Friday, March 10, 2017

The Southern Fried Confederate Is Going After Obama

Sessions won't rule out special prosecutor for Obama Justice Dept.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday that he wouldn't rule out appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the Justice Department under former President Obama.

If you're reading this from what's left of the future, please take a time machine back to October of 2016 and lock Jim Comey in a basement. - Kara Calavera

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Impeachment of South Korea's President Sends Waves of Envy Across U.S. - Andy Borowitz

Both are sitting ducks turkeys.
So Pence Is Not As Innocent As He Claims
Pence says he didn't know about Flynn's lobbying work for Turkey. Rep. Cummings sent him a letter about it in Nov
...In an interview with Fox News on Thursday night, Vice President Mike Pence said he was not aware either and that he only first heard about it as reports surfaced Thursday that Flynn had registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department earlier this week....But Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent Pence a letter on November 18 requesting more information about the potential conflicts of interest posed by Flynn's lobbying work.

The Russian Ambassador Who No One Remembered Meeting should be the title of a bad spy novel, not a lie told by an entire administration. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

GOP: Just slap a bandaid on your cancer and quit whining about healthcare already. - Jeff Tiedrich

No Evidence Found That Obama Wiretapped Trump
The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee told CNN Friday that, after meeting with the FBI director, he has not "seen any evidence" to back President Donald Trump's claims that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration ...


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Rock The Voter News

Middle Schooler Who Wrote GOP Healthcare Bill Claims He Has Not Been Paid. - Andy Borowitz

Native Americans Want USA To Honor Their Friggin' Treaties
Following a year of mass protests at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, American Indians brought their demands for civil rights, treaty rights and meaningful dialogue to Washington Friday with a morning rally and a march headed toward ..


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Biz/Tech News

Deplorable: We're a Christian nation
Me: Christ said to take care of the the sick, the old, and the poor
Deplorable: YOU LOST, GET OVER IT. 
- Jeff Tiedrich

Sarah Palin Must Be Thrilled
Some 1.2 billion barrels of oil have been discovered in Alaska, marking the biggest onshore discovery in the U.S. in three decades.

New #EPA chief “not convinced” CO2 from human behavior causes climate change, despite science. Also on fence that sex causes babies, too! - Bette Midler



Thank you!! Almost to the GOAL!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Here I am trying to get the perfect shot of Yerlin's smile at her birthday party, It was a great party with great people.

And I think I captured her smile. She's undergoing the 2nd surgery on her leg today, due to a motorcycle accident last month.

Best Wishes for a Peaceful Weekend.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Trumpcare From Trumpdumb

No Wonder the Republicans Hid the Health Bill
Republican House leaders have spent months dodging questions about how they would replace the Affordable Care Act with a better law, and went so far as to hide the draft of their plan from other lawmakers. No wonder. The bill they released on Monday would kick millions of people off the coverage they currently have. So much for President Trump’s big campaign promise: “We’re going to have insurance for everybody” — with coverage that would be “much less expensive and much better.”

House Ways and Means Committee destroys health care and Trust in the LORD is trending.   These events are not unrelated. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

So Donald J. Trump is going to cut airport security to pay for the border wall. Finally, we are punishing the Mexicans for what they did on 9/11. #TrumpLogic - Andy Borowitz

Trump's Yemen Raid Was A Bloodbath
The Jan. 29 U.S. Navy SEAL raid on a Yemeni village that marked Pres. Donald Trump’s first strategic engagement was reportedly a chaotic bloodbath in which a number of women and 10 children under the age of 13 perished as they ran for their lives.

Sean Spicer announced that the prime minister of Iraq will visit the White House in two weeks. Actually he arrived today, but he’s going to be detained for two weeks at the airport.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

I would rather pay for an iPhone than for Congressman Jason Chaffetz because, while both of them are inanimate objects, the iPhone is smart.- Andy Borowitz

Well, Well, Well, The Rats Meet To Plan Their Next Move
Nigel Farage, who led the push for Brexit and a campaign backer of Donald Trump, visited the Ecuadorian embassy two days after WikiLeaks dumped a trove of purported CIA documents online.

