Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hey Folks, It's Showtime!

Sean Spicer: Anyone asking for Sessions to recuse himself from Russia case should be ‘ashamed’
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has come out swinging against anyone — including members of the Republican Party — who believes that Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to recuse himself from investigations into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian officials.

Sean Spicer needs to be hit over the head with a hammer and sickle. The whole White House in fact.

Before you get excited about Sessions, remember that Bannon is still around and he's an actual Nazi. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Sarah Palin could see Jeff Sessions communicating with Russians from her house.  - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The Hearings On Trump/Russia Ties Will Be REALITY TV At It's Best
Christopher Steele, the former MI6 spy who prepared the explosive Trump report, has been approached about testifying before the US Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the new President’s alleged links with Russia...

This new Russian scandal is clearly a partisan ploy to wreck that fantastic speech that Putin wrote for Trump.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Putin Demands Sessions Resign from Russian Government. - Andy Borowitz

White House Staff Preserving Materials Connected To Russia aka The Paper Shredder
White House lawyers have instructed the president's aides to preserve materials that could be connected to Russian interference in the 2016 election and other related investigations, three administration officials said Wednesday.

FYI, they're only calling it "tax reform", because "massive tax cuts for just 17 billionaires" didn't test well with focus groups. - Erik Bransteen


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

While I've immensely enjoyed our one month with a Russian government, could we possibly have an American one now? #AmericaFirst - Andy Borowitz

GOP Congressman Threatens Reporters With Investigations
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, warned reporters on Thursday that they could find themselves under investigation if they continued to ask questions about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ ties to Russia.


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Biz/Tech News

If the US was actually a Christian Nation then we'd vote to help the poor & let private charities bail out Wall Street.- John Fugelsang

Shoes That Will Order Pizza Hut Pizza
Pizza Hut is stepping up its game with high-top sneakers that allow their wearers to order pizza with a push of a button and rolling out a major discount offer for people who cannot get the special shoes.
The high-tops, which of course are being called Pie Tops, are the latest marketing stunt from a major pizza chain hungry for a bigger piece of America's pizza-ordering pie.

Papa John’s is testing a new system that lets customers pay $3 to skip the line and get faster pizza delivery. And for $6, Peyton Manning will throw the pizza at you from a speeding car. - Jimmy Fallon


😎Be Like Rick 

I sent you $230, which will bring you up to $2,000 so far in the fundraiser.  Onward and upward to $3,000!

Thank you Rick!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A 1950's Finnish playground swing. Safety first!

Peace to you Joe.

Life is so f-ing fleeting

My good friend Joe died in Peru last night.

Joe Foster. It was an honor to have known him

Vietnam Vet. His unit was bombed, he was the only one to survive. He was found by a US Army patrol days later, naked and burned. Needless to say PTSD controlled his life thereafter.

He ended up in Peru and loved the country and married a lovely Peruvian woman. He was very generous to his community in Tacna. He helped the poorest of the poor -- the orphans.

Several years ago Joe told me of a young 12 year old girl who lost her feet in a fire. He had his PC tech put together a computer for her so she would have a skill. His heart was so full of love.

His soul will be sadly missed across many oceans.

Pura vida, Joe.

He loved AHNC and music.

This is for you, dear Joe.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump's Demeanor Last Night Was Not Loud, Rude Or Pugnacious

Media left and right give Trump's speech thumbs up
President Trump's address to a joint session of Congress exceeded expectations among the pundit class on Tuesday night.
CBS's Gayle King felt Trump's speech was authentic.

Today is the day you understand why the national media have such little credibility and why Trump feels so free to berate and demean them. - Peter Daou

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Please, let's have a reality check about last night. Just because someone doesn't have a psychotic episode on national TV does not mean he was being "presidential." #lowbar - Andy Borowitz

If you're looking for the guys who say America is a Christian nation, they're busy trying to rob from the poor to give to the richest. - LOLGOP

Lie Detector Explodes During Trump's Speech. - Andy Borowitz

FBI Director Comey Had All This Russian Information Before The Election And He Chose To Talk About Hillary's Emails. Should Comey Be Investigated ?
The FBI reimbursed some expenses of the former British intelligence operative who produced a dossier containing allegations of President Donald Trump's ties to Russia...

Donald Trump just got applause for a widow he created. - John Fugelsang‏

Never forget Trump was trained by his role model and former personal attorney, Roy Cohn, a despicable mob  lawyer and counsel to McCarthy.- Dario Navarro

Republican Shenanigans

I am far less concerned about the presence of Kellyanne Conway on a couch in the Oval Office than I am about the presence of Donald Trump anywhere near the Oval Office. - Andy Borowitz

Now The Media Investigates Trump!
Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans,

Trump Barely Looked At McConnell
There was a lot going on Tuesday night in Washington, so you could be forgiven if you missed history being made by President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. What sort of history, you ask? Only the most awkward handshake ever ...

America right now: "My husband Earl got drunk last night and didn't even yell when he beat me, I think he's really changed this time." - Summer Brennan


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

I'll never understand why the media tries so hard to find the good in Trump after they tried so hard to find the bad in Hillary. - Kara Calavera

Democrats Skeptical Of Trump's Speech
Congressional Democrats heard President Donald Trump dangle olive branches in their direction on Tuesday night - but most departed his much-anticipated speech still deeply skeptical of Trump's interest in bipartisanship.


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Since Trump thinks the Dow is a good economic barometer, fun fact: for Trump to replicate growth under Obama, Dow will have to reach 50,000. - Matt McDermott

Biz/Tech News

Russia Is Happy Trump Left Them Out Of Speech
A  high-ranking Russian official on Wednesday praised President Trump for not mentioning "vicious nonsense" about Russia during his speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening.
Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov noted that Trump's speech "stood out" for not being aggressive toward Moscow and having a "balanced tone."

Guy who bought foreign steel, employs foreign workers & outsourced manufacturing to China/Mexico demands you Buy American and Hire American.- John Fugelsang


"Trump Inspired Me To Build A Bomb Shelter" 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

 This is not in 'Merica, it is located in Jatayu Nature Park, Kerala, India.
