Tuesday, January 31, 2017

If Jesus Returned He Couldn't Get A Visa To The U.S.

Trump fires acting AG after she declines to defend travel ban
President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates Monday night for "refusing ...

"How come she's allowed to leave?"
-- Melania hearing the news about Sally Yates - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

 As a Muslim asked to condemn Muslim extremists for 16 years, I call on moderate Republicans to condemn Alt-Right and Steve #Bannon. Step up. - Wajahat Ali

Trump Baited The Jews 
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum released a statement Monday afternoon shortly after White House press secretary Sean Spicer defended the fact that President Trump’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day statement did not mention Jews or anti-Semitism.

Can't wait for the birther to give me more lessons on how the president of the United States should be treated.- LOLGOP

Turns out the Constitution was just a silly phase the Tea Party was going through.  They are soooo over that now. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

I think every morning Trump signs a few blank executive orders, then tells Bannon to fill it in with any evil sh*t he thought of that day.- Erik Bransteen

It May Be Easier To Just Believe The Opposite Of What Trump Says
The White House says the new administration has no interest in rolling back protections of LGBTQ workers. “President Donald J. Trump is determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community,” said a White House statement ...

Trump is so 100% pro #LGBTQ rights he's appointed Jeff Sessions, Rick Perry, Mike Pence & others who happen to be 100% anti #LGBTQ rights. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Tweets More Insults
"Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the steps of The Supreme Court and mic did not work (a mess)-just like Dem party!" Trump tweeted, referring to the top Democrats in Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer.

Trump can mock @SenSchumer's tears, but give me a man who cries at the violation of our values over one who smiles while obliterating them. - Peter Daou


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Biz/Tech News

"You get a green card! You get a green card! You get a green card!"
-- the end of Oprah's first 60 Minutes interview with Syrian refugees. - Erik Bransteen

Trump Targets Germany
German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected an accusation from U.S. President Donald Trump's top trade adviser that Germany is bolstering its exports with a “grossly undervalued” euro in a growing trans-Atlantic spat.

“I receive forgiveness when I get my little cracker and the juice”
-Donald Trump, Messiah to Christians who can't quite spell "Messiah." - John Fugelsang


All Hat No Cattle Anti-Trump Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I always wondered what flamingos did underwater. They rub their heads in the sand to stir up any critters for a snack.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump vs CNN. This should get interesting.

‘We’re not going to shut up’: CNN’s Christiane Amanpour slams Bannon and Trump’s ‘totalitarian regime’ tactics
Top Trump strategist Steve Bannon told the New York Times and other media outlets to shut up on Thursday, but CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour isn’t having any of it.

Resisting Donald J. Trump might be the most patriotic thing you do in your lifetime. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Department of Homeland Security said Trump's White House denied them ANY input on how to implement the executive order. Mass confusion. - Shaun King

Dead Men Tell No Tales
A former KGB chief suspected of helping British spy Christopher Steele compile his lurid dossier on President Donald Trump was found dead late last month in the back of his car in Moscow.

Who could have predicted that giving the White House to a game-show host with a disastrous business history and a glaring personality disorder would turn out so badly?- Andy Borowitz

Iran Retaliates Against Trump Ban
Iran said on Saturday it would stop U.S. citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington's visa ban against Tehran and six other majority-Muslim countries announced by new U.S. President Donald Trump. "While respecting the American people and distinguishing between them and the hostile policies of the U.S. government, Iran will implement the principle of reciprocity until the offensive U.S. limitations against Iranian nationals are lifted," a Foreign Ministry statement said.

Republican Shenanigans

Scientists Baffled by McConnell and Ryan's Ability to Stand Upright Without Spines. - Andy Borowitz

Sean Spicer sez sometimes WH can “disagree with the facts.” Congrats, Sean, on being 1st WH spokesman to not know what words mean. - Bette Midler

Manipulation Of Statistics?
US statisticians are concerned that Donald Trump’s administration might suppress or manipulate public statistics that don’t fit his narrative of the truth, the Guardian has learned. In a series of interviews, individuals who have recently left high-level positions at federal statistical agencies expressed worry that the administration may stop collecting and publishing data on subjects such as abortion, racial inequality and poverty.

