Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Obama. Barack Obama.

The woman behind the story behind the Trump Twitter storm
Late last month, a former British Member of Parliament named Louise Mensch took to her favorite medium, Twitter, to make her latest bombshell allegation: “I absolutely believe that Andrew Breitbart was murdered by Putin,” Mensch wrote in a Feb. 24 tweet about the 2012 death of the conservative founder of Breitbart.com (who, according to a coroner’s report, died near his house in Los Angeles from heart failure with no sign of foul play).

Obama tapped Trump's phones IN PERSON! Went in wearing a Con Ed coverall. Michelle stood guard while O spliced the lines. SAD! - Stephen King

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

52 years ago John Lewis & Albert Turner (in hat) brutally beaten on Bloody Sunday. Jeff Sessions wrongly prosecuted Turner for voter fraud.

Mighty White of Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from investigation of crimes he and his boss, Donald Trump, committed to win the election. - Tea Party Cat

While Trump Is Tweeting Fake News, Arwa Damon Is Reporting Real News
The last time I saw Mattar, she was running for her life, and she was angry.
Angry at the ISIS fighters shooting outside, angry at the soldiers hiding in her home, angry at her family's misfortune, to live in Iraq at a time like this.
And angry with me, for repeatedly telling her that back up units were on their way, though none had arrived.

The Syrian bread I ordered was detained at the airport. - Conan O'Brien

WikiLeaks Goes After CIA. Your Move CIA.
WikiLeaks on Tuesday published thousands of documents purportedly taken from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Center for Cyber Intelligence, a dramatic release that appears to provide an eye-opening look at the intimate details of America’s cyberespionage toolkit.

"Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks!"
--Donald J. Trump, Nov. 4, 2016

Republican Shenanigans

House GOP invites Nana to enjoy her Freedom Catfood. - John Fugelsang

The White House Hasn't Released Logs Of Their Visitors. Well, Of Course They Haven't.
Senate Democrats are pressing the Trump administration to publicly release logs of visitors to the White House and Mar-a-Lago..."It is now over one month into your Administration and you have yet to announce whether you will continue a policy of transparency with respect to individuals who visit the White House complex," the senators wrote to the president.
The White House's visitor access records page is being "updated," according to the White House website. 

The House Republicans' healthcare plan is basically Obamacare except you die ten years earlier.- Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

We need a total and complete shutdown of Donald Trump until our representatives can figure out what the hell happened to their spinal cords. - goldengateblond

Wow. Iran/Contra Pales In Comparison To This.
The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.


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If you think deregulation is the answer, remember this:
Laws prevent you from robbing a bank.
Regulations prevent banks from robbing you. - Erik Bransteen

Biz/Tech News

YESTERDAY  these things happened

America is the land where luxuries are cheap and necessities are unaffordable. Don't be swayed by this "but the poors all have iPhones" bull. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump To Defund Planned Parenthood
The White House, concerned about the possible political repercussions of the Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood, has proposed preserving federal payments to the group if it discontinues providing abortions.
The proposal, which was never made formally, has been rejected as an impossibility by officials at Planned Parenthood...

Historical fact: When Galileo said the Earth revolves around the Sun, Pope Paul V said, “Fake news.  Sad.”- Conan O'Brien



Thank you! Only $890 to go!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Max Factor’s 'Beauty Micrometer', used to measure beauty... with science!


Monday, March 6, 2017

Another Monday, Another Weekend Twitter Tantrum To Report

A top House Republican says he's seen no evidence to back Trump wiretap claim
A top congressional Republican said Monday that he has not seen any evidence to corroborate President Trump's claim that former president Barack Obama ordered a wiretap on his phones before the election, adding to a growing bipartisan chorus of ...

Hey Republicans: You impeached a president for cheating on his wife. Trump is cheating on his country.

It's like a drunk is driving the bus & we're all just staring at each other because 27% of the passengers like how he drives. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Still can't believe North Korea has a petulant nepotistic Obama-hating unqualified lunatic w/incredibly bad hair in charge of nuclear codes. - John Fugelsang‏

Trump Tries For 2nd Time To Ban Muslims
President Trump is preparing to sign a new executive order Monday that White House officials hope can withstand legal scrutiny that will ban travelers from six majority-Muslim nations seeking new visas from entering the United States for 90 days ...

