Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Compliments of the NRA

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand vows to fight legislation that would ease restrictions on gun silencers
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand vowed Monday to not keep quiet as Congressional Republicans pursue legislation to ease restrictions on gun silencers.
Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said bills introduced in the House of Representatives and Senate earlier this year would make it easier for criminals to dodge law enforcement by using suppressors on firearms.

I know the Republicans want to silence us but allowing frigging gun silencers? Death becomes the GOP.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In other recent appointment news, Donald Trump elected his ambassador to Russia — former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. This is great news for Trump. He finally has someone in his administration who is actually supposed to meet with the Russians. - James Corden

Nuclear detonation visible from Las Vegas strip circa 1952.

Sounds Like Someone Wants A Race War
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) pushed back against the notion that minority groups will one day surpass whites in the population, saying that Hispanics and blacks "will be fighting each other before that happens."

You call this snow, comrade? In Soviet Russia, snow so deep, you can bury six pesky diplomats and entire Trump Dossier all winter.- George Takei

Republican Shenanigans

The average Republican voter has become too willfully ignorant to be a competent citizen. 
Which was the Republicans plan all along. - driftglass

Trump Should Just Move To Mar-a-Lago. It Would Save Millions.
President Trump will return to Mar-a-Lago this weekend, the White House confirmed on Monday, making it the fifth weekend he has spent in Florida as president.
Trump has reportedly spent almost a quarter of his time as president at his resort in the Sunshine State.

New research says that Neanderthals used to relieve pain by chewing on a plant containing the main ingredient in aspirin. Or as that’s now being called, “the Republican healthcare plan.” - Conan O'Brien


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Obama's Headed To Hawaii
It is not yet known if Obama will make any official appearances or what his plans are while he's in the state, where he was born in 1961.

Rock The Voter News

I'd settle for making America functional again. - John Fugelsang

This Is Bizarre And Terrifying
Are you one of the 13 remaining people on this planet who believes that President Trump is actually calling the shots in his administration, instead of merely serving as a tweet-happy puppet of White House chief strategist and Joseph McCarthy fanboy Steve Bannon? If so, the executive order signed on Monday, the "Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch," might just be the straw that breaks the eternally optimistic, hopelessly naïve camel's back.


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For the second time, RadioShack has filed for bankruptcy. Experts say if RadioShack goes bankrupt one more time, it can officially run for president. - Conan O'Brien

Biz/Tech News

I've heard if you say "jobs" 3 times in front of the microwave... Obama appears and takes a bow.- Alt Fed Employee

Step Right Up And Getcha A Real Email Scandal
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly used an alias e-mail address in climate change discussions during his time as Exxon Mobil chairman and chief executive, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Tillerson used a pseudonym — Wayne Tracker — from 2008 to 2015, but Exxon failed to disclose that detail, the Journal reported late on Monday, citing New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office.

I HATE autocorrect. Must turn it off. Only what if it comes back? In the dark? - Stephen King


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine, a vinyl LP 1961.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Obama Is A Microwave Spy! Who Knew?

Kellyanne Conway: ‘Of Course I Don’t Have Any Evidence’ of Obama Spying on Trump Tower Through TVs, Microwaves
White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said Monday that she has no proof to support her suggestion that the Obama administration spied on Trump Tower through televisions and microwaves during the election season.

2008: You Can See Russia From Alaska- Sarah Palin
2017: Your Microwave Is Spying On You- Kellyanne Conway
GOP- You've Come A Long Way, Baby! - Fiona Adorno

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump administration members lied about Russian contacts and 9 Russians mentioned in the Steele dossier are dead. - Loretta Lynch, Former Attorney General

We're waiting!
Trump Must Provide Evidence Today That Obama Wiretapped Him
The Trump administration has until the end of the day Monday to produce evidence that former President Obama ordered surveillance on President Trump during last year's election, as Trump has claimed.
The House Intelligence Committee set the deadline in a letter to Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente last week in which it asked for proof of the claim, which Obama and others have said is baseless.