A five-year old was detained alone, away from his mother, for 5 hours at Dulles.  Tell us again how Obama & Carter did the same thing.- John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

Kaine Puts 2 And 2 Together
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), the Democratic nominee for vice president in 2016, said it is "not a coincidence" that Trump signed an executive order that "imposed a religious test on Muslims" on the same day he issued a "Holocaust denial" statement. 

If only there were some evidence -- say 3 million votes or so -- that proved that most Americans don't agree with Trump. - LOLGOP

Trump Is Having A 2 Fer 1 Sale
U.S. President Donald Trump signs an executive order he said would impose tighter vetting to prevent foreign terrorists from entering the United States at the Pentagon in Washington, U.S Trump to sign executive orders to reduce business regulations
The measure will expand regulatory review with the goal of revoking two regulations for every new one put forward, according to a senior administration official...


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Biz/Tech News

Of the many horrible things that Donald J. Trump did in his first week, making me agree with the Koch brothers on immigration is the most unforgivable. - Andy Borowitz

Delta Blues
Thousands of domestic travelers were stranded Monday and Delta Air Lines took a social media hit from President Trump after a computer glitch forced cancellation of at least 280 flights.


All Hat No Cattle Fundraiser



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is me on a Monday.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Words matter.

New Trump Agency Memo Gags Staff Communications, Democrats Say
The Trump administration is circulating a memo ordering federal employees not to communicate with Congress, a demand that Democrats are calling an illegal gag order.

BREAKING: Donald Trump locked himself in White House bathroom and won't come out until everyone admits he had, like, the biggest crowd ever.- TeaParty Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Russian Double Agents?
Russian media on Thursday reported the arrest of yet another security service officer accused of being a U.S. spy in a treason case thought to be tied to the U.S. hacking scandal. After news broke on Wednesday of the arrest of Sergei Mikhailov, the agency’s top cyber expert, two other FSB officers were reported under arrest for the same charge on Thursday – meaning either the U.S. had a ring of infiltrators deep inside Russian security services, or Russia has a trick up its sleeve.

Trump says he & Mexican president 'agreed to not meet next week."
Like the time Darth Vader & Luke agreed to cut off Luke's hand. - John Fugelsang

Payback Is A Bitch Delight
A senior adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump suggested in televised comments that lifting U.S. sanctions on Russia is "under consideration 

1. Russia hacks campaign to help Trump.  
2. During Trump's first week there are signs he may lift sanctions on Russia. 
Art of the Deal? - David Corn

Add Another To Trump's Long List Of Lies
President Trump claimed in an interview with ABC News that two people were shot and killed in Chicago during former President Obama’s farewell speech in the city, but police records show that did not happen.

Trump Enraged as Mexican President Plans to Meet with Meryl Streep Instead. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Please pray for President Snowflake. He woke up, like every morning, triggered by losing the popular vote by such an embarrassing margin. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Dueling Republicans
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) scoffed at a proposal floated by President Trump's press secretary about taxing Mexican imports to pay for a border wall in a pair of tweets Thursday.


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Rock The Voter News

How sad is it that government employees have to create rogue Twitter accounts just to communicate FACTS to the American public? - Rogue NASA on Twitter

The park ranger rebellion suddenly gives a lot more context to all those walks in the woods Hillary's been taking. - goldengateblond

More Dueling Republicans
Following his resurrection of the unsubstantiated claim that millions of people illegally voted in the last election, which is why he lost the national popular vote to Hillary Clinton, President Donald Trump called for a “major investigation” of voter fraud.
Well, it appears that one Republican Congressional leader won’t be helping him out in this quest.

Even Melania's hands look bigger than Trump's!


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Congratulations to Donald Trump for showing Americans how much they should've appreciated Barack Obama. - goldengateblond

Biz/Tech News

BREAKING: White House aides ask Comcast to shut off service for a few hours so they can get Trump to attend briefing in Situation Room. - Tea Party Cat

Keeping Them Ignorant 
The Trump administration is pulling back advertisements that encourage people to sign up for health insurance under former President Barack Obama's health care law.

Trump is so incredibly not racist he just hung a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office.   Old Hickory, meet Old Dickery. - John Fugelsang


All Hat No Cattle Fundraiser
Yee Haw

Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Somewhere on a beach in Australia, this guy is waiting for you.
