Friday, February 24, 2017

Please Save Us From Agent Orange

President Trump's CPAC Speech Quickly Turned Into a Media-Bashing Session
...But Trump proceeded to say that the press should not be allowed to use anonymous sources in their coverage of him. "Let their name be put out there," he said.

Everyone who didn't bother to vote should be forced to take a "scared straight" tour of the white house. - Phil Brock

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Washington Post has done an analysis of Trump’s first month as president and says that during that time, Trump has made 133 false or misleading statements. That’s right, 133 false statements. Isn’t that — [mimes listening to earpiece] sorry, it’s absolutely 134. It’s 135 — it’s — it’s 137. Forget it, we’ll be here all night. - James Corden

Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. Another Trump Advisor Bullying A Critic.
An embattled White House terrorism advisor whose academic credentials have come under widespread fire telephoned one of his main critics at home Tuesday night and threatened legal action against him, Newsweek has learned.

Milo couldn't speak at CPAC but Steve Bannon could, which means that CPAC has zero tolerance for pedophilia but a whole lot of tolerance for wife-beating. - Andy Borowitz

BREAKING: Real Christians Found In Los Angeles
Religious leaders in Los Angeles are forming an underground network of homes as part of an effort to provide shelter for families facing deportation, CNN reported Thursday.

This is the first administration where the public is aging faster than the president. - James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

But it makes sense that Trump tells the most fibs of any president — even the color of his skin is a lie. - James Corden

Republicans Are Afraid Of The Voter Backlash
Washington's Republicans have gone into hiding. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers will only meet with constituents via a “phone town hall,” while Rep. Dave Reichert's office has been silent towards both callers and the media.

Are Republicans More Negative Than Democrats? Why Yes, Yes, They Are.
Republican U.S. lawmakers are significantly more likely than their Democratic colleagues to "go negative" and attack their political opponents in official statements, according to a first-of-its kind Pew Research Center analysis of congressional press releases and Facebook posts.

For example, yesterday, Trump was touring the Museum of African American History and Culture, and according to witnesses, he noticed a stone auction block on which slaves would stand and was moved to say, “Boy, that is just not good. That is not good.” I haven’t heard that kind of eloquent enunciation since the Civil War novel “The Red Badge of Dang, That Is Messed Up.” - Stephen Colbert

Beyond Cruel And Unusual Punishment. Despicable. 
A critically ill woman from El Salvador who was awaiting emergency surgery for a brain tumor was forcibly moved from a Texas hospital to a detention center by federal agents, raising concerns about President Trump's directive to more aggressively ...

A traffic ticked gets you deported. A $25 million fraud settlement gets you the presidency. - LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

It's worth remembering that the majority of voters who showed up chose the candidate that Putin was afraid of. - John Fugelsang

Thank Gawd Most Americans Aren't Victims Of Trumpnosis
Despite President Donald Trump's relentless attacks on the “fake news” media, a new poll from Quinnipiac University finds that more Americans trust the media than Donald Trump. A majority of Americans, 52%, said they trust the news media over Donald ...


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Biz/Tech News

Jesus disdained wealth, said help the poor, chased capitalists from the Temple & was obviously paid to be a protestor by George Soros. - John Fugelsang

When A Treaty With The USA Means Nothing
The main Standing Rock protest camp near the Dakota Access Pipeline was cleared Thursday, a day after a deadline to leave the area expired, authorities said.

Actually, seeing ads on facebook for something I just looked at on Amazon is a bit closer to 'creepy' than 'convenient.'- John Fugelsang


He's Gonna Kill Us All

Thank you for your support!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This explains why I didn't post an issue yesterday. I had a free ride to Santa Cruz and Luna, my dog, needed medicine for her ear and I needed groceries. Upon my return home I was asleep within an hour. The heat was overwhelming.

We are two months into dry season, all the grass is brown and some trees are blooming flowers which helps the landscape look alive.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

White House Disses Anne Frank Center

Sean Spicer snaps at Anne Frank Center: Trump condemns hate and ‘it’s never good enough’ for them
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday lashed out at the Anne Frank Center for expressing dissatisfaction about President Donald Trump’s reluctance to condemn rising anti-Semitism in the United States.

I can't wait for Trump to visit the Anne Frank Center because he's never bragged about the electoral college there. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Ain't it a sad state of affairs when Congress has to craft a bill to keep the President from committing treason with Russia? - Tea Pain

Assault Weapons Under Assault, Finally
On Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect assault weapons—an extraordinary decision keenly attuned to the brutal havoc these firearms can wreak. Issued by the court sitting en banc, Tuesday’s decision reversed a previous ruling in which a panel of judges had struck down Maryland’s ban on assault weapons and detachable large capacity magazines.

