Friday, March 24, 2017

RR = Russian Republicans

RNC paid intel firm for Clinton dirt
As the general election was taking shape last summer, the Republican National Committee initiated a series of payments to a low-profile firm started by retired Central Intelligence Agency officers that worked closely with an ex-Russian spy....RNC officials now acknowledge that most of the cash — $34,100 — went towards intelligence-style reports that sought to prove conflicts of interest between Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State and her family’s foundation.

Trump: "I'm the President and you're not"
Response: "You're under criminal investigation for treason and I'm not." - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

By 2019, Trump will be sharing a studio apartment in Moscow with Edward Snowden. - Andy Borowitz

Putin Is Cheating On Trump. Oo La La.
Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the "great importance" of ties between his country and France as he met French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen at the Kremlin on Friday, Russian state-run news agency Tass reported.

The GOP healthcare bill eliminates coverage for both abortion and chemotherapy, thus managing to be pro-life and pro-death at the same time. - Andy Borowitz

Ha Ha. Ryan Chickened Out.
House Speaker Paul Ryan sensationally pulled his Obamacare repeal bill from the floor Friday, a day after President Donald Trump had threatened to walk away from health care reform if he didn't get a vote.

Republican Shenanigans

GOP will need those prostate exams because they pulled #Trumpcare out of their ass. - Seth Meyers

Why, Of Course They Did: Public Hearing Cancelled on Russian Influence In The Election
The House Intelligence Committee chairman and the panel's top Democrat publicly disagreed Friday over the handling of their investigation into Russian meddling into the US election, coming after the announcement that President Donald Trump's campaign chairman agreed to testify before the committee.

Paul Ryan promised you a big bowl of nothing and by God, he delivered. - John Fugelsang


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What a week for the #Resistance!  Trump under criminal investigation by the FBI and Obamacare repeal goes down in flames.  Booyah! - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Democrats Need A Plan And A Very Visible Leader 
Democrats are plotting their next move after questioning House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes' fitness to lead the panel's investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Fox News is a foreign-owned political war operation that should be removed from the United States for national security reasons. - Eric Garland


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On Capitol Hill today, one of the most dramatic episodes of “The Celebrity Appresident” yet: Republicans in the House were forced to postpone their vote on healthcare today because they cannot agree on what the plan should be, so it’s back to the drawing board. Unfortunately, Trump’s budget for education cut funding for drawing boards, so there’s no board for them to draw on. - Jimmy Kimmel

Biz/Tech News

"Best thing we can do politically speaking is let Obamacare explode." - Donald Trump today

In May, President Trump is going to give the commencement address at a Christian university. Trump’s speech will be entitled, “If Jesus Is So Great, Why Does He Have a Mexican Name?” -Conan O'Brien

Starbucks And Costa Rica Coffee
Starbucks partners and shareholders, including Lisa Haeg of Puyallup, Washington, took part in a virtual reality tour of the Starbucks Costa Rica coffee farm, Hacienda Alsacia, before the company’s annual meeting of shareholders on March 22, 2017 in Seattle, Washington.




Odd News

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If there is a will, there is a way.

Peaceful wishes for a lovely weekend .

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The race is on

Denis Voronenkov: former Russian MP who fled to Ukraine shot dead in Kiev
The former Russian MP Denis Voronenkov has been shot and killed in Kiev.
Police said an unidentified gunman had shot Voronenkov dead at the entrance of an upmarket hotel in the Ukrainian capital.

Even as the evidence mounts that Trump's staff coordinated their efforts with the Russians, it's so hard to picture them being capable of coordinating anything in the world. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The one part of Trump's presidency I'm looking forward to is the sentencing phase. - Andy Borowitz

Dirty Dirty Boys
After his name surfaced last August in a secret ledger listing millions of dollars in payments from a pro-Russian party in Ukraine, Paul Manafort not only lost his job running Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign but also assumed center stage in a bizarre internecine struggle among Ukrainian political forces.

I won't say that Trump is the Anti-Christ but I will say that Christ is the Anti-Trump.  - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

It’s being reported that Donald Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone has a tattoo of Richard Nixon across his shoulders. And get this — ladies, he’s single. - Conan O'Brien

Please Filibuster!
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday said he would support a filibuster of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, narrowing Judge Neil Gorsuch's path to confirmation without a bitter and potentially historic partisan standoff.

