Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Just a meme today

Mea culpa mi amigos. Wow, I mixed two languages.

Around 6 am this morning I got a Facebook message from a friend asking if I wanted a ride to Santa Cruz and Nicoya. I was on that like white on rice.

I returned about 4pm exhausted but in a good way with my favorite groceries in tow.

Soooo, I will post a new edition tomorrow.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for your patience.


Monday, January 23, 2017

The Magnetometer

Secret Service slaps down White House claim that ‘magnetometers’ shrank inaugural crowd size
At  a testy Saturday evening press conference, newly minted White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer offered a pair of novel defenses for the apparent small size of the crowds attending the inauguration of Pres. Donald Trump.

I hope no magnetometers were harmed at the inauguration.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

GOP Congress determined to punish Putin for interfering in our elections by letting him pick our Secretary of State. - LOLGOP

Trump Knows All, Sees All.

Trump Continues Disconnect From The CIA
Over the weekend, President Donald Trump paid a visit to the headquarters of the CIA and delivered an address where he spent quite a bit of time railing against the media and talking about his crowd sizes. The speech was criticized by many as being tone-deaf, specifically due to Trump making the speech largely about himself while standing in front of the agency’s memorial wall.

I especially liked when you stood in front of the memorial to fallen agents to brag about your magazine covers you narcissistic scrotal clot. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's only been President for 72 hours and he's already creatin' jobs for Constitutional lawyers.- Tea Pain

Women's March on Washington: Historic Protest Three Times Larger Than Inauguration...
The largest protest was the Women's March on Washington, where more than ... and across the country and around the world today to say, Mr. Trump, we refuse.

Donald J. Trump is welcome to have alternative facts. Personally, I would like an alternative President. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Honestly people, if Democrats were "rigging elections", we'd have single-payer health care, clean water, no Fox News and solar cars by now. - Anonymous

The Death Panel Convenes
President Trump’s plan to replace the Affordable Care Act will propose giving each state a fixed amount of federal money in the form of a block grant to provide health care to low-income people on Medicaid, a top adviser to Mr. Trump said in an interview broadcast on Sunday.

One of the saddest things about Donald J. Trump is that for a man with 70 years of lying experience he's so bad at it. #alternatefacts - Andy Borowitz


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Trump claiming he had the biggest crowd proves again that he lies about size.
It's ok, Don.  They weren't a big crowd, but they were thick. - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

WH spox needed to clearly say US is not going to take Iraq's oil. Every moment that statement stands puts our troops at greater risk. - Gordon Trowbridge

Trump May Have Accidentally Created A New Industry: TRUMP PORN
Adult magazine Penthouse has received three claims for its $1 million offer to anyone who could provide real tapes of President-elect Donald Trump’s alleged and unproven sexual escapades at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow...

His 1st act as POTUS was to hurt Americans who are struggling to pay their mortgages.  Y'now, like Jesus would do.- John Fugelsang


AllHatNoCattle Fundraiser

Thank you so much!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Windblown snow drifts that look like waves in the Antarctica.