You've got to admit it's poetic that a President obsessed with banning everything hires a right-hand man named Bannon. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Every time Trump chips away at abortion rights an ex-mistress looks around for that receipt. - John Fugelsang

How Many More Russian Dots Do We Need To Connect?
As the war between government forces and Russian-backed rebels continues in eastern Ukraine, a peace plan purportedly crafted by two associates of President Trump and a member of Ukraine’s parliament is causing an increasing backlash.

"Trump quacks, walks, and talks like an anti-Semite. That makes him an anti-Semite." —Anne Frank Center Exec. Dir. Steven Goldstein


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Trump went to the Museum of African American History to find Obama’s birth certificate. - Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

Heard some people are offering their homes for immigrant families on the run. Why does this remind me of hiding Jews during the Nazi years? - Brasilmagic

Canada Opens Its Arms To USA's Illegal Immigrants
Canada will continue to accept asylum seekers crossing illegally from the United States but will ensure security measures are taken to keep Canadians safe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday.

The British parliament is debating whether or not Donald Trump should be allow to make a state visit to the United Kingdom after a petition to keep him out garnered 1.8 million signatures. Hey, Donald, how’s that travel ban feel when it’s on the other foot? - James Corden


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Biz/Tech News

How come every time Trump does anything relating to Black history he brings Ben Carson? Just for the sake of variety he should bring Frederick Douglass sometime. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Domain Name Collection
In Trump We Trust - .com, that is.
Not your politics? Maybe check out
Actually, they're both empty websites, what you call parked domain names: bought and paid for, but not used.
More interesting is that they both belong to the same guy - Donald J. Trump.

Not me, I just moo.


All Hat No Cattle's  PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder) Fundraiser


Odd News

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Cow shoes used by Moonshiners in the Prohibition days to disguise their footprints, 1922. Where there is a will there is a way.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Those Were The Days My Friends

Swedish cops featured in film cited by Trump call filmmaker ‘madman,’ claim quotes were misappropriated
...On Monday, two Swedish police officers interviewed for the film lambasted its American producer, Ami Horowitz, for supposedly taking their quotes "completely" out of context.

Remember, we must never blame all cops or gun owners for the acts of a few. That said, some of those Muslim refugees might be terrorists. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Russian Connections Keeps Growing And Growing
Call it what you will: Flynnghazi. Russiagate. The Crackpot Dome scandal. No matter the sobriquet attached to the inappropriate discussions between the Russian ambassador and Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security advisor, the growing cancer from this case is not going away.

I think the first people we should deport should be anyone with ties to Russian criminals. - Andy Borowitz

How Many Lawmen And Dollars Will It Take To Round Up 11 Million People?
The Department of Homeland Security issued a sweeping set of orders Tuesday that implement President Trump's plan to increase immigration enforcement, placing the vast majority of the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation.
The memos instruct all agents, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to identify, capture and quickly deport every undocumented immigrant they encounter.

I don't understand how deporting millions of Mexicans will protect us from what didn't happen in Sweden. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

 Only Donald Trump could, in one morning, follow up a statement about love and tolerance with an order for mass deportations. - Andy Borowitz

 "Trump's sudden acknowledgement of Anti-Semitism is like a band-aid for cancer." - Anne Frank Center

The Great White Rope-a-Dope
President Donald Trump pledged Tuesday to combat bigotry and unite what he called a "divided country" after wrapping up his first visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

"I can't believe what happened last night in Sweden." -- Donald Trump
"Nothing happened last night in Sweden." -- The Swedes
"Where is Sweden?" -- Betsy DeVos
- Andy Borowitz


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President Trump took office one month ago today. Wow, it’s hard to believe the past few years have only been a month! - Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

At a rally this weekend, President Trump compared himself to Abraham Lincoln, who he claimed, “fought with the media and called them out.” Yup, that’s who Abraham Lincoln was most famous for warring with. The media. - Seth Myers

This North Carolina Nazi Only Kills Expats In Central America. Glad I Never Met Him.
Accused U.S. serial killer William “Wild Bill” Holbert asked for forgiveness Monday for the crimes attributed to him in Panama and said that he never killed anyone from the Central American country.

When @SeanSpicer says, "The President has a big heart", he's referrin' to an enlarged heart condition due to too much KFC. - Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

I support keeping the US minimum wage at $7.25hr.
But only for Congress, because those guys already live off the tips. - John Fugelsang

GOP Governor Courts Chinese Dignitaries To Their Delight
As a crowd of Midwesterners drank, danced and snacked on deep-fried Twinkies at the Iowa inaugural ball in the capital last month, an aide to Terry Branstad ushered a small group of Chinese dignitaries upstairs to a private room.

I left out cookies & went to bed early, but my Presidents Day wish didn’t come true. - Bette Midler


Yes, I remember how terrified I am of Trump & Co. every morning when I wake up.

Thank you so much for breaking the halfway mark!


Odd News

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Fethiye, Turkey. Food with a view. Perfect. Care to join me?
