Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Those Were The Days My Friends

Swedish cops featured in film cited by Trump call filmmaker ‘madman,’ claim quotes were misappropriated
...On Monday, two Swedish police officers interviewed for the film lambasted its American producer, Ami Horowitz, for supposedly taking their quotes "completely" out of context.

Remember, we must never blame all cops or gun owners for the acts of a few. That said, some of those Muslim refugees might be terrorists. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Russian Connections Keeps Growing And Growing
Call it what you will: Flynnghazi. Russiagate. The Crackpot Dome scandal. No matter the sobriquet attached to the inappropriate discussions between the Russian ambassador and Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security advisor, the growing cancer from this case is not going away.

I think the first people we should deport should be anyone with ties to Russian criminals. - Andy Borowitz

How Many Lawmen And Dollars Will It Take To Round Up 11 Million People?
The Department of Homeland Security issued a sweeping set of orders Tuesday that implement President Trump's plan to increase immigration enforcement, placing the vast majority of the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation.
The memos instruct all agents, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to identify, capture and quickly deport every undocumented immigrant they encounter.

I don't understand how deporting millions of Mexicans will protect us from what didn't happen in Sweden. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

 Only Donald Trump could, in one morning, follow up a statement about love and tolerance with an order for mass deportations. - Andy Borowitz

 "Trump's sudden acknowledgement of Anti-Semitism is like a band-aid for cancer." - Anne Frank Center

The Great White Rope-a-Dope
President Donald Trump pledged Tuesday to combat bigotry and unite what he called a "divided country" after wrapping up his first visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

"I can't believe what happened last night in Sweden." -- Donald Trump
"Nothing happened last night in Sweden." -- The Swedes
"Where is Sweden?" -- Betsy DeVos
- Andy Borowitz


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President Trump took office one month ago today. Wow, it’s hard to believe the past few years have only been a month! - Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

At a rally this weekend, President Trump compared himself to Abraham Lincoln, who he claimed, “fought with the media and called them out.” Yup, that’s who Abraham Lincoln was most famous for warring with. The media. - Seth Myers

This North Carolina Nazi Only Kills Expats In Central America. Glad I Never Met Him.
Accused U.S. serial killer William “Wild Bill” Holbert asked for forgiveness Monday for the crimes attributed to him in Panama and said that he never killed anyone from the Central American country.

When @SeanSpicer says, "The President has a big heart", he's referrin' to an enlarged heart condition due to too much KFC. - Tea Pain


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Biz/Tech News

I support keeping the US minimum wage at $7.25hr.
But only for Congress, because those guys already live off the tips. - John Fugelsang

GOP Governor Courts Chinese Dignitaries To Their Delight
As a crowd of Midwesterners drank, danced and snacked on deep-fried Twinkies at the Iowa inaugural ball in the capital last month, an aide to Terry Branstad ushered a small group of Chinese dignitaries upstairs to a private room.

I left out cookies & went to bed early, but my Presidents Day wish didn’t come true. - Bette Midler


Yes, I remember how terrified I am of Trump & Co. every morning when I wake up.

Thank you so much for breaking the halfway mark!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Fethiye, Turkey. Food with a view. Perfect. Care to join me?


Monday, February 20, 2017

Today's Blue Plate Special: Smorgasbord

Former Swedish PM Tweets: More murders in Florida where Trump spoke than in Sweden last year
---Last year there were app 50% more murders only in Orlando/Orange in Florida, where Trump spoke the other day, than in all of Sweden. Bad.

Sweden is just smoke and mirrors by Trump so we won't talk about Russia.

Dear US. I live in Sweden. Nothing happened in Sweden last night. Your president is lying and we are now pretty pissed off. Thanks. /Sweden - M Reynolds Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Never met an immigrant who has been accused of sexual assault as many times as Trump. - Andy Borowitz

March In Unison To Trump!
A senior National Security Council adviser was reassigned to his old job at the National Defense University, a White House spokeswoman confirmed Sunday, after he criticized the Trump administration's Latin American ...

