Sunday, February 19, 2017

Short but sweet Sunday issue

Former Swedish PM slams Trump: What has he been smoking? 
Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt early Sunday mocked President Trump after Trump pointed to an incident “last night” in Sweden to defend his travel ban.

I hope none of the Swedish Bikini Team were harmed.

THINGS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN (a partial list)
1. Bowling Green massacre
2. Terror attack in Sweden
3. Trump getting most votes in election - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The issue is moving beyond impeachment and toward institutionalization. - Andy Borowitz

This is Marie Colvin. She died covering the siege of Homs in Syria and was a lifelong war reporter. #NotTheEnemy

Republican Shenanigans

Sometimes I remind myself that conservative policies gave Texas top maternal mortality rate in the developed world and they're OK with that. - LOLGOP

Donald Trump is so incredibly not racist that all major racist groups endorsed him purely out of ironic spite.- John Fugelsang


 Click here to meet C.W.


Hey Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell: if Barack Obama had hallucinated a terror attack in Sweden, you would have had something to say about his fitness to be President, no? #silentf-ckers - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

So if the plan is to take Trump out by going after his cabinet then technically we're grabbing him by the posse. - John Fugelsang


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Colorado Newspaper Is Trying To Stop Fake news
A news outlet publishes a story that a Republican politician dismisses as "fake news." Sounds familiar, right?
But in this case, there's a twist. The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel in Colorado is accusing state Sen. Ray Scott of defamation and threatening to sue. If filed, legal experts said it would be the first suit of its kind, potentially setting a legal definition for what is considered fake news and what is not.

If SNL really wants to piss Trump off they should have Hillary play him. - OhNoSheTwitnt



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

19th century Firefighters looked like Darth Vader and C3PO.


Friday, February 17, 2017


Wednesday, my "daughter" Yerlin was in a horrible motorcycle accident. A 15 year old boy, without a license hit her.

Her shin was ripped off exposing her bone and damaged her foot. I have a photo but won't post it. I don't want to look at it again. She had the wherewithal to post that photo on Facebook. Millennials.

She had surgery to her leg Wednesday afternoon. An ambulance brought her home yesterday afternoon.

I am taking the day off to spend with her --  with a large pizza in hand.

I hope to post something this weekend as I am quite sure Trump will do or say something too offensive for me not to comment.

Thank you for stopping by,

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 28 of the Trump Coup D'Etat

‘I’m Not Going to Tell You Anything’: Trump Refuses to Provide Response to Recent Russian Aggression
During today’s combative press conference in which President Donald Trump announced his new Labor Secretary nominee, the president refused to answer a reporter’s question on how he would respond to recent aggressions by Russia.

My gawd, I suffered through watching Trump's press conference. Is he on drugs? He skipped from one subject to another, was highly defensive and rambled on. He talked more about Hillary than anything else. What's next, him sputtering "Neener neener neener at Hillary?"

"I get great ratings, nuclear war is bad, Hillary is awful, and news is fake if they report on real leaks!"
#TrumpPressConference, abridged - Erik Bransteen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump is to the presidency as a redneck saying "hey, watch this!" is to fireworks safety. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump's Defense Secy Thinks The Russians Interfered  With The Election
Defense Secretary James Mattis on Thursday said that there was "very little doubt" Russia has attempted to interfere in democratic elections in the past.

By telling Israel/Palestine "you guys fix up a peace plan & I'll sign off" Donald Trump is now the architect of the Too Stupid Solution. - John Fugelsang

Trump's New TV Reality Show: US Boots On The Ground In Syria  
The Defense Department might propose that the US send conventional ground combat forces into northern Syria for the first time to speed up the fight against ISIS, CNN has learned.

Pentagon considering sending combat forces into Syria to distract from whatever it is Trump f**ked up today. - Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Trump reminds you that he strongly supports torture to get people to tell the truth.
Unless we're talking about Michael Flynn. - John Fugelsang

Fox Fake News Faked Documents To Shareholders
Fox News may be under investigation for possible securities related violations for not disclosing settlements to shareholders that were reached in connection with sexual harassment claims made against Roger Ailes.

The  GOP is concerned about crime. So they're deporting people who want to pay taxes & making it easier for mentally ill people to get guns.- LOLGOP


 Click here to meet C.W.


Through Trump, Putin is probing the patriotism and will of Congressional Republicans. So far he loves what he sees. - Peter Daou

Rock The Voter News

Once upon a time, the GOP investigated Bill Clinton's use of the White House Christmas card list. This warranted 140 hours of testimony.- Kara Calavera

Hillary is the blonde head in the middle of the crowd, sitting down.


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Biz/Tech News

Just ask Paul Ryan: "If an illegal deal with a foreign power made it possible to cut rich people's taxes, you'd be cool with that, right?"- LOLGOP

Trump Is A Sneaky Bastard
A new report suggests that privately, President Donald Trump was stirring the pot with aerospace giants a few days before his inauguration. On Thursday, Bloomberg reported that Trump cold called the Air Force general managing the F-35 jet project, the Pentagon’s largest weapons program and part of a contract with Lockheed Martin, on two separate occasions. Where this becomes newsworthy is that the Dennis Muilenburg, the CEO of Boeing, Lockheed’s rival, was in the room and listening in during one of the two calls.

Surgically Altered Obama Doubles Struggling To Find Work After Presidency. - The Onion


Forget About The Fundraiser - Take Your Children And Run Like Capt'n Jack Sparrow!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Komako Kimura, a Japanese suffragist, at the women's right to vote march on Fifth Avenue in New York City. 1917. Look at those men standing behind her, none appear to be smiling.
