Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 3 of the Trump Presidency: Chaos in the White House And the Country

Donald Trump considers issuing new travel ban
Donald Trump is considering a new executive order to ban citizens of certain countries from travelling to the US after his initial attempt was overturned in the courts.

Trump Says He Has Been Treated Very Unfairly By People Who Wrote Constitution. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Why does it feel like America's Founders had a time machine, saw the Trump administration and purposely crafted our system to contain him? - Peter Daou

Snowden May Be A Gift From Putin To Trump Wrapped In A Big Red Noose
Russia is currently considering handing whistleblower Edward Snowden over to Donald Trump as "a gift".
A senior US intelligence has reportedly said that Russia may hand over Snowden to the US to "curry favour" with Trump. The US president has previously referred to the whistleblower as 'a traitor'...

Snowden is that shiny coin to make you look away from Flynn, Pence and the rest of the corrupt regime's ties to Russia. - Amy Siskind

Putin assumes his Sgt. Schultz "I know nothing" mode.
Trump + Flynn + Putin = Snowden
(This article is from 2016) ...Trump, who has been complimentary about Putin and Russia in a manner that prompted accusations from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton that he was a “puppet”, has in the past mused about having Snowden killed. Trump’s major national security ally, the retired general and former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Michael Flynn, oversaw a highly speculative DIA report that claimed Snowden took from the NSA a larger trove of documents than ever confirmed based on what Snowden could access as a contract systems administrator.
“Snowden is a spy who has caused great damage in the US. A spy in the old days, when our country was respected and strong, would be executed,” Trump tweeted in 2014.

Good news, golden shower and impeachment fans! That unconfirmed Russian dossier on Trump is starting to get confirmed. Unlike DeVos and Sessions, this confirmation process is something to celebrate. #imPEEch - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The furious Utah citizens jeering Jason Chaffetz at his own Town Hall was like porn for moral people. - John Fugelsng

Melania Must Have Been Too Busy In Her Gold Plated Penthouse To Be First Lady
Traditionally, it's the role of the first lady to accompany spouses of visiting foreign leaders around Washington. That often means a good deal of showcasing local museums, schools, monuments and gardens. It's essentially playing tour guide, but it's part of the role of representing the Administration and playing gracious hostess to very VIP out of town guests.

Steve Bannon's liver urgently needs a human transplant. - John Fugelsang

Karma is gonna build a wall around Donald Trump and make him pay for it. - John Fugelsang

In an ominous warning, Donald J. Trump said that, as of Friday, he was putting the writers of the U.S. Constitution “on notice.” - Andy Borowitz

Roughly half of Americans who support President Trump’s controversial executive order on refugees and immigrants say the ban is justified following the nonexistent "Bowling Green massacre," according to a new poll by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway referred to the massacre, which never happened, during several media appearances...

Impeach Pence First. - John Fugelsang


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Melania sits on a golden toilet crying with her eyes closed and silently prays that the next deportation raid will be for her. - Warren Holstein

Imagine if Michelle stayed in Chicago with the girls in 2009

Rock The Voter News

Proof? Trumps Needs No Proof.
A commissioner on the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) called on President Trump to give proof of voter fraud, after he reportedly made further claims in a meeting with senators.

Hillary was painted by Bernie's campaign and surrogates as a corrupt liar. That was disgraceful. And damaged the Democratic party.  - Peter Daou

I miss Mike Royko. A great man in a great city.

Yes, I'm talking about Hillary. Because haters on the left & right are STILL sliming her and her supporters. And I won't stop defending her. - Peter Dauo


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Biz/Tech News

Hi, I support a POTUS who had to pay $25mil for defrauding Americans w/a fake university but those guys outside Home Depot are 'illegals.'- John Fugelsang

Obama Is In A Basketball Ball Video
"Hello, fellow ballers," the Obama video game doppleganger says in Nyke Faller's video, "most of you know me as the President of the United States of America.

When it comes to immigration, Trump supporters call for "law and order" but what they're after is "mistreatment and cruelty." - Tea Pain


There have been near hurricane force gusts of wind today, yesterday also. The power has gone off several times.
I am sure it has nothing to do with the Turrialba volcano that is smoking and glowing red.


The All Hat No Cattle TERRIFIED OF TRUMP Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Located in the northeastern corner of Ethiopia near the border with Eritrea, the Danakil Depression has been called “the gateway to Hell” because it is one of the hottest and harshest places on Earth
This vast desert basin lies 150 feet below sea level and the landscape looks almost otherworldly, characterized by two active volcanoes, the bubbling Erta Ale living lava lake (one of only four in the world), geysers, acid ponds and impressive expanses of yellow mounds of sulfur, salt and mineral deposits.


Friday, February 10, 2017

I will post a new edition tomorrow.

