Thursday, January 19, 2017

Trump versus U.S. Intel

FBI, 5 other agencies probe possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump
The FBI and five other law enforcement and intelligence agencies have collaborated for months in an investigation into Russian attempts to influence the November election, including whether money from the Kremlin covertly aided President-elect Donald Trump, two people familiar with the matter said.

The people who told you to distrust Russia 30 years ago are now telling you to drink your Putin juice. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In just a little over 24 hours, America's greatest security threat will take the oath of office. - Tea Pain

Investigators on the Trump-Russia Beat Should Talk to This Man
Sergei Millian, the head of a Russian-American business group, claimed he helped Trump "study the Moscow market."

I enjoy hearing about Hillary & Obama's various evil mentors from Trump fans who've never heard of Sith Master Roy Cohn. - John Fugelsang

One Guy Is Very Concerned About Nukes
 At this naked moment in the American experiment, when many people perceive civilization on the verge of blowing up in some metaphorical sense, there is an elderly man in California hoping to seize your attention about another possibility.
It is that civilization is on the verge of blowing up in a non-metaphorical sense.

Chelsea Manning went to jail for exposing crimes nobody's ever going to jail for. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Rick Perry is a f-cking moron. This has been a public service announcement. - Jeff Tiedrich

Everyone Has A Price. This Is DINO Joe Lieberman's Price.
Former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman strode into room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, grinning and waving...  Lieberman was returning to his old stomping grounds on Capitol Hill Tuesday afternoon to offer what bipartisan cover he could for Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s nominee for education secretary.

Trump nominee for secretary of Army punched concession worker in face--these people are exactly who you thought they were. - Eric Boehlert

It’s expected to rain in Washington during Donald Trump’s inauguration. In response, Donald Trump tweeted, “The sky is rigged.” - Conan O'Brien


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Dear Rosie O'Donnell,
Please post a mean tweet about Trump at 12:01 PM Friday so he starts tweeting back and never completes the oath of office.
A grateful nation
- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

No Poet At The Inauguration? Suggestion: There Was A Girl From Nantucket...
Despite rumors to the contrary, Donald Trump's inauguration this week won't feature a poet reading work written for the occasion. 

Trump Inaugural speech preview: "Ask not what your pussy can grab for you, but what you can grab by the pussy."- Frank Conniff


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Biz/Tech News

Soon A Pipeline Will Be Coming Near You!
Energy Transfer Partners has filed a motion to bar the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from initiating an environmental study for its controversial Dakota Access pipeline crossing at Lake Oahe in North Dakota.

The big inauguration question: will POTUS be forced to wear a Make America Great Again hat during the speech if DC is somewhat windy? - John Fugelsang



Odd News

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View from Crissy Field during construction of the Golden Gate Bridge with the roadbed being installed, San Francisco, CA, 1937.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I can do that

Tape shows Trump contradicting himself (again) on Putin meeting
President-elect Donald Trump told a radio interviewer in October 2015 that he had met Vladimir Putin “one time … a long time ago” and that he “got along with him great” — a statement that conflicts with his later denials during the campaign that he had ever met or spoken with the Russian president.

I dread inauguration day when a sane eloquent president turns the keys over to the bull in the china shop -- pun intended.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump2020 slogan: "Keep America Great And Pay No Attention To The Radioactive Crater Where New York City Used To Be" - Jeff Tiedrich

Designated Survivor?
According to a brief statement released by the State Department, the Secretary of State John Kerry will not be attending Friday’s Swearing-In ceremony of Donald J. Trump.

Trump's ratings are worse than any incoming president. Don't they cancel bad reality shows with abysmal ratings?- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

Paul Ryan: "Our plan for #FixingHealthCare is simple–we give all the healthcare to the rich, and then it'll trickle down to everyone else."- Tea Party Cat

Step Right Up And Get Your Fresh Conspiracy Theories Or The Truth 
Erik Prince, America’s most notorious mercenary, is lurking in the shadows of the incoming Trump administration. A former senior U.S. official who has advised the Trump transition told The Intercept that Prince has been advising the team on matters related to intelligence and defense, including weighing in on candidates for the defense and state departments... Prince’s sister, billionaire Betsy DeVos, is Trump’s nominee for education secretary and Prince (and his mother) gave large sums of money to a Trump Super PAC.

Hey Betsy Devos, Maybe we can replace teachers with a private mercenary army? - Lizz Winstead

Trump putting up a gaudy Jumbotron that blocks the view of the Lincoln Memorial is a perfect metaphor for his administration.