Conway makes up Bowling Green Massacre. Spicer makes up attack in Atlanta. Trump makes up attack in Sweden. Yeah, it's the media that lies... - Sally Yates, Former Attorney General (the one Trump fired)

Republican Shenanigans

A Pro-Pedophile To Speak At Conservative Convention. And It's Not Jerry Sandusky.
President Donald Trump will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, returning to the annual confab that has become embroiled in controversy this year after a tape surfaced of its scheduled keynote speaker, right wing Milo...

The White House is running like a fine-tuned time machine that takes riders directly to Nixon's 4th year in office. - John Fugelsang

BREAKING: Contagious Disease Spreads Throughout White House, Lyingitis
President Donald Trump‘s personal lawyer and confidante Michael Cohen gave two contradictory answers to two different outlets when asked whether he delivered a back-channel document from Russian mob-connected businessman to then-Trump advisor General Michael Flynn.


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Rock The Voter News

If you get to call all Muslims terrorists, I get to call all Trump supporters drooling low-grade morons. See how that works? - Jeff Tiedrich

Spain Has Only Taken In 1,100 Syrian Refugees
At least 160,000 protesters marched Saturday in Barcelona to demand that Spain's conservative-led government increase its efforts to take in refugees from war-torn countries like Syria.
Spain has accepted just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to take in.

A very happy #PresidentsDay to all our Presidents who didn't mock disabled people or confess on tape to sexually assaulting women. - Gabe Oritz


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Many years from now Donald Trump will pass away & we'll finally know what drugs he was on. Then his ghost will call the autopsy 'fake news.' - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

What the media doesn't get is that Donald Trump is the closest millions of real Americans will ever get to voting for Boss Hogg. - John Fugelsang

Cooking The Books?
The Trump administration is considering changing how U.S. trade deficits are calculated, a move that would make the deficit look larger on paper, the Wall Street Journal reported.

I miss the days when you could turn on TV & not have side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, incontinence, & suicidal thoughts. - Bette Midler


All Hat No Cattle's "TRUMP IS GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED" Fundraiser

Thank you! Almost Halfway There!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A little Medieval humour. Abbey of Sainte Foy, Conques, France, c1050.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Short but sweet Sunday issue

Former Swedish PM slams Trump: What has he been smoking? 
Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt early Sunday mocked President Trump after Trump pointed to an incident “last night” in Sweden to defend his travel ban.

I hope none of the Swedish Bikini Team were harmed.

THINGS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN (a partial list)
1. Bowling Green massacre
2. Terror attack in Sweden
3. Trump getting most votes in election - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The issue is moving beyond impeachment and toward institutionalization. - Andy Borowitz

This is Marie Colvin. She died covering the siege of Homs in Syria and was a lifelong war reporter. #NotTheEnemy

Republican Shenanigans

Sometimes I remind myself that conservative policies gave Texas top maternal mortality rate in the developed world and they're OK with that. - LOLGOP

Donald Trump is so incredibly not racist that all major racist groups endorsed him purely out of ironic spite.- John Fugelsang


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Hey Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell: if Barack Obama had hallucinated a terror attack in Sweden, you would have had something to say about his fitness to be President, no? #silentf-ckers - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

So if the plan is to take Trump out by going after his cabinet then technically we're grabbing him by the posse. - John Fugelsang


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Colorado Newspaper Is Trying To Stop Fake news
A news outlet publishes a story that a Republican politician dismisses as "fake news." Sounds familiar, right?
But in this case, there's a twist. The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel in Colorado is accusing state Sen. Ray Scott of defamation and threatening to sue. If filed, legal experts said it would be the first suit of its kind, potentially setting a legal definition for what is considered fake news and what is not.

If SNL really wants to piss Trump off they should have Hillary play him. - OhNoSheTwitnt



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

19th century Firefighters looked like Darth Vader and C3PO.
