Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Trump Aides Assure U.K. That Spying Claim Won't Be Repeated
Top White House advisers assured U.K. officials they won’t repeat allegations that British intelligence helped spy on President Donald Trump before his election, as the administration tried to prevent a domestic political row from spilling over into one of the U.S.’s most important international relationships.

Donald Trump is like Saint Patrick except he led all the snakes into the White House. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If You Think this Unhinged F*ck Won't Go To War with North Korea to Distract us from Russia & his Failures-YOU haven't been paying attention. - Fiona Adorno

The Trump Effect
An airline passenger accused of kicking and mocking a Muslim worker at a Kennedy Airport lounge was indicted Thursday on hate crime charges.
Robin Rhodes, 57, of Worcester, Mass., yelled “F--k Islam! F--k ISIS!” after he assaulted Rabeeya Khan, at Terminal Two’s Delta Sky Lounge at 7:10 p.m. on Jan. 25, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown office said.

Kim Jong-un is a Madman and Must be Stopped, Says Man Who Thinks Oven is Spying on Him. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Seth Myers on Trump: “How dead inside do you have to be to not want old people to get food? Your heart is so small it makes your tiny hands look like catcher mitts.”

Aw. Tillerson Tuckered Out
...A joint news conference aside, Tillerson spent almost 2 1/2 hours with Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida including a dinner, and another hour with Prime Minister Abe. But his meetings with Yun and Hwang were each confined to about an hour, without a lunch or dinner gathering. Seoul officials said the US side opted not to have a meal together, citing the secretary’s “fatigue.

Hillary traveled 1M miles as SoS
Tillerson needs a time out on his first trip -  Eric Boehlert


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It doesn't seem like Donald J. Trump needs to increase the defense budget so much when he's only declaring war on the poor, the sick and the elderly.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Trump Budget Calls for Gradual Elimination of Every Living Thing on Planet. - Andy Borowitz

Trump wouldn't shake hands with Angela Merkel. Trump never looked at Merkel, not once. At the 38 second mark the press asks for a handshake. No response from Trump -- an agonizing 17 seconds till the video ends. Merkel looked amused. Trump didn't.

Trump was worried a strong German woman like Angela Merkel might crush his tiny hands. - Alt.Fed Employee


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Donald Trump shows once again his inexperience and lack of chivalry standing next to Ms. Merkel. She's now the leader of the free world. - Vincente Fox, former President of Mexico

Biz/Tech News

There are people working in the White House who wouldn't make it past a first job interview with Applebee's. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Isn't Doing Business In Russia. Russians Are Doing Business With Trump, In Florida.
 During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump downplayed his business ties with Russia. And since taking office as president, he has been even more emphatic...But in the United States, members of the Russian elite have invested in Trump buildings. A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, according to public documents, interviews and corporate records.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken - Oscar Wilde


They were pussies.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A snail eating a blade of grass.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

America Is Reliving The Andrew Jackson Years

Huck: Trump Should Ignore Travel Ban Ruling, Like Jackson With Trail Of Tears
President Donald Trump may want to avoid taking legal advice from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
After a federal judge on Wednesday ordered a hold on Trump’s revised travel ban, Huckabee urged the President to ignore the ruling, citing Andrew Jackson’s refusal to enforce an 1832 Supreme Court decision affirming the sovereignty of the Cherokee Nation. Jackson rejected the decision in Worcester v. Georgia, leading to the forcible expulsion of some 15,000 Cherokee from Georgia along the Trail of Tears. Some 4,000 died on that journey.

Trump Says He Has Been Treated Very Unfairly by People Who Wrote Constitution. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The funny thing is the same people that believed America was "losing" now believes it's "winning." - Tea Pain

Nazis, Russians, We're Screwed
Sebastian Gorka, a top national security adviser to President Trump, stonewalled when BuzzFeed News asked about a report that he belongs to a Nazi-allied group.
“Send a request to White House press,” Gorka told BuzzFeed News.

Meanwhile, the White House is also criticizing Rachel Maddow, saying it’s “totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns.” They said the documents should be released the proper way: by having a Russian hacker give them to WikiLeaks. - Jimmy Fallon

Trump December 2015:  “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”
President Donald Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, defended the administration's new travel ban in an interview that aired Thursday, asserting that “it's not a Muslim ban” and that she would “never support a Muslim ban.

"I'm sorry we can't afford Meals on Wheels," Trump will say aboard Air Force One as he makes his fifth trip to Mar-a-Lago since inauguration. - Adam Smith

Republican Shenanigans

Dept. Of Vocabulary Adjustment
As Congress looks into his claims against predecessor Barack Obama, President Trump is trying to alter the meaning of the term "wiretap".

