more than eight years of political wrangling on its future and scope.

This is the ideal time in the season to either plant tomatoes or enter into a land war with Russia, I forget which.- Conan O'Brien


I Hope Trump Doesn't Shutdown This Website

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

In 1959, Volvo invented the 3-point seat belt, then gave a free license to all other car manufacturers to use it.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Required reading

...He had little doubt the Kremlin was behind the hacking, and he had shared his evidence with the F.B.I., but as best he could tell, the bureau was focusing on solving the legalistic national-security puzzle surrounding Hillary Clinton’s e-mails. With so much hanging in the balance—the potential president of the United States possibly being under Russia’s thumb—why weren’t the authorities more concerned? He decided it was time for desperate measures.

Don't think things can't get uglier under Trump?  We may have to watch him in porn films during the Impeachment proceedings.

We can't have a credible investigation if the Chairman won't share evidence with his own committee. Neither D's nor R's know what he saw.- Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

White supremacist who murdered Timothy Caughman in NYC has been charged with terrorism. Say it with me: Radical White Supremacist Terrorist. - George Takei

The Old Bait & Hook, Russian Style
Cybersecurity expert testified that Russian “bots” pushed their disinformation campaigns during times when President Donald Trump was likely to be on social media — and he dutifully hyped those conspiracy theories.
Clint Watts, a former FBI agent and counterterrorism instructor at West Point, explained Thursday that Trump as a presidential candidate helped Russia take active measures to interfere with the election, whether he realized it or not.

John Hinckley Jr., the man who shot Ronald Reagan, has been released from prison. He can now purchase a gun. Thanks NRA & Trump. - Brasilmagic

Republican Shenanigan

CBS poll: 37% say Russia wasn't responsible for the hack. 17 intel agencies, Dems, Republicans agree it was. Trump's misinformation matters. - Brian Klaas

Dept. Of Vocabulary Adjustment
Staffers at the Department of Energy's (DOE) international climate office have been asked to stop using the phrases "climate change," "emissions reduction" and "Paris Agreement,"

Melania Reportedly Recovering After Nine-minute Appearance in Washington. - Andy Borowitz


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Taking a page from JFK's 'Camelot', con-man Trump's lily-White House of nepotism is officially known as 'Scamelot.' - Bill Madden

Rock The Voter News

Ivanka Trump WH job is a victory for every millionaire-at-birth handbag designer who ever dreamed of being her father's unpaid work-wife.- John Fugelsang


The Coverup Is As Bad As The Crime
Two White House officials helped House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) acquire information that he says shows President Trump’s transition team was incidentally surveilled

Maybe it isn't Hillary Clinton who needed to change. Maybe it is a society that devalues & disrespects women that needed to change. - bitchyologist tweet


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Biz/Tech News

In a new interview, Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner said the government should be run like a company where the citizens are the customers. And people said, “Well, in that case we have a president we’d like to exchange.” - Jimmy Fallon

No Internet For The Poors
The head of the Federal Communications Commission said Wednesday he wants to block requests by dozens of small and rural Internet providers hoping to offer subsidized broadband connections to low-income Americans nationwide...



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This Jimi Hendrix portrait is  made up completely of guitar picks.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Russiagate continues...

Who's who in Trump-Russia saga
The House Intelligence Committee is threatening to fracture along partisan lines as the sides accuse one another of playing politics with the investigation into alleged Russian attempts to meddle in the 2016 elections and whether President Donald

President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner reportedly met with executives from a Russian bank that was under U.S. sanctions during the 2016 presidential election. But I’m sure there’s a perfectly treasonable explanation. - Seth Myers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

White House Taps Putin to Lead Independent Russia Investigation. - Andy Borowitz

Balding Old Man White Guy Makes Fun Of  Black Congresswoman's Hair
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly disparaged a senior African American congresswoman because of the lawmaker's appearance - comparing her hair on Tuesday morning to a “James Brown wig.

NRA Recommends Preventing Firearm Deaths By Securing Children In Locked Safe - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Trump orders US companies to pollute the country to make up for the 24 million people he was going to kill by repealing Obamacare. - Tea Party Cat

Uterus Intruders Charged With 15 Felonies
The anti-abortion rights activists who produced undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood were charged Tuesday with 15 felonies by California prosecutors.

When Trump says he's always thinkin' of the "miners", he means girls under 18. - Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

Amazing how Trump's campaign being investigated by the FBI for Russian collusion made less news than the FBI maybe finding some emails. - LOLGOP

Medicare For All Is The Best Solution
Single-payer health care appears to be experiencing a surge in popularity among Democrats in Congress.


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Playing golf is only a high crime and misdemeanor when the president is black. - Jeff Tiedrich

Proof That Not All Republicans Are Heartless

Biz/Tech News

"So long, suckers!"
— Trump's farewell address
 - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Unconcerned About Travel Costs
President Trump isn't concerned about the rising costs associated with his regular trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla...Sean Spicer addressed the topic during his briefing, when asked by Fox 5 DC's Ronica Cleary if Trump has "any concerns about the pushback" from Florida residents and taxpayers about those costs.
"No, he feels great," Spicer said. 

"Poetry is stepping into the ring to battle a beast, and the beast is your heart" - Leonard Cohen


Send Trump To The Gulag Before He Kills Us All 

Only $500 to reach my goal -- Thank You!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love these two owls. Their faces have a human like quality. Creepy but cute.