If Trump hadn't been born rich & inherited millions he'd be a lecherous strip-club-dwelling 70-yr old selling above-ground pools. In Queens. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Has Paul Ryan condemned Steve King yet or did he lose his textbook that explains what racism is? - Jesse Berney

Trump can't denounce Steve King. If he alienates white supremacists it'll just be his immediate family and Voldemort supporting him.- OhNoSheTwitnt

President Of The Death Panel Speaks
President Donald Trump on Monday warned that Republicans “are putting themselves in a very bad position” by repealing and replacing Obamacare and said that letting it “implode” is still an option.

Weird. For some reason, Republicans can't just say "We're going to uninsure millions of working families to give the rich a huge tax break." - LOLGOP


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Trump still wants us to believe 3 million illegals voted for Hillary but not a single microwave oven managed to snap a picture of it. - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Obama and Buffett went to lunch, and here's who picked up the tab
Just more proof Barack Obama’s retirement is not like yours.
On Sunday, the former president flew into Omaha, Neb. for lunch with billionaire Warren Buffett, 

Paul Ryan used Powerpoint to explain his healthcare plan. He actually tried to bore us to death before we die from lack of insurance.- Bette Midler


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Biz/Tech News

Why not trickle down healthcare? When rich folks get well, they donate any left over medication to a pool to distribute to everyone else. - Lizz Winstead

Move Along. No Conflict Of Interest To See Here.
A company owned by the family of Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, stands to receive more than $400 million from a prominent Chinese company that is investing in the Kushners’ marquee Manhattan office tower at 666 Fifth Ave.

Who could have predicted that Trump's presidency would be historic in its incompetence and failure? Anyone with an even casual familiarity with his business career, I guess.- Andy Borowitz


Dance like your microwave isn't looking at you



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

What 'tweeting' looked like in in 1917.


Friday, March 10, 2017

The Southern Fried Confederate Is Going After Obama

Sessions won't rule out special prosecutor for Obama Justice Dept.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday that he wouldn't rule out appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the Justice Department under former President Obama.

If you're reading this from what's left of the future, please take a time machine back to October of 2016 and lock Jim Comey in a basement. - Kara Calavera

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Impeachment of South Korea's President Sends Waves of Envy Across U.S. - Andy Borowitz

Both are sitting ducks turkeys.
So Pence Is Not As Innocent As He Claims
Pence says he didn't know about Flynn's lobbying work for Turkey. Rep. Cummings sent him a letter about it in Nov
...In an interview with Fox News on Thursday night, Vice President Mike Pence said he was not aware either and that he only first heard about it as reports surfaced Thursday that Flynn had registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department earlier this week....But Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent Pence a letter on November 18 requesting more information about the potential conflicts of interest posed by Flynn's lobbying work.

The Russian Ambassador Who No One Remembered Meeting should be the title of a bad spy novel, not a lie told by an entire administration. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

GOP: Just slap a bandaid on your cancer and quit whining about healthcare already. - Jeff Tiedrich

No Evidence Found That Obama Wiretapped Trump
The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee told CNN Friday that, after meeting with the FBI director, he has not "seen any evidence" to back President Donald Trump's claims that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration ...


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Rock The Voter News

Middle Schooler Who Wrote GOP Healthcare Bill Claims He Has Not Been Paid. - Andy Borowitz

Native Americans Want USA To Honor Their Friggin' Treaties
Following a year of mass protests at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, American Indians brought their demands for civil rights, treaty rights and meaningful dialogue to Washington Friday with a morning rally and a march headed toward ..


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Biz/Tech News

Deplorable: We're a Christian nation
Me: Christ said to take care of the the sick, the old, and the poor
Deplorable: YOU LOST, GET OVER IT. 
- Jeff Tiedrich

Sarah Palin Must Be Thrilled
Some 1.2 billion barrels of oil have been discovered in Alaska, marking the biggest onshore discovery in the U.S. in three decades.

New #EPA chief “not convinced” CO2 from human behavior causes climate change, despite science. Also on fence that sex causes babies, too! - Bette Midler



Thank you!! Almost to the GOAL!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Here I am trying to get the perfect shot of Yerlin's smile at her birthday party, It was a great party with great people.

And I think I captured her smile. She's undergoing the 2nd surgery on her leg today, due to a motorcycle accident last month.

Best Wishes for a Peaceful Weekend.