Sean Spicer reminds me of the kid who would stuff a whole pack of Bubble Yum into his mouth just so he wouldn’t have to share it. - Conan O'Brien

Someone Is Impersonating Obama
Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president, told CNN's KFile, "These pre-recorded calls were not authorized by President Barack Obama, have no connection to the former President, and have been reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

 Trump made $150 million in income, paid $38 million in taxes in 2005. Some people were surprised he paid any taxes at all. 2005 was an off year for everyone. Johnny Depp made that Willy Wonka movie. Kanye West and George Bush had that problem. Harry Potter’s goblet caught on fire. And Donald Trump accidentally paid some taxes. - Jimmy Kimmel


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Pretty cool that Muslim ban blocked by Chinese-American AG arguing on behalf of Syrian-American plaintiff before a Native Hawaiian judge. - Julia Carrie Wong‏

Rock The Voter News

Canada's Trudeau Gently Hints To Ivanka Not To Hate Foreigners
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday invited first daughter Ivanka Trump to a Broadway musical that celebrates openness to foreign travelers.

The thing about Meals on Wheels wasn't just the food. Those volunteers checked on clients, might be the only person they saw all week. - Susie Madrak


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Biz/Tech News

Here’s the thing: Donald Trump is never going to release his taxes — or the kraken, or Melania, for that matter. - Jimmy Kimmel

Trump's Bigly Budget Bombing?
Defense hawks, rural conservatives and even some of Donald Trump's most vocal supporters in Congress sharply criticized the president's first budget proposal on Thursday, pushing back on the huge potential hike in defense spending as insufficient...

Russia may have trouble getting athletes to compete in the 2018 Olympics after their big doping scandal. People were confused — they were like, “You can rig an ELECTION, but not a urine test?” - Jimmy Fallon


Oh, wait, I did.


Rosalynn and Jimmy look pleased as punch.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love this photo. Peek-a-boo!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Paranoia Spreads Throughout White House

‘People are scared’: Paranoia seizes Trump’s White House
A culture of paranoia is consuming the Trump administration, with staffers increasingly preoccupied with perceived enemies—inside their own government.
In interviews, nearly a dozen White House aides and federal agency staffers described a litany of suspicions:

On the train to the labor camp I just know I'm going to be wedged in next to some tool who won't shut up about how the Dems are just as bad. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

FBI Dir. James Comey set to testify on whether Russia hacked our election. He'll also weigh in on whether the sky is blue & if water is wet. - George Takei

Wadda mean 'what rhymes with Tucker?' 

Republican War On NBC Has Begun
Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday accused NBC of “intentionally” interfering in the 2016 presidential election to undermine President Trump’s campaign.

You can follow Jesus or you can follow Trump but it is not possible to follow both. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Only in the Republican Party would Paul Ryan be considered "the intellectual." - Andy Borowitz

Dueling Republicans
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says the Senate will stall on confirming President Trump’s deputy attorney general if the FBI refuses to provide evidence of wiretaps against Trump.
“Congress is going to flex its muscle here and you see that all over the place,” Graham said Wednesday

While I am glad we're finally seeing some of Trump's taxes, I question the ethics of Trump's microwave oven that leaked them. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Trump to visit grave of noted genocidal racist Andrew Jackson.  Old Hickory meets Old Dickery. - John Fugelsang

White Nationalists don't give 2 shucks about jobs or healthcare, but let 'em knock over a few Jewish gravestones and they love ya forever . - Tea Pain

Obama's Microwave In The Clear
President Donald Trump's claim that former President Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping of his phones ran into headwinds on several fronts Wednesday, as three top Republicans said they'd seen no evidence of the assertion.


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Biz/Tech News

It's not that Trump wants to turn America into Mad Max Fury Road; it's that he thinks we're already like that. - John Fugelsang

Trump Is In Bed With Everybody
When a Chinese American businesswoman who sells access to powerful people recently purchased a $15.8 million penthouse in a building owned by President Donald Trump, the deal raised a key question. Was this a straightforward real estate transaction, or was this an effort to win favor with the new administration? The woman, Angela Chen, refused to discuss the purchase with the media. The White House and the Trump Organization would not comment on it. Further investigation by Mother Jones has unearthed a new element to the story: Chen has ties to important members of the Chinese ruling elite and to an organization considered a front group for Chinese military intelligence.

Thousands of flights were canceled today due to a powerful winter storm. Either that or Trump’s new travel ban is for all of us. - Seth Myers




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Times Square, NYC where someone is too close to the edge. Shudder.