I saw that Donald Trump himself is selling inauguration sweatshirts for $79. I know it sounds expensive for a sweatshirt, but just imagine how much they would have cost if they were made in America.- Jimmy Fallon


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Rock The Voter News

Trump blamed his record-low approval rating on a "rigged numerical system" and said that numbers were "invented by Arabs."- Andy Borowitz

“He’s always asking: ‘Is that new? I haven’t seen that before.’ It’s like, Why don’t you mind your own business? Solve world hunger. Get out of my closet.” – Michelle Obama

Lies, Lies And More Damned Lies
Of all of the scores of falsehoods Donald Trump has offered since he began running for president, few are as egregiously and obviously untrue as one he offered to Fox News Channel's Ainsley Earhardt in an interview that aired Wednesday.


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Papa and Mama Bush Both Hospitalized
Former president George H.W. Bush was under observation at an intensive care unit in Houston on Wednesday after being treated for an “acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia,” according to a statement from his office.

Biz/Tech News

Dear Donald J. Trump,
Since you seem confused, here's a cheat-sheet.
Germany: friend
Russia: enemy 
- Andy Borowitz

The sad irony.

Goldman Sachs Benefits From Trump Victory
Goldman Sachs and Citigroup closed earnings season on a good note Wednesday, as major US banks saw profits boosted by the election victory of Donald Trump, who promised to dismantle financial regulations.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is officially shutting down. 
Now, the circus won't officially close until May, so if you don’t get a chance to see it, you had 150 years. No one feels bad for you. - Stephen Colbert




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Odd News

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The disturbing subspecies of the familiar Robin, the Donald, began terrorizing local birdfeeder users across the USA on November 8, 2016. Scientists are baffled.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Detailed BBC article on Trump and the Russians

Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here?
Donald Trump has described as "fake news" allegations published in some media that his election team colluded with Russia - and that Russia held compromising material about his private life. The BBC's Paul Wood saw the allegations before the election, and reports on the fallout now they have come to light.
The significance of these allegations is that, if true, the president-elect of the United States would be vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians.

I keep wanting time to stop and Inauguration never to come.
Now I know how my parents felt losing JFK
This was our Camelot. - CharlieHackett8 Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Almost everyone in Europe dreads the Trump presidency. 
Everyone, except fascists. - J.K. Rowling

Comey uses Linda Tripp's old excuse.
Comey Soon To Be Under The Microscope
All eyes will be on FBI Director James Comey who finds himself in the hot seat after news the Justice Department's watchdog is reviewing his handling of the Hillary Clinton probe and amid mounting Democratic anger over Russia's election hacks.

Republican Shenanigans

Cut off Trump's TV coverage and you'll break the spell. In print, he sounds like a head trauma patient. - goldengateblond tweet

Trump and A Helmet Lie Detector
The weirdest scandal of the Trump transition—the one involving brain electrodes, Russian spies, Hillary Clinton’s email server, and an expert in kung fu—probably should have been a bigger deal. But I’m sorry to say that Bloomberg reporters David Kocieniewski and Peter Robison’s gift to journalism, published on the morning of Dec. 23, barely registered before it disappeared into the tinsel.

Trump built his political career on the racist lie that Obama was an illegitimate President. Plot twist: he's now the illegitimate President. - The Daily Edge

Trump Faces Sex Lawsuit
A woman who accused President-elect Donald Trump of sexually inappropriate conduct will announce the filing of a lawsuit against Trump, civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred announced Tuesday.


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Rock The Voter News

"I don’t worry about the survival of the novel. We’re a storytelling species." - President Barack Obama

Trump's Ex-Wife Must Need A Boost In Alimony
Though Donald Trump and his family project an image of boundless wealth, a Washington-based hairstylist says the president-elect’s second wife tried to get out of paying her to style her tresses and those of her 23-year-old daughter, Tiffany Trump, for Inauguration Day.


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Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump has named 72-year-old Rudy Giuliani to be his adviser on cybersecurity. Trump explained, “I’m not up to speed on the latest technology, so I wanted to get somebody two years older.”- Conan O'Brien

Trump And GOP Arguing Over Whose Tax Cut Is Best
 A key Republican lawmaker is defending the House GOP tax plan despite criticism from President-elect Donald Trump.

The CIA is now saying that the Kremlin has multiple sexual recordings of Donald Trump. After hearing this, Trump smirked and said, “Yeah, all from the same night… #stamina.”- Conan O'Brien


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Odd News

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Asperatus Clouds over New Zealand. I don't know whether to be amazed or afraid.