I will never understand how politicians who call themselves Christian can read the Gospels and then treat the poor and the sick like dirt. - James Martin, SJ


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Comey refused to say whether Trump himself was being investigated. It’s part of his policy not to comment on ongoing investigations ... that don’t involve Hillary Clinton.- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

"I'm the president, and you're not!" shouted Trump, as he gripped the bars of his cell. - Jeff Tiedrich

Happy Birthday Obamacare. It May Be Your Last.
Former President Barack Obama marked the seventh anniversary Thursday of his signing of the Affordable Care Act with a defense of the law's accomplishments as House Republicans prepare to vote on their own health-care bill rolling back key pieces of ...


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Ivanka Trump is getting an office in the West Wing despite previously stating she would not take a formal role in her father’s administration. The administration has said Ivanka is going to act as her father’s “eyes and ears,” which basically means she’s going to be walking around the White House saying, “I’m telling Dad!” - James Corden

Biz/Tech News

Ivanka Trump is getting an office at the White House and she’s getting top-level security clearance. She will take a position in the White House where she’ll draw upon her 20 years of foreign and domestic policy experience that she gained selling sandals to Nordstrom. - Jimmy Kimmel

17 Billion Spent On Ammunition During The Obama Years
The eight years during which Barack Obama served as president were a boom time for the gun industry. Obama's consistent and futile efforts to introduce new regulations restricting gun sales were whipped into rhetoric about imminent crackdowns on gun ...

In the meantime, Trump’s keeping busy. Today, he signed a bill authorizing nearly $20 billion in funding for NASA. You know — as long as they find a way to project his face onto the moon. - Jimmy Fallon


You all are my glucose guardians!

Thank you!


Odd News

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Hallelujah Mountains, China. These Chinese mountains are the inspiration for creating the environment in the movie Avatar.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What a difference a president makes

Trump's ex aide Paul Manafort 'hid' $750,000 payment
Further allegations have been made in Ukraine about secret funds said to have been paid to Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Lawmaker Serhiy Leshchenko said he had evidence that Mr Manafort had tried to hide a payment of $750,000 (£600,800) from a pro-Russian party in 2009.

Can't wait for Trump's camp to make excuses for its former campaign chairman colluding with Russians or as I call it, Manafortsplaining. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

So far not a single member of the Trump administration has been found to be secretly working for the United States.- Andy Borowitz

Unleash A Special Prosecutor, Quickly, Please.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes met with President Donald Trump on Wednesday at the White House, briefing him on information collected as part of the committee’s investigation into surveillance of the Trump team between Election Day and Inauguration Day.

Putin's multi-million dollar boy Paul Manafort insisted Trump choose Mike Pence and dump Christie. Pence is Putin's chosen one. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Let's wait and confirm the Supreme Court nominee the President nominates after Trump, Pence and Ryan are in prison. - Andy Borowitz

Of Course Spy Agencies Spy On Those Who Communicate With Russia. Duh.
US spy agencies scooped up the communications of members of Donald Trump's presidential transition team late last year, possibly including those of the president-elect himself, a senior Republican lawmaker said Wednesday.

President who won 5 mil more votes in 2012 won't get to fill SCOTUS vacancy but the one under investigation for colluding with Russia will. - Ari Berman


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Rock The Voter News

According to sources, Putin is concerned that the people he put in the White House are "just too dim-witted" to carry out their missions on behalf of Russia. - Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

I’d be picking up garbage somewhere if I spewed as many falsehoods as Trump. - Chris Cuomo, CNN

Yep. Tillerson Is Another Liar And May Soon Be Held Accountable
A judge said on Wednesday that Exxon Mobil must turn over documents to a New York prosecutor probing whether the company lied to the public and investors about the threat of climate change.

Ben Franklin started 1st colonial printing press w/hemp paper. 
Not saying he smoked it, as lots of sober guys fly kites in thunderstorms. - John Fugelsang



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Sometimes, everything just comes together naturally.