I didn't want to shortchange your visit here completely.

Today was a day to run errands in Santa Cruz and it turned out to be a lovely day spent with friends along the way. A much needed  respite from Trump. By the way, every single person that I spoke to today thinks he is an idiot, and they brought it up, not me. To be totally accurate my amigos used the word loco frequently in one sentence.

I prayed that Trump would get a hangnail that would temporarily stop his tweeting.  I prayed  "Jesus Christ, he needs a bad hangnail!" Jesus didn't answer.

Keep the faith amigos. We outnumber them bigly.

I will set the scene for the photo below: I was standing under a tree on a street corner avoiding the searing sun today, when a dog plops herself in a puddle beside me. She began drinking out of the flower and leaf laced water with glee. Please click on the photo for a larger view.

Do-it-yourself Voodoo Doll. At this point I'd try just about anything.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Fatherly Love -- of money

Nordstrom stock gains over 4 percent after Trump tweet
Nordstrom's stock went up by more than 4 percent Wednesday after President Trump fired off a tweet criticizing it for discontinuing Ivanka Trump's brands of clothing and other merchandise.

We do know this. If Nordstrom had shot up a mosque in Quebec, Trump would never have mentioned it. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

When Trump says John McCain "eboldens the enemy", does he mean ISIS or the New York Times? - Tea Pain

Wait. What? U.S. Troops To Combat Russian Aggression? Does Trump Know About This?
U.S. Army troops on Wednesday arrived in Latvia as part of NATO's Operation Atlantic Resolve to combat Russian aggression.

The most homophobic Governor is now Vice President & the most Islamophobic reality TV star has the nuclear codes. - John Fugelsang

Trump Tries To Convince Police That Judges Are Disgraceful
In a speech to sheriffs and police chiefs in Washington on Wednesday morning, President Trump called Tuesday’s hearings in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals over his Muslim ban “disgraceful.”

Trump talks to Law Enforcement about how great they are and many are. But try telling that to the 258 black people they killed last year. - Bette Midler

The Ku Klux Klan & Chicago Cubs have nothing in common; except that both went many decades w/out a winning season until Fall 2016. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Hey Ted Cruz - this tweet contains the names of every Democrat who's joined the Ku Klux Klan in the last 40 years.  Who'd they endorse btw? - John Fugelsang

She Has No Ethics. She Also Lacks Common Sense.
Kellyanne Conway, President Trump's senior advisor, promoted Ivanka Trump's line of clothing and accessories during an appearance on "Fox & Friends" early Thursday,  imploring viewers to "go buy Ivanka's stuff." 

For purposes of diversity, Trump's cabinet is half Confederate army reenactors and half Nazi memorabilia collectors. - Andy Borowitz

So-Called Judges Stay Silent
 President Donald Trump's unusually personal criticism of federal judges has drawn rebukes from many quarters, including from Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, but not from the judges themselves.

BREAKING: Betsy DeVos Confused About How Someone Can be an Attorney and a General at Same Time - Andy Borowitz


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Elizabeth Warren Urged to Pick On Someone Her Own IQ. - Andy Borowitz

This Was Trump's Intent With His Ban. 
A Muslim-American Olympic medalist says she was detained by Customs for nearly two hours without explanation after President Trump's travel ban was instituted weeks ago.

Guy too racist to be a fed judge is Attorney General; the Senate silences Coretta King's words- & it's only 8 days into Black History Month. - John Fugelsang


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President Trump claimed that the media is not reporting on acts of terrorism on American soil. In response, the media said, “Actually, we think we’re covering your presidency quite well.” - Conan O'Brien

Biz/Tech News

Steve Bannon is Donald Trump’s senior strategist. A lot of people are saying that he’s the guy really running the White House, but I’m not sure I believe that, because there’s no proof that anyone’s running the White House right now. - Stephen Colbert

This TV Series Is About Deep Cover Soviet Agents. Trump Needs To Watch it.
For a while now, FX’s Cold War thriller The Americans has occupied a bittersweet place in the television landscape: The series is regularly dubbed the best drama on television by top critics and publications, but it can never seem to fully click with audiences. With awards bodies, at least, it finally found success for Season 4, netting its first major Emmy and Golden Globe nominations in 2016. But now, there’s some reason to be optimistic for the show breaking out with viewers, too.

The Patriots celebrated their big Super Bowl win up in Boston. But I read that Tom Brady is still trying to track down his jersey that went missing after the game. Then O.J. said, “Whatever you do, just don’t try to STEAL it back.”- Jimmy Fallon


The All Hat No Cattle "I'm Terrified Trump Is Going To Kill Us All" Fundraiser

Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Castle Eltz, Virsheme, Germany. This is a Medieval castle overlooking the Rhine River. It is perfect for Trump to serve his sentence in. Then we blow up the bridge.