Ain't it funny how the folks who believe in talkin' snakes elected one? - Tea Pain

If Trump and Pence are both impeached then Paul Ryan will be President, which is a shame, because I always felt his true calling was to be an assistant manager at a small-market branch of Enterprise Rent-a-Car. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Take Nixon in the deepest days of his Watergate paranoia, subtract 50 IQ points, add Twitter, and you have Trump today. - Bruce Bartlett

ACLU Will Fight The Muslim Ban
Almost as soon as President Donald Trump signed an updated version of an Executive Order banning foreign nationals from six terror-prone nations, the American Civil Liberties Union vowed to fight.
The organization, whose lawsuit played a significant role in derailing the first ban, announced via Twitter that it would give no ground.

Hated him since he asked my friend's father at a Doral pro-am if he'd ever "f*cked a n--ger..." Did it for me ... - Don Cheadle, Actor

Thanks for the inspiration, Jerry.


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Rock The Voter News

Whaaat? Trump Won't Let A Muslim Leave The USA? And Guess Who He Is.
Khizr Khan, the Muslim American Gold Star father who famously railed against President Donald Trump at last year’s Democratic National Convention, has cancelled a planned speech he was scheduled to give in Toronto after being informed that his travel privileges are “under review.”

Donald J. Trump’s claim that Barack Obama wiretapped him received a strong denial on Monday from the former President, who said to reporters, “Like I’d want to hear more from that fool?” - Andy Borowitz


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It's true that Trump has access to intelligence that the rest of America doesn't have. Instead, he reads Breitbart. - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

"We need a CEO as POTUS" - the reason we elected a guy who couldn't find oil in Texas & a guy who couldn't run a casino in Atlantic City. - John Fugelsang

Economists Think Trump's Elevator Doesn't Go All The Way To The Top
American business economists think that President Donald Trump's effort to restrict immigration is a bad idea. And they think the current health insurance system should be replaced by one that gives consumers more choice and control, with tax credits ...



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Stairway To Heaven, Oahu, Hawaii. Obama walked this.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Fox's Fake News Is Why The USA Is So Crazy

‘Fox & Friends’: Sessions didn’t perjure himself — he didn’t understand Franken’s ‘crazy’ question
On Friday, the crew at “Fox and Friends” insisted that embattled Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions did not perjure himself before Congress by not mentioning his meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

It is OK for Mike Pence to use personal email for the same reason it's OK for Jeff Sessions to lie to Congress! THEY ARE NOT CALLED HILLARY! - Donald J. Drumpf

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Trump administration is so crooked that soon the Russians will start denyin' ties to us. - Tea Pain

Sure, the GOP sold out to Russia to steal the election, but when they take healthcare from the sick, old, and poor, it'll all be worth it! - Tea Party Cat

You Never Know Who Is Going To Be The Next Racist Wacko
We were horrified to learn this morning that Juan Thompson, a former employee of The Intercept, has been arrested in connection with bomb threats against the ADL and multiple Jewish Community Centers in addition to cyberstalking.

Republican Shenanigans

In 6 weeks, Trump spent more travel budget than Obama did in a year.  His supporters are ok with it since they discovered Trump isn't black. - Tea Pain

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Fox News that he did not know whether Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government favored Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign

Heartbroken Russian Ambassador Thought Special Meetings With Jeff Sessions Were Very Memorable - The Onion


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Dear Hillary Clinton: could you please claim to have been behind the Russian hack because that's the only way congressional Republicans will investigate it.  - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Putin Calls Running Both Russian and US Governments 'Exhausting' - Andy Borowitz

Vice President Pence Used His Private AOL Account For Email And It Was Hacked While He Was Governor
Here are several of Vice President Mike Pence’s emails obtained by IndyStar through a public records request.
They are among nearly 30 emails that show he routinely conducted state business from a personal AOL email account while governor of Indiana.

BREAKING: Mike Pence's personal AOL email account used for state business was hacked but, good news, his MySpace account is fine.- Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

I have no problem with Trump wearing a flight jacket as long as he is being ejected from a fighter jet over Syria while wearing it. - Andy Borowitz

A Disobedient Servant?
The new head of the Interior Department told employees Friday he is “not happy” about the agency's upcoming budget request crafted by the White House.

It feels like it was only yesterday when we were running around playing Pokémon Go and looking at Kim Kardashian's ass, and all was well. - Shahram Vahdany




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I've posted this photo before. I find it gripping. President Lincoln relieved Major General George B.McClellan (right) of command the next month after this photo was taken for disobeying orders regarding the Battle of Antietam. I'm pretty sure he wasn't fired for using the US flag as a tablecloth.