Yesterday, House Republicans unveiled their new healthcare plan intended to replace Obamacare. Oh yeah, it’s brilliant. The previous healthcare plan was nicknamed “Obamacare,” and if this new plan doesn’t work, it will be nicknamed “Obama’s Fault.” - James Corden

President Trump welcomed the first group of new visitors to the White House since he became president. It was a little awkward, because one of them was Melania. - Conan O'Brien


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Rock The Voter News

One underrated part of the Bible is when Jesus went around giving suffering people iPhones.- LOLGOP

The Plot Thickens
With questions still swirling over President Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that he was wiretapped on orders of President Barack Obama, the Justice Department on Thursday declined to confirm statements a day earlier from the White House that Mr. Trump was not the target of a counterintelligence investigation.


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House Republicans have unveiled their much-anticipated new healthcare plan that’s supposed to replace Obamacare. Here’s what we know about it so far: The new plan stresses personal responsibility. For too long Americans have relied on other people, like doctors and nurses, for their healthcare. - Jimmy Kimmel

EPA Head Disagrees With 99% Of Scientists
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Thursday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

When do we start talking about climate change deniers as long term mass murderers? - Cassandra on Twitter

Biz/Tech News

Let’s be clear: America is not broke.  The very wealthy, and huge profitable corporations just aren’t paying their taxes.- Bernie Sanders

The Disorganization Of Trumpdumb
Mexico has canceled existing sugar export permits to the United States in a dispute over the pace of shipments, according to a letter seen by Reuters, in a flare-up industry sources said could temporarily disrupt supplies.
The letter sent by Mexico's sugar chamber to mills on Monday partly blamed the situation on unfilled positions at the U.S. Department of Commerce...

Did I hear Jason Chavez correctly? Is he saying health insurance costs the same as a phone? Hey Jason, a phone isn’t supposed to literally cost you an arm and a leg. His comment was cold. Even Siri was like, “Are you not a human being?” - James Corden




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Prohodna Eyes of God Cave In Bulgaria. But he only has one eye.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

From China, With Love

Trump may have violated the Constitution to trademark massage parlors and escort services in China
China has granted preliminary approval to 38 new Trump trademarks that would allow the U.S. president and his family to develop name-branded hotels, golf courses and other hospitality services.

Happy International Women's Day! I have partially taken the day off but I have a mini-issue for you mostly about women and some mansplainers.

We spent last year assuming a woman would become president. So of course we got the least qualified man possible. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Not only is Trump a hero to people who think Darwin was wrong, he might also be proof of it. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

The Trump presidency already looks like Obama's in reverse. Start by uninsuring millions & unleashing Wall St. End with a financial crisis.- LOLGOP

FBI Director Comey Sounds A Tad Defensive Mansplaining
FBI Director James Comey signaled he has no plans to resign despite once again being at the center of a political storm -- this time over probes into Russian hacking of the 2016 election and his request that Justice Department officials reject President Donald Trump’s claims that his predecessor “tapped” his phones.
"You’re stuck with me for about another six and a half years," Comey said Wednesday at a cybersecurity conference in Boston, referring to the time remaining in his 10-year appointment to the post.

Ben Carson said the other day that slaves came on ships as immigrants.  He probably thinks they played shuffleboard the whole way. - Bette Midler


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Rock The Voter News

A few weeks ago Trump assured us none of his team ever talked to Russia.  So far he's only missed it by six.  #TrumpRussia - Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

Historical fact: When Galileo said the Earth revolves around the Sun, Pope Paul V said, “Fake news.  Sad.” - Conan O'Brien



Time To Deflate Photo

Glacier Bay, Alaska. Is that a woman? lol
