Wednesday, February 8, 2017

GOP War On Women Continues

After blocking Elizabeth Warren, Mitch McConnell lets Oregon Dem Jeff Merkley finish reading King letter
...Warren attempted to read that 1986 letter as the Senate considers Sessions for President Donald Trump’s cabinet, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) cut her off.
“She was warned, she was given an explanation,” McConnell said. “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

FACTCHECK: When the Republican-controlled Senate says Elizabeth Warren "impugned Jeff Sessions' character," what they mean is she "accurately described Jeff Sessions." - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Maybe the president should focus on not sending a SEAL to his death again instead of his daughter's clothing business. - LOLGOP

Trump's 1st Military Ops Ends In Getting Booted Out Of Yemen 
Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

Trump's War On Judges
President Donald Trump harshly criticized arguments against his temporary travel ban on Wednesday, discounting a legal challenge to the order as anti-security and lambasting the federal judicial system that's weighing it as overtly political...the President declared that even a "bad high school student" could understand the language and find in his favor.

Trump says he can't keep us safe unless the courts do exactly what he says. So, for Trump, the real terrorist  seems to be the Constitution.- Tea Pain

Uh Oh. Is The FBI Putting Out Fake Data?
Pres. Trump claims national murder rate is at a 47-year high, but FBI data shows it's close to a 57-year low

Republican Shenanigans

Proposed Law Would Require Mothers To Look At Pictures Of Congressmen She's Disappointing Before Having Abortion. - The Onion

GOP Has No Replacement For Obamacare
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said Tuesday there are no real talks taking place among Senate Republicans about a replacement for ObamaCare...

Trump: "I was a good student. I understand things. I comprehend very well, better than I think almost anybody"


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The media is covering up the terror, he screamed as Antarctica began to split in half. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

GOP is angry someone read a letter saying Sessions stopped black people from voting but not angry Sessions stopped black people from voting. - Jesse Berney

The Final Nail In The Fair Election Coffin
A House committee voted on Tuesday to eliminate an independent election commission charged with helping states improve their voting systems as President Donald Trump erroneously claims widespread voter fraud cost him the popular vote.
The party-line vote came less than two days after Trump vowed to set up a White House commission helmed by Vice President Mike Pence to pursue his accusations of election fraud.

It's like Bush's 3rd term, but with 25 Cheneys.- John Fugelsang


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Biz/Tech News

Nation's Economists Quietly Evacuating Their Families. - The Onion

How To Get On Trump's Sh*t List
President Donald Trump blasted luxury department store line Nordstrom for dropping his daughter Ivanka Trump’s label.
“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.

Um, where's the Democratic leader who's explaining why Trump's attacks on immigrants and the Constitution are putting us in more danger? - LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

1955 excavation shows Easter Island statues do indeed have bodies. Easter Island is only about 4,938 km away from Costa Rica.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Poor Ivanka

Ivanka Trump's foreign manufacturing practices could be her brand's next big headache
Nordstrom announced on February 2 that it decided to stop carrying the brand due to declining sales. And as of February 3, all the first daughter’s products had disappeared from Neiman Marcus’ website as well.

So what is Trump going to do about Ivanka's and his merchandise that is made in China and Hong Kong? Will he impose a heavy tariff on himself and his daughter? 

Showing truth to this White House is like waving garlic at a vampire. - Real Fake P0TUS Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

As president, Trump has attacked Schwarzenegger's ratings twice — but said nothing about attack on Canadian mosque that left six dead. - Dan Diamond

Generalisimo Trump
President Trump used his first speech to military service members Monday to accuse the news media of refusing to report on terrorist attacks.

At least 3,000 times more Americans will die because of gun violence than terror this year. That's what doesn't get enough attention. - LOLGOP

Generalisimo Trump Continues To Throw His Weight Around
President Trump on Tuesday offered to go after a Texas state senator who was the target of complaints from a local sheriff.
During a White House meeting, Rockwall County, Texas, Sheriff Harold Eavenson told the president about a lawmaker who was offering asset forfeiture legislation he believes would aid Mexican drug cartels.
“Who is the state senator? Do you want to give his name? We'll destroy his career," Trump offered. 

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Senate confirms pile of campaign money as Secretary of Education. - Tea Party Cat

TEEN VOGUE; Nails Trump's Lies
If you’re reading this, you’ve officially made it through week two of the Trump administration. This week, President Donald Trump and his team spread misinformation on topics ranging from his immigration ban to his popularity with African-American voters.
To help you stay informed, we’ve catalogued the worst of the White House lies from the past seven days.

They fact checked Donald Trump and there were none. - LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

Generalisimo Trump's Deputy Ass. Gorka Tells Media To Be Nice
Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, said Monday that the administration will continue using the term "fake news" until the media understands that their "monumental desire" to attack the President is wrong.

The birther is so sick of fake news. - LOLGOP


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Oh, Mr. President? Mr Bannon has some more data for you to sign.
No sir, you don't need to read any of it.
There we go.
Keep tweeting, sir. - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

If any of these politicians actually believed in a free market we'd all be too busy buying cheap Canadian drugs. - John Fugelsang

Generalisimo Trump's First Lieutenant Takes Over D.C. Hotel 
Donald Trump Jr. has taken the reins of the Trump International Hotel near the White House after critics charged it was a conflict of interest for U.S. President Donald Trump to run the ...

Comedy can be a useful medium for political resistance. It is why satire is heavily suppressed in Russia and China. - The Economist



No donations yesterday.  ðŸ˜•


Odd News

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4,600 foot  high glass walkway in China. My stomach sank when I first saw this picture. Yowsa.


Monday, February 6, 2017

I miss a sane president

Former top diplomats, tech giants blast immigration order as court showdown looms
Fresh challenges to President Trump's court-frozen immigration order took shape Monday with two former secretaries of state claiming the White House was undermining national security and nearly 100 Silicon Valley tech companies arguing it will keep the ...

First US President to go on the air and make anti-American statements right before the Super Bowl. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

What do you think Trump's secret service code name is? I'm going with "hairball" - Jeff Tiedrich

GOP Sorta Pissed At Trump
U.S. President Donald Trump faced criticism Sunday from fellow Republicans as his administration sowed confusion about its approach to Russia, the latest example of the new commander-in-chief creating distractions from the work of unifying his party ...

I vastly prefer German immigrants like Adolphus Busch, who gave us beer, to Friedrich Drumpf, who gave us a tiny-handed fascist.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans See Betsy DeVos as Key to Keeping Nation Stupid. - Andy Borowitz

NFL And FOX Sports Forced Changes To Super Bowl Ad
An American building materials company was forced to edit its Super Bowl ad to meet NFL standards, according to a new report.
84 Lumber produced a commercial showing a Mexican mother and daughter heading to the United States...But Fox Sports wouldn’t let the wall itself into the commercial. The company’s director of marketing said Fox cited “concerns about some elements,”

It's 28-3 in the third quarter and the president has left his Super Bowl party. - Jennifer Epstein, Bloomberg reporter tweeting live

Trump Flatly Refuses To Criticize Putin Because?
President Donald Trump appeared to equate US actions with the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview released Saturday, saying, "There are a lot of killers...

Still no proof of that golden shower, but Trump just gave Putin a bl*w j*b on national TV.- Andy Borowitz


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Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this. - Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal

Trump Is Doubling Down For Putin
Retired general: Trump's Putin defense may be "most anti-American statement" ever made by US president...

Rock The Voter News

Ginsburg: If Trump Ever Calls Me a So-called Judge I'll Kick His Ass. - Andy Borowitz

Trump The Assassin Minus The Assin
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said, the world must assume that President Donald Trump believes that it’s acceptable to assassinate or imprison journalists and political rivals.
The “Morning Joe” host said Trump’s repeated refusal to condemn Vladimir Putin’s brutal actions toward his critics and rivals must be considered approval.


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Biz/Tech News

Dodd-Frank was like trying to solve a shark problem by hiring more lifeguards.
Repeal is like giving the sharks Uzis & all your passwords.- John Fugelsang

Impeachment? Already?
Constitutional Law Professor Laurence Tribe, a renowned professor at Harvard Law School, believes that President Donald Trump‘s handling of the litigation surrounding his controversial executive order on immigration could end up being grounds for impeachment... to allegations that the Trump Administration purposely slow walked a Virginia judge’s order to provide travelers detained at Dulles airport last weekend with lawyers...The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General is also investigating after complaints that Customs and Border Protection defied court orders...

"The Vatican is ahead of The White House right now when it comes to science." - John Fugelsang


All Hat No Cattle "I'm Terrified Trump Is Going To Get Us All Killed" Fundraiser

Almost halfway there! Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A portable Record Player from 1982. I never saw this before.